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பயனர்:Shrikarsan/List of articles every Wikipedia should have/Expanded/Missing/Physical sciences

கட்டற்ற கலைக்களஞ்சியமான விக்கிப்பீடியாவில் இருந்து.
  1. Experiment
  2. Observation
  3. Extinction (astronomy)
  4. Magnitude (astronomy)
  5. Angular resolution
  6. Cosmic distance ladder
  7. Photometry (astronomy)
  8. Celestial coordinate system
  9. Declination
  10. Right ascension
  11. Ecliptic
  12. Horizon
  13. Nadir
  14. Star chart
  15. Zenith
  16. Andromeda (constellation)
  17. Aquarius (constellation)
  18. Aquila (constellation)
  19. Ara (constellation)
  20. Aries (constellation)
  21. Boötes
  22. Camelopardalis
  23. Cancer (constellation)
  24. Canes Venatici
  25. Canis Minor
  26. Capricornus
  27. Carina (constellation)
  28. Cassiopeia (constellation)
  29. Centaurus
  30. Cepheus (constellation)
  31. Cetus
  32. Columba (constellation)
  33. Corona Australis
  34. Corona Borealis
  35. Corvus (constellation)
  36. Crater (constellation)
  37. Draco (constellation)
  38. Equuleus
  39. Eridanus (constellation)
  40. Gemini (constellation)
  41. Hydra (constellation)
  42. Lacerta
  43. Leo Minor
  44. Lepus (constellation)
  45. Libra (constellation)
  46. Lupus (constellation)
  47. Lyra
  48. Monoceros
  49. Ophiuchus
  50. Pisces (constellation)
  51. Piscis Austrinus
  52. Puppis
  53. Pyxis
  54. Sagitta
  55. Scutum
  56. Serpens
  57. Sextans
  58. Triangulum
  59. Triangulum Australe
  60. Ursa Minor
  61. Vulpecula
  62. Chinese constellations
  63. Vermilion Bird
  64. Black Tortoise
  65. Azure Dragon
  66. Centaurus A
  67. Cygnus X-1
  68. Eta Carinae
  69. Hyades (star cluster)
  70. Large Magellanic Cloud
  71. Messier 87
  72. Mira
  73. Omega Centauri
  74. Triangulum Galaxy
  75. Deimos
  76. Phobos
  77. Charon
  78. Oort cloud
  79. PSR B1257+12 B
  80. Sirius
  81. Arcturus
  82. Vega
  83. Rigel
  84. Procyon
  85. Achernar
  86. Capella (star)
  87. Altair
  88. Spica
  89. Pollux (star)
  90. Deneb
  91. RR Lyrae
  92. Alpha Crucis
  93. Beta Centauri
  94. Algol
  95. Delta Cephei
  96. Polaris
  97. 3C 273
  98. Celestial mechanics
  99. Ephemeris
  100. Epoch (astronomy)
  101. Equatorial coordinate system
  102. Gravity assist
  103. Orbital elements
  104. Orbital mechanics
  105. Occultation
  106. Two-body problem
  107. Schwarzschild radius
  108. Dark nebula
  109. Galaxy cluster
  110. Galaxy group
  111. Supercluster
  112. Great Attractor
  113. H II region
  114. Molecular cloud
  115. Outer space
  116. Open cluster
  117. Stellar association
  118. Galaxy morphological classification
  119. Elliptical galaxy
  120. Lenticular galaxy
  121. Spiral galaxy
  122. Active galactic nucleus
  123. Blazar
  124. Radio galaxy
  125. Seyfert galaxy
  126. Starburst galaxy
  127. Absolute magnitude
  128. Observatory
  129. Physical cosmology
  130. Age of the universe
  131. Galaxy formation and evolution
  132. Nebular hypothesis
  133. Redshift
  134. Minor planet
  135. Metallicity
  136. Planetary system
  137. Planetary nebula
  138. Main sequence
  139. Protostar
  140. Giant star
  141. Wolf&
  142. Compact star
  143. Stellar black hole
  144. Stellar kinematics
  145. Stellar magnetic field
  146. Stellar nucleosynthesis
  147. Stellar rotation
  148. Star system
  149. Circumstellar disk
  150. Cepheid variable
  151. Hydroxide
  152. Hydrophobe
  153. Phlogiston theory
  154. Tritium
  155. Phase diagram
  156. Surfactant
  157. parts per million
  158. Glycoprotein
  159. Pyrolysis
  160. Cosmic dust
  161. IUPAC nomenclature
  162. Radical (chemistry)
  163. Computational chemistry
  164. Medicinal chemistry
  165. Nuclear chemistry
  166. Table of nuclides
  167. Polymer chemistry
  168. Salt metathesis reaction
  169. Reaction mechanism
  170. Substitution reaction
  171. Chemist
  172. Pyrotecnics
  173. Mass spectrometry
  174. Absorption spectrum
  175. Absorption spectroscopy
  176. Material
  177. Peroxide
  178. Organophosphorus
  179. Organosilicon
  180. Silicone
  181. Organosulfur compounds
  182. Thiol
  183. Hydrofluoric acid
  184. Tannic acid
  185. Alkali
  186. Inorganic compound
  187. Ammonium sulfate
  188. Magnesium sulfate
  189. Sodium nitrate
