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Premium/Discount to Net Asset Value (NAV)

What is Premium/Discount to NAV?
The Premium/Discount to Net Asset Value (NAV) is a metric that helps investors assess whether an Exchange-Traded Fund (ETF) is trading at a premium or discount compared to the total value of its underlying assets. NAV represents the per-share value of the ETF’s assets after deducting liabilities.

How is Premium/Discount to NAV Calculated?
The calculation involves comparing the ETF’s market price per share to its NAV per share, and then expressing the difference as a percentage of NAV. A positive percentage indicates a premium, meaning the ETF is trading at a higher price than the calculated NAV. Conversely, a negative percentage indicates a discount, suggesting the ETF is trading at a lower price than NAV.

Why is Premium/Discount to NAV important?
Premium/Discount to NAV offers insights into the market perception of the ETF’s value. A premium might suggest that investors are willing to pay more for the ETF than its underlying assets are worth, possibly indicating strong demand or market optimism. A discount, on the other hand, could signal that the ETF is undervalued relative to its assets, possibly due to market uncertainty or investor caution. An ETF trading close to NAV may be efficiently priced, while larger premiums or discounts could raise questions about tracking accuracy.