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The historic city of Isfahan is considered as one of the most important seven historic cities of the world.

During pre – Islamic and post – Islamic periods, it has been one of the metropolitan cities of Iran . The Zayandeh Rood River , which is flowing through the city, has been the wonderful source of prosperity and flourishment. The city is not only a must destination for domestic and International tourism, but also a very famous and popular city all over the world. Several historic and metropolitan cities all over the world are interested in signing sisterhood relations with Isfahan , from all over the world. At present, the following cities have established sisterhood relations with Isfahan :


1.      Xi' an in People Republic of China

2.      Barcelona in Spain

3.      Saint Petersburg in Russia

4.      Havana in Cuba

5.      Yerevan in Armenia

6.      Freiburg in Germany

7.      Lahore in Islamic Republic of Pakistan

8.      Kuwait  in Kuwait

9.      Florence in Italy

10.  Iasi in Romania

11.  Kuala Lumpur in Malaysia


According to the agreements, sister cities of Isfahan have fruitful mutual cooperation with Isfahan . The following matters are some of the most important fields of cooperation:


  1. Exchange of experiences in urban planning and urban development.
  2. Exchange of experts in different field of urban governance.
  3. Cooperation between universities of Isfahan and sister cities.
  4. Cultural cooperation.
  5. Cooperation between chambers of commerce.
  6. Cooperation in Tourism development and Tourism facilities.
  7. Exchange of Exhibition.
  8. Publicity of sister cities through mass media.
  9. Regular meetings between the two cities for the further development of practical cooperation.

Exchange of professors, students and certain scholarship.





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