  190. Sodium silicate
  191. Sodium sulfate
  192. Titanium dioxide
  193. Aerosol
  194. Dispersion (chemistry)
  195. Emulsion
  196. Foam
  197. Gel
  198. Suspension (chemistry)
  199. Vapor
  200. Amalgam (chemistry)
  201. Fold (geology)
  202. Formation (stratigraphy)
  203. Fault (geology)
  204. Basalt
  205. Mineralogy
  206. Stratum
  207. Thrust fault
  208. Pyroxene
  209. Silicate minerals
  210. Mica
  211. Conglomerate (geology)
  212. Gravel
  213. Tuff
  214. Schist
  215. Gneiss
  216. Bauxite
  217. Quartzite
  218. Slate
  219. Oil shale
  220. Geodesy
  221. Geologic time scale
  222. Permian&
  223. Cretaceous–Paleogene extinction event
  224. Precambrian
  225. Phanerozoic
  226. Paleozoic
  227. Mesozoic
  228. Cenozoic
  229. Quaternary
  230. Holocene
  231. Geomorphology
  232. Mesa
  233. Stack (geology)
  234. Plain
  235. Alluvial fan
  236. Canyon
  237. Cliff
  238. Floodplain
  239. Meander
  240. Rapid
  241. Cirque
  242. Esker
  243. Speleology
  244. Karst
  245. Coast
  246. Oceanic trench
  247. List of isthmuses
  248. Seamount
  249. Caldera
  250. Hotspot (geology)
  251. Volcanic crater
  252. Volcanic plug
  253. Lava dome
  254. Submarine volcano
  255. Guyot
  256. Aeolian processes
  257. Dune
  258. Reservoir
  259. Polder
  260. Levee
  261. Quarry
  262. Ditch
  263. Land reclamation
  264. Tundra
  265. Heath
  266. Jungle
  267. Temperate broadleaf and mixed forest
  268. Cerrado
  269. Llanos
  270. Meadow
  271. Pampas
  272. Pasture
  273. Prairie
  274. Sahel
  275. Swamp
  276. Bog
  277. Pedosphere
  278. Air mass
  279. Climatology
  280. El Niño–Southern Oscillation
  281. Tropical climate
  282. Weather front
  283. Cirrus cloud
  284. Black ice
  285. Groundwater
  286. Dry season
  287. Atmospheric circulation
  288. Anticyclone
  289. Hadley cell
  290. Polar vortex
  291. Storm
  292. Blizzard
  293. Jet stream
  294. Cryosphere
  295. Glaciology
  296. Firn
  297. River delta
  298. Limnology
  299. Pond
  300. Thermohaline circulation
  301. Geiger–Marsden experiment
  302. Classical element
  303. Ferromagnetism
  304. Graviton
  305. Hydrolysis
  306. Ionosphere
  307. Obsidian
  308. Precession
  309. Schr&
  310. Tunguska event
  311. Ballistic missile
  312. Electrolyte
  313. Boltzmann constant
  314. Dew point
  315. Hydraulics
  316. Angular velocity
  317. Geocentric model
  318. Metronome
  319. Water vapor
  320. Heliocentrism
  321. Permeability (electromagnetism)
  322. Hardness
  323. Atomism
  324. Amplitude
  325. Planck units
  326. Atomic nucleus
  327. Binding energy
  328. Bremsstrahlung
  329. Electron shell
  330. Excited state
  331. Hydrogen-like atom
  332. Hyperfine structure
  333. Plum pudding model
  334. Principal quantum number
  335. Stimulated emission
  336. Molecular orbital
  337. Molecular orbital theory
  338. Free-electron laser
  339. Kerr effect
  340. Luminosity
  341. Physical optics
  342. Polarization (waves)
  343. Condensed matter physics
  344. Crystal system
  345. Phase transition
  346. Boiling
  347. Critical point (thermodynamics)
  348. Degenerate matter
  349. Quark–gluon plasma
  350. Dielectric
  351. Metamaterial
  352. Gauss's law
  353. Electric potential
  354. Faraday's law of induction
  355. Magnetic moment
  356. Gain
  357. Soil mechanics
  358. Harmonic oscillator
  359. Frame of reference
  360. Coriolis effect
  361. Solid mechanics
  362. Elastic modulus
  363. Fatigue (material)
  364. Strength of materials
  365. Quantum chromodynamics
  366. Quantum electrodynamics
  367. Statistical mechanics
  368. Fusion power
  369. Spontaneous symmetry breaking
  370. Supersymmetry
  371. Synchrotron
  372. Synchrotron radiation
  373. Tevatron
  374. Fermion
  375. Muon
  376. Tau (particle)
  377. Down quark
  378. Charm quark
  379. Strange quark
  380. Top quark
  381. Bottom quark
  382. Gauge boson
  383. W and Z bosons
  384. Positron
  385. Antihydrogen
  386. Antiproton
  387. Antineutron
  388. Length contraction
  389. Thermodynamic state
  390. Diffraction
  391. Noise
  392. Resonance
  393. Measuring instrument
  394. Micrometer
  395. Spectrometer
  396. Metrology
  397. Decade
  398. Farad
  399. Tesla (unit)
  400. Weber (unit)
  401. Ton
  402. Knot (unit)