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Tealio provides customizable solutions tailored to diverse industries.

Pick the features you need and make a solution that works for you.
Easy to use and easy to configure!

Construction - Tealio


Amid the demands of urbanization and expansion, prioritize the well-being of your construction workforce. Utilize Tealio to streamline the management of health screening and occupational health requirements.

Schools & Universities - Tealio

Schools & Universities

Annually, millions of students undergo health screenings for issues like scoliosis, vision, and hearing. Tealio offers a comprehensive platform to streamline the efficient management of health screening requirements for schools and universities.

Energy, Oil & Gas - Tealio

Energy, Oil & Gas

Navigate the challenges of the high-risk energy industry effortlessly with Tealio. Ensure compliance by generating crucial medical certificates such as OEUK and NOGEPA, while efficiently managing health screening requirements.

Food & Beverage - Tealio

Food & Beverage

In the dynamic food and beverage industry, a healthy and fit workforce is paramount. Tealio enables efficient management of health screening and occupational health needs for companies in this fast-paced sector.

Mining - Tealio


Address the unique challenges of the mining industry by prioritizing the health and safety of your workforce. Tealio provides a comprehensive platform to efficiently manage health screening and occupational health needs, contributing to the development of a sustainable future.

Maritime - Tealio


Given the unique challenges of the maritime industry, seafarers face a higher risk of health issues and are required to undergo regular health screening. Tealio provides the necessary support to ensure the well-being of maritime professionals.

Logistics - Tealio


In the fast-paced logistics industry, maintaining a healthy and fit workforce is crucial. Leverage Tealio to streamline the management of health screening and occupational health needs for logistics companies.

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