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The Feature

“We don’t really sit down and start writing songs. Projected Popstar Death and I Fall From Your Grace are both old songs that go as far as 2002. Both me and Joy used to have this post-punk cover band back then in college when one member left we change our name to the Spirals. So what we did way back then still applies to the present. If someone brings along with him a decent riff we start from there and we work our way from the drums, bass and to the arrangement. I guess everybody has a thing to say as long as it is within the confines of what we are doing.”

(feature coming up…stay tuned mthrfkrs.)


Heartbreaking Lamentations of a Jaded Scenester

I’ve been so… shall we say, “distant” from the music scene lately. Heck, I don’t even know if it’s still all (or even mostly) emo. Maybe the bisrockers have taken over completely. In that case, I’ll probably be hiding under my rock (no pun intended) for another year or so, just to let this hubbub about nothing slowly fade into obscurity.



Koolerah and the Digital Buchitoongs(or KDB to fans and peers) is probably one of the most hardworking and sought-after live act in the current stream of bisrock band nowadays. Genuinely, bisdak with a tinge of pop punk thrown into a youthful concoction of heartbreaks, lovespells and some jerk called Estong.

Music Reviews

Twinkle Dudu - No Place Feels Like Home

“No Place…” is a walking statement of a band who continues to carve a niche in a time of split-second achievements. A statement - something to remind us that amazing talents never needed major label attention to pave a path of sonic greatness. All they ever needed were power chords and a pack of passion to breed longevity. Or maybe a little bit of talent, and just that.