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Sunday 30 September 2012

And one more thing..

... I was never asked if it was ok they used Elise and Alica in the show last night. I don't think it's a good decision they made and I'm sorry for those of you who came to see the whole band but got something else. But I was very ill and this decision wasn't mine. Tonight I'll be on stage doing my best despite illness:-) See u in some hours!!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


  1. I wouldn't worry, from what I've seen on YouTube the Kamelot girls did a great job and the audience were very supportive. Glad you're on the mend, best of luck tonight!

  2. Hi Anette, my husband and I hope you are feeling better and can't wait to see you perform in manchester in november, it's not nightwish without you! best wishes and take care :) x

  3. Don't be angry, Anette. Your health is first and the rest of the guys demonstrated that they are professional. You'll be back in a future but first take care of yourself. You have our all support.

    Regards from Mexico =).

  4. The fans (myself among them) supported the decision. They took a vote before they even started setting up for Nightwish if the fans wanted to cancel the rest of the show or go on with Elise and Alicia filling in as best they could with the songs they (somewhat) knew. They weren't perfect but they did a great job considering and it turned into an amazing show!

    Get well soon!

  5. I'm not fortunate enought to be attending any of the shows but regardless, I think you've made a very brave decision to go on stage despite your illness! For this, I salute you! :-)
    Fair Play!
    -Cathal :)

  6. Hi Anette,
    I hope you are better now. It's terrible to read that you even had to go to the ER because you felt so bad and I'm so sorry for you.

    Please don't mind their decision, Nettie, it could have been worse. I think using the two girls was the better decision than canceling the whole show. That's a horrible situation for a band but I think they made the best of it. But I'm sorry for the girls who had to learn so many songs so fast... Anyway of course the show would have been better with you singing because noone can really replace you and your beautiful voice.

    Much love,
    Steffi <3

  7. Dear Nettie, i hope you recover soon. You are passing through a very difficult situation.. your illness.. the band didn't asked you if it was ok to play... but even if they did.. we, all your true fans L O V E you and think about you. We love the way you smile because that make us smile too, the way you sing beautifully, but mostly we love your BIG and STRONG heart. You are such a lovely woman, keep always that! I really admire your bravery.. omg i'm crying while writing this.. but I mean that sincerely. Big hugs from a Mexican fan. :)

  8. Glade ur getting better Annette hope u do kick ass

  9. Hi Annette,

    Your band mates care very much about you so that's why they didn't want you to exert yourself and get more ill.

    Make the most of your recovery time!

  10. I was so unnerved to read about this last night!! After you sweetly sang Scaretale to me in my big red bow in Kansas City, everything seemed wonderful! and not 24 hours later THIS! I am so sorry about it, and I do hope you feel better and there is nothing majorly wrong.
    As for the naysayers, !$#$#% THEM. You have so many supporters who would be so very very sad if you were ever to quit. You are a light for so many people! Never think anything less!!!
    Lots of love and well wishes
    Desi from Missouri

  11. I was really shocked to hear about you being at the hospital and I started to worry. But now I'm glad you're back and feeling better. I'm sure those who attended the show undersand and in my opinion that was better than no show at all. Of course it wasn't that good without you, but don't feel bad about it. Get well soon! Love from Hungary xoxo

  12. I'm sorry to hear about your illness and PLEASE keep us updated on the cyst. I myself just went thru having to have a lymphnode removed from my neck that they are testing to see if it is cancerous.I'm 20 and that's a few years older than my other family members who have had cancer problems, so it was very scary. I was out of work for a week and hated it. I was almost afraid that if something was wrong I would have missed meeting you in Columbus and never have gotten to show you my tattoo, or know for a fact that the person I admire is so truely a kind and sweet person! But I really admire that thru all of this you are still determined to go on stage and do the best you can and that says A LOT and the fans will respect that. You have my full support behind you. You'll be amazing. Hugs and love, Katie T.

  13. Also, I can understand your frustration with the whole situation. I'm sure the boys meant well, and I'm sure it's tough to be in your shoes sometimes, surrounded by so many of them! ;) The decision does seem to be a bit of salt in the wound. Maybe it wasn't a bad idea, but it was kind of unfair you weren't at least notified and given a chance to be apart of the decision.
    Love again
    Desi from Missouri

  14. you make me so happy anette :DD
    i knew you'd be fine. , good luck anette. you are the best!
    Warrior princess!

