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The name or term "Shuttler" refers to more than one character or idea. For a list of other meanings, see Shuttler (disambiguation).
Movor is a Decepticon Commando originally from the Robots in Disguise continuity family.
"Curse those pesky power-brats!"

One would think that Movor's ability to achieve orbit under his own power and rain fire from above would make him a valuable soldier. In theory, yes, but in practice, his aim leaves something to be desired. He's just as likely to hit one of his teammates as he is his intended target. Or an unoffensive rock or tree, for that matter. His combat prowess only slightly improves in an atmosphere at closer range.

While he might be quiet on the ground, letting Scourge and Mega-Octane do the talking, up in space this somewhat sarcastic, complaining whiner runs an endless commentary to himself, criticizing the tactics of both enemy and ally alike, all the while making pop culture references to keep himself amused in the void.

He prefers baths in lukewarm water and likes heavy metal music.



Cartoon continuity

2001 Robots in Disguise cartoon

Voice actor: Robert Axelrod (English), Hidenori Konda (Japanese), Mikhail Tihonov (Russian), Víctor Delgado (Latin-American Spanish), Stefano Mondini (Italian)
Get them! Uh, I mean, seize them!

Movor was originally one of a group of Autobots led by Scourge, who travelled to Earth in a protoform state. Their ship crashed, and years later was dug up by a group of Predacons under Megatron's leadership. Taken to McKinley Army Base, the Predacons scanned army vehicles as Megatron infused them with his spark energy. While attempting to choose a vehicle mode for the protoform to scan, Sky-Byte tripped and set off the scanner. The beam nearly hit an eagle (which would have made him a Predacon), but instead, it hit a low flying space shuttle. Though the newly born-Decepticons were ready to fight, Megatron ordered them to retreat so they could re-power. The Decepticons The new troops' first mission was to disrupt the humans by attacking Sherman Dam. They planted pulsar bombs on the dam, however when Sky-Byte took control of the bombs, preventing them from firing, the ground-based Commandos blasted a hole in the dam and ended up grappling with the freed Autobot Brothers. Ro-Tor and Movor attempted to provide air support, but were attacked by the newly arrived Team Bullet Train. When the trains formed Rail Racer, the Commandos responded by forming Ruination, however the combined power of the Autobots was too much for them and they were forced to retreat. Commandos

Hey, I think my tailfin perspective is screwed.

The Commandos unsuccessfully fought against the Spychangers on Montrose Island Volcano after which the Decepticons came up with a new plan—take a space shuttle hostage and replace it with Movor. Once in orbit, Movor attempted to track numerous Autobots (including Tow-Line, Prowl, and X-Brawn) with the intention of finding the Autobots' hidden base, but ultimately, he found himself wasting time watching them go about their everyday activities. Once he set his sights on Side Burn, who was in the process of chasing Kelly's red convertible (yet again), Movor began leading the other Decepticons to numerous erroneous locations, which were all destroyed.

The Autobots caught wise to the scheme, and lured Side Burn—and by extension, the Decepticons—to Pier 7B. The other Decepticons were led into an ambush while Movor remained high in orbit. When the shuttle attempted to help his comrades, he inadvertently shot Scourge (twice!) while trying to take out Optimus Prime, making the whole plan a bust. Once it was over, Movor was knocked out of orbit by a satellite. Attack from Outer Space

The next cunning plan was to try to make the Autobots think that the Decepticons were defecting. The Autobot Brothers tested them by forcing them to do various menial tasks, which they threw themselves into in an attempt to lull the Autobots into a false sense of security. Movor had misgivings, expecting Scourge's temper to be their undoing. Sure enough, Scourge ended up giving the plan away at the last minute, and Optimus Prime fought them to a retreat. The Test The Decepticons later interrupted one of Sky-Byte's plans, and obtained a disk which appeared to be a map to the Global Space Bridge system. Unfortunately when they used it, it turned out to be a map of the local sewer system, and the Decepticons found themselves on the business end of Optimus's blizzard storm. Wedge's Short Fuse

When the Decepticons located the control center to the Global Space Bridge and sabotaged it so that the Autobots would be sent to random locations, Movor joined in causing havoc in Metro City. The Build Team soon realised what had happened, defeated the Commandos and repaired the space bridge. Landfill Later the Decepticons attempted to intercept Optimus Prime, who they believed was taking the O-Parts to Sky-Byte, however even combining into Ruination didn't help them and the Autobot leader soon defeated them. Sky-Byte Saves the Day

TestOfMetal Movor landing.jpg

After their raid on the East Power Station was foiled by the Build Team, the Commandos resolved to get their revenge on the Autobots. To this end, they started attacking construction sites in an attempt to goad the Build Team into fighting them. Eventually they succeeded in drawing the Build Team out and were able to dominate them in combat, at least until Landfill led Ruination into an oil-filled cavern and ignited it, blasting the Commandos into the ocean. A Test of Metal

Why are our heads so small?

