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Joe (G1)

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The name or term "Joe" refers to more than one character or idea. For a list of other meanings, see Joe (disambiguation).
Joe is an Autobot Micromaster from the Generation 1 continuity family.
Yooooooooooo ME!

Joe (ジョー ) is a friendly, sociable type who is always willing to offer a fellow Autobot his counsel and ease their worries. This dovetails well with his job as the information analyst of the Liner Team. He uses his remote probe Gripper to gather data from afar, carefully analyze it and help the team formulate plans. Joe can also manipulate radio waves, which presumably aids him in his information gathering.




Joe was one of many Cyberdroids who evolved into Micromasters thanks to a mysterious energy wave. Finding themselves on Earth, they blended into human society and fought against those Micromasters who had evolved into Decepticons. A New Transformer Legend Begins!!

Joe and Sireen developed a vaccine program to counter the mind changer virus, a Decepticon weapon that had turned the rest of the Turbo Team into Decepticons. Enter the Urban Disaster Relief Specialists!! He also assisted Converter with scans that revealed a special stratum below a dormant volcano. Sixtrain! Activate Red Mode!! After the creation of the Metrobase at the volcano, Joe, Converter and Crush-Bull uncovered a mysterious life-pod in the middle of a pitched battle that released a pulse of tachyon energy, knocking all of the Micromasters temporarily offline. The Menace of Landcross's Combining Formation!

The Battlestars manga and story pages

Years later, Joe and the rest of the Liner Team were recruited by Sky Garry into the ranks of the Battlestars. Great Six Combination Warrior Sixliner!

None of the Liner Team ever actually show up as individuals, only as components of the combined robot Sixtrain.

Operation Combination

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What's needed: Operation Combination story pages
None of the Liner Team ever actually show up as individuals, only as components of the combined robot Sixtrain.

Train Wars

"On your left."

Just as Cybertron seemed lost to the interdimensional incursion of the Fallen, Shouki and the ragtag band of Transformers left to defend Cybertron were greeted by D-Go along with Desire and his old comrade Suiken. The other Trainbots had arrived astride Metroplex, bringing with them the Liner Team and the Train Team! With that, on Windy's count all three teams of train 'bots combined into the Trainbot Omni-Car Joint to chain the Fallen, giving Shouki and company time to vanquish the cosmic evil by funneling Metroplex's power through Shouki's new "Raiden" cannon mode. Train Wars 2


Fight! Super Robot Lifeform Transformers

"Flip out rear to form legs, pull arms from sides." Yup, just your average Joe.
  • Sixliner (Micromaster Sixteam, 1991)
  • ID number: C-370
Released in the Return of Convoy part of the original Takara Fight! Super Robot Lifeform Transformers toyline, Joe transforms into a 651 series train. His rear socket-hitch allows him to connect end-to-end with any fellow train or combiner kibble weapon with a peg-hitch.
He can also form either leg to the two train-team combiners (or the back of any Six-team combiner), but his nominal placement is as the right leg of Sixliner.
He was only available in the complete Sixliner box set, along with this fellow Micromasters Alan, D-Go, Leaf, Night, and Spark.
Joe is unique among the Sixliner bots in that he is is a truly unique mold: the later Sixtrain set does not have a Joe redeco/retool in any way, instead having the also-unique Windy.


He's not "on-rails", he's a first-person guided transformation experience.
  • Joe (Micromaster, 2002)
  • ID number: 5
  • Accessories: Right & left Sixliner fists
Part of the first The Transformers: Micromaster assortment, Joe and his teammates were re-released in Japan in 2002, this time sold in identical individual boxes, identifiable only by the number on their instruction sheets visible through a small hole in the box.
Like the rest of the Micromaster figures, Joe's deco has been altered with the removal of all sticker detailing, with a modified deco using paint. Joe loses his silver shins and tech-detailing on the very front of his train mode, but gains a silver chest, extra window paint, dark-gray paint on his train wheels, and an Autobot symbol on the right side of his train mode (where it is plainly visible in his normal Sixliner configuation).


  • Joe, like all of the six-team Micromasters, had no individual bio information whatsoever until his Micromaster release a decade after his original Return of Convoy release.
  • Though his Micromaster bio specifically assigns him the Gripper probe, the original Return of Convoy Sixliner instruction booklet shows Alan towing it.
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