  15. Hi Anette!
    I guess the band didn't disappoint the fans and I'm pretty sure it was awesome, but it isn't the same without you. Actually, I knew the band because of you :)

    I, as many of us, wish you a soon recovery and very good health

    Greetings from Monterrey, México, see you in November ;)

  16. I was very sorry that you were not there last night!! I came to see you sing, with the whole band of course. However, I must say, it was a *great* show. I still really wish you had been there. I suspect you went to Denver Health, where i used to work. I know they took great care of you, and I blew you a kiss as I drove past on my way home. Take good care of yourself please!

  17. Well... I wasn't there in Denver, but think the band did right, that was a well taken decision. A show has never has to be cancelled unless there's no other option. And asking the girls of Kamelot to sing was the best they could do not to cancel it. People wouldn't like it to happen, don't you think? :)
    But what's important here among all is that you get better, so can go back to stage and ROCK everybody!
    Get well soon!
    We are waiting for you here!
    Regards from Argentina! :D

  18. I hope you're feeling better, and that the rest of the North American tour goes smoothly. There is no replacing you and your amazing voice, and I'm sure it was a difficult decision for the rest of the band. I think they made the best of the situation. Your health comes first. :)

  19. I was a Nightwish fan from the beginning but I feel that Nightwish wasn't Nightwish until they found you -- you elevate what was already incredible with your spirit and unbelievable range of vocal skills. After waiting so long to see the band live it would be a disappointment for you to not be on stage with them... BUT it would be a bigger disappointment for you to endanger your health on our account or to get no show at all and have to wait for the next tour. The crowd in Denver was very supportive and everyone did their best to enjoy the evening in spite of being worried sick about you. I know it must be frustrating that you weren't asked and that the band would continue while you were so sick, but I think everyone made the best of a terrible situation and what matters is that you feel better! Break a leg at the show tonight, with much love from us!

  20. That must have been a big surprise to hear that the decision was made without you. Let's hope that the same thing doesn't ever happen again.
    Even though you didn't like the decision, I think the two girls did an okay job. The fact that the show was less than perfect just makes it clear that you are the only singer for Nightwish :) Keep rocking!!
    And as I said in a comment on your other post, we all love you and we're thinking of you. Take it easy please, and remember that you have many supportive fans who are thinking about you and hoping that you are all better soon.

  21. Just take care of yourself Anette. We love you and your smile as the other reader said. Your health not replacable. Concerts are. Hugs and prayers love!

  22. Hey Anette, I actually checked some YouTube videos and was interesting to see how they performed the songs. It's nice to hear a different interpretation. I prefer your voice so, so much more, of course :)

    I understand though how you feel and that you wanted to perform the songs, but I think they handled the situation quite well, it's better than canceling the show, in my opinion :)

    Hope you get 100% recovered as soon as possible. It's quite bad to hear that you got that :( I'll keep following the news here and on facebook, wishing you a really soon recovery!

    I also read from facebook that from the soundcheck, your voice is perfect, that's great to hear! Good thing it didn't get affected!

    Keep strong! :)

  23. I am SO relieved you are okay.
    Good luck at the show tonight,and don't over work your self honey.
    We all love you so much.

  24. Anette, the most important thing right now is you. not the fans, not the band. You. please dont push yourself on on our behalf. There could only ever be one you and if that means cancelling a few shows your true fans will understand (even us in Portland). Take care of what needs taken care of and be well. (nurse's orders)