A later raid on an oil refinery went better—while the Autobot Brothers did turn up, they were prevented from stopping the Decepticons by the arrival of Ultra Magnus. Still, the Decepticons only got a portion of the fuel and, at Megatron's orders, set up a trap for the Autobot Brothers. Instead they got Ultra Magnus, whose fighting skills outclassed theirs. Even forming Ruination didn't help, and the Decepticons were forced into a retreat with the arrival of Optimus Prime. Ultra Magnus Movor quickly went back into orbit in order to do some more spying. He was able to observe Optimus Prime and Ultra Magnus fighting and, when Optimus subsequently lost, Movor was able to track Sky-Byte, who had found the hiding place Optimus had chosen to recuperate in. He returned from orbit to join the other Decepticons, as they launched an attack on the Autobot leader in order to finish the job. Despite the Commandos forming Ruination, they were no match for Omega Prime, the combined form of Optimus and Ultra Magnus, and retreated hastily. Ultra Magnus: Forced Fusion!

PowerToBurn Movor RoTor airattack.jpg

Some time later, the Decepticons were able to take the Autobot Brothers captive, allowing the Decepticons and Megatron to inflict some punishment on Optimus and Rail Racer, who were unable to fight back. Unfortunately Ultra Magnus rescued the three brothers, and Megatron's forces were soon in retreat once again. The Two Faces of Ultra Magnus Movor joined Scourge, Sky-Byte, Megatron, and the rest of the Commandos in watching archival footage of Ultra Magnus in order to get a better understanding of their newly arrived enemy. Mystery of the Ultra Magnus Scourge attempted to get Ultra Magnus to join him in destroying Optimus, but Magnus turned him down, resulting in the Decepticons springing a trap on the Autobot. Though Side Burn and Prowl attempted to help Magnus, the renegade Autobot promptly left them to it, and they were little match for Ruination. Of course, the arrival of Optimus and return of Magnus turned things pretty firmly back in the Autobots' favour, and the Decepticons retreated once again. Power to Burn!

More information was gleaned from the captured Doctor Onishi's mind—there were strange ruins beneath Metro City which emanated powerful energy. The Decepticons set out to find the ruins and promptly ran into the Spychangers. While Armorhide and Rollbar were left to take care of them, the rest of the Decepticons went on and ran into Railspike and Rapid Run in a subway tunnel. Movor and Ro-Tor stayed to keep them pinned down while Scourge and Mega-Octane continued on, however Ultra Magnus turned up and accidentally flooded the tunnel. Movor and Ro-Tor found themselves being washed away along with Team Bullet Train, eventually being flushed into the cavern containing the ruins where they were reunited with the other Decepticons. They combined into Ruination to fight the Autobots while Scourge headed for the ruins, unleashing Fortress Maximus. Fortress Maximus Chased off by Maximus's defense systems, the Commandos formed Ruination to keep Rail Racer busy while Scourge attempted to access Maximus again. Koji Gets His Wish

FriendlyContest Movor stockattack.jpg

With the hunt for the O-Parts on, the Decepticons confronted the Autobot Brothers and Build Team, who had found an O-Part, and demanded they hand it over. The Autobots promptly disappeared through the Global Space Bridge, starting a game of cat and mouse. The Decepticons eventually cornered them in Egypt, however Sky-Byte's bungling made recovering the O-Parts impossible. A Friendly Contest Spying from space, Movor spotted the Autobots in the Sahara Desert, and Megatron and the Decepticons arrived in time to attack Side Burn. Venturing into the subterranean ruins, they found the Autobots had located the Orb of Sigma, and the Decepticons fought them while Megatron went for the Orb. Ultimately they were unsuccessful and, with the loss of Megatron, the Decepticons retreated back to the Megastar. Peril from the Past

Without Megatron's leadership, the Decepticons had a lot more freedom to do what they wanted. They tracked the Autobots to an old temple, where they were able to snatch Cerebros, the key to controlling Fortress Maximus, away with the help of the Predacons. Maximus himself was soon located and, despite the Autobots attempting to defend the giant, Scourge was able to use Cerebros to activate him. The Commandos combined into Ruination during the following battle, however Scourge's lack of ability to control Maximus and the return of Megatron as Galvatron resulted in the Decepticons retreating. Maximus Emerges

So how many pictures of me shooting at things off-screen can we fit on this page?

