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Continuing coverage: Google's Chrome browser

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Chrome steals share from every rival but Safari
In the two weeks since its launch, Chrome has grabbed market share from every other browser rival except Apple's Safari.

Chrome secrets: Dig into Google's new browser
From giving Chrome a new theme to powering it up with bookmarklets, there's a lot you can do to get the most out of Google's browser.

Google's Chrome: Don't bet your enterprise on it
Chrome may look like a consumer-level browser, but Preston Gralla says Google has its eye on the enterprise.

Opinion: Why Google Chrome won't rule the world -- yet
Steven J. Vaughan-Nichols likes what he sees in Google Chrome, especially the promise of a basic change in how we compute.

Chrome at 10 days: After a quick peak, use stabilizes among Computerworld readers
Ten days after Google launched Chrome, the percentage of Computerworld readers using the beta browser has stabilized at between 5% and 6%.

Google Chrome set to take on Windows
Google has unveiled a new Web browser, called Chrome, that it hopes will launch a widespread rejection of Windows-based systems in favor of platforms with hosted applications running on the Web.

Opinion: Google Chrome and the next wave
Google's Chrome browser is being designed from the ground up as a next-generation client platform for enterprise applications  the potential client engine for software-as-a-service products, cloud computing and Web 2.0 for the enterprise.

Frankly Speaking: Google Chrome's SaaS model should worry IT
Chrome is really just a Web browser, right? No. At least, not the way we've thought about Web browsers before

Review: Google's Chrome -- the first true Web 2.0 browser
Google's new Chrome browser uses simplicity and some clever new features to bring Web surfing into the 21st century.

Mozilla: Firefox is faster than Chrome
Mozilla has pushed back on claims that Google's new Chrome browser outperforms Firefox, citing benchmark results that showed the upcoming Firefox 3.1 is faster at executing JavaScript.

Google Chrome at risk from 'carpet bomb' bug
A months-old 'carpet bomb' bug can be used by attackers with another flaw to trick Google Chrome browser users into downloading and launching malicious code, security researcher Aviv Raffsaid said.

Chrome grabs 1% of browser market in under 24 hours
Google's new Chrome browser grabbed 1% of the browser market in its first day out in public -- 'a phenomenal performance,' according to one Web metrics provider. It has already surpassed Opera and the aging Netscape.

Will enterprise IT dump Internet Explorer for Google Chrome?
Techies appear to be flocking to Google Chrome, which may lead many consumers and small businesses to follow. But will enterprises also take to Google's new browser? The answer appears to be: slowly, if at all.

Analysis: Google's Chrome aims to kill Windows, make Web the OS of choice
Google has unveiled a Web browser that some analysts say could launch a widespread replacement of Windows, with the Web as operating system.

Researcher: Chrome's isolated tabs make it memory 'pig'
Google's new Chrome browser chews up more memory than even Microsoft's recent Internet Explorer 8 Beta 2, a researcher says.

Google amends Chrome license agreement after objections
Google said it would dump part of the licensing agreement for its Chrome Web browser after users raised privacy and copyright concerns.

Chrome expected on Google's Android mobile software
Google co-founder Sergey Brin says it's likely the company's new Chrome browser will be added to a later version of the Android mobile operating system.

FAQ: Google polishes up its new browser, Chrome
Google on Tuesday released Chrome, a free browser that it hopes will challenge rival browsers from Microsoft, Mozilla and Apple. We explain how to get it, and what to expect.

Google brings out big guns in support of Chrome
Google co-founders Larry Page and Sergey Brin said Tuesday that browser technology is fundamental to the company's success, prompting Google to release its Chrome browser.

Browser rivals confident they can compete with Google
Browser rivals Microsoft, Mozilla and Opera Software today said that they welcomed Google's decision to introduce a browser of its own, saying they're not afraid of the competition.

Google launches Chrome; Windows download now available
Google today launched its own Web browser, known as Chrome, ending years of speculation that the search giant would make such a move.

Google scrubs search cache of Chrome download site
Google has scrubbed evidence of a download site for its upcoming Chrome browser from its cache; the URL now points to Google's main page.

Google to release 'Chrome' browser Tuesday
Google on Monday confirmed that it will launch a beta version of its own Web browser, called Chrome, on Tuesday.

Google Chrome browser screen capture

John Brandon: Google Chrome = Dead, Google Search = Hot
John Brandon I think the browser has now almost become inconsequential, a bright blip that has faded faster than my summer tan.

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