  25. Anette, angel, I'm so happy that you are ok. I hope that you can recover properly very soon, not only because of nightwish, but also because of your family and mainly, because of you, dear.
    I'm not sure what exactly is happenning, but I am crossing my fingers to everything be ok.
    I agree with you that worrying more about the show than about the band's members is very bad, but I don't think it's less bad to worry about a sad event, like an illness or not being fastly told that you'd be replaced when obviously this was a very sudden decision (that according to the public, e veryone in the crowd agreed) that even more obviously gave the staff so many more things to prepare that warning or asking you about it din't become a priority, more than the public. I think that equally as a band worries about its members, it also worries about its fans that really WAIT a lot and have proved to love the band even when things were unclear and changing. So, don't be sad if no one asked you if it was ok to change the vocalist once because she was sick, because the same amount of sadness you're feeling now, much more people would feel if the show were cancelled. Yes, for you this is just music and gigs, but for many, this is music, lyrics, feeling, wait and dreams that has very deep meaniing and couldn't be cancelled when there was the chance of going on only because you don't agree with someone replacing the main vocalist. I'm pretty sure that nobody intended to hurt you by taking this decision.
    We love and support you, but will support much more the fans because we are in the same place as them. If the show I am going was cancelled, you have no idea how it would hurt me, because you have no idea what I've been through in my job, school, and family to be able to see you singing live. So, please, don't mind about what happened because I'm really sure it was the best for all.
    I'm really looking forward to see you in Brazil. Hugs.


  26. Anette,
    I agree that you should have at least been notified. But I have not been able to find very many complaints about the Denver show. Most in fact were very supportive and appreciative that the show went on and that Elize and Alissa did their best to help. I have seen some fan video of it and it looked like everyone was having fun.

    I hope you feel better soon! I cannot imagine what being sick on the road must be like. You have no time to rest and recuperate :( You are an amazing Woman and a much stronger person the I

  27. you are so brave, you should rest.

  28. Hi Anette. I totally see what you're saying. Although others may say that the show was great, etc...the fact is that without you...it's just not Nightwish! I know what it feels like to have that sinking feeling of maybe being "replaced" or "forgotten" and I just want you to know that we all love you and the boys in the band love you too. You will go on to make albums with Nightwish for the rest of the band's history. Count on it = )

  29. I understand your feelings, but I also understand boys. Hope you get well soon. About two weeks and the US tour is over and you can go to home. Hang in there girl and try to enjoy your visit in USA. :) Im happy that Nemo and Johan will join you over there soon.


  30. My Dearest Angel, I am so relieved you're ok now! Well, not okay, but much better! Remember, we all love you! And we'll be very glad to know you are okay! Take care of your health, dear, you are so important for all of us! You are my inspiration!
    I pretty understand your feelings but I'm sure they didn't want to hurt you, they all love you too, Tuomas just wanted to save the ruins of the show for the sake of the fans...
    I want you to know - you are the best and only!!!!
    My beautiful metal princess, never be upset and never worry! Take care of you! We all love you! and the band loves you!
    Ukraine with you, Angel!
    Helen <3 <3 <3

  31. I think it was not the best decision they made. I understand you. But nothing have already changed. Courage!
    And of course, take care!

    In my opinion, it's terrible! =( but it's only my opinion..

  32. It's difficult decision!!! Can't believe that Tuomas agreed to do it!!! Maybe crew or management made him .....hm...((((
    I'm so sorry, Anette...

  33. There's really no space in these times to think about bad thoughts.Just don't worry and take care of yourself,I'm sure you guys will sort this whole thing out as soon as you're completely fine.Don't let this negative energy get to you!

  34. My dear Anette, my best feelings are with you right now, wishing you the best. You're passing through a difficult situation far from home, and this makes the things worse. I know the band is very important for you but IN THIS MOMENT your health has to be your priority. You have children and I'm sure all they want is their mother healthy again. Think about them and about you, ok? Just close your eyes, rest and everything will be ok.

    Brazil is supporting you!

  35. I didn't like that decision either..I mean you guys are a band.A unit.you can't break that and just replace someone..Not that i have something against the Kamelot girls but if Tuomas,Marco,Emppu or Jukka were sick they would have canceled the show...So for me i think they should have canceled the show until you felt better!
    Nevertheless i do hope there's no hard feelings and everything gets back on track!Take care of yourself,get well soon,the fans are with you!
    please please please please come to Greece,i'm dying with anticipation xD

  36. Hey Anette. I'm so sorry you've been unwell and I'm very glad that the illness didn't turn out to be even more serious. I know you take good care of your mind and body and you'll be sure to get the cyst checked out. I hope you feel better and better with each passing moment and that all the people around you are taking very good care of you.

