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Pandôo 1 [Sepe]

A bull .

bull \ˈbʊl\

  1. bâgara
    • A bull is a male cow.
    • to take the bull by the horns, .
  2. (Sendâvârä) kaladi
  3. (Na sïönî nî, Mbäkôro) pulûsu
    • Why is that bull still nosing around here?

Palî [Sepe]

bull \ˈbʊl\

  1. tene mvene


  • Karan, Elke, Kêtê bakarî tî Sängö: Farânzi, Angelëe na Yângâ tî Zâmani, 1st ed. , 1995 → dîko mbëtï