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Tricks Of The Trade

Flat screen application administration

Submitted by: Lampstand_Iguana – Wed, 04/08/2009 – 14:48

Anyone have any suggestions?

My boss wants a couple of flat screens put up in the main office to have daily info and in-house applications displayed for all to see.

How would we set it up to administer what is shown? Through the server, from a local computer, from another login?

Sound like something you have done or seen somewhere?

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Teach them about security

Submitted by: MISSSYSADMIN – Mon, 03/30/2009 – 12:32

Users will never understand security is necessary. To them it is only a roadblock to progress.

Enter laptop user, we'll call her Miss X. Miss X puts in a call to the helpdesk-- "High Priority" : unable to log in to laptop!. Help desk knows her password and instructs her to make sure caps lock is off etc.

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The Magic Exchange Server Man

Submitted by: thefloogadooga – Tue, 03/24/2009 – 17:56

Microsoft Exchange server is... shall we say..... Strange, but this may make you think twice before going MS. About a year ago, when "The Boss" was setting up exchange, there were a few problems. Firstly, there were issues with accessing the admin tools. The rookie tech walks into the office and almost by magic, the exchange cp appeared!

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Please reboot your computer now sir

Submitted by: Benanov – Thu, 03/19/2009 – 15:06

A few months ago we had intermittent internet connectivity issues with our cable modem at home.

TL;DR: the modem was definitely failing. It was the adventure to arrive at that conclusion that matters.

Inevitably I'd call my cable provider (SWMBO always makes me do it; according to her I sound like I know what I'm talking about) and walk through a few steps.

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In-appropriate attachment

Submitted by: amit.mathur – Fri, 03/13/2009 – 01:25

In our office, we get a daily report regarding our performance. It is considered for appraisal and everybody needs to track that every day. Now it just happened that our manager got a new laptop with Windows Vista and Office 2007. All other users are using Windows XP with Office 2003. He created a report in Excel 2007 and sent it to all of us.

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Huge Office

Submitted by: amit.mathur – Wed, 03/04/2009 – 23:55

Once I was handling a foreign customer's technical support call and dozed to sleep since I was in night shift and had a heavy dinner. After two hours I woke up and found that the customer was still on line. When he asked me where I had gone, I told him that I went off to the lab to test some settings.

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The joys of sound cards ...

Submitted by: Ron – Wed, 01/14/2009 – 22:20

Several years back I had to install a printer

... in a classroom

... while the class was going on.

The printer had arrived late and was needed for that class.

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Poor design...

Submitted by: Anonymous – Tue, 01/13/2009 – 13:56

I get this daily email newsletter called fishbait or dolphin bait or something like that. Now, when I read this column I am allowed to reply to the column, or I am allowed to reply to the replies. I made the sometimes fatal mistake of formally registering my subscription to this column. Read on to find out why I call it fatal...

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long term system administrator job for a girl or woman

Submitted by: Anonymous – Wed, 01/07/2009 – 08:05

dear fellow friends,

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Xerox printing problems

Submitted by: Anonymous – Tue, 01/06/2009 – 12:10

A little over two years ago we installed two digital color printers from Xerox with EFI Fiery front ends as a packaged printing solution. From the very beginning, many functions did not work as documented. Xerox basically put us off for a year by giving us work arounds and promising a fix to our problems in a coming new software release.

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