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Agencies flooded with comments about broadband stimulus
Two U.S. agencies soliciting comments about how to spend $7.2 billion in broadband deployment money have received about 1,400 comments, with conflicting views on Net neutrality among them. Read more...

Service restored after AT&T; fiber cut

Opinion: Time Warner changes, but keeps, bandwidth caps

Fiber cuts slash Silicon Valley's Internet arteries

As expected, Facebook halts The Pirate Bay links

FCC moves toward national broadband policy

LTE test drive: Watching wireless video while cruising through Vegas

Group urges FCC to open AT&T;'s 3G to Skype on iPhone

Internet traffic plummets in Sweden after antipiracy law takes effect

LTE comes into focus

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U.S. isn't falling behind in broadband
James Lakely of The Heartland Institute, a think tank promoting public policy based on individual liberty, limited government and free markets, argues that the broadband stimulus bill would spend millions of tax dollars on a problem that doesn't exist.

Why WiMax should be on the CIO's radar
Despite the billions of dollars required to roll out a brand-new wireless network, the slowdown in the economy, and the reduced share price, the president of Clearwire, Barry West, is optimistic about the future role of WiMax in business. And he says tech managers should put WiMax planning on their agendas now.

Q&A;: Microsoft's next big thing
Microsoft's chief research and strategy officer talks about the next wave of client and cloud computing, a virtual world he calls First Life, doctor-bots, the relevance of Windows -- and the Star Trek theory on why making products easy to use is so hard.

Unwrapping the broadband stimulus package
I like presents, even when they're bought with my own money -- provided they're good enough (steak, booze and cheese almost always qualify). So you can imagine my delight over the broadband stimulus package. If we're spending my money, at least it's going toward my industry. That's a good thing, right?

Review: 5 power-line devices that take you online where Ethernet or Wi-Fi can't
Power-line devices, which connect you to your router via your home electrical system, can be good alternatives to wireless and wired connections. But how well do they really work? Bill O'Brien tests five and reports on his results.

Mobile data roaming still costs too much
I am heading to Barcelona on Feb. 15 for the Mobile World Congress, where operators from all over the world will talk about how great mobile broadband is, but I bet you they won't use it to surf the Internet while visiting the show, especially if chief financial officers have any say.

DRM-free Apple rumors still just sound and fury
If you listen to the Internet -- and I don't recommend you listen too closely, as it will drive you mad as surely as if you were privy to the whispers of the vast underdeeps -- then you'd have good reason to think that Apple was going to unleash the rest of its vast iTunes catalog in a DRM-free format on Tuesday.

Opinion: Revisiting Hulu
Since we first looked at video-streaming site Hulu about a year ago, the joint venture between NBC and Fox has opened to the public and expanded its offerings. In the process, it's become one of the most prominent places for watching television online.

Four Reasons Why You Should Care About White Space
When the TV broadcast spectrum turns digital in February, a massive amount of unused 'white space' will open up. Now that the FCC has approved the use of broadband devices to function within this white space, a multitude of new opportunities for consumers and manufacturers are available. Here are a few prospects we can all get excited about.

Elgan: Why netbooks will soon cost $99
The era when subnotebooks are subsidized like cell phones is nearly here, says columnist Mike Elgan.

Linux, Mac, Windows XP: Whatever your choice of operating system, we have some fun things for you to try.
The operating systems of yesteryear weren't all sunshine and roses. Cyber cynic Steven J. Vaughan-Nichols names his picks for some of the worst OSs of all time.
Apple's newest Mac Pro takes a significant step forward with the move to Intel's new Nehalem processor and an infrastructure that should be able to squeeze the utmost out of the upcoming Mac OS X 10.6.
Satellite radio will die soon anyway, but Apple will accidentally perform a mercy killing of Sirius XM Radio this summer, says Mike Elgan.
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MarketVibe: The State of Data Governance in Enterprises Today
(Source: IDG) In December 2008, Computerworld invited IT and line-of-business leaders to participate in a survey on data issues within their organizations. The goal of the survey was to gain a better understanding of the data issues that organizations are facing today, which groups have responsibility for maintaining the accuracy of this data, and the impact of these data issues on business initiatives. The survey was commissioned by Kalido, but data was gathered and tabulated independently by Computerworld and IDG Research Services.
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"A look at today's Swedish court verdict against the four men hosting the notorious file-sharing/torrent-search site PirateBay.org, and one of..." Read more Read More Blogs

"You can’t spend more than five minutes on the Internet these days without bumping into the term Software as a..." Read more Read More Blogs

"You can save big bucks on small items like cables. This month the best price for four items I bought..." Read more Read More Blogs

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