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PUBLIC HEALTH SURVEILLANCE IN THE UNITED STATES In 1963, Alexander D. Langmuir defined disease surveillance as "the continu
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Copyright © 1988 by The Johns Hopkins University School of Hygiene and Public Health
All rights reserved
Vol. 10, 1988
Printed in U.S.A.
In 1963, Alexander D. Langmuir defined
disease surveillance as "the continued
watchfulness over the distribution and
trends of incidence through the systematic
collection, consolidation and evaluation of
morbidity and mortality reports and other
relevant data" and the regular dissemina-
tion of data to "all who need to know" (1,
pp. 182-183). Langmuir was careful to dis-
tinguish surveillance both from direct re-
sponsibility for control activities and from
epidemiologic research, although he recog-
nized the important interplay among epi-
demiologic studies, surveillance, and con-
trol activities. In 1968, the 21st World
Health Assembly held technical discussions
on the National and Global Surveillance of
Communicable Disease and identified these
main features of surveillance: 1) the sys-
tematic collection of pertinent data; 2) the
orderly consolidation and evaluation of
these data; and 3) the prompt dissemina-
tion of the results to those who need to
know, particularly those who are in a posi-
tion to take action (2).
Subsequently, the applications of sur-
veillance concepts have broadened to in-
clude a wider range of health data—risk
factors, disability, and health practices—as
well as disease. This is reflected in the 1986
Centers for Disease Control (CDC) defini-
tion of epidemiologic surveillance:
Abbreviations: AIDS, acquired immunodeficiency
syndrome; CDC, Centers for Disease Control; NCHS,
National Center for Health Statistics; NIOSH, Na-
tional Institute for Occupational Safety and Health;
WHO, World Health Organization.
1 Center for Environmental Health and Injury Con-
trol, Centers for Disease Control, Atlanta, GA 30333.
(Reprint requests to Dr. Stephen B. Thacker.)
2 Epidemiology Program Office, Centers for Disease
Control, Atlanta, GA.
The authors thank Drs. Philip S. Brachman, Mi-
chael B. Gregg, Alexander D. Langmuir, and R. Gibson
Parrish for their contributions to the manuscript.
Epidemiologic surveillance is the ongoing sys-
tematic collection, analysis, and interpretation
of health data essential to the planning, imple-
mentation, and evaluation of public health prac-
tice, closely integrated with the timely dissemi-
nation of these data to those who need to know.
The final link in the surveillance chain is the
application of these data to prevention and con-
trol. A surveillance system includes a functional
capacity for data collection, analysis, and dis-
semination linked to public health programs (3,
p. ii).
A critical word in this definition is "on-
going"; one-time surveys or sporadic stud-
ies do not constitute surveillance. An on-
going system of data collection and colla-
tion is also not sufficient to constitute
public health surveillance, because to be
useful the data must be integrated into the
conduct and evaluation of specific public
health programs, which may include epi-
demiologic research leading to prevention.
The purpose of this review is to describe
the historical and current practice of public
health surveillance, to discuss new direc-
tions for surveillance both in terms of new
public health priorities and new methodo-
logical tools, and to assess the limitations
of surveillance.
Current concepts of public health sur-
veillance have evolved from public health
activities developed to control and prevent
disease in the community. In the late Mid-
dle Ages, governments in Western Europe
assumed responsibility for both health pro-
tection and health care of the population of
their towns and cities (4). A rudimentary
system of monitoring illness led to regula-
tions against polluting streets and public
water, instructions for burial and food
handling, and the provision of some types
of care. In the 17th century, John Graunt
used the Bills of Mortality to monitor dis-
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ease in London (5). In 1766, Johann Peter
Frank advocated a more comprehensive
form of public health surveillance with his
system of police medicine in Germany,
which covered school health, injury preven-
tion, maternal and child health, and public
water and sewage (4). In addition, the gov-
ernmental measures to protect the public
health were delineated (4).
William Farr (1807-1883) is recognized
as the founder of the modern concepts of
surveillance (6). As Superintendent of the
Statistical Department of the Registrar
General's Office of England and Wales
from 1839 to 1879, Farr concentrated his
efforts on collecting vital statistics, on as-
sembling and evaluating those data, and on
reporting them to both responsible health
authorities and to the general public.
In the United States, public health sur-
veillance has focused primarily on infec-
tious diseases. Basic elements of surveil-
lance were found in Rhode Island in 1741
when the colony passed an act requiring
tavern keepers to report contagious disease
among their patrons. Two years later, the
colony passed a law requiring reporting of
smallpox, yellow fever, and cholera (7).
