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When I was training for American Ninja Warrior, and now any obstacle course race I compete in, I realized one Major factor that my clients, friends, and family had in common.  

They all want to compete and be more active, but don't think they have the time or fitness level to do so. 

Are you looking to have more energy, boost your body confidence, and increase your athletic abilities to be better equipped to take on this adventure we call life? 

I wanted the same thing...

It wasn't easy, and I made a ton of mistakes!

This site is dedicated to showing you how to Take Back Control of your Time and Fitness without the fad diets, extreme exercise programs, and without having to give up your favorite drinks ;)


Because we all want to Finally have our Energy, Body Confidence, and Athleticism match the lifestyle we've built.

Why not get started today?

Click the button above to grab your free Guide. 

- Bryant Edwards

Fit for Adventure Coaching:
7 Day Race Ready Planner

This is a no BS online training with one clear path to confidently get you across ANY finish line.

Without making the mistakes that gets so many runners and obstacle course racers injured along the way, and ultimately costs them time they will never get back.

Instead with my guidance I know you can take back control of your time and fitness by living a more Adventurous lifestyle!


Click the button below to discover your Adventurous side!


The 1 Step Needed to Stop Yo-Yo Dieting Results...


We have all made this mistake at some point in our lives when starting a nutrition or workout program...

This is how you can easily simplify the process and stop the yo-yo'ing... 


How to Finish More Goals with this 1 Simple Tool...

Have you ever started on a new goal/project and went WAAAAY too fast right out the gate and couldn't keep up that pace?

Then you need to use this 1 Simple Tool to keep you Finishing all the goals...


The 3 Most Important Things You Need to Do After Completing and Adventure...

The last thing you should do after a big race, event, experience, etc is absolutely nothing.

Most people will sit around and "rest",

Here's what you should really be doing...


Are YOU Ready for Adventure?

The only obstacle you need to overcome is YOU. You can either decide to take action or not. The choice is yours. Click the button below if you are ready to take on your first or next Adventure.


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