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Sweep (ROTB)

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The name or term "Sweep" refers to more than one character or idea. For a list of other meanings, see Sweep (disambiguation).
Sweeps are Terrorcons from the Rise of the Beasts portion of the Movie continuity family.
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Sweeps are spine-chilling Terrorcons under Scourge's command that sniff out their prey and function as weapons for the Terrorcons. His two primary Sweeps are the insectoid-like Freezer and Novakane, who can be deployed from his body as necessary.



Rise of the Beasts film

After the destruction of the Maximal homeworld, a couple of Sweeps watched from afar as Unicron ordered Scourge to search the universe and find out where the Maximals hid the Transwarp Key.

When the Terrorcons arrived on Earth, Scourge deployed Freezer and Novakane to retrieve the key and kill the two humans aware of its existence, Elena Wallace and Noah Díaz. They pursued them through the museum, having the brute strength to smash through doors, but also moving stealthily with their ability to cling to walls. When one of them was about to get to Elena, Noah momentarily stopped him by hitting his head with a relic, and the humans managed to run out the exit, where a heated battle between the Autobots and the Terrorcons was taking place. Both Freezer and Novakane followed the humans outside, where they attacked and fought against Mirage until the battle was over.

Freezer was later dispatched alone in Peru, with the same mission of "Kill the humans, get the key". Crossing the rooftops and avoiding detection due to Mirage being distracted by 'groupies', he went underground into the buried city. Without the humans noticing, he snuck into the chamber with the empty coffin which had once contained the key, but before he could kill either of them, Noah saw him on the wall behind Elena. The pair ran for their lives, the Sweep giving relentless chase. After nearly killing them several times, Freezer himself was killed when Noah accidentally shot him with his Cybertronian gauntlet, not having realized it had any weapons to fight back with.

Hundreds of Sweeps of varying shapes and sizes were created at the Transwarp gateway, and engaged in battle with the combined Autobot and Maximal forces. Scourge dispatched Novakane to hunt Elena through the access tunnel, and he cornered her over a pool of lava before she impaled him in the head and sent him falling into the magma. While the larger Sweep forces were individually weak, they had sheer numbers and the later accompanying Predacon Scorponoks on their side, which were deployed by Unicron through the Transwarp portal along with a second wave of Sweeps, only being fully defeated when Optimus Prime blew up the gateway construct, and all the remaining Sweeps and Scorponoks were likewise incinerated or sucked into the collapsing portal. Rise of the Beasts

The Sweeps' involvement in the preceding events, or events mostly similar, were also chronicled in the books "Mission at the Museum" and "The Search Is On".


Studio Series



  • The Sweeps are named in reference to the minions of the original Scourge.
  • The initial reveal of Freezer's name, along with the Sweeps being *incredibly* difficult to tell apart, led to a small misconception that all generic Terrorcons were called Freezers instead. This was supported by a single character profile posted on social media,[1] but was contradicted by the "Mission at the Museum" book and the "Villains" behind-the-scenes featurette, which call them Sweeps. Beyond the Studio Series toy confirming Freezer as one of the Sweeps at the museum, a set of Chinese trading cards revealed him and Novakane to be the specific Sweeps that serve under Scourge, and the "The Search Is On" book namedrops Freezer as the one that hunts down the humans in the Peruvian cave and ultimately dies there, leaving Novakane to be the one seen in the final battle before perishing in the lava.
    • Said "Villains" featurette also labels the Sweep army growing out of the gateway as "Predacons" at one point, but it's more reasonable to assume it was a genuine mistake by the editors who couldn't tell the Sweeps apart from the actual Predacon Scorponoks.

Foreign names

  • Mandarin: Sǎodàng Duì (扫荡队, "Sweeping Team")


  1. "Helping him in his relentless pursuit, Scourge keeps a collection of six-legged Terrorcon Freezers — mechanical insectoids he can send out to sniff out his prey."—Transformers, Facebook, 2023/05/12
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