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Geosynchronous Energon Bridge

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WFC Energon Bridge.jpg

Part of the larger Crystal City research facility, the Geosynchronous Energon Bridge is a means of beaming energon to orbital installations such as the moonbases, Trypticon Station, and the space bridge network that made Cybertronian colonization of other worlds possible. Its structure resembles a large lens, though in the center is an aperture that allows it to interact with the Plasma Energy Chamber.



Aligned novels

Its existence revealed to Megatron by Starscream, the Seeker was tasked with activating the structure to fill Trypticon Station's energon reserves. When the flow of energon proved to be insufficient, Megatron discovered the lens' secondary function, and upon procuring the Plasma Energy Chamber he used both devices to spread the taint of Dark Energon nearly to the core of Cybertron itself. The Geosynchronous Energon Bridge ultimately stopped functioning when Optimus Prime journeyed to the core itself, and removed the corruption which endangered the planet. Exodus


Transformers: War for Cybertron (Xbox 360/PS3/PC)

In the distant past, the Energon Bridge was located in the depths of Cybertron itself where it beamed its powerful contents to an orbital space station. However, the discovery on the true destructive potential of Dark Energon meant that the Bridge was shut down and all samples of the substance were contained in the space station where it was overseen by the former Sky Commander Starscream. After Megatron conquered the station and infused himself and his minions with Dark Energon, Starscream revealed that the station's supply was almost depleted. Pledging himself to the Decepticon cause, Starscream, Thundercracker and Skywarp were dispatched to Cybertron to reactivate the Energon Bridge. They blasted their way into the maze of underground tunnels, eliminated the Autobot resistance, and succeeded in bringing the Energon Bridge back online. Transformers: War for Cybertron

Transformers: War for Cybertron (DS)

WFCDS energon bridge.jpg

The Ancients used a Geosynchronous space bridge, hidden deep in Cybertron's core, to channel power to Trypticon station. When the station and its Dark Energon laboratory were shut down, so too was the space bridge. The information was stored in encrypted data files, which Starscream managed to decode and promised Megatron he would be able to find and reignite the connection. The Decepticons managed to reactivate the link, but Silverbolt activated energon suppressors to halt the flow of power. Once the Decepticons had destroyed these suppressors, the space bridge link was re-established and power started flowing through it to Trypticon station... but the Autobots severed the Energon Bridge's connection to Cybertron's core and encrypted the locks with the Omega Key. The Decepticons defeated Omega Supreme and were able to restore the link and infuse Cybertron's core with Dark Energon.

During the evacuation of Cybertron, the Autobots used the Energon Bridge to reach Trypticon station so they could mount an assault. War for Cybertron - Autobots/Decepticons

Transformers: Cybertron Adventures

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Transformers: Cybertron Adventures


  • Since "Geo" means "Earth", technically the name doesn't make sense...
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