National disease monitoring activities
did not begin until 1850 when mortality
statistics based on the decennial census of
that year were first published by the federal
government for the entire United States
(8). In 1878, Congress authorized the fore-
runner of the Public Health Service (PHS)
to collect morbidity reports for use with
quarantine measures against pestilential
diseases such as cholera, smallpox, plague,
and yellow fever (9). In 1893, an act pro-
vided for the collection of information each
week from state and municipal authorities
throughout the United States. By 1901, all
state and municipal laws required notifi-
cation (i.e., reporting) of selected commu-
nicable disease to local authorities such as
smallpox, tuberculosis, and cholera (10). In
1914, PHS personnel were appointed as
collaborating epidemiologists to serve in
state health departments to telegraph re-
ports weekly to the Public Health Service.
It was not until 1925, however, following
markedly increased reporting associated
with the severe poliomyelitis epidemic in
1916 and the influenza pandemic of 1918-
1919, that all states were participating in
national morbidity reporting (11). After a
1948 PHS study led to the revision of mor-
bidity reporting procedures, the National
Office of Vital Statistics assumed the re-
sponsibility for morbidity reporting. In
1949, weekly morbidity statistics that had
appeared for several years in Public Health
Reports were published by the National
Office of Vital Statistics. In 1952, mortality
data were added to what is now known as
the Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report.
Since 1961, this publication has been the
responsibility of CDC.
The Malaria Eradication Program was
undertaken by CDC and state health de-
partments in 1946 to address endemic ma-
laria in the United States at a time when
World War II veterans were returning from
Africa and from the Mediterranean and
Pacific theaters and introducing Plasmo-
dium vivax to the population (1). Spraying
of dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT)
had begun before surveillance was initiated.
By 1947, it was clear that earlier reports of
morbidity and mortality had been erro-
neous. Mississippi, South Carolina, and
Texas had the highest reported incidences
of malaria, but because there was no diag-
nostic verification, the reported occurrence
was exaggerated. A change in reporting re-
quirements that included case reports with
diagnostic verification was illuminating. In
Mississippi, for example, the reported in-
cidence of provisional cases dropped from
17,764 to 914 in the first year, only a very
few of which could be confirmed. Such new
criteria revealed that malaria had disap-
peared as an endemic disease from the
South. The malaria experience was a major
factor emphasizing the necessity of a more
current and comprehensive system of sur-
The critical demonstration in the United
States of the importance of surveillance
was made following the Francis Field Trial
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of poliomyelitis vaccine in 1955 (12, 13).
Within two weeks of the announcement of
the results of the Field Trial and initiation
of a nationwide vaccination program, six
cases of paralytic poliomyelitis were re-
ported through the notifiable disease re-
porting system to state and local health
departments; case investigations revealed
that these children had received vaccine
produced by a single manufacturer. The
Surgeon General requested the manufac-
turer to recall all outstanding lots of vac-
cine and directed that a national poliomy-
elitis surveillance program be established
at CDC. Intensive surveillance and appro-
priate epidemiologic investigations by fed-
eral, state, and local health departments
found 141 vaccine-associated cases of par-
alytic disease, 80 of which were found in
family contacts. Daily surveillance reports
were distributed by CDC to all persons
involved in these investigations. This na-
tional common-source epidemic was ulti-
mately related to a particular brand of vac-
cine that had been contaminated with live
virus. Had the surveillance program not
been in existence, many and perhaps all
vaccine manufacturers would have ceased
Surveillance was critical to the contain-
ment strategy for global eradication of
smallpox, and the success of the program
demonstrated to the international commu-
nity the practical value of surveillance (14).
To facilitate early outbreak detection, sur-
veillance teams actively investigated re-
ported cases, sought nearby cases, and ini-
tiated rapid containment measures. Sur-
veillance was intensified in areas in which
cases were confirmed. When outbreaks de-
creased, these teams continued to search
high-risk areas for cases until independent
assessment confirmed that transmission
had been interrupted. Routine reporting of
cases and the work of the surveillance
teams were further supplemented in some
settings by one-week, village-level, inten-
sive case identification. These surveillance
activities were clearly linked to contain-
ment measures that included isolating pa-
tients at home and rapidly vaccinating per-
sons in surrounding houses. Key population
contacts for surveillance included not only
government officials and religious leaders
but also school children, tea shop owners,
people in markets, nomads, and refugees.
