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Applied to Rome, the term 'imperial' is an ambivalent one. Thus, one could say that Rome became 'imperial' twice: for the Wrst time, when it expanded its rule over 'almost all the inhabited world' 1 so that after the destruction of... more
Applied to Rome, the term 'imperial' is an ambivalent one. Thus, one could say that Rome became 'imperial' twice: for the Wrst time, when it expanded its rule over 'almost all the inhabited world' 1 so that after the destruction of Carthage (146 bc) 'sea and land lay everywhere open to its sway', 2 for the second time when Augustus ended the civil wars which had disrupted the Roman republic and introduced a monarchical form of government (27 bc). First Rome became imperial by the establishment of its empire, later it became imperial by the establishment of an emperor. Historians think that both developments were not unrelated, since a worldwide empire could not for ever be ruled with the political system of a city-state. Be that as it may, starting with the last decades of the Wrst century bc, Rome was 'imperial' both with respect to the expansion of its rule and to its form of government. 3 It is the historical consciousness of this new 'doubly imperial' Rome that the present paper is concerned with. The texts considered will cover the time span from the Augustan period (27 bc-ad 14) to the Wrst decades of the
An edited two-volume set in Chinese. Jinyu Liu (ed), New Frontiers of Research on Ovid in a Global Context (Quan qiu shi ye xia de gu luo ma shi ren ao wei de yan jiu qian yan). Studies in Western Classics Series (xi fang gu dian xue yan... more
An edited two-volume set in Chinese. Jinyu Liu (ed), New Frontiers of Research on Ovid in a Global Context (Quan qiu shi ye xia de gu luo ma shi ren ao wei de yan jiu qian yan). Studies in Western Classics Series (xi fang gu dian xue yan jiu xi lie cong shu). Peking University Press (Bei jing da xue chu ban she), 2021. ISBN: 9787301321737 (for Volume I); ISBN: 9787301322093 (for Volume II). Forty-two colleagues from 13 countries contributed to the completion of the book. Languages that appear in the text, footnotes, quotations, and bibliography include Chinese, English, French,