A second attempt in the desert to control Maximus, with Ruination providing backup, didn't go any better The Human Element and during a third attempt, Scourge's treachery was revealed to Galvatron. Mistaken Identity This resulted in Galvatron forcibly reprogramming all of the Decepticons to obey his will, and putting them under the command of Sky-Byte for an assault on Autobot headquarters. Pursuing the fleeing Optimus Prime, the Decepticons and Predacons were led into a trap, though the arrival of the Megastar and Fortress Maximus rendered them superfluous anyway. They watched as Maximus defeated the Megastar, and Galvatron fell to the ground. Surprise Attack! Galvatron was not out, however, and the Decepticons defended him while he drained energy from Fortress Maximus. He sent Ruination and Scourge into the Global Space Bridge after the retreating Autobots, before himself flooding the tunnel with lava by rupturing the tunnel wall. Galvatron's Revenge They survived the lava, only to be swiftly defeated by the Autobot forces. After Galvatron's defeat, they were shipped off to the asteroid prison colony with Galvatron and the Predacons. The Final Battle

Unite Warriors/Legends

The events of the Robots in Disguise cartoon occur in Japanese continuity as noted above, except that they take place in the world of the original Generation 1 cartoon where the Transformer cast are time travelers from the Beast Era to Tokyo in the year 2000.

Following their capture, Movor and the other combining Combatrons were brought to a future Cybertron and sentenced to be reverted into protoforms to cleanse them of their evil programming and, to their horror, identities. They were brought to safety by the Unicron of 2021, who transported them into the past and granted them new bodies in exchange for helping him attach his disembodied head to the planet's surface. During the battle with the local Autobot forces, Movor gleefully blasted the enemy forces from above with his Pulse Laser, then covered the landbound Combatrons as they connected Unicron to the planet. However, the Combatrons learned that the dark god had no intention of letting them go free, but rather planned to change this past and undo the future they hailed from! In order to avoid being erased from existence, the team combined into Ruination and turned on Unicron. Ruination Chapter, Part One After Unicron was defeated thanks to the efforts of Ruination and other combiners, the Combatrons returned to the future with Scourge and Sky-Byte, seeking to rescue Gigatron. Ruination Chapter, Part Two

Stopping by Earth, the group occupied a bathhouse to discuss their strategy while enjoying a bath. Movor, Ro-Tor and Sky-Byte were embarrassed to find Kelly peeking at them. Strategy Meeting in an Earth Bath?!

They recovered the starship they'd once arrived on Earth with and used it to attack Neo Brave Maximus where Gigatron was being held. To the Combatrons' shock, however, Gigatron had turned to the side of good and drained Scourge of his evil essence. LGEX Scourge Prologue

Movor and the Combatrons fled to the Legends World. The militant and determined Scourge, now dedicated to the Autobot cause, pursued the Combatrons. One by one, the Combatrons were captured and forcibly reformatted like Scourge to serve the Dimensional Patrol. Dark Ai escaped their dragnet, prompting Scourge and the Dimensional Patrol to insist on staying in the Legends World indefinitely, to the chagrin of its inhabitants. The Axalon Trading Company helped Dark Ai restore Scourge based on a copy of his original personality in order to get rid of the occupying armed forces. When Scourge was restored, he went on to restore Movor and the others as well. Bonus Edition Vol. EX

Scourge and the other Combatrons continued traveling together with Dark Ai, seeking their own destiny. Epiloge

Universe comic

The Movor of Viron 704.31 Epsilon came under the command of Megazarak after the death of Megatron. However, the Commandos, Constructicons, and Megabolt were abducted by Unicron for the Universe War. Ask Vector Prime, 2015/07/30

As part of Ruination, Movor and the Decepticons were sent by Unicron along with Reptilion, Sunstorm, and Perceptor to intercept some extra-dimensionals Unicron wanted for the Cauldron. Ruination's group was successfully fought off by the Children of Primus. Voice Actor Drama

Ask Vector Prime

Bio Ranger Iga selected a Viron Ruination from Greengard to be one of his Thirteen Great Demon Generals. Presumably Movor was part of this Ruination. Ask Vector Prime, 2015/06/27

Beast Wars: Uprising

Derailment Operation Amputation.jpg

Movor, along with his fellow Commandos Ro-Tor, Jeepers, and Dangar, volunteered to become a devastating Resistance weapon, one so terrible that it might never be used. They were rebuilt into K-Bombs, living weapons capable of obliterating cities or even planets. They were a weapon so terrifying that only Lio Convoy himself had the activation codes. Fortunately, though the Grand Uprising was a huge, world-spanning conflict, Lio Convoy managed to fight the war without ever having to use these weapons.

