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Bill Gates has never taken himself as seriously as he does his company. So it was only fitting that it was with a humorous and star-studded video parody that he kicked off his final preshow keynote at the CES Sunday night in Las Vegas.; Bill Gates; CES; parody; spoof; stars; Bill Gates at CES; HD-DVD; Analysis of the Blu-Ray/HD-DVD developments at the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas, following Warner's announcement that it is moving into the Blu-Ray camp for high-definition DVDs. ; Blu-ray; CES; HD-DVD; analysis; hdtv; Join our editor on the floor at the Macworld Expo; apple; macintosh; Gaming at CES; CES; Computerworld; briefingroom; This is a short description.; Framingham; networking; police; Bill Gates has never taken himself as seriously as he does his company. So it was only fitting that it was with a humorous and star-studded video parody that he kicked off his final preshow keynote at the CES Sunday night in Las Vegas.; Bill Gates; CES; parody; spoof; stars; Gaming at CES; CES; Computerworld; briefingroom; Bill Gates at CES; HD-DVD; Analysis of the Blu-Ray/HD-DVD developments at the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas, following Warner's announcement that it is moving into the Blu-Ray camp for high-definition DVDs. ; Blu-ray; CES; HD-DVD; analysis; hdtv; New information technologies are transforming the way police officers and investigators do their jobs. Is there a risk that the technologies are too intrusive? ; Computerworld; Crime; Framingham; investigation; police; privacy; In police crime labs, analyzing fingerprints used to involve optical tools. Now digital technologies, ranging from Photoshop to law-enforcement databases, are crucial tools for investigations.; Computerworld; Crime; analysis; fingerprint; investigation; police; Officer David Studley explains how the Framingham Police Department uses video for crime scene investigations and training.; Computerworld; Crime; Framingham; camera; investigation; police; video; Officer Ed Burman explains new fingerprinting, breathalyzer and digital photography technologies in the Framingham Police Department's booking room, where new prisoners are processed. ; Computerworld; Crime; fingerprint; photography; police; When it comes to record-keeping, the Framingham Police Department has one foot in the digital age and one foot in the paper age. ; Computerworld; Crime; database; police; Officer Ed Burman compares the laptops used in Framingham Police Department cruisers, and explains the criteria for choosing new Panasonic Toughbooks. Ruggedized laptops that can last for years are crucial for operations.; Computerworld; Crime; hardware; laptop; police; Lieutenant Paul Shastany explains how the Framingham Police Department uses a Bullard Thermal Imaging scope for nighttime investigations, and to improve officer safety.; Computerworld; Crime; Framingham; camera; infrared; photography; police; thermal imaging; Detective Ted Piers explains Framingham's sex offender registry and how the Framingham Police Department tracks registered sex offenders.; Computerworld; Crime; Framingham; police; sex offender; website; Officer David Studley describes digital camera techniques used in crime scene investigations for the Framingham Police Department.; Computerworld; Crime; Framingham; camera; memory; photography; police; Join our editor on the floor at the Macworld Expo; apple; macintosh; Detective Ted Piers of the Framingham Police Department explains how officers use geospatial data to chart crime hotspots, evaluate traffic enforcement efforts, and identify other trends affecting the town.; Computerworld; Crime; Framingham; analysis; geospatial; geotagging; hardware; map; police; software; The Framingham Police Department is gradually upgrading its dispatch center. This video shows the technologies that the department uses to answer incoming 911 calls and direct responses by police, the fire department and ambulance personnel.; 911; Computerworld; Crime; Framingham; hardware; networking; police; software; wireless; A tour of the Framingham Police Department's server roo m. ; Computerworld; Crime; Framingham; data center; hardware; police; server; software; storage; A demonstration of the Framingham Police Department's in-cruiser system for checking on people's police records. ; Computerworld; Crime; Framingham; laptop; police; software; wireless; Officer Ed Burman of the Framingham Police Department explains how cruiser laptops transmit reports to police headquarters. The town currently uses a radio network, but in the future the agency will switch to a town-wide mesh network.; Computerworld; Crime; Framingham; laptop; mesh; networking; police; software; wireless; Officer Ed Burman demonstrates the Framingham Police Department's in-cruiser system for checking license plates and instant messaging between cars. ; Computerworld; Crime; Framingham; laptop; police; software; wireless; Short desc for Lucas Briefingroom Test; briefingroom; This is a test of Craig's Whiteboard segment. This is the short description. Source: Computerworld; briefingroom; cwtest; Detective Ted Piers explains Framingham's sex offender registry and how the Framingham Police Department tracks registered sex offenders.; Computerworld; Crime; Framingham; police; sex offender; website; A tour of the Framingham Police Department's server room. ; Computerworld; Crime; Framingham; data center; hardware; police; server; software; storage; Lieutenant Paul Shastany explains how the Framingham Police Department uses a Bullard Thermal Imaging scope for nighttime investigations, and to improve officer safety.; Computerworld; Crime; Framingham; camera; infrared; photography; police; thermal imaging; Officer Ed Burman of the Framingham Police Department explains how cruiser laptops transmit reports to police headquarters. The town currently uses a radio network, but in the future the agency will switch to a town-wide mesh network.; Computerworld; Crime; Framingham; laptop; mesh; networking; police; software; wireless; Officer Ed Burman compares the laptops used in Framingham Police Department cruisers, and explains the criteria for choosing new Panasonic Toughbooks. Ruggedized laptops that can last for years are crucial for operations.; Computerworld; Crime; hardware; laptop; police; Detective Ted Piers of the Framingham Police Department explains how officers use geospatial data to chart crime hotspots, evaluate traffic enforcement efforts, and identify other trends affecting the town.; Computerworld; Crime; Framingham; analysis; geospatial; geotagging; hardware; map; police; software; Analysis of the Blu-Ray/HD-DVD developments at the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas, following Warner's announcement that it is moving into the Blu-Ray camp for high-definition DVDs. ; Blu-ray; CES; HD-DVD; analysis; hdtv; Join our editor on the floor at the Macworld Expo; apple; macintosh; Get smart fast with the briefing room videos http://link.brightcove.com/services/link/bcpid1403465256http://www.brightcove.com/channel.jsp?channel=1351824782

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