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Cyber Missions 8

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Transformers: Cyber Missions #8
CM8 Ironhide Bee and plant.jpg
Botanica sure is small in this continuity.
Production company TG Studios
Written by Scott Beatty
Animation studio TG Studios, ArtDuck Studios, & Meanlow Studio
Executive producer Aaron Archer, Erin Hillman, & Michael Verrecchia
Yt icon rgb.png Watch this episode on YouTube

Ironhide takes Bumblebee to train in the Arctic.



Bumblebee watches a recorded message from Optimus Prime telling him it's important to always be on his guard. So engrossed is Bumblebee in the message, that he lets Ironhide knock him in the head. Ironhide says the Decepticons pick on Bumblebee because he's small and appears to be an easy target. Bumblebee tries to assert himself, and ends up knocked on his can. He barely has time to get up before Ironhide, now in vehicle mode, spins him around.

Having finally had enough, Bumblebee returns fire, but his main weapon seizes up in the cold. Ironhide charges him, and the pair fall to the ground, but Ironhide immediately stops, noting that they almost "smashed one of the locals". Bumblebee sees only a flower growing through the ice, but Ironhide tells him to look closer before making him swear not to tell the humans. He reminds Bumblebee of their mission to protect all sentient life...

Featured characters

(Numbers indicate order of appearance.)

Autobots Others
  • Plant (3)


"Really? I may be economy-sized compared to some 'bots, but I sting big."


"But Earth plants aren't sentient!"
"Take a look at the life bands."
"Yeah, don't tell the humans. They're still getting used to robots in disguise."

Bumblebee and Ironhide on sentient flora.


Animation or technical errors

  • Bumblebee is missing one of his doors in the last scene.

Continuity notes

Transformers references

Foreign dubbing


Latin American Spanish

  • Title: "Ciber Misiones 8" ("Cyber Missions 8")
  • Original airdate: 27 October 2010 (Official airdate)
  • The intended airdate for this episode was October 25, but for reasons unknown (laziness?), it was aired two days later instead.

Brazilian Portuguese

  • Title: "Ciber Missão 8" ("Cyber Mission 8")
  • Original airdate: 2011 (DVD release)


  • Like the previous episode, this one was leaked onto YouTube well before being released on Hasbro's site.

External Links

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