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Showing posts with label Chicken. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Chicken. Show all posts

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Hadi Wala Chicken

When I saw Vicky's invite to post for the potluck chicken event, I thought of posting this usual chicken I make at home. While I have never made it for a potluck, I think it will be a big hit in a potluck too. Its so easy to make and can be very easily made in big batches as needed for potluck events. My daughter and son both love this 'Hadi wala chicken' - as they call it... Infact my son who doesn't love chicken looks forward to this dish too...

I usually serve this chicken with rice and some greens like slightly sauted broccoli or boiled beans.

Ingredients :

2 Onions chopped
1 small tomato chopped
1/2 tea spoon Chili powder
1/2 tea spoon Turmeric powder
1 tea spoon Garam Masala
2 cloves
1 inch of Cinnamon
3-4 table spoon of oil
Salt to taste

To marinate

4-5 Chicken legs cleaned (or chicken pieces of about 1 pound)
1 table spoon Ginger-Garlic paste
2 table spoon Curd
2-3 bay leaves
1/2 tea spoon Chili powder
1 tea spoon Coriander powder
1/2 tea spoon Turmeric powder
1/2 tea spoon Garam Masala
1 tea spoon Mustard Oil
Salt to taste

How to

Marinate the chicken with all the ingredients listed in to marinate.
Keep it for minimum 2-3 hours, overnight preferred.

In a big pan, add oil (mustard oil preferred). Once it is hot, add whole cloves and Cinnamon.
Then add the onions and saute until it starts turning golden brown.
Add the chili powder, turmeric powder and then add the chicken.
Cook in low fire, until the water from the chicken completely dries up.
After that add the chopped tomato and garam masala.
Add salt if needed.

Serve hot with rice.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Chicken Pakoras

My blog without an entry for Chicken Pakoras would not be possible. Did I tell you everyone at my home loves fried food? And this is an all time favorite of my husband. I have heard stories that his Aunt makes the best chicken pakoras. Each time she used to make them for the whole family, he would finish it all off and the women in the house (2 other kids and Aunt) would have to eat bread for dinner! Of course mine were not as great I am sure - but he did say it reminded him of his Aunt ones... Hey that's a big star!
I had some minced Chicken from the store and I tried this on a whim. It takes 5 minutes to mix, no marinating required (though you could do it for 1/2 hr if you want) and then fry and eat fresh.


1/2 cup of minced chicken (store bought)
1/4 cup bread crumb
1 large onion cut into small pieces
1 tea spoon of ginger-garlic paste
1-2 green chillies cut into small pieces
1/2 tea spoon of garam masala
1/4 tea spoon coriander powder
1/4 tea spoon cumin powder
2 table spoon of vinegar
Salt to taste
Oil for frying
Cilantro for garnish

How to

Mix the chicken with all other ingredients other than Oil and Cilantro and leave for 5-10 minutes.
Get the oil hot and make balls of the mixture above and fry these in low fire.
Serve them hot.

My husband loves to eat his with bread and ketchup while I love mine with Mint chutney!

Friday, February 6, 2009

Kid friendly Chicken soup

I walked in from home tried and really really cold. This winter seems worse than usual - or do I feel like this every winter? I am craving for a cup of hot tea and I see my kids gobbling down this soup. Looks like they have convinced my Nanny to make Chicken Noodle soup again! Both my kids love this soup and it is a lovely way to get them to eat the vegetables. Also its a meal in itself and tastes better the next day...

Neha of "Tasty recipes' Blog is guest hosting "SWC-Soups" event this month. SWC event is started by Lakshmi of "Taste of Mysore" blog. Neha has chosen "healthy soups with fresh vegetables" as a theme. Thanks to both of you. Here is my soup. It has all fresh ingredients - though it does have the chicken too...


2 chicken legs
Enough water to cover chicken
2 handful of dried pasta
1 potato peeled and cut into small pieces
1/4 celery stick cut into small pieces
1 /2 carrot cut into small pieces
1/2 tea spoon of olive oil
Salt to taste

How to

Cover chicken pieces with water and little salt and cook until chicken comes off the bones easily.
Debone the chicken and cut into small pieces.

Take a separate pan and add little oil. Fry the vegetables in it for 2 minutes, until all vegetables are coated niceley with oil but before they change color. Add the broth from above and boil the vegetables on slow fire for about 45 min.

Once the vegetables are nearly done, add the chicken pieces and dried pasta and let it cook for another 10-15 minutes or until the pasta is soft.