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Kimia Facility

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AHM15 Kimia.jpg

Located far from the battle lines of the Cybertronian civil war, the Kimia Facility aids the Autobot war effort with cutting-edge scientific research and weapons development. While much of their work is entirely in the realm of the theoretical, they regardless manage to develop mature technologies at a sufficient rate to keep the Autobot forces well-equipped. Often their creations are field-tested by the Wreckers commando team.

Rooms onboard Kimia include Room 113 and the Exit Rooms.

In addition to being a place for inventing weapons, the Kimia Facility itself is a weapon—if needed, the entire station can be transformed into an enormous particle cannon.

The staff includes:



2005 IDW continuity

Jetfire and the Technobots relayed their findings regarding the Pretender technology Bludgeon had been attempting to utilize, and in a collaborative research effort the scientists of the facility were able to create a stable version of it. The process proved critical to safely entering the Dead Universe without being trapped there as other Cybertronians had. Spotlight: Doubledealer

Later on, Brainstorm worked with Perceptor at the facility to further adapt the cerebro-interface used in the Pretender process. This breakthrough resolved the technological incompatibility Kup experienced with modern upgrades, and allowed the facility to construct a new body for the old veteran. Everything in Its Right Place

Ironfist spent most of his "military career" in his workshop on Kimia, creating various weapons including glass gas, cerebro-sensitive bullets, and even Optimus Prime's personal rifle. Last Stand of the Wreckers #4

An Ethics Committee oversaw Kimia's weapons, and included Xaaron, Trailbreaker (briefly), and Animus. They approved of new weapons or banned them under the Non-Conventional Weapons Act, the latter making the weapon's use a war crime under the Tyrest Accord. Such weapons banned included cerebro-sensitive bullets Bullets and the ban was very respected by the Wreckers! Last Stand of the Wreckers #2

Lamentations KimiaMassacre.jpg

Following Ironfist's death as part of the Wreckers, he was honored with a statue within Kimia Facility. Zero Point Xaaron, who found Kimia dull, later left the facility with Perceptor to rendezvous with Optimus Prime and his unit. As Skyfall's recent suicide Bullets had left Kimia with a spare workshop, he offered Wheeljack a chance to work there. Chaos Theory Part 1 It turned out he had chosen the right time to leave, as Cyclonus and an army of Sweeps attacked Kimia while he was gone, murdering many of the Autobots on board the station before bringing it into orbit above Cybertron on orders from Galvatron. Galvatron promptly ordered the Sweeps to transform it into its weapon form and fire at Cybertron's surface. Chaos Part One: Lamentations

ChaosPartOne Kimia cannon.jpg

Though they didn't know what Galvatron had to gain from burrowing into the planet with a laser, Optimus Prime and his Autobots decided to put a stop to it. Silverbolt led the Autobot fliers in an attack on Kimia and Trailbreaker attempted to block its blasts with a force field, but when nothing seemed to work, Rodimus prepared to ram the station using Omega Supreme's rocket mode. Little did anyone know Lightspeed and Afterburner had survived the Sweep attack and were still on board, where they managed to place explosives on the cannon's power couplings and destroy Kimia Facility from the inside before Galvatron could reach his goal. Numbers

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With Galvatron's defeat, Cybertron was "reset" to a primordial state, wiping out all traces of the Cybertronian civilization. The only Transformer-made structure remaining on the planet was the wreckage of the Kimia Facility, crashed where Iacon once lay, which was used as the headquarters for Autobot High Command. The defeated Decepticons were imprisoned in the barrel of its particle cannon. The Death of Optimus Prime Parts of Kimia survived its destruction intact, including Ironfist/Skyfall's laboratory which was indeed taken over by Wheeljack. The sturdy cannon barrel was briefly used to shield the NAIL population from mysterious explosions occurring in the area. Stick Together Wheeljack later came up with a theory that some forgotten device within Kimia could be responsible for shielding the Autobots from the mind-warping interference that covered the rest of Cybertron. Dinobot Hunt

After the Decepticons were granted increased freedom, all of them moved out of Kimia's barrel except Shockwave, Soundwave, and their loyalists. When Prowl had them captured, he also had Arcee collapse the barrel from the inside in order to cover up their disappearance. The End of the Beginning of the World The main complex used as the Autobot headquarters was destroyed by Devastator when Megatron made his move to conquer Iacon. Before the Dawn


Foreign names

  • Japanese: Kimia Facility (キミア機関 Kimia Kikan)
  • Swedish: Rymdstation Kimia ("Space Station Kimia")
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