    Regarding the decision, I am sorry you didn't get a say in it. Please let me share my perspective on this matter in general. I'll be travelling from Dublin to London in November to see Nightwish. I loved both the concerts where I saw you all together in Dublin and in London previously and I would be really disappointed if anything made it so that you couldn't sing at any future Nightwish concert I attended. After all, I enjoyed it so much to hear your beautiful voice and you were really kind to speak with me at Dublin afterwards and show me what a treasure of love and goodness is in your heart. <3 All the same, financial times are very difficult for many of us at present, including me. I am barely affording the trip to London in November to see Nightwish again. If the concert was cancelled, I wouldn't be able to afford a second trip later... That would be really gutting for me. I know you would want to be where you belong, on the stage, at the heart of the band, but for those who not afford to come back again if the concert was rescheduled if would at least be a consolation prize to get a concert with the rest of the band. I know all the lyrics and I would be singing along thinking of you. <3

  37. Dear Anette, the show was still fun, but not the same without you at all. I hope you got the card the pit fans made for you. White poster board we all signed. We love you. I will see you in Anaheim On Friday, I am flying out there Tues! I am glad I am going to that show. I wish I was in the pit for that show though because YOU will be there. I couldn't get a VIP ticket for Anaheim :-(

  38. One more thing, I have to be HONEST, the Denver show was fun, like if members of a band came over to your house and jammed without the entire band. The crowd sang the most. But I do feel like it was odd. I paid $80 for that pit ticket (no Denver meet & greet which sucked) and THE SINGER wasn't there LOL. So don't think you were not missed. I am doing everything I can to try to find a ticket for Anaheim closer to the stage or a meet and greet so I can see YOU Anette, like I wanted to in Denver, up close!!! Haha :-) If not at least I will be there and get to see you and hear your voice <3 I'm going to Disneyland too ;-) Yay! I hope you feel better.

  39. I think the boys had to make a last second decision, did as they saw fit and went with it. Shit happens and you just have to make those decisions to go or no. While you were being treated, the boys may not have been able to get a hold of you for your input, forgive them. They are good guys just trying to do what they come here to do. You are a team, but like a football game when one player is unable to continue the game must go on and alternatives are found. The show must go on. This is what my bass teacher tells me when I mess up playing, ok I skipped a note keep going! Hehe! Show must go on. When you have an auditorium full of people expecting something, you gotta do something.
    You are a great performer with the gift of voice, we look forward seeing you next weekend in San Diego, but if you get sick again I would rather know you were being treated to get better.
    Your health is exceptionally important. I understand how hard touring can be on a person, this is a hell of a tour.
    All of us fans love you, your health is #1...take care of yourself, Chris says hello (the one Emppu called "Shaggy" at the meet & greet in Hwood-lol). Good to hear you got your own coach, wish I could be your driver! It'd be a blast! lol!

  40. Dear Anette, I really hope you'll get better soon and wish you a fast recovery!! Take care! <3 Big hugs from Italy!

    I agree with you, it wasn't the best decision ever probably, but they just tried to save the show... Probably cancelling it would have been worse. Don't get angry, they didn't mean to hurt you, and Elize and Alissa did their best. Of course, it would have been SO MUCH BETTER with you, we all know that :) You are the one and the only Anette, the only singer of Nightwish ^^ (besides Marco and Troy of course XD) But it’s no good crying over spilt milk, don't be upset and just try to take care and get better :) I'm sure it won't happen again!

    Best wishes!

  41. As a fan, I beg you to look a little more lightly at the situation as it was. It sounds like you're a bit peeved about being substituted. We all want to see you, and we understand you felt left out on the decision to continue; but don't let that fact control your feelings of what happened. I can't help but feel as if you come off a bit cold in this, which worries me. A diva thinks they are irreplaceable, and it is worrying to me that you were so irritated.
    Truly though, best wishes to you all. Don't push yourself too hard and mentally relax. We understand it's a rough time and no one wants to see you hurt.