Hahahaha. Just kidding. When the Vehicon Apocalypse threatened Cybertron, Movor and Jeepers were packed into the Dreadrock and fired off to Damaxus and Protihex, Resistance-held cities that had been overrun by Vehicons. Dangar was shot off towards Carpessa and Ro-Tor was held in reserve. Movor had some moral qualms about being used to blow up a friendly city and was about to refuse the order when an Aero Drone attack forced him to look at Vehicon handiwork with his own eyes. He voluntarily deployed, sacrificing himself. Unfortunately for Cybertron, the attack had knocked the Dreadrock off course, and Protihex was only partially destroyed, allowing the Vehicon infestation to spread. Derailment

Velocitron Speedia 500

Movor was one of many spectators for the Speedia 500 race on Velocitron. Velocitron Speedia 500 Part 2


Transformers Roleplaying Game

Movor was a member of the Commandos. Decepticon Directive


Robots in Disguise (2001)

(Takara version pictured)
(Hasbro version pictured)
  • Shuttler (2000)
  • Movor (Basic Class, 2001)
  • Takara ID number: D-008
  • Takara release date: July ??, 2000
  • Accessories: Left & right cannons, pistol
A redeco of the "Generation 1" Blast Off toy, Robots in Disguise Movor transforms into a Space Shuttle. He has a pair of large non-firing cannons that clip onto the back of his shuttle mode or on the pegs under his wings. As the toy uses the "Scramble City" style of connection, he can form any limb to any combination of similar robots, though naturally he normally forms a limb to the combined robot Ruination; as the right arm in the more-common "Flight Mission" mode, or the left leg for "Land Mission" mode.
He was first released in the fifth assortment of Takara's Car Robots line in 2000 as "Shuttler".
In 2001, Hasbro released the toy in the third wave of Robots in Disguise "Basic" toys, and while he did get a few deco changes, he has the least number of changes from his Japanese counterpart out of the whole team. The most immediately noticeable being that the Hasbro version uses Decepticon sigils instead of the old "Anti-Cybertron" badges. The Hasbro version also uses silver paint for the windshield rather than Takara's metallic purple and has a more extensive "re-entry burn" paint-wash on his white parts.
The Transformers combiner team mold: Combaticons

Version 1 (Bruticus):

  • HasbroThe Transformers Bruticus (In)
  • TakaraFight! Super Robot Lifeform Transformers
    D-69 Bruticus (GS & In)
  • TF-10 Battle Gaia (GS)

Version 2 (Baldigus):

  • Takara/TakaraTomyCar Robots D-011 Baldigus (GS & In)
  • SonokongCar Bot D-011 Baldigus (GS)
GS = Gift set release
In = Individually released

Onslaught (leader)

Version 1 (Onslaught):

Version 2 (Dolrailer):

Blast Off

Version 1 (Blast Off):

Version 2 (Shuttler):


Version 1 (Brawl):

Version 2 (Dangar):

  • SonokongCar Bot D-011 Dangar


Version 1 (Swindle):

Version 2 (Greejeeber):


Version 1 (Vortex):

Version 2 (Hepter):

  • SonokongCar Bot D-011 Hepter

Daishirou Shibukawa

RID-toy Baldigus-Boxed.jpg
  • Baldigus (Multi-pack, 2000)
  • ID number: D-011
  • Release date: July ??, 2000
  • Accessories: Left & right cannons, pistol
In Japan, Movor/Shuttler was also made available as part of a complete team multi-pack with his teammates Dangar, Dolrailer, Greejeeber, and Hepter. All toys were identical to their individual Japanese releases, but the set only came with a bio card for the combined form.
Sonokong also released this gift set in Korean markets with no differences other than the packaging.

