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The 3 Most Important Things You Need to Do After Completing and Adventure...

Uncategorized Oct 04, 2019
What a weekend...

I completed a race I said I would never in my life do for the 3rd time now.

Spartan Killington Beast

13+ grueling miles and 30+ obstacles throughout the unforgiving elevation at Killington Ski resort in Vermont.

I didn't hit my goal of under 5 hours and I could give you some excuses as to why, 

But instead I'd rather take my own advice and Celebrate the victories of the weekend...

1) Conquering Killington for the 3rd and best finish

2) Overcoming shooting myself in the hand with an arrow...
And only a month later being able to complete one of the toughest OCR courses

3) All the new friends I made staying at the Airbnb and while out on the course.
It's easy to focus on what went wrong, it takes discipline to focus on what went Right and what's going to motivate and push you forward!

Which is why I want to share with you the 3 most IMPORTANT things you need to do after you have completed one of your adventure goals...

1) Proper Recovery:

The last thing you should do after a big race, event, experience, etc is absolutely nothing. 

Too many people think that they need to sit and do nothing to let the body "recover properly", 

Which in reality means sorer muscles and a longer time to walk or sit on a toilet again.  

Best thing you can do is get your body moving with some easy stretches or a light workout putting your muscles 
through a range of motion that will allow them to get rid of the lactic acid build up.

2) What's Next... 

Do you already have your next adventure planned or not?

Most people finish a goal and then sit around wondering why they "lost" their motivation to stay/be active. 

Nothing was lost, except the excitement of what you were getting ready for. 

That means if you want to be an Adventure Seeker and live the Adventure Lifestyle, 

YOU have to constantly be aware of the adventure opportunities being presented to you. 
For example, my next Adventure is another Obstacle Course Race that I've been wanting to do for the past 2 years now... 

Goliathon XII on Oct. 5th, 2019.

Knowing that it's only 3 weeks away means I stay motivated and on track with my health and wellness goals.

3) Make sure to Celebrate YOUR Accomplishments!
It seems like this should be an obvious one, and like I said above its sometimes easy to focus on what went wrong instead of celebrating what went right. 

Which is why you want to either plan out your celebration, 


Have a way to celebrate like I did with opening that bottle of a special 1 year anniversary Bradley Brew Project beer that I had been saving for such an occasion. 
Most people will forget this step...

But that won't be you because, you know how important this Step is towards living the Adventurous Lifestyle.
These are steps I teach everyone that goes through my 
Fit for Adventure Guide program (next group starts Sept. 30th) and are a big reason why I continually have something to do, see, or be a part of. 

It's also how I keep growing my network of friend and connections. 

I now have an entirely new group of people to compete in these obstacle course races with, 

Which lets face it as we get older, friends move, have kids, get tied down with work obligations and aren't as reliable to get up and go like they used to. 

It's nice to have access to a community of other Adventure Seekers to continue having the adventures and experiences that YOU want to have. 

Life is meant to be lived to the fullest, 

Let's keep YOU living YOUR best life!!

PS:  If you are looking to add more adventure in your life, and aren't sure how to do it or even worse, are afraid to hurt yourself doing so... 

Then hop on and schedule a FREE Fit for Adventure Strategy call session with me and lets fast track you towards your next adventure...

Stop dreaming of the adventures/experiences you are looking to have, and start being the Adventure Seeker I and YOU know you are!

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