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Benefits of the ELK Stack

In this ELK tutorials, we explain the benefits of the ELK stack. ElK can handle petabytes of data. ELK stack is free and opensource, build on apache2 using apache leucen it is all opensource.

Benefits of the ELK Stack Scalability:

ELK stack offers elasticity with the massive distributed structure that allows you to start small and scale horizontally by adding more nodes to your network as it expands.


Elasticsearch helps to detect failed nodes in order to organize and distribute data automatically so that your data is always accessible and secure.


Elastic Stack offers full-text searching capability with the query API that supports multi inbuild search, Geo Location, contextual suggestion, auto-complete and results in snippets logstash can work with multiple data sources like file, DB, metric &, etc.


ELK stores automatically index JSON documents making them searchable it also optimizes the store of data on disk


It is easy to use via HTTP


Integration with Elasticsearch and Logstash helps to visualize both structured and unstructured data that is Index into elasticsearch. Using these tools we can easily create charts, plots, histograms maps and etc.

check out more features on elsaticsearch. and the benefits of the ELK Stack.

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