


Research Solutions exists to unlock the potential of the research community worldwide.

We know that only sound research will expand human potential. Research Solutions is dedicated to this scientific endeavour: one simple, accessible ecosystem that contains a world of support for the research community to advance our collective knowledge.

  • Accelerating Publication
    Solutions to help you on your path to publication
  • Support to succeed
    Share your work broadly, and get recognition for it
  • Nurture your career
    Expand you skillset, search for a new job, more
  • Inspiring Knowledge
    Interesting conferences and up to date news
  • Create impact
    Expand your research's reach beyond peers

Accelerating Publication

Solutions to help you on your path to publication,
useful for researchers and authors of any level.


Nurture your career

Expand your skillset, seach for a new job, learn how to
present your work and much more.


Create impact

Create an impact with your research and expand it’s
reach beyond your peers and mentors.


Inspiring Knowledge

Attend interesting conferences and read up to date
news and information related to specific fields.

Our solutions categorised in other ways

Categorised by product type

Our solutions organised by what they solve.

Occupation specific solutions

Our solutions based on what occupations they support.

Springer Nature is a global publisher dedicated to providing the best possible service to the whole research community.

We help authors to share their discoveries; enable researchers to find, access and understand the work of others and support librarians and institutions with innovations in technology and data.

We use our position and our influence to champion the issues that matter to the research community – standing up for science; taking a leading role in open research and being powerful advocates for the highest quality and ethical standards in research.


Space operations
researcher, RAEng

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