  • Ruination (Ultra Class multi-pack, 2003)
  • Takara release date: September 26, 2003
  • Accessories: Left & right cannons, pistol
The entire Commando team was redecoed in various shades of gray with "urban camo" patterns as part of a Wal-Mart-exclusive gift set, oddly released well after the end of the Robots in Disguise line. Movor was also slightly retooled, blunting his nosecone significantly for safety reasons.
This set was made available in Japan as a "USA Edition" release, available only to retailers participating in Toy's Dream Project's "Toy Card" program and features the original un-blunted nose. This release uses the same packaging as the Hasbro version, only with some added stickers for "USA Edition" branding and other legal information.

Universe (2003)

TFU03-toy Movor.jpg
  • Ruination (Ultra Class multi-pack, 2004)
  • Accessories: Left & right cannons, pistol
The entire Ruination team was redecoed again to make another Wal-Mart-exclusive set, this time with a unified "desert camo" theme, under the Universe banner. It came out at the same time as five other Wal-Mart Transformers exclusives, which led to a glut. Ruination seemed a particularly slow mover in this batch.
The Transformers combiner team mold: Combaticons

Version 1 (Bruticus):

  • HasbroThe Transformers Bruticus (In)
  • TakaraFight! Super Robot Lifeform Transformers
    D-69 Bruticus (GS & In)
  • TF-10 Battle Gaia (GS)

Version 2 (Baldigus):

  • Takara/TakaraTomyCar Robots D-011 Baldigus (GS & In)
  • SonokongCar Bot D-011 Baldigus (GS)
GS = Gift set release
In = Individually released

Onslaught (leader)

Version 1 (Onslaught):

Version 2 (Dolrailer):

Blast Off

Version 1 (Blast Off):

Version 2 (Shuttler):


Version 1 (Brawl):

Version 2 (Dangar):

  • SonokongCar Bot D-011 Dangar


Version 1 (Swindle):

Version 2 (Greejeeber):


Version 1 (Vortex):

Version 2 (Hepter):

  • SonokongCar Bot D-011 Hepter

Daishirou Shibukawa

Unite Warriors

Thank Primus I don't have a beer gut.
  • Baldigus (Giftset, 2017)
  • ID number: UW-EX
  • Release date: March 31, 2017
  • Accessories: Pistol, rifle
Unite Warriors Shuttler is a redeco, retooling and re-assembly(!) of Unite Warriors Blast Off, transforming into a not-quite-a-Space-Shuttle. He comes with both the mold's original pistol weapon and a redeco of Unite Warriors Scrapper's rifle. His arms have been switched around from Blast Off's assembly in order to have the shuttle's nosecone on the robot mode's back and better replicate Shuttler's toy-based animation model. He was also slightly retooled to make his head less susceptible to popping off when transforming or just generally handling him. Shuttler's tooling was used for Hasbro's Combiner Wars version of Blast Off, rather than using Takara's version of Blast Off.
As a Combiner Wars Deluxe-sized figure mold, he can combine with any compatible Voyager Class torso to form a super-robot limb, though once again he is meant to combine with his box-set-mates Dangar, Dolrailer, Greejeeber, and Hepter to form Baldigus. Shuttler's weapons are both incorporated into Baldigus's two handheld multi-guns.
This set was the sixth TakaraTomy Mall exclusive set in the line, and the final Unite Warriors release period. It was also the fourth toy to have the "UW-EX" ID "number", shared with Grand Scourge, Lynxmaster, and Megatronia.


Somewhere, there's a universe where the beam hit the bird.
  • According to Aaron Archer at BotCon 2002, Movor's name is simply indicative of the fact he... moves. Move-or. Yes, really. Shut up.
  • The episode "Attack from Outer Space", which featured Movor's bumbled attempts at orbital bombardment, was not aired on Fox Kids, due to post-September 11 sensitivity.
  • In "The Decepticons", when it appears Movor's protoform beam is about to hit a bird, a short sequence in which Sky-Byte imagines what a Predacon bird would look like (pictured) is edited out of the Robots in Disguise version. (The reason for this edit is unclear, since it's doubtful that it was a post-9/11 edit due to the fact it does not entail buildings getting damaged or destroyed.) The wings of the "Predacon bird" slightly resemble Megatron's own bat-wings. Considering the small number of Predacons introduced in the show, this is the first and only glimpse of another Predacon character (albeit one who doesn't actually exist).
  • The Beast Wars: Uprising incarnation of Movor's K-Bomb body is a "virtual redeco" of the Combiner Wars Shockwave mold.

Foreign names

  • Japanese: Shuttler (シャトラー Shatorā), Movor (ムーバー Mūbā)
  • Korean: Shuttler (셔틀러 Syeoteulleo)
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