The Conference (now Council) of State
and Territorial Epidemiologists was au-
thorized in 1951 by its parent body, The
Association of State and Territorial Health
Officials, to determine what diseases should
be reported by states to the Public Health
Service and to develop reporting proce-
dures. The Council currently meets an-
nually and, in collaboration with CDC, rec-
ommends to its constituent members ap-
propriate changes in morbidity reporting
and surveillance, including what diseases
should be reported to CDC and published
in the Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Re-
Until 1950, the term surveillance was
restricted in public health practice to
watching contacts of serious communicable
diseases, such as smallpox, to detect early
symptoms so that prompt isolation could
be instituted (15). Langmuir has been cred-
ited with broadening the application of sur-
veillance to populations (1), and in 1968,
the 21st World Health Assembly focused
on national and global surveillance of com-
municable diseases, applying the term to
diseases rather than to the monitoring of
individuals with selected communicable
diseases (2). Over the intervening years, a
wide variety of health events, such as child-
hood lead poisoning, leukemia, congenital
malformations, abortions, injuries, and be-
havioral risk factors have been brought un-
der surveillance. In 1976, recognition of the
breadth of surveillance activities through-
out the world was made evident by a special
issue of the International Journal of Epi-
demiology devoted to papers specially com-
missioned to examine health surveillance
In 1986, CDC, in collaboration with the
Council of State and Territorial Epide-
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miologists, published its first Comprehen-
sive Plan for Epidemiologic Surveillance
(3). In this document, CDC explicitly delin-
eated its policies and goals in surveillance,
specified plans to establish and evaluate
surveillance systems, and described rele-
vant activities in research and training.
Since the term surveillance was first ap-
plied to a disease rather than to an individ-
ual in 1950, it has assumed major signifi-
cance in disease control and prevention. Its
specific connotations, however, have not
been universally understood. In 1963,
Langmuir clearly limited surveillance to
the collection, analysis, and dissemination
of data (1). The term did not encompass
direct responsibility for control activities.
In 1965, the Director General of the World
Health Organization (WHO) established
an Epidemiological Surveillance Unit in
the Division of Communicable Diseases at
WHO (17). The Division Director, Karel
Raska, defined surveillance much more
broadly than Langmuir and included in it
"the epidemiological study of disease as a
dynamic process." In the case of malaria,
he saw epidemiologic surveillance as en-
compassing control and prevention activi-
ties. Indeed, the WHO definition of malaria
surveillance included not only case detec-
tion but also taking of blood films, drug
treatment, epidemiologic investigation, and
follow-up (18).
The 1968 World Health Assembly dis-
cussions reflected the broadened concept of
epidemiologic surveillance and addressed
the application of the concept to public
health problems other than communicable
diseases (2). In addition, epidemiologic sur-
veillance was said to imply "the responsi-
bility of following up to see that effective
action has been taken" (2, p. 9).
The use of epidemiologic to describe sur-
veillance first appeared in the mid-1960s
and was associated with the establishment
of the WHO unit of that name. This was
done both to distinguish this activity from
other forms of surveillance, such as for
military intelligence, and to reflect its
broadened applications. The use of the
term epidemiologic, however, also engen-
dered both confusion and controversy. In
1971, Langmuir noted that some epide-
miologists tend to equate surveillance with
epidemiology in its broadest sense, includ-
ing epidemiologic investigations and re-
search (15, p. 12). He found this "both
etymologically unsound and administra-
tively unwise," favoring a definition of sur-
veillance as "epidemiological intelligence."
Surveillance activities, however, have
frequently led to epidemiologic investiga-
tions of etiology. After the initiation of the
National Influenza Immunization Program
in October 1976, cases of Guillain-Barre
syndrome were reported to CDC through a
nationwide surveillance system established
to monitor illnesses occurring after influ-
enza vaccination (19). Subsequent epide-
miologic studies demonstrated a relation of
Guillain-Barre syndrome to the swine in-
fluenza vaccine that was in use, which re-
sulted in the cessation of the vaccination
program for the year (20). To test whether
the syndrome could result from use of other
influenza vaccines, a special surveillance
system was established in 1978 which used
1,813 neurologists as reporters (21). The
data collected for that and several subse-
quent years showed no association between
influenza vaccines and Guillain-Barre syn-
In addition, public health surveillance
systems are often the source of cases for
case-control studies. For example, in re-
sponse to concerns expressed by Vietnam
veterans about the possibility of increased
risk for fathering children born with birth
defects, CDC conducted a case-control
study using as cases with serious structural
birth defects infants identified by the Met-
ropolitan Atlanta Congenital Defects Pro-
gram (22). This surveillance system at-
tempted to ascertain all infants with de-
fects diagnosed during the first year of life
born to mothers who resided in the Atlanta
area. Cases and controls were selected from
infants born alive in the Atlanta area dur-
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ing the years 1968 through 1980. This study
found that Vietnam veterans did not have
an increased risk of fathering children with
defects. Other examples of epidemiologic
research facilitated by case ascertainment
through surveillance include the demon-
stration of the association of tampon use
with the development of toxic shock syn-
drome (23), the relation between salicylate
use and Reye's syndrome (24), the risk of
breast cancer associated with long-term
oral contraceptive use (25), and quantifi-
cation of the risk of acquired immunodefi-
ciency syndrome (AIDS) from certain sex-
ual practices (26).
We believe that there are two issues to
be addressed in this discussion. First, what
are the boundaries of surveillance practice?
