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Defending IE7 from Google interest-based advertising cookies

Don't let Google (or anyone for that matter) learn your web browsing history. Internet Explorer 7 users can block tracking cookies in a number of ways.

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What are cookies?

Fully grasping the new Google behavioral targeting of ads requires an understanding of cookies. Here is a brief introduction to cookies as used in web browsers.

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How to protect yourself against Google ad snooping

Earlier this week, Google announced that it had begun using so-called behavioral targeting, meaning that it tracks your interests, stores that information in a cookie, then sends you ads based on your online behavior. Worried that it invades your privacy? Here's how to protect yourself, while still taking advantage of all that Google has to offer.

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Web is 20 today; anyone for cake?

Sir Tim Berners-Lee (source: w3c)In a special IT Blogwatch Extra, Richi Jennings watches bloggers celebrate the Web's 20th birthday. Not to mention the movable type rap...

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Google Voice: Press "1" to invade your privacy

Lost in all the hooplah about the release of Google Voice is this disturbing fact: The service will give Google enormous amounts of information about the intimate details of your everyday life, including recordings of your voice mail and possibly your phone calls. Combined with what Google already knows about you, it could mean your privacy is at an end.

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Email loses its cool?

Nielsen logoIn Wednesday's IT Blogwatch, Richi Jennings watches reactions to a study suggesting that email is no longer "popular." Not to mention unrelated pictures...

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Networking Nightmare IV: Getting Win 98 to connect to Mac OS X

In the continuing project to fully connect a home network consisting of Win 98, XP, Vista, Linux and Mac OS machines, a major obstacle is overcome thanks to a Computerworld reader's blog comment.

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Ballmer: We're ready for the Google operating system

My blogging compatriot Steven J. Vaughn-Nichols notes that Google CEO Eric Schmidt has been hinting that Google may release a Google netbook based on its mobile operating system, Android. That's old news to Microsoft: In late February, Steve Ballmer told Wall Street analysts that he fully expects Android-based netbooks.

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The new US CIO is a Google Apps kinda guy

Obama, CIO, Vivek Kundra, White House CIOAmerica's new CIO, Vivek Kundra, is a huge Google Apps fanboy. Finally, someone who gets it! Or at least someone who thinks like I do.

The current model of companies hosting their own messaging and Apps is going to go by the wayside over the next five years. The recession is only going to exasperate the move to online Apps. And Google is the biggest catalyst in this arena.

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More about the Navy's new high-tech combat ship

Here are some sites that feature robust discussion about the Navy's first Littoral Combat Ship, the USS Freedom.

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Networking Nightmare III: Mac to the mix

So far the home networking project has Win 98, XP, Vista and Linux machines more or less sharing files amongst themselves, with a hiccup here and there. How will the Mac fare? (And can somebody please explain some bizarre networking behaviors?)

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Google on giving: What's in it for me?

Google's philanthropic arm, Google.org, has made more than $100 million in do-gooder investments. But now it appears that the company may be abandoning philanthropy for its own sake. It is turning instead to an approach in which non-profit groups only get cash if they are in some way aligned with projects already underway at Google. That's bad news for philanthropy

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Networking Nightmare II: Adding Linux

In a perhaps-doomed attempt to fully connect Win 98, XP, Vista, Linux and Mac machines on a home network, making Linux and Win 98 play together proved impossible before someone provided an "idiotically simple" fix.

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Google Apps soon to have drawing and clipart capability

As Google innovates Apps at break neck speed, it needs to take on some of the non-core Office functionality. One such capability that Google doesn't yet have is clip art and drawing capabilities that exist in Microsoft Office. 'Yet', of course, being the key word.

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Without social networks products will wither and die

A new social network service gets launched this week, making it possible that every Web page can become part of a social network. It also raises the question of whether any vendor can sell a product or service without a social network behind it.

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