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NAVI (Gung Ho)

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This article is about the NAVI from Beast Wars Neo. For the type of computer AI, see NAVI.
NAVI is a Maximal computer from the Beast Wars Neo portion of the Generation 1 continuity family.

NAVI (ナビ Nabi) is the NAVI program in charge of Big Convoy's ship, the Gung Ho. As with other NAVI units, she gets around by using a small hovering body with an LED screen. Her personality is sweet and gentle, though she has little patience for zany antics.



Japanese Generation 1 cartoon continuity

Legends comic

NAVI accompanied Big Convoy in his training with Survive. Bonus Edition EX Blue Big Convoy

Beast Wars Neo cartoon

Voice actor: Kaori Tagami (Japanese), Yeong-seon Eun (Korean)

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Big Convoy, Move Out Chase the Mysterious Capsule Burning Heart Below Freezing Hang in There, Stampy Mirage of the Sand Dinosaur Combiner Magmatron Duel in the Labyrinth The Black Hole Crisis Sub-Commander Longrack Waa! They Got Eaten Planet of Time Lonely Hydra Break Is a Predacon? Ship's Log Mach Kick Voluntarily Enlists!? Planet of the Ultimate Weapon Troubled DNAVI Attack! Randy Bump the Physicist Hardhead Is Hardheaded Personal Combat in the Deep Sea!! The Stolen Gung Ho Survive the Hot-Blooded Instructor Mysterious Beast Warriors!? The Stolen Capsules Pursue the Blentrons! Angry Magmatron Illusion? Lio Convoy Unicron Revived!? Unicron's Ambition Fight! Maximals End of the Maximals!? The Final Battle Graduation Ceremony!!

Beast Wars Neo comic

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The 5 Rookies There Are 7 Capsules 100000000000000000 Grains of Sandron!!Mortal Combat! Twenty Thousand Meters in the Sky A Battle Fought Alone

After Big Convoy and Break escaped from Graviton Prison with an Angolmois Capsule in tow, NAVI brought the Gung Ho around to pick them up, preventing the Maximals from being sucked into the black hole the prison orbited. The Great Escape! Graviton Prison!

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Return to Zero

After their adventures under Big Convoy came to an end, Break and NAVI were charged with instructing new recruits. However, Break did nothing but loaf around, which constantly got on NAVI's nerves. What Became of the Five....



  • Big Convoy (Matrix Buster Ver.) (February 28, 2020)
    • Accessories: "Big Cannon", 2 missiles, 2 "Mammoth Haken" missiles, "Energon Matrix", "Matrix Buster", "NAVI" figure, 2 leg attachments
A small figurine of NAVI is one of the new accessories included with Encore Matrix Buster Big Convoy.
This figure was also released in Australia as a EB Games/Zing exclusive.


Foreign names

  • Korean: NAVI (나비 Nabi)
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