Second, is epidemiologic an appropriate
modifier of surveillance as it is used in
public health practice? To address these
questions, we must first examine the struc-
ture of public health practice. One can di-
vide public health activities into surveil-
lance, epidemiologic and laboratory re-
search, service (including program
evaluation), and training. Surveillance data
should be used to identify areas needing
research and service which, in turn, help to
define training needs. Unless data are pro-
vided to those who set policy and imple-
ment programs, their use is limited to ar-
chives and academic pursuits and are ap-
propriately considered to be health
information rather than surveillance data.
Surveillance, however, does not encompass
research or service. These are related but
independent public health activities and
may be based on surveillance. Hence, the
boundary of surveillance practice is drawn
before the actual conduct of research and
the implementation of delivery programs.
Given this context, the use of the term
epidemiologic to modify surveillance is mis-
leading. Epidemiology is a broad discipline
that incorporates research and training
that is distinct from a public health process
that we call surveillance (table 1). Because
of the much broader content of epidemiol-
ogy, the use of epidemiologic confuses the
meaning of surveillance in the public health
setting, having led in the past to the inap-
propriate incorporation of research into the
definition of surveillance (18). For this rea-
son, in this paper, we will not adhere to the
current practice of using the term epide-
miologic to modify surveillance. We pro-
pose that a more appropriate term is public
health surveillance, because its use retains
the original benefits of the term epidemio-
logic cited previously and removes some of
the confusion surrounding current practice.
Surveillance is more correctly an element
of public health, and persons encountering
the term should understand this.
Data collection
Surveillance data are collected from mul-
tiple sources. Physicians, laboratories, and
other health care providers are required to
report all cases of those diseases or health
conditions specified by state law to be no-
tifiable (or reportable); most of these con-
ditions are of infectious origin. Typically, a
case report form is completed for each case
by the health care provider or laboratory
and mailed to the local or state health
department. In some states, the authority
to change the list of notifiable diseases is
granted to the state health authorities; in
other states, each change must be newly
legislated. Penalties for failure to report a
notifiable condition may include suspen-
sion of a physician's license (27), but in
practice such penalties are rarely enforced.
Physician reporting is influenced by disease
severity, availability of public health mea-
sures, public concern, ease of reporting, and
physician appreciation of public health
practice in the community.
A disease traditionally is notifiable only
when there is a clear link between a case
report and a public health action. For many
of these diseases, case investigations are
performed by the state or local health de-
partment. Individual names and other per-
sonal identifiers are often required for pur-
poses of contact identification or treat-
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Distinctions between public health surveillance and epidemiologic research
Public health surveillance
Epidemiologic research
Reason for initiating data
Frequency of data collec-
Method of data collection
Amount of data collected
per case
Completeness of data col-
Analysis of data
Dissemination of data
Use of data
Problem detection
Problem description
Identify cases for epidemiologic studies
May be legally required
Monitor geographic and temporal trends
in disease occurrence
Established systems or procedures
Many persons involved
Traditionally depends on voluntary par-
Usually minimal
Often incomplete
Traditionally simple
Primarily to detect change in incidence
Usually historical comparison groups
Review in public health agency
Targeted to public health and clinical au-
Identifies a problem
Triggers intervention
Suggests hypotheses
Commonly used to evaluate programs
Estimates magnitude of a problem
Hypothesis testing
Problem description
Usually time-limited
Special procedures tailored to hypotheses or
questions of interest
Fewer persons involved
Depends on paid, supervised employees
Can be considerable and usually detailed
Usually complete
Can be complex
Hypothesis testing often requires statistical
Concurrent controls
Not timely
External review
Targeted to academic as well as public health
and clinical audience
Describes a problem in detail
Provides etiologic information
Tests hypotheses, suggests additional hy-
Less often used to evaluate programs
ment. In addition, collecting names aids in
identifying duplicate reports. Because of
the need to identify individuals, however,
concerns about confidentiality affect noti-
fiable disease reporting, and individual
identifiers are not usually collected at the
national level. These concerns have been
heightened by the epidemic of AIDS (28).
The Council of State and Territorial Ep-
idemiologists determines which notifiable
diseases should be reported from the state
health department to CDC. In addition, the
quarantinable diseases—yellow fever, chol-
era, and plague—are reportable by inter-
national regulation. To obtain information
(case reports) on specific topics such as
birth defects, influenza, low birth weight,
and nosocomial infections, CDC has collab-
orated with state and local health depart-
ments to establish specialized disease re-
porting systems. Other federal agencies are
involved in the collection of surveillance
data; for example, the Food and Drug Ad-
ministration (FDA) conducts postmarket-
ing surveillance of adverse reactions to
drugs (29), and the Consumer Product
Safety Commission conducts surveillance
of product-related injuries (30).
