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Why are the crossformers listed as Pretenders?

They may belong on the pretender page- but surely they need a separate sub-sec. -Derik 19:06, 14 January 2007 (UTC)


So, why are IDW Thunderwing and Bludgeon's shells listed as "Pretenders" on this page?

At no point in-continuity are they referred to as "Pretender shells". A "bio-cybernetic grafting process", yes; "polydermic grafting", yes; "Symbiotic carapaces", yes; "Exo-shells", yes, "Pretenders" no. This on a wiki that speculates that Spider-Man gets all his powers from his suit because there's no spider-bite reference in a Marvel US TF comic.

Almost none of the opening - about half of one line, dismissed as "also can" - applies to the carapaces. They're not removable and can't act independently. They're explicitly not intended as disguise of any sort. They're survival suits permanently bonded to the original robot.

So, ummm... why? - 17:18, 8 July 2007 (UTC)

Becasue they're clearly intended to be IDWs reimagining of Pretenders and because Furman has SAID they're IDWs reimagining of Pretenders.-- 17:33, 8 July 2007 (UTC)
Yes, and Spider-Man is "clearly intended" to be the guy that got bit by a spider. But because it's never been mentioned ***in-continuity***, it's taken off the Spider-Man page. - 20:49, 8 July 2007 (UTC)
You're taking that WAY too seriously. The reson it's off the Spider-man page is because it's a joke. It's funny to pretend we don't know they're the same thing, because everyone knows who spiderman is and where the powers come from. Running gag. Pretending that these clearly aren't the IDW versions of Pretenders and that Furman has not said in interviews that they are is just dumb.-- 21:33, 8 July 2007 (UTC)
Go ahead and reword the IDW section to make it clear that a lot of the intro doesn't apply there, dude. That is sort of the point of a wiki. Fix it, don't just complain about it. --Steve-o 19:07, 8 July 2007 (UTC)
There comes an "everything you know is wrong" point where it should be spun out to a separate page - I don't think it should be on this page at all, since they're not called Pretenders and don't follow any of the "rules" which define Pretenders.
But if I did split it out, I'd be reverted. - 20:49, 8 July 2007 (UTC)
And rightfully so. Things vary between continuities, sometimes greatly (see Allspark) but these are clearly mean to be the IDW versions of Pretenders and belong here: Shells that boost power? Check. Pretender toy characters only get them? Check. In shell versions designed to look like TFing versions their old shells? Check. Creators say they're Pretenders? Check. Seperating them is needless and just wrong.
Why separate G1/Beast/Movie/UT/Animated Megatron into four articles then? Surely there should be one "Megatron" article on that basis... - 22:14, 19 July 2007 (UTC)
Man, you are really trying hard on this, and not doing a very good job of it. For one thing, those Megatrons are from different continuity families, making them completely different characters, each of which has an extremely long history to recount. You will notice that the G1 Megatron article DOES cover Megatron from the G1 cartoon, the G1 Marvel comic, the Dreamwave comic, and the IDW comic, but NOT from other continuity families. (Which is exactly the arrangement we have here, incidentally.) To claim that all Megatrons (from various families) are basically the same character and belong on the same page is frankly ridiculous. Even arguing that about the Prime's would be laughable, and the Primes are MUCH more similar to each other than the Megatrons are. You are correct that IDW Pretenders have many differences from other G1 Pretenders, but at the same time, there isn't all that much to say about any type of Pretender in comparison to what we can say about a typical character. Additionally, discussion of Pretenders IN GENERAL is greatly enhanced by including all of them in a single article to point out their similarities and differences. If they were split into multiple articles, this comparison would become both awkward and necessarily redundant across multiple pages. We have other articles about topics that span even multiple families, such as Vector Sigma, in cases where the discussion doesn't become overly-long and a reporting about each incarnation on a single page is seen as valuable. If Transformers Animated or whatever decides to introduce a version of Pretenders, I would probably prefer to see them discussed here, despite the family difference, unless it was completely untenable for all these same reasons. It enriches the discussion and the reader to show how things have changed from one incarnation to another. The differences between the old and new Pretenders are minimal, and the current article can easily accomodate both with relatively minor rewrites, as we have already said. Again, I urge you, since you obviously care about the distinction, to FIX THE ARTICLE YOURSELF rather than complain about it. --Steve-o 22:46, 19 July 2007 (UTC)

Twin Twist Concept

Is there any actual proof that the Twin Twist concept art is genuine? I can't remember the seller's handle, but he had a lot of stuff on eBay that he claimed were genuine articles, things like an incomplete G1 Scorponok with no trademark stamp, that he claimed were prototypes of some sort or promotional materials, but they all seemed to be easily faked and he was asking really high prices. Is there any official source to confirm the Twin Twist art?

Random Question

So in IDW, what's the difference between Kup's body being a Pretender shell built over his old one in AHM #15, and Shockwave building Megatron's new body over his core frame in RID #14? --Xaaron (talk) 12:51, 26 November 2014 (EST)

I think the thing with Kup was less a 'guy inside a shell' situation, and more that they were using the neurological aspect of Pretender technology to overcome compatibility issues. Rather than being wired up traditionally, Kup controlled his new body in the same way that a Pretender controlled their shell. Jalaguy (talk) 18:21, 26 November 2014 (EST)
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