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Government & Regulation

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The H-1B visa as a job replacement tool

What would Karl Marx say?

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Nvidia hits back at Intel with lawsuit

In today's podcast: Nvidia hits back at Intel with lawsuit; Google lays off 200 workers; and Dell faces sex-discrimination suit.

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Five trends that challenge technology offshoring

I think there are five trends that suggest that the big outsourcing wave will wane.

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Let's get high on democracy

The White House's Open for Questions service sought to learn what concerns Americans most. The answer appears to be getting high.

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Open for Questions is

In Thursday's IT Blogwatch
, we read while we wait to watch Obama answer questions from around the Interwebs. Not to mention never gonna give you up ...

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YouTube goes black in China because of Tibetan Monk beatings

firewall-of-chinaWe all know the Great Firewall of China keeps an eye out for anything critical of the Chinese government. One has to wonder though how China's billion or so citizens like being blocked out of one of the most popular sites on the Internet - for no explicable reason.

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The Obama Administration is open for your questions

Yes, you too can be like the White House press corps and grill the president. Just submit a question to the new Obama Web site and hope you get lucky.

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Obama gets grilled online

The White House launched its Open for Questions service to field questions and concerns from citizens. Obama to respond on Thursday.

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TomTom gets allies in Microsoft Linux patent lawsuit fight

TomTom has decided to fight Microsoft, and it's not going to be fighting alone. TomTom has just joined the Open Invention Network patent alliance. Bring it on Microsoft, bring it on.

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TomTom counter-sues Microsoft: arewethereyet?arewethereyet?

TomTom logoIn Friday's IT Blogwatch, Richi Jennings watches TomTom counter-sue Microsoft -- can you say, "leverage"? Not to mention Google Gravity...

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Google's "cloudy" privacy questioned: EPIC fail?

Google logoIn Thursday's IT Blogwatch, Richi Jennings watches privacy activists get all hot under the collar over Google's cloud computing tentacles. Not to mention the subtlest Trek joke ever...

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Privacy group: Ban Google services like Gmail from the cloud

The privacy group Electronic Privacy Information Center (EPIC) has asked the Federal Trade Commission to investigate Google for privacy breaches related to Google Docs and other Google services --- and to ban Google from offering any cloud services, including Gmail, Google Docs and others until the company can prove it is capable of safeguarding people's privacy.

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IBM buying Sun, sez WSJ

In Wednesday's IT Blogwatch, Richi Jennings watches bloggers ask, "Is IBM buying Sun?" Not to mention 61 things on my cat...

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Sen. Grassley: H-1B friend or foe?

Sen. Charles Grassley of Iowa is one of the most vocal opponents of the H-1B visa program in the country, and is a hero to many in the anti-H-1B crowd. But his clarity of thought has to be questioned in light of his suggestion that executives at AIG should kill themselves.

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Make the AIG's bonus millions transparent: put the deals on the web

Make AIG's millions in bonus payments transparent: post them on the the web.

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