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Cisco plans significant data center assault
Cisco Systems has a number of significant product introductions on tap for 2009 as the company continues to morph from a pure networking player into an overall IT supplier. Read more...

OpenSolaris upgrade announced

Cloud computing to the max

Sun's Mickos says he's OK with MySQL co-founder's 5.1 rant

Sun's biggest investor gets two new seats on board

Model T inspires Microsoft plan for modular IT

Microsoft offers new method for building data centers

Wanted: A long-term data center strategy

License server glitch exposes SonicWall users to e-mail security threats

New IBM services offer cloud setup, 'validation'

More Data Center StoriesMore Top Stories

Pitfalls of data center consolidation and relocation
Here's how to avoid poor planning, underestimating power requirements and other common errors.

Q&A;: Nicholas Carr on 'the big switch' to cloud computing
In an interview, author Nicholas Carr said cloud computing can lower IT costs and is reliable enough for many corporate applications. But IT execs have to be willing to shrink their staffs, he added.

There's nothing easy about letting Apple into the enterprise
As enthusiasm grows around the Apple brand, the pressure mounts to support it in the enterprise. But a peek inside three businesses reveals that has its challenges.

Q&A;: FEC's effort to make campaign data more accessible adds IT complexity
For the Federal Election Commission, enforcing campaign finance laws and making financing data publicly accessible requires a vast server farm, multiple levels of databases and a variety of security tools.

How to set up a cross-platform network
Your business may have started with an idea that popped into your head while freeloading off of the local coffee shop's wireless network. But you can't work out of the Java Hut forever.

Boston College converts chapel into data center
Boston College's new data center resides inside a former chapel on land acquired from the Catholic Archdiocese.

Q&A;: Schwartz says financial meltdown plays into Sun's hands
In an interview, Sun CEO Jonathan Schwartz said the economic downturn will make IT managers more open to technology changes — and claimed that will work to his company's advantage.

The How of Y
Today's newcomers to the workforce are a mystery only to baby boomers who don't remember what they were like when they were newcomers to the workforce.

Get Your Head in the Cloud
Mark Hall learns about a service that monitors your online services.

Oracle looks to Utah for green data center
Thanks to dry outside air, high server density and containment of cooling, Oracle expects to achieve much more power efficiency than at its main data center in Austin.

You can get lean and fast computing with your current version of Mac OS X. Here's how.
Some technology executives don't simply defy convention; they craft a whole new definition of leadership. Learn how the Premier 100 class of 2009 is blazing new management trails.
Apple's new display is more than a gorgeous 24-in. monitor; it's a de facto docking station.
We've got an array of economical, expensive, and just plain weird tech gifts for your friends and family.
Get the latest news, reviews and more about Microsoft's newest desktop operating system
Find wage data for 50 IT job titles.
Securing and Managing the Endpoints: The Case for Convergence
(Source: Symantec) To achieve best-in-class results, convergence of security, compliance and cost-effective management of endpoint systems is vital but not a means to an end. If your current levels of investment in security and compliance have gotten out of balance, taxing your IT resources and effectively your organizations ability to deliver new products and services, then you need to read this white paper.
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 Servers & Data Center Roundup
"Flashback to the 1980s, when a vendor tech can't figure out why a hard drive on this minicomputer fails every..." Read more Read More Blogs

"When all the terminals at this company suddenly stop responding, this pilot fish soon finds the problem's cause -- and..." Read more Read More Blogs

"Lord knows it took HP long enough, but the PC giant has finally started shipping a pre-configured Linux on a..." Read more Read More Blogs

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White Papers
Virtualizing Microsoft Exchange
In September 2008, Computerworld invited IT and business leaders to participate in a survey on virtualizing Microsoft Exchange. The survey was fielded via targeted broadcasts to Computerworld customers, as well as through an invitation on Computerworld.com. The goal of the survey was to understand initiatives surrounding virtualizing Microsoft Exchange. The survey was commissioned by NetApp, but the data was gathered and tabulated independently by Computerworld Research. The following report represents top-line results of that survey.
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The Business Value of Tape Storage
Download this complimentary Technology Briefing today!
(Source: Dell) Reliable. Long-lived. Portable. Affordable. Energy-stingy. These and many other attributes of tape storage are virtually assuring a continued market for tape storage, a conclusion reached by IDC and many others. Combined with other storage solutions, tape is an integral part of any data archiving strategy.
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The Fast Track to Data Center Optimization
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(Source: Tideway) Optimizing data center resources can deliver significant savings in hardware, software licenses & maintenance, rack space, cooling and power. Download "The Drive to Greater Data Center Efficiency" and learn how you can get an accurate picture of what's in your data center - it's like MapQuest™ for the data center.
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Energy Logic: Cutting Data Center Energy Costs By 50 Percent or More
Energy Logic: Cutting Data Center Energy Costs By 50 Percent or More
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White Papers
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The Total Economic Impact of the Altiris Total Management Suite Software
Go Green with IBM System x Servers and Intel Xeon Processors
Creating a green data center to help reduce energy costs and gain a competitive advantage
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Enterprise Data Center Network Reference Architecture
Simply designing a data center that only deploys more servers, storage and devices significantly increases network complexity and cost. The data center network also must offer components such as security, performance acceleration, high density and a resilient network infrastructure. This document shares Juniper Networks best practices in designing a highly efficient, secure, scalable and flexible data center network.

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Advancing the Economics of Networking
Aging network systems and old habits have dictated how businesses spend their IT budgets. As a result, a large percentage of IT dollars are being spent to “stay in the race.” While this model keeps revenue streams flowing for legacy network vendors, it doesn’t necessarily help businesses gain a competitive advantage. Juniper is changing this economic model by delivering a new family of solutions that reduce capital and operational expenses. By freeing up IT budget dollars, Juniper allows businesses to invest in other innovative technologies that will further reduce the cost of doing business while improving their competitive position.

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Implementing HA at the Enterprise Data Center Edge to Connect to a Large Number of Branch Offices
This paper reviews the problem of creating a network where the dynamic availability of services is of critical importance. It explains how to deploy a highly available, working cluster by taking the design considerations in this paper and applying them to an actual deployment. The subsequent sections include configuration bits, diagrams and detailed discussions of how to accomplish a High Availability (HA) data center deployment.
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