For many health events, national sur-
veillance systems rely on data collection
efforts by the National Center for Health
Statistics (NCHS) of CDC, including the
National Health Interview Survey (31), the
National Hospital Discharge Survey (32),
and the National Health and Nutrition Ex-
amination Survey (33) (table 2). Although
such surveys do not constitute public health
surveillance systems, data obtained in these
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Selecteiyiational data sources that support public health surueillance, United States
Responsible organization
Sources of data
Ambulatory Sentinel Practice
Network for North America
Boating Accident Reporting
Fatal Accident Reporting Sys-
Hazardous Materials Informa-
tion System
National Accident Sampling
National Ambulatory Medical
Care Survey
National Burn Registry
National Disease and Thera-
peutic Index
Ambulatory Sentinel Practice
Coast Guard
Department of Transportation
Department of Transportation
McDonnell-Douglas Corpora-
Department of Transportation
National Institute of Burn
IMS, Inc.
Family physicians
Boat operators
Police records, vital records, medical exam-
iners, coroners, hospital records
Highway patrol
Hospital discharge abstracts
Police, hospitals
Office-based, medical practices
Burn centers
Office-based, medical practices
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surveys can be used as part of surveillance
systems that are more clearly linked to
public health practice (table 3). Similarly,
hospital abstracting services, such as the
Commission of Professional and Hospital
Activities (34), provide information on
more than 50 per cent of all acute-care
civilian hospital discharges in the United
States. In addition, more than half of the
states have enacted legislation placing hos-
pital discharge or claims data into the pub-
lic domain (35). Again, such data collection
activities do not constitute surveillance sys-
tems, but may provide useful data for sur-
There are relatively few national data
sets in the area of ambulatory care, and
these are used only rarely for surveillance
purposes (36-38). National data on diag-
nosis and drug therapy from office-based
practices are available from the National
Ambulatory Medical Care Survey of NCHS
(36) and the commercially available Na-
tional Disease and Therapeutic Index (37).
National influenza surveillance efforts
have been complemented by a convenience
sample of family practitioners that provides
CDC with demographic data and culture
specimens for all cases of influenza-like
illness seen in their offices during influenza
season (38). Emergency room data are
found in the National Electronic Injury
Surveillance System maintained by the
Consumer Product Safety Commission (39)
and the Drug Abuse Warning Network sup-
ported by the National Institute on Drug
Abuse (40).
Registries are also useful sources of in-
formation (41). Unlike national surveys
conducted by NCHS, registries are de-
signed to collect information on a specific
topic and are usually limited in scope. Like
the NCHS surveys, registries are not sur-
veillance systems, but data from registries
can be used for public health surveillance.
CDC's Metropolitan Atlanta Congenital
Defects Program is an example of a registry
that has been developed into a system of
public health surveillance (42). The best
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Page 9
Selected national public health surveillance systems, United States
Responsible organization
Types of data
Adverse drug reaction program
Behavioral Risk Factor Survey
Birth Defects Monitoring Pro-
Disease- and condition-specific
surveillance systemst
Fatal Accident Circumstances
and Epidemiology
National Electronic Injury Sur-
veillance System
National Notifiable Disease
Surveillance System
Nutrition (pediatrics and preg-
Surveillance, Epidemiology, and
End Results
Food and Drug Administration
CDC* via state health departments
Commission of Professional and Hospital
CDC via state health departments
National Institute for Occupational Safety
and Health (CDC)
Consumer Product Safety Commission
CDC via state health departments
National Cancer Institute
Pharmaceutical manufacturers,
Household telephone survey
Hospital discharge abstracts
Physicians, hospitals, laboratories
Medical examiners
Emergency rooms
Physicians hospitals, laboratories
Public clinics
Cancer registry
Various, by con-
dition (since
• CDC, Centers for Disease Control.
t This includes approximately 80 independent surveillance systems for specific diseases or conditions, mostly infectious.
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known and most widely used registries are
those for cancer. There are population-
based cancer registries in 38 states; 11 of
these are part of the National Cancer In-
stitute's Surveillance, Epidemiology, and
End Results Program (43).
Data collation and analysis
Data on infectious diseases are collated
and analyzed in local and state health de-
partments as well as at CDC. Descriptive
statistics, including sex, age, race, and
county of occurrence, have been the most
useful for analyzing infectious disease data
with emphasis on total number of cases for
a defined time period (e.g., weekly for no-
tifiable diseases). Additional analyses for
trends over time and summary statistics on
demographic information on cases may be
performed, and rates of disease may be
calculated. An exception to these limited
analyses has been the application of regres-
sion and time series analyses to mortality
data for the surveillance of influenza (44-
Public health surveillance of noninfec-
tious conditions emphasizes population-
based rates of disease. Linkage of data
sources has facilitated calculation of rates
and improved reporting (e.g., birth-weight-
specific death rates linked by birth and
death certificates) (47). Typically, health
department statistical staff calculate dis-
ease rates by sex, race, and age. In addition,
trends over time (by year for most chronic
conditions) are determined. In the past,
only national and regional data have been
available for estimates of morbidity related
to many noninfectious conditions, and few
small-area comparisons have been made.