  42. I hope you will get well soon!!

  43. Dear Anette, I know how you must feel. maybe you feel like you let everyone down and then was insulted that the management didn't consider your feeling with the decision to have the show. I am not sure, its just speculation but listen. You did not let anyone down. We love you and all of you people on this tour and we are all family. You guys are family with Kamelot so Elize and Alyissa were just looking out for family. The number one thing that matters in this whole thing is your health and that you take care of yourself. The business part can take care of itself. I love you dear friend. BTW it was nice running in to you backstage in Atlanta. I was the guy wearing the hat getting coffee in the kitchen on Thrusday afternoon. :)

  44. Annette, I am so sorry to hear of your current health issues. I hope and pray you are getting better and better, and will quickly get your health to 100%.
    I know missing the Denver concert was frustrating for you. And I know the show was not the same show with out you. No show would be. But I am thankful to the guys for trying to keep the fans happy, and not too disappointed by canceling the show. I appreciate that they left it up to the fans to decide what they preferred. True fans know it won't be the same with out you but I think that getting to see something of NW is better than nothing at all. That is true dedication to the fans, and from what I've seen of the videos those fans had a truly unique and special experience. It felt like it had more of an audience participation show. I don't think the girls replaced you at all. I think they just helped make a ROCKING jam session.
    Get better soon, and I can't wait to get to see you in Oklahoma next week. :D

  45. Im soo glad to read you feel a bit better! I was really worried when I read the news.

    But I think they did the best thing by going on stage and not cancelled the show. They sould have told you before bit still they thought to the fans who were waiting for the shows during hours, sometimes weeks and maybe months... A show can represent a lot of money for some of us, hotel, gaz, plane or train etc...
    For fans its still better to see the guys playing that NOTHING!

    Im sure you have good reasons to write that but for the fans, they took the right decision. BUT we are not you, we don't know how things are in the band, how are the relation ship you all have, and the pressure you have to face to, so we can't judge you. I support you, and I'll always do!

    Take care my dear,
    Love and hugs

  46. Glad to hear you are on the mend! I will say tho, as someone who drove 12 hours to see Nightwish in Denver, I was very glad that it wasn't canceled. It was a very memorable show. While it would have been better had you been healthy, what we got was better than driving all that way for nothing! Keep on getting better, and hope to see you a little closer next time around!

  47. I'm writing this in Swedish since I feel I can express my thoughts better that way :)

    Hej, Anette! Detta är första gången jag kommenterar på din blogg :) läser den dock regelbundet. Jag kände att jag måste säga det här nu när jag läste dina senaste inlägg.

    Jag var inte på den där konserten i USA, men när jag läste att bandet tagit in ersättare pga att du låg på sjukhus, blev jag orolig! Tänk om något riktigt allvarligt hänt? Det vore hemskt! Sen det där med att de fick hjälp att uppträda värmde bara mitt hjärta, eftersom jag förstod att de inte ville göra fansen besvikna. Det måste varit ett väldigt hastigt beslut, men ett smartare än att de ställde in konserten. Trots att jag mycket hellre skulle vilja se dig, skulle jag vara glad om de gjorde åtminstone så. När jag såg er i april (göteborg) var tanken på en inställd konsert man väntat på i ett halvår...förkrossande. Jag är säker på att du förstår vad jag menar, du är smart :)
    Jag är så glad att du mår bättre, och att du faktiskt sjöng igår, trots din influensa. Mycket bra jobbat och det är så en utmärkt sångerska (som även bryr sig om fansen) gör. Tycker dock synd om dig som måste lida :(

    Men nu är jag lite orolig igen. Folk diskuterar och spekulerar om saker de inte vet något om. Jag säger inte att jag tror på allt som sägs, t.ex att ni bråkar mycket nu och att de kanske är sista turnén för Nightwish. Men åh gud om det vore sant, vet jag inte vad jag skulle göra. Jag har varit ett fan i nästan sju år och ni är en sådan inspirationskälla för mig. Jag hoppas verkligen att ni fortsätter och att ni kan lösa era problem om ni har några. Alla band bråkar ibland, de vet jag, men hoppas det inte slutar som det gjorde med Tarja. Bättre ersättare än du finns inte, och om du skulle lämna bandet, eller någon annan, skulle det inte vara samma sak längre. Det är klart, funkar det inte så gör det inte det, ni har fått ta mycket skit, men kom ihåg att ni har fans kvar som älskar det ni gör och inte bryr er om ni så gjorde en hiphop - låt (heh). Du har en fantastisk röst och musiken är fortfarande densamma som förr - magnifik. Om jag fick träffa dig personligen skulle jag säga allt det här, men nu får Internet duga. Jag är ledsen för din skull att du blev så sjuk, men bandet försökte bara agera som de trodde var bäst. Ingen tycker att Eliza är bättre än du, eftersom du passar in i Nightwish 100 ggr bättre :) Eliza och Alica gjorde dig en tjänst, och de ser det säkert som en stor ära att få testa sjunga låtarna som du rockar bättre än de!

