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Rainforest Destruction

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Industrial society has tended to see forests as free sources of valuable materials or as needless woods, occupying land and getting 'in the way' of development. As a result of these pressures, every second the planet loses another two football fields of its precious rainforest cloak.

Old growth forests are cleared for 'development,' agriculture, cattle-grazing and plantations among other reasons. [more]

Rainforest Destruction Topics:

Rainforest Destruction Links:

  • Deforestation: Humankind and the Global Ecological Crisis  Hot  - A review of world forest issues and their social causes, effects, and solutions.
  • Deforestation: Tropical Forests in Decline  Hot  - Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA) document examines the extent of tropical deforestation in developing countries, its causes and consequences, and the prospects for more sustainable land use alternatives.
  • Economic Causes of Deforestation in Tropical Rainforests  Hot  - Report and sources on causes of tropical deforestation.
  • FAO: State of the World's Forests  Editor's Pick   Hot  - The State of the World's Forests 2001 contains an overview of recent developments in the forest sector; summary data and information on the status and change in forest resources worldwide, and chapters on selected key issues: climate change and forests, conservation of forest-based biological diversity, and illegal activities and corruption in the forest sector.
  • Forest Stock Photography  Hot  - Pictures of the beauty and destruction of temperate and tropical rainforests.
  • National Geographic: Deforestation  Hot  - Interactive site includes photos, causes, and impacts of deforestation.
  • Rates of Rainforest Loss  Hot  - Fact sheet from Rainforest Action Network covers rates of rainforest loss worldwide and in Brazil, projects economic value of rainforest lands, and rates of deforestation in various countries.
  • Save The Rainforest  Hot  - General rainforest information.
  • The Causes of Rainforest Destruction  Hot  - Covers immediate causes such as logging, agriculture, cash crops, cattle ranching, fuelwood, large dams, mining, colonisation and tourism. The site also covers underlying causes such as overconsumption, exploitation, the debt burden and overpopulation.
  • Causes et conséquences de la déforestation. - Causes socio-économiques et conséquences de la déforestation dans le monde. [Socioeconomic causes consequences of deforestation around the world.]
  • Deforestation in the Amazon 2004 - Answers questions as to why the Brazilian Amazon being destroyed and what can be done to save it.
  • Deforestation project 2004 - A site made by students for a change the world project that takes the facts and explains the deforestation project in more simple terms
  • Environmental Investigation Agency (EIA) - An independent, campaign organization exposing environmental crimes around the world.
  • Landsat NASA Pathfinder Humid Tropical Deforestation Project - Maps global deforestation in the humid tropics; focusing on the Amazon Basin, Central Africa, and Southeast Asia.
  • NASA images of Brazilian deforestation
  • Pivotal EcoSystems International - The Daintree Lowlands Rainforest is the oldest tropical rainforest on earth and the only place where the Great Barrier Reef meets the shore of the Coral Sea. We now have just 2-3 years to win the race to conserve these rainforest habitats with species as much as 240 million years old. Through the Daintree Land Trust you can take direct action to halt human encroachment into this last outpost of Australian tropical rainforest and preserve endangered rainforest and reef wildlife.
  • Reality Clock - Rainforest Destruction this year.
  • test - this is a test
  • The Last Frontier Forests: Ecosystems and Economies on the Edge - World Resources Institute report.
  • www.chelseagreen.com - Now and then, a landmark book such as Rachel Carson's SILENT SPRING makes the public keenly aware of the vulnerability of nature to human intervention. STRANGELY LIKE WAR exposes the crisis of the large-scale destruction of the world's forests. Jensen & Draffan have written a passionate and well-documented expose of the unprecedented greed and power of the timber industry and of the government's role in abetting corporate responsibility. Highly recommended!

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