Carre Rouge copy

The participants in the Quebec student’s movement against the university tuition hike are not just selfishly concerned with their own pockets but are part of the global sustainability and social justice movement that is sweeping the world. What keeps them motivated is their larger vision for a more humane and equalitarian society.  The students themselves acknowledge this fact in speeches and actions.

Big Red Cube 1 edit

The first video below is a brilliant, art piece drawing its inspiration from an excerpt from a speech given by Gabriel Nadeau-Dubois the spokesperson for the largest student union “Classe”.  Below it is the video of  Nadeau-Dubois’ full speech (in two parts) translated into English.

Many demonstrations are organized as general demonstrations of protest against the policies of Jean Charest’s liberal government with grandparents, parents and neighbors participating.  Welcomed amongst the student’s red squares are: placards against unfettered resource extraction of shale gas and natural resources of all sorts without regard to environmental impact,  signs against attempts to privatize health care and support for clean food among others.

The students are not wasting their time.  They are getting a real life degree in political science.  During the strike most are educating themselves on the important issues of our time.  As one young protestor told me.  One day it was like everyone in her school suddenly woke up.  This strike is creating a generation of individuals schooled in political action capable and willing to work together.

The students are mobilizing in order to create a better world not only for themselves but for us too.

About thegreenlifefarm

The Green Life Farm welcomes people who are on a path toward sustainability, increased environmental consciousness and mindfulness. We are 80% food self sufficient, off the grid for lighting, have reduced our wastes by 90% and have become more and more producers instead of consumers. The Green Life Farm is a place to meet kindred spirits and experience how it could be to reconnect with people and nature. Our farm is always open to visitors interested in alternative energy, living, thinking, building, husbandry, forestry, cooking and farming. In summer, our place is open to campers. Our names are: Bonnie and Sylvain. Calling 902-665-2084 is best because we are not online, thegreenlifefarm@gmail.com, every day. You are welcome to bring your pet. Be ready to use an outhouse! All visits include harvesting (even in winter), preparing and sharing a meal…and good discussions
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  1. Agree completely! I’ve been arguing this with people who put down the organizers and protesters…the mainstream media wants them to look like selfish uni students when they are actually protesting about much more than is being reported on!

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