    Strunta i vad folk skriver på Facebook, de vet ingenting, det är bara tolkningar. Håll ihop, andas. Ta hand om dig, ta hand om er :)

    Ser fram emot filmen, hoppas den kommer till Sverige! Annars vet jag inte vad jag gör :)

    //Från ett stoooort fan.

  48. sorry to read your health status! I hope u will get better soon!

    I agree the band had a good idea to let the show to go on, maybe it would have been much more elegant just ot give you notice.

    And maybe, it would have been more elegant from your side to not make it public.

    1. Epica replaced Simone with Amanda when she was sick. Nightwish gave the audience a choice and the fans chose to stay for a cover concert. The boys looked after the people who came a long way. My husband and I had to juggle our schedule for the Australian concert so if this had happened to us, I'd be glad the show went on too.

      Anette I loved you in Nightwish and I will miss you but I did not respect the public complaints on your blog. You were in hospital getting medical help and it would have been trivial to bother you with concert details. Your complaints came across very egotistical and self-serving. Sorry, but that's my opinion.

    2. I saw it as more that she was worried for the fans who were upset she wasn't there. After all, if her and the band were growing apart and all she had was to connect with the fans, I wouldn't blame her for sensitivity on the idea. I don't think she even knew there was a vote.

      In any case, I don't see how this should end her career and friendship with them. As a band that has been through so much with her and us, there should have been time and care taken to work through the issues. All bands have issues...

      But, I guess we don't know the whole story and I can only hope this really is for the best.
      (Anette, if you read this, I hope that later on, when you're up for it, you can shed a little more light on this whole thing...)

  49. Jeg er så enig med Marlene! Jeg synes dette var veldig "sporty" trekk av Nightwish. Og nei, det samme kunne ikke skje med Britney eller Rihanna. Men så er det jo mye annet også som ikke skjer med dem, det er kanskje en grunn til at så mange velger å høre på Nightwish og ikke Britney. ;)

    Jeg ble Nightwish-fan etter at Anette tok over som vokalist, så jeg sier det samme som Marlene, jeg håper virkelig dere kommer over dette, og respekterer hverandre. Samtidig kan jeg tenke meg at fire gutter fra Øst-Finland ikke bestandig er de letteste å diskutere ting med... Og det sier jeg med all kjærlighet, jeg er oppvokst i samme område selv. :D

  50. Anette I just read this... You don't have to post this if you dont want to. I agree with you 1000% what a bad decision. What kind of unity does this show?? If the other band members was in the hospital would they like being replaced. I am not trying to get you mad again, but I am mad. All these years you are trying to get out of the Tarja crap. Then they act like they can replace you anytime they want. I hope you show them this, I think it was very dis-respectful. They could have cancelled the show and went back to do it at a different time. Anyway I hope you get better. You rocked at Royal Oak, Mi. Thanks Again.

    FYI - Tell them Money is not everything... Geez.

  51. The show sucked at Denver. I was there. Of course a crowd full of drunk metal heads are going to scream yes they want the show to go on. It was a giant karaoke. Can't believe I paid actual money to see some random chick singing off a lyric sheet.

  52. Pretty weak for them to do this, I mean Sabaton cancelled shows due to Visas and they are coming back to redo those cancelled shows this winter, bands do it often. Didn't Jukka give you the flu in the first place, or he had it first at least. Nightwish is great but something seems amiss with all of what has just happened. Smells of a hidden agenda to me. So glad to have gotten to see you in Colombus. Take care.

  53. This is quite upsetting for me, my 10 year old son was with me at the Colombus show and he was in awe of the whole thing. He knows all of the songs you sing on. I couldn't imagine his disapointment if you had not been the singer. I think they underestimate your value a lot to replace you without notice on those ticketholders, I personally would have felt cheated. Luckily I recorded my boy rocking out to some of the songs. You will be missed so much, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MxQyYh65CAs

  54. You were beautiful and sang beautifully in Salt Lake City, Anette. I feel honored to have been at your last performance and it was a truly wonderful one. I hope you are feeling better and I look forward to seeing where your musical career takes you in the future, if that's the path you choose to take.