As increasingly large morbidity data sets
are being used (e.g., hospital discharge ab-
stracts), the number and variety of appli-
cations are increasing (35).
Dissemination of data
An important purpose of data analysis
and dissemination is to provide easily
understood information in tabular or
graphic formats (in contrast to raw data)
to those who implement or influence public
health practice. Public health surveillance
data can be used to inform policymakers
and the public about the nature and extent
of health problems and to persuade these
audiences to address particular issues. In
this way, a health agency can develop a
constituency to support public health pro-
grams and to justify the expenditure of
public funds.
More than half of all state health depart-
ments and 40 per cent of county health
departments publish surveillance data in a
routine bulletin or newsletter for the local
medical and public health community (48).
State-specific notifiable disease data are
presented weekly in tabular format in
CDC's Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Re-
port. Infectious disease data are also pub-
lished annually in the CDC's Summary of
Notifiable Diseases and in similar publica-
tions by state health departments. In 1982,
CDC began publishing the CDC Surveil-
lance Summaries, which contains surveil-
lance reports on specific health events for
which CDC has program responsibilities.
Surveillance data from other agencies may
be published in special publications (e.g.,
the FDA Drug Bulletin). State and local
health department reports, federal publi-
cations like the Morbidity and Mortality
Weekly Report, and peer-reviewed public
health and clinical journals, however, are
the most common forms of disseminating
surveillance data. The "Rainbow Series" of
NCHS publications reflects data collected
and analyzed from vital statistics and na-
tional surveys (49). Although NCHS data
sets are not specifically linked to public
health programs, they are frequently used
to establish policy and monitor the effect
of national intervention programs (50).
Application to program
The concept of public health surveillance
has evolved from primarily an archival
function prior to 1950 to one in which there
is timely analysis of the data with an ap-
propriate response. Because surveillance is
part of public health practice, it should be
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used to guide control and/or prevention
measures (or relevant research). No public
health surveillance system is complete
without being linked to action. The uses of
surveillance include detecting new health
problems (e.g., antibiotic-resistant strains
of bacteria), detecting epidemics, docu-
menting the spread of disease, providing
quantitative estimates of the magnitude of
morbidity and mortality, describing the
clinical course of disease, identifying poten-
tial factors involved in disease occurrence,
facilitating epidemiologic and laboratory
research, and assessing control and preven-
tion activities (51).
Surveillance has been vital to developing
hypotheses and stimulating epidemiologic
research. Historically, acute infectious dis-
ease problems have almost always been de-
fined by epidemiologists in terms of their
temporal and geographic patterns. The
need to define chronic as well as acute
diseases in terms of temporal and geo-
graphic trends is being increasingly recog-
nized (52).
Public health surveillance efforts have
often been intensified when the means for
primary prevention of most or all cases is
at hand (e.g., vaccine for measles or small-
pox) or when the disease is severe and
newly emerging, with major efforts being
made to develop control and prevention
measures (e.g., toxic shock syndrome). Ad-
ditionally, public health surveillance has
served as the means for identifying persons
with a health problem who can participate
in epidemiologic studies for developing pre-
vention strategies (53). Even before AIDS
was documented to have a viral etiology,
for example, measures to lower a person's
risk of disease were suggested by studies of
cases detected through public health sur-
veillance (26).
Evaluation of surveillance programs
Established surveillance systems require
regular review and modification based on
explicit criteria of usefulness, cost, and
quality (51). Most published evaluations of
surveillance systems have been limited to
infectious diseases (54-57), although there
have been some efforts to assess the appro-
priateness of various data sources for the
surveillance of other kinds of health prob-
lems (58-60).
A surveillance system is useful if it can
be applied to a public health program to
control and prevent adverse health events
or to better understand the process leading
to an adverse outcome. The simplest way
to assess usefulness is to ask those involved
in public health practice by means of inter-
views or surveys (48, 61, 62). A more rig-
orous approach to defining usefulness is
through the assessment of the impact of
surveillance data on policies and interven-
tions (63), but there are no published stud-
ies of this kind. Decisions affecting public
health surveillance programs are more
often based on changes in more general
program directions than on detailed analy-
sis of a particular system (e.g., directing
resources away from routine contact trac-
ing for gonorrhea control to programs for
preventing AIDS).
The economic analysis of surveillance
systems has received little systematic at-
tention apart from the accounting of direct
costs to health agencies. In a 1983 report
from Vermont, the authors reasoned that
costs were too high to justify active, health-
department-initiated surveillance of se-
lected acute infectious diseases unless un-
quantified subjective benefits, such as im-
proved relations with practicing physicians,
were great (56). In a 1985 report from Ken-
tucky, on the other hand, the benefits as-
sociated with health-department-initiated
surveillance of hepatitis A were found to
outweigh the costs (64).
