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Lessons from Twitter: Build a social network the right way

Twitter, Facebook and other high-traffic social network sites have all suffered embarrassing performance problems. But there are ways to build such sites better.

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The difference between Linux and Windows

There are all kinds of differences between the two, but a major one, which often gets over-looked, is that Linux is in a constant state of evolution, while Windows moves 'forward' in a series of year-long steps. Here's what that means for you.

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The cloud's parallel crises

To leverage the inherent parallelism of cloud computing, you need app/dev tools that can scale. Those tools don't seem to exist.

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Shift to SaaS upsets integrators' IT applecart

As more enterprises embrace cloud computing and SaaS, there's a need for new integrators to help IT make the transition from on-premises to on-demand computing.

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Step 1: Make sure you have performed Step 0

This pilot fish works as a software developer at a big insurance company where his focus is applications -- applications for new life-insurance policies, that is.

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Good-bye Solaris? The fate of Sun's top 5 technologies

IBM buying Sun is a done deal. But, what does that mean for Solaris and OpenSolaris? Java? NetBeans? Here are my best guesses.

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Four types of IT project failure

A new book, "Why New Systems Fail," says there are mild failures, big failures, unmitigated disasters -- and "forthcoming failures" that will come back to haunt you in the future.

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Tectonic plates shifting with EMC's upcoming news?

EMC is building up hype around a worldwide announcement on April 14, and most rumors put the money on it being centered around partnering with Cisco and offering enterprises in-house cloud computing.

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Get cloud tools, but forget the cloud

One user definitely sees all the advantages of using cloud-based technology. He just wants nothing to do with the cloud itself.

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Which SQL is MySQL?

Almost everyone uses MySQL, if no where else on your favorite social network, but the wildly popular open-source database manager hasn't so much forked as fragmented.

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Unsure about HP Cloud Assure

HP announced a new cloud-based service today. But if you tried to connect to the "true webcast" with anything but IE on Windows, you were destined for problems.

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Facebook redesign revolt grows to 1.7M

Just as Facebook finishes rolling out its redesigned home page users are growing increasingly furious and frustrated that the "Old Facebook" layout is likely gone for good. To date 1.7 million Facebook users have joined the social networks user created group called "Petition Against the New Facebook."

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A Blue Sun is a black day for IT

If Big Blue acquires Sun Microsystems, IT managers will be singing the blues.

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Make mashups secure

Before businesses invest too much time and effort into creating mashups, the AJAX-based programming method needs better security. Mashup SSL might be the protocol to do just that.

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No thanks

This pilot fish works for a manufacturer that uses aging automated systems that are already paid for -- and in this economy, it has no interest in trading up.

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