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Why Apple will have to release a netbook

Apple's underwhelming refresh of its Mac desktop line shows just why the company needs to release a netbook. The company seems oblivious to the economy crashing around it, and continues to believe that it can thrive by selling champagne-priced computers in a beer-priced world. It's time for Apple to face reality and build a netbook.

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Ballmer: We're ready for the Google operating system

My blogging compatriot Steven J. Vaughn-Nichols notes that Google CEO Eric Schmidt has been hinting that Google may release a Google netbook based on its mobile operating system, Android. That's old news to Microsoft: In late February, Steve Ballmer told Wall Street analysts that he fully expects Android-based netbooks.

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More about the Navy's new high-tech combat ship

Here are some sites that feature robust discussion about the Navy's first Littoral Combat Ship, the USS Freedom.

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Google CEO hints Google/Linux netbooks may be coming

There's been lots of speculation that Google might launch its own Linux-based desktop operating based on its Android. Now, Google CEO in hinting that that's exactly what Google might be doing.

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Obama: we need a CIO before a CTO

ObamaIn Friday's IT Blogwatch, Richi Jennings watches a surprise Obama appointment: a CIO (confounding commentators' CTO conjectures). Not to mention MeggySeq...

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New Mac lineup: Expensive, "underwhelming"

The Apple fanboys most likely aren't happy today. The new Mac desktops are essentially more of the same, although more powerful --- and still too expensive. Analysts say that those buying the new Macs will pay a premium of up to 40% over equivalent PC hardware. One analyst even called the new lineup "underwhelming." I've got details in my blog.

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'Turbo Boost' graces new Nehalem-based Mac Pros

apple turbo boostNot since Apple branded its Airports as 'Extreme' have they used such a silly trademark name.  "Turbo Boost" is the new name for the Mac Pro's Nehalem processor GHz-increasing capability.  

This chip feature is actually pretty cool.  This Nehalem chip is something that Intel hasn't even officially announced yet.  Apple has been known to get Intel chips ahead of its competitors...

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If at first you don't succeed, start over

Three weeks into a new job, this developer starts to notice a recurring problem with the applications he supports -- and the solution always seems to be the same.

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New Apple desktops: fanbois drool

Apple logoIn a special IT Blogwatch extra, Richi Jennings watches Apple quietly revamp its entire desktop hardware line. Not to mention Square Root Day...

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Apple updates its desktop and wireless products

Apple, this morning, updated its desktop and wireless product line.  Nothing revolutionary, unfortunately, but they did bring all of their components in line with Mini DisplayPort technology as well as up to the latest and greatest in terms of processor performance. They also added VLAN capability to their wireless products.

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Study: Windows clobbers Linux on netbooks with over 90% share

There's been a lot of talk -- including from me -- that Linux is hurting Microsoft because of its big market share in netbook sales. But recent figures from the research firm NPD Group show that it's a myth. Windows now has more than 90% of all netbook sales. The game is over.

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Demonstrators demo at DEMO 09

Demo logoIn Tuesday's IT Blogwatch, Richi Jennings watches bloggers watch the DEMO 09 conference. Not to mention what not to wear...

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DEMO 09: Getting weird with mobile

Monday afternoon at DEMO 09 was about mobile phones and hardware -- including a six-foot-tall phone designed for flirting singles. No, really.

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No, the other left

It's Monday morning, and IT gets a panicky call from the company's CEO: There's an IT problem on the plant floor, and Distribution isn't able to ship anything.

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Dell & Ubuntu's mighty Mini 9

Want a great Linux netbook for a great price? Then, give Dell's Ubuntu-powered Mini 9 a try.

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