CDC has proposed a systematic method
to evaluate surveillance systems on the ba-
sis of usefulness and cost as well as seven
attributes of quality: sensitivity, specificity
and predictive value positive, representa-
tiveness, timeliness, simplicity, flexibility,
and acceptability (51, 65). These attributes
of a surveillance system are interdepen-
dent, and the improvement of one may
improve or compromise another. Increasing
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the sensitivity of a system to detect a
greater proportion of a given health event
in a population may also improve repre-
sentativeness and usefulness of the system,
yet may lead to greater cost, lower specific-
ity, and more false positive events. This
method of evaluation is currently being
used to assess all surveillance systems at
CDC at least once every three years. Such
an approach for evaluating surveillance
systems should enable public health prac-
titioners to efficiently assess their surveil-
lance practices and thus improve the deliv-
ery of public health services.
Chronic diseases
Better data are essential for progress in
chronic disease prevention and control,
particularly incidence data to establish
priorities and to evaluate programs (66).
These data should describe the burden and
the determinants of disease and help to
evaluate programs.
Three aspects of chronic diseases make
surveillance difficult. First, for some dis-
eases (e.g., mesothelioma following asbes-
tos exposure), the latency between a precip-
itating event or exposure and the eventual
chronic disease not only hinders linkage
between exposure and outcome but also
complicates development and evaluation of
prevention programs. Second, the multifac-
torial etiology of many chronic conditions
often prevents accurate linkage between
exposures, risk factors, or interventions
and outcomes. Third, because the public
health community is often interested in
arresting or reversing the progression of a
chronic condition, surveillance of various
stages of disease is important.
There has been extensive experience in
data collection and analysis of chronic dis-
ease occurrence. Indeed, at the community
level, there have been many examples of
monitoring of heart disease, stroke, and
cancer, although these programs are typi-
cally not ongoing, are usually limited to
data collection and analysis, and are rarely
directly linked to public health prevention
programs. For example, since 1945,
population-based community studies on
the natural history of stroke have been
conducted on data collected from medical
records and death certificates in Rochester,
Minnesota (67). Similar community studies
have been conducted on cardiovascular dis-
ease (68, 69). For cancer, the most success-
ful approach to community-based surveil-
lance has been the use of registries (43, 70),
an approach that has also been used for
stroke (71) and hypertension (72).
For various chronic conditions, efforts
have been made to obtain comprehensive
data not only from medical records and
death certificates but also from special sur-
veys (73, 74). Cancer has become a notifi-
able disease in at least 36 states in an effort
to broaden the scope of data collection for
that condition (T. Aldrich, Oakridge Na-
tional Laboratories, personal communica-
tion, 1988).
At the state and national levels, large
data sets are available for application to
the surveillance of chronic diseases (table
1). For example, national stroke mortality
(75) and cancer deaths (76) have been mon-
itored using death certificate data available
from the NCHS. An alternative approach
to the use of such national data bases is the
pooling of information from state and local
sources to monitor national trends, as has
been done with nutrition data. Data on
height and weight obtained from publicly
supported health and nutrition programs
demonstrated high prevalences of growth
stunting in Native American and Hispanic
children (77). This finding, together with
high weight-for-height in these popula-
tions, suggests that the diet of these chil-
dren is adequate in quantity but inadequate
in quality of nutrient intake. If confirmed,
such findings call for nutritional programs
focused on high quality protein and in-
creased essential vitamins rather than sim-
ply increased calories. Although pooling of
state data is less efficient than conducting
national samples, the close linkage at the
state level of data collection and analysis
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to program intervention is an important
consideration. In addition, there have been
efforts to bring together national data from
various sources for chronic health prob-
lems, such as esophageal cancer (78) and
alcohol abuse and alcoholism (79).
The Surveillance, Epidemiology, and
End Results Program of the National Can-
cer Institute is an elaborate registry of in-
cident cancers in 11 geographic areas in the
United States which provides detailed
population-based information on mortality
due to malignant neoplasms (43). It is the
principal source of national estimates of
site-specific cancer incidence and trends,
documenting increases in cancer of the lung
and bronchus and declines in the incidence
of gastric cancer (80). This program, which
costs about $5,800,000 annually, is partic-
ularly useful for national trend estimates
and epidemiologic research. Its uses for lo-
cal prevention and control activities, how-
ever, have been limited. Less elaborate
state cancer registries may be more closely
linked to state cancer control efforts (70).
None of these data collection activities
constitute public health surveillance sys-
tems. The usefulness of existing data sets
for chronic disease surveillance has not
been proven. Such data may, nonetheless,
prove useful for public health and are es-
sential to assess the completeness and ac-
curacy of existing chronic disease data and
their appropriateness for this purpose. To
date, there has been a limited effort to
apply the principles of public health sur-
veillance to specific chronic conditions (81)
or to assess alternative approaches to col-
lecting chronic disease data for public
health surveillance (82-84).
