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→‎Show preview: translates the beginning/översätter början
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Testa det! Öppna Wikispecies i ett nytt fönster! [[Wikispecies:Sandbox|Sandbox]] (sandlådan) och klicka sedan på "redigera"-länken. Du kommer se källkoden till den sidan. Skriv något, vad som helst, exempelvis "testar" heller säg bara "hej". Spara den sedan och se vad du gjort.
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AnEn importantviktig featurefunktion toatt startbörja usinganvända nownu isär "ShowVisa previewförhandsgranskning", whichsom allowslåter youdig tose seehur whatsidan thekommer pagese willut lookefter likedin after your editredigering, eveninnan beforedu you savesparar. Försök Trygöra makingen anredigering edit in thei [http[Wikispecies://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Tutorial_%28Editing%29/sandbox tutorial sandboxSandbox]], thenoch clickingsedan theklicka show preview"Visa buttonförhandsgranskning"-knappen. We all make mistakes, and this lets you catch them immediately. If you make a habit of using Show Preview before saving, you'll save yourself and other editors a lot of trouble. It also lets you try out format changes without actually changing the article until you're satisfied.
This is especially important if you think you may be making other edits on the page. It is a good idea to just Save once, to keep the page history uncluttered. Saving less often is also a way of avoiding edit conflicts, which occur when two editors try to change a page at the same time. However, when you change large amounts of text you should consider doing this in successive steps (e.g. one paragraph at a time) so that others can follow your edits more easily.