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Ken Rosewall, a professional gentleman

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This was published 21 years ago

Ken Rosewall, a professional gentleman

Fifty years ago, Ken Rosewall received "a couple of trophies and a voucher" for winning his first Australian championship, as well as a private £100 bonus from his sporting goods sponsor. The voucher, he thinks, was for 10 guineas, redeemable at a local department store. To this day, the famously thrifty Rosewall is unsure if it was ever spent.

Rosewall won two of his four Australian titles as an amateur, in 1953 and 1955, and the other two as a professional, in 1971 and 1972. With the first, at 18, he became the tournament's youngest champion, when he still slept in a single bed in his childhood room and was too young to vote or borrow his father's car. With the last victory, as a 37-year-old playing in front of his wife and two sons, came Rosewall's status as the oldest Australian champion.

Both records still stand tall but no more proudly than the unmistakable figure of the man himself, now approaching 70 but little more than a kilogram over his playing weight. Rosewall's success as a teenager half a century ago - as the second seed in a 32-man draw - is what is being commemorated, and no more of an excuse is needed to revisit a famous career.

Of the four championships, Rosewall rates his 1970s deeds more highly. "Sydney in '71, the last time the Australian Open was held anywhere but Melbourne, that was the best event by far in reference to the field," he said, citing the presence of the World Championship Tennis playing troupe. "Then the next year, the first at Kooyong, I got $2000 for winning but it was satisfying because Wilma and my two boys were with me, and it really generated a lot of interest being in Melbourne. They had huge crowds."

So large, indeed, that the Rosewalls were stranded in traffic on their way to the final, a three-setter against fellow Australian Mal Anderson. Eventually, their rental car was escorted by police down the wrong side of the street.


Yet not even that was the end of the grand slam road, for the farewell 1974 US title was still to come. Although the length of the journey was unrivalled, not ending until after Rosewall's 45th birthday, the winner of eight majors over 21 years insists there was no secret to his longevity, just an efficient style suited to any surface. Rosewall likes to say he got the maximum result from the minimum effort. He was never formally coached but fully understood the game and knew the value of his groundstrokes and court coverage.

Injuries, too, were kind, while circumstances also played a part. Rosewall turned professional in 1958. By the time open tennis began in 1968, he was already 33. "That was old by tennis standards, and I wouldn't have thought I would have gone much longer," he said. "But somehow or another for the next four or five years I played some of my best tennis, so [the reconciliation between the amateurs and professionals] helped to invigorate me a little bit."

Still, the downside involved the lost grand slam and Davis Cup years of the 1960s, when some amateurs were paid as much to stay by their national associations as the professionals had received to leave. Not that Rosewall has regrets, believing he improved as a player and helped to spread the word and build the game.

But surely he cannot help wondering how the record books may have judged the greats of the day if there had been no interruptions.

More opportunities at Wimbledon, for example, where he ranks with Ivan Lendl among the most famous non-winners? "It's always hypothetical but I'm sure all of us would have been in with a chance of winning more major events, the way the game was played in those days with the wooden racquets and on the grass courts, where the Australians dominated," he said.

And Wimbledon, where he lost five finals between his first failed attempt against Jaroslav Drobny in 1954 and his last, as the sentimental favourite against Jimmy Connors in 1974? "It's always a talking point, I suppose, but it doesn't bother me too much now. Certainly, for any young player to win a Wimbledon, that's an ambition, and yeah, I'm disappointed I wasn't able to do a bit better at Wimbledon."

He cites Rod Laver, who won at the All England Club twice on each side of the divide, saying: "His major grand slam record might have been out of reach of everybody, who knows?"

These days, Ken and Wilma still live in Turramurra, in northern Sydney, where the old trophies are packed away but the memories emerge with minimal digging.

In Adelaide, practice had been with the likes of Fred Stolle and Ken McGregor, as well as Merv Rose, whom Rosewall was to meet in the Australian final - and beat 6-0, 6-3, 6-4. Was the ease a surprise? "I think it was a surprise for everybody, and probably a bigger surprise for Merv Rose," he says.

The years have been kind to one of Australia's most admired champions. Somehow, a couple of trophies and a voucher seem a suitably understated opening touch.

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