  55. You just know there's something wrong with Tuomas if he already got 2 singers to leave the band

  56. Hi Anette!

    I'm a Nightwish fan full time, but I have to admit it, when I read the press notice, I felt very sad, now I feel empty, because another great voice of this awesome band, has extinguished, but I want to tell you that you're voice now, has a big place in my heart. My best wishes to you and your family, life goes on, despite all, and I bet you'll have better opportunities in your life

    Greets from a colombian fan :)

  57. Hi Anette. I'm sorry to hear that you're ill. I saw you with Nightwish two weeks ago in Worcester and three years ago in Hartford, and you have a lovely, magical voice.

    I was crushed to hear that you're leaving my favorite band, but you have to do what's best for you and I certainly understand that. I also think you're incredibly strong for staying with the band despite the public backlash from some fans after Tarja left. I honestly don't know if I could have done it, but you did. That's how I know that you're a tough cookie and you're going to be okay :)

    I would have been so disappointed had you not been present at the show I went to a few weeks ago, but honestly I would have been even more let down had the whole show been canceled. (I bought my tickets five months in advance and cut a graduate class to go to it! Don't tell anyone...haha.) I waited very eagerly for three years to see you all a second time, and my guess would be that no one meant to spite you. Bands use substitute members from time to time in a crisis, and I understand why.

    Best wishes. God bless. Thanks for sharing your voice with us.

    Love from the U.S.!

  58. Hi Anette. I'm sorry to hear that you're ill. I saw you with Nightwish two weeks ago in Worcester and three years ago in Hartford, and you have a lovely, magical voice.

    I was crushed to hear that you're leaving my favorite band, but you have to do what's best for you and I certainly understand that. I also think you're incredibly strong for staying with the band despite the public backlash from some fans after Tarja left. I honestly don't know if I could have done it, but you did. That's how I know that you're a tough cookie and you're going to be okay :)

    I would have been so disappointed had you not been present at the show I went to a few weeks ago, but honestly I would have been even more let down had the whole show been canceled. (I bought my tickets five months in advance and cut a graduate class to go to it! Don't tell anyone...haha.) I waited very eagerly for three years to see you all a second time, and my guess would be that no one meant to spite you. Bands use substitute members from time to time in a crisis, and I understand why.

    Best wishes. God bless. Thanks for sharing your voice with us.

    Love from the U.S.!

  59. Nightwish without you isn't Nightwish anymore. I used to love Nightwish with Tarja, and then you came, I love Nightwish more, and guess what, i love your voice more than Nightwish itself...

    waiting for your solo.. cheers!!

  60. My Honest opinion is this is so stupid, you need your rest and you did what you can. I really love your voice so much and I am hoping and praying that you will stay with nightwish if not I will get your album and put it on my MP3 player and listen to it all the time if I have to lol. You are a good person hun and you did what you can, I hate when things go wrong it really sucks and for the flu you can curse it I hate that when I get it. Best wishes hun get better..

  61. Anette, I'm incredibly sorry to hear that you are no longer in the band. I have great admiration for you having stuck it out in the midst of all the comparisons. It had to have been incredibly difficult. As a fan of the band before your participation, and as a musician myself, I was excited to see what you would bring to the band. I loved Tarja, and at the time I couldn't see anyone replacing her. You proved me so wrong! You have absolutely earned my respect as a singer. These past two albums have not left my CD player for an entire year - for anyone who knows me, that is simply unheard of. Anette, you stand on your own. You haven't followed anyone's footsteps in Nightwish. Your path is your own. Nightwish got even better with you in it. I honestly cannot image any of the songs being any better than they are, including what you brought to the table. You are part of a couple masterpieces; don't ever let anyone take that away from you. Nightwish has been THE music to the soundtrack of my life these past couple years, and I deeply thank you. So as you go forward on your own, while fans focus on what Nightwish will do to fill your slot, you may well become depressed at the situation. It would be understandable. But in no uncertain terms, know this: There are people that love you for what you did, what your work means to them personally, how it lifted them and carried them through all sorts of issues. We'll be with you as you go forward, hopefully in music. You have a Gift, and gifts were meant to be used. I pray that you continue to use yours. You have touched our lives, and we are grateful. Stay strong, Anette, we - and I - love you.
