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The Sleeper

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Transformers: Cyberverse ep 43
TheSleeper HotRodVsOptimus.jpg
"I'll do it over, no matter how many times it takes. If it's for you, I'll stay trapped in this endless maze forever!"
"The Sleeper"
Season 3
No. in season 7
Production company Allspark Animation
Airdate February 18, 2020 (UK)
March 29, 2020 (USA)
Writer Dan Salgarolo
Director Ehud Landsberg
Animation studio Boulder Media Studio
Yt icon rgb.png Watch this episode on YouTube

A frustrated Hot Rod attempts to free more of his comrades while Perceptor makes an epic discovery.



It is a beautiful, sunlit day on Cybertron, a perfect day for a parade. But the Autobots' enjoyment of the Parade of Metals is spoiled when Hot Rod starts attacking the marching band. Advancing on Optimus Prime, Hot Rod declares that this will be his last parade...

At Maccadam's, the mood is grim and not helped by Dead End's complaining. Hot Rod tells the Decepticon he is free to leave and get shoved right back in the Loop by the Quintessons. Dead End says he would rather be back at the parade than put up with the Autobot any second longer. Things nearly come to blows, until Maccadam intervenes, reminding the two of his "no fighting" rule. Perceptor tells Hot Rod he is wasting time, but Hot Rod responds he doesn't know what to do.

Perceptor tells him they need a leader, which Hot Rod takes to mean freeing Optimus. Ignoring Perceptor's attempts to clarify that wasn't what he meant, Hot Rod vows to free the Autobot leader, and takes off, telling Perceptor to stay in the bar where it's safe. His words inspire curiosity in the scientist, who wonders just why they are safe from the Quintessons. Reaching the Quintesson tower, Hot Rod plugs himself into the cortical psychic patch. Hot Rod's attempts to reach Optimus are stymied by his fellow Autobots, who unwittingly act out the same roles as usual, and the Loop resets on Hot Rod.

Back at Maccadam's, Perceptor tries to ask Maccadam why the Quintessons haven't been able to detect the ragtag resistance, not realizing the bartender is presently absent. Perceptor walks out of the bar's door and begins yelling to attract Quintesson attentions, much to Clobber and Dead End's alarm. A Quintesson approaches, but just as it gets close, Perceptor steps over the bar's threshold, and the alien stops dead. Despite their standing in plain sight, the creature can no longer see them and flies away, intriguing Perceptor.

Back in the Loop, Hot Rod vows to make it to Optimus Prime. Running past the Loop's events, he reaches Optimus and implores him to wake up, but Optimus is too deeply immersed in the simulation to respond, and the Loop resets once more.

Back at Maccadam's, Perceptor notes there is something about the building that is shielding them from the Quintesson, and wonders where the bar's owner has gotten to. At that, Clobber finally notices Hot Rod's absence and charges out of the door to find him. Finding something fascinating during his scan of the bar, Perceptor takes off, telling Dead End to follow. Hating himself for doing so, Dead End reluctantly complies.

In the Loop, Hot Rod tries to reach Optimus again, and again, and again. But every time, he has barely seconds to get Optimus's attention before the Loop inevitably resets. Meanwhile, Dead End follows Perceptor, the blinded scientist climbing one of the buildings surrounding Maccadam's.

Pushed to desperation, Hot Rod runs flat-out through the Loop to reach Optimus. In that desperation, he manages to unknowingly startle Whirl into transforming, freeing the helicopter-bot from the Quintessons' mind prison. However, Hot Rod's attempts at warning his fellow Autobots only earn him a punch in the face from Optimus, miffed about the parade being ruined and Hot Rod's constant attempts to tell him it is not real. For a moment, it looks like Optimus might break free. But... it is the perfect day for a parade. Before Hot Rod can try any further, he is dragged out of the simulation.

The Quintessons have found Hot Rod and pulled him out of the Loop. Fortunately, Clobber shows up to rescue her friend, punching the Quintessons away. Hot Rod laments how he couldn't free Optimus, or anyone. However, he is immediately proven wrong when a charging Quintesson is shot down by Whirl.

Elsewhere, Dead End catches up with Perceptor, asking just what the scientist is up to. Perceptor explains that Maccadam has been able to hide because the bar is just the smallest part of a much larger structure, one the size of a city. All this time, they have been hiding in a Titan.

Featured characters

Characters in italic text appear only in simulation sequences.
(Numbers indicate order of appearance.)

Autobots Decepticons Others



Continuity notes

  • At the beginning of the episode, Clobber's entertaining herself trying to balance a Cube cube.
  • When she rescues Hot Rod, Clobber notes he now owes her, after Hot Rod's running tally from "The Loop".

Transformers references

  • Dead End sarcastically calls Hot Rod "fearless leader", which something that a certain rodent did to his leader semi-frequently in Beast Wars.

Real-world references

  • TBA

Other trivia

  • Clobber calls Perceptor Percy, the first use of his fan given nickname in Transformers canon.

Animation and technical errors

  • TBA

Foreign localization


  • Title: "Der Schläfer"
  • Original airdate: October 24, 2020


  • Title: "O Dorminhoco" ("The Sleeper")
  • Original airdate: September 17, 2021

Home video releases

  • TBA
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