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Cybertronian Knight

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This article is about the Wings Universe group. For the namesake legendary group in several continuities, see Knights of Cybertron.
They're like Autobots, but pointier!
The Cybertronian Knights are a group from the Wings Universe portion of the Generation 1 continuity family.

The Cybertronian Knights are the elite defenders of Cybertron, formed in honor of the legendary Knights of Cybertron. Headed up by the great sage Alpha Trizer and led into battle by the legendary soldier Ginrai, the Cybertronian Knights respond to any threat, no matter the size, to their homeworld and people.

The Knights include:


Wings Universe

A long time before the 30th century C.E., the Knights of Cybertron were a legendary group though they eventually ceased to exist. Shortly before or during 2984, Cybertron's spiritual leader Alpha Trizer decided to reinstate the Knights though Cybertron was in a long period of peace. Veteran Autobot warrior Ginrai became the field commander of the Knights while Maximal scientific genius Apelinq became his second-in-command. Ginrai, always looking for the next threat lurking around the corner, frequently clashed with Trizer's more zen attitude. Knight Ginrai's profile card Apelinq's personal logs

Trizer and Ginrai recruited bounty hunter and former Wrecker Devcon, putting Devcon's "harsh methods" to use for the defense of Cybertron. This attracted the ire of Primal Prime, who had expelled Devcon from the Wreckers for his refusal to obey orders. For his part, Devcon decided to join the Knights to more effectively hunt the Decepticon mercenary Flamewar. Apelinq's personal logs Knight Devcon's profile card

As part of a routine patrol, Apelinq traveled to the sulfur bogs at the edge of the Rust Sea. Finding nothing unusual, he reported in to Ginrai and set course for base, though Apelinq was plagued by a vision of the Hunter.

Ginrai deployed Apelinq and Devcon to an officially non-existent safe house for a delegation from the Twin Star Continuum. They found the delegates slaughtered, the work of Flamewar. Devcon mocked Apelinq when the latter had yet another vision of the Hunter.

Due to his paranoid need for battle-readiness, Ginrai ordered a rapid response to a disturbance in the G Nebula Sector. When they arrived, the Knights found that the disturbance was merely a fender-bender in space among transports at a Nebulan spaceport. Apelinq's personal logs

Alpha Trizer and Ginrai recruited brilliant student Flare-Up from the New Polyhex Training Academy. Apelinq went to meet her, encountering Primal Prime, who also wanted Flare-Up for the Wreckers. However, Flare-Up declined as she had been invited to the Knights first. Apelinq had no doubts about Flare-Up's inclinations as the decoration of her quarters demonstrated a strong admiration for Commander Ginrai. Knight Flareup's profile card Apelinq's personal logs

Ginrai, Apelinq, Devcon, and Flare-Up were extremely chagrined to be called in for a mandatory meditation session from Alpha Trizer. Apelinq mused that the Knights would preferably deal with Scraplet swarms, Terrorcons, or even the Chaos Bringer Unicron himself than face meditation. Apelinq's personal logs

After the Wreckers' ship the Rodimus Major disappeared into a wormhole anomaly, Primal Prime's customization class booklet Apelinq was tasked with examining the logs brought back by surviving Wrecker Fireflight. Apelinq's personal logs

In 2984, Devcon was in hot pursuit of Flamewar, tracking her to the Galadria Space Bridge Outpost in the Delta Prysmos Sector. Flamewar defeated the space bridge's defenders and was trying to escape through it to elude Devcon. However, an unexpected third party arrived: the pirate band known as the Star Seekers, arriving from the 21st century via transwarp to plunder an energy-rich peacetime Cybertron. Sending a distress signal, Devcon disguised himself as a Dread Pirate Crewman and infiltrated the pirates, who space bridged to Unicron's head to reactivate Unicron's energy-draining systems. At Knight headquarters, Ginrai insisted on acting upon Devcon's signal, but Trizer dictated caution, not believing that Cybertron would be threatened after such a long period of peace. Meanwhile, Ginrai recalled Apelinq and Flare-Up from a mission to Cyberion. However, Devcon was then discovered and sent another signal. That was all the Knights needed; Ginrai, Apelinq, Flare-Up, and Trizer bridged straight into Unicron's head, and a battle ensued between pirates and knights. Ancient sage Trizer grew annoyed with the Dread Pirate Crewmen, shrugged them off, and easily took down Captain Cannonball. Trizer then offered Cannonball a crushing revelation: his scheme was doomed to fail from the start because Cybertron in 2984 was technorganic and no longer ran on energon. The pirates were subsequently taken into custody and incarcerated. Hoist the Flag


  • Confusingly, the organization's name is variably rendered Cybertronian Knights or Knights of Cybertron, identically to their progenitor group.
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