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Excel Bug Will Be Ignored on Patch Tuesday
Microsoft said last week that it plans to deliver three Windows security updates on Tuesday, one of them deemed "critical," but it will not fix an Excel flaw that attackers are now exploiting. Read more...

Hackers update Conficker worm, evade countermeasures

Vista-downgrade lawsuit revised; Microsoft now accused of price-gouging

Microsoft: Enterprises will be able to self-host Windows Azure, someday

Microsoft confirms IE8 kill switch in Windows 7

Microsoft: No patch for Excel zero-day flaw next week

Microsoft pitches Surface to new markets

Windows 7 leaks continue as new build hits BitTorrent

Schwartz: Not worried about Sun's future

Analysts: Mac buyers still pay more than PC buyers for same hardware 'guts'

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The Google OS Is Coming by Year's End
The biggest desktop news of 2009 won't be Microsoft rushing Windows 7 out; it will be Asus and other PC vendors delivering the Google Android desktop.

Ben Heckendorn takes a mad-scientist approach to game console design
Ben Heckendorn engineers machines that shouldn't otherwise exist. Large machines made small, diverse machines combined into one -- there's no project he won't attempt ... if the challenge is unique and the price is right.

Win 7 leaks, the US gets a CIO, trade show news
The Demo 09 and Cebit trade shows added a steady stream of news to what already seemed like a busy week in IT -- narrowing the list to 10 stories was tougher than usual. Even allowing for the likelihood that we have a case of early spring fever, the headlines were hopping and for a change the ones that captured our attention did not tend to be related to the recession. There was a key federal appointment, some more blunt talk from Yahoo's new CEO and a warning from the FTC, among other things.

Palm Treo Pro (Sprint) Smart Phone
After a few delays, the Palm Treo Pro is now shipping from Sprint (for US$200 with a two-year contract, as of 3/5/09). This smart phone will please Windows Mobile fans with its sleek design and its business-friendly features. Sprint customers seeking a more multimedia-oriented phone might want to hold off, though, since the much-anticipated Palm Pre is expected to launch sometime in the first half of 2009.

Review: Apple's new 17-in. MacBook Pro rocks
Apple finally redesigned its top-end 17-in. MacBook Pro and has offered one up for review that's tricked out the way Steve Jobs might demand -- with 8GB of RAM, a 256GB solid-state drive and a blazing 2.93-GHz Core 2 Duo processor. Is it worth the high price you'll pay for all that computing goodness?

Virtualization for the SMB crowd
With licenses for enterprise-grade server virtualization solutions costing tens of thousands of dollars, who could fault a business with only five or six servers for taking a pass? But there are solutions for this crowd, and we name names.

Opinion: Desktop Linux is ready for the mainstream
It makes a lot of sense to standardize office workers on desktop Linux. Here's why.

Checking the cool at DEMO 09
Just like the Consumer Electronics Show in January, this year's DEMO 09 (produced by Network World's events division) in Palm Desert, Calif., was affected by the continuing gloomy economy. With only 39 companies debuting new products and services, the "glass half empty" people would likely say that there wasn't much to see in the way of innovations, exciting technology or cool products. While there was less to see, there definitely were some shining stars among the demonstrators at this year's event.

Mac Management Nightmares
How hard is it managing Macs in the enterprise? Harder than you might think. Expect lackluster enterprise support from Apple and its horde of Mac developers, for starters. Enterprise savvy Windows developers rushing poor Mac components to market bring frustration, too.

Mac management for Windows IT folks
Supporting and managing Macs in a predominantly non-Mac environment is a challenge, particularly if you're new to the platform. Here are some tips and tools to make your Mac-Windows integration as smooth as possible.

Apple's new browser offers a lot more than slick UI goodies; it's stable and smart, too.
Better browsers. Better standards. Better tools. So why are Web pages still breaking?
You can get a netbook for $99 if you buy a two-year subscription to AT&T;'s 3G service. Is it worth it?
With major updates across four of its five apps, Apple's newest iLife suite is well worth the $79 upgrade cost.
Get the latest news, reviews and more about Microsoft's newest desktop operating system
Find wage data for 50 IT job titles.
Brief History of Software as a Service, Modernizing Enterprise Software
(Source: Service-Now.com) SaaS is the next big step in the logical evolution of software. Just as businesses replaced the water wheel with electric power from a grid, IT and software have moved far beyond sneakernets, fat fingers, patches and CDs. But not every alternative to traditional software includes all of the benefits of true SaaS. For users to better ensure their business needs and goals are addressed, it's important to understand the differences between traditional software, software offered by Application Service Providers and the different flavors of SaaS. This paper will provide a brief history of SaaS.
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"Apple's underwhelming refresh of its Mac desktop line shows just why the company needs to release a netbook. The company..." Read more Read More Blogs

"My blogging compatriot Steven J. Vaughn-Nichols notes that Google CEO Eric Schmidt has been hinting that Google may release a..." Read more Read More Blogs

"There's been lots of speculation that Google might launch its own Linux-based desktop operating based on its Android. Now, Google..." Read more Read More Blogs

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Creating Tiered Storage Architecture
This paper shows how Brocade StorageX enables tiers of storage across Windows and NetApp storage to align storage practices with organizational objectives.
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