Occupational safety and health
In 1984, J. Donald Millar, the Director
of the National Institute for Occupational
Safety and Health (NIOSH), told Congress
that federal surveillance of occupational
illness was "70 years behind that of com-
municable disease surveillance" (85, p. 11).
Before the enactment of the 1970 Occupa-
tional Safety and Health Act, no compre-
hensive national data base on workplace
hazards existed (86).
Major efforts are currently under way to
perform surveillance of occupational dis-
eases both at the national and state levels.
Although past efforts have focused on data
gathering and analysis, current efforts are
motivated by attempts to collect data in a
way that will lead directly to intervention.
NIOSH first developed a list of the "Ten
Leading Work-related Diseases and Inju-
ries" and is now identifying those occupa-
tions and industries at high risk for adverse
health events (87).
A survey of states conducted by the Iowa
Department of Health in 1985-1986
showed that at least 30 (60 per cent) states
had either voluntary or mandatory report-
ing programs for selected occupational
health conditions (88). The states have not
been uniform, however, concerning the
conditions for which they require reporting,
although lead poisoning, silicosis, and as-
bestosis are frequently included on the re-
portable disease list. Also, the reporting
criteria for these occupational health
events are not uniform across states (e.g.,
Texas requires reporting of blood lead lev-
els >40 mg/ml, whereas New York requires
reporting of all blood lead levels >25 mg/
ml) (P. Honchar, CDC, personal commu-
nication, 1987).
Although many state health departments
have reporting laws, few have maintained
a professional staff that could respond to
the incoming reports. Fortunately, this gap
in surveillance is being addressed. For ex-
ample, the Texas Department of Health
performs case investigations routinely in
response to reported cases of occupation-
ally acquired lead poisoning (P. Honchar,
CDC, personal communication, 1987). Case
investigation includes 1) assuring proper
clinical management of the affected person
and 2) offering an evaluation of the work-
site to detect factors potentially responsible
for the case. This evaluation is accom-
panied by recommendations for preventing
further cases. Screening for elevated blood
lead levels in coworkers may be conducted.
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As another example, NIOSH is conducting
the Fatal Accident Circumstances and Ep-
idemiology Project, which focuses upon se-
lected electrical-related and confined
space-related fatalities (89). The purpose
of the program is to identify factors influ-
encing the risk of fatal injuries in the work-
In addition to data gained from case re-
ports, 30 states now include occupational
information on death certificates; only 18
states collected such information in 1981
(90). Fourteen health departments include
parents' occupations on the birth certifi-
cate. Reporting to health departments will
be expanded through the Sentinel Event
Notification System for Occupational
Risks, a NIOSH-sponsored health event
reporting system based on reporting se-
lected occupational disease and injury out-
comes amenable to control and prevention
(E. Baker, CDC, personal communication,
1987). Other data used by state health de-
partments for surveillance include hospital
discharge data, workmen's compensation
data, and cancer registries (11 states report
occupational history on all cancer cases).
At the national level, questions on health
outcomes and health risks of relevance to
occupational health have been incorporated
into the National Health and Nutrition
Examination Survey and the National
Health Interview Survey.
Health effects of environmental toxic
Public health surveillance in environ-
mental health includes both hazard (expo-
sure) and health effects monitoring. An
example of an ongoing national system for
collecting data on potential exposures is the
Hazardous Materials Information System
of the Department of Transportation,
which was established in 1971 by a federal
law that seeks voluntary reporting of spills
occurring during interstate commerce (91).
Comparisons of these reports with inde-
pendently collected data from the state of
Washington, however, indicated that the
federal system missed over 80 per cent of
spills and had inadequate data on injury,
death, and cost (91). The state of California
compared data from the Hazardous Mate-
rials Information System with similar in-
formation collected by the California High-
way Patrol related to hazardous material
spills to determine number and nature of
incidents (59). Of 941 incidents involving
highway transport of hazardous materials
and related exposures and injuries, only 18
were reported in both systems. Despite such
limitations, the Hazardous Materials Infor-
mation System could be integrated into a
system of public health surveillance be-
cause it offers useful data on place, cause,
and mode of spill.
The most extensive public health sur-
veillance system developed for outcomes
related to an environmental hazard evolved
from 62 childhood lead-poisoning preven-
tion programs (92). Over a 10-year period
ending in 1981, 247,000 children with lead
toxicity were identified among nearly 4 mil-
lion screened. The data were disseminated
at both the local and national levels and
were applied to program planning and im-
plementation. This routine reporting sys-
tem was complemented with data from the
Second National Health Assessment and
Nutrition Examination Survey (92). These
data sources documented the decrease in
blood lead levels associated with the reduc-
tion of lead used in gasoline. When federal
funding was discontinued in 1981, the na-
tional program stopped, and most local ac-
tivities were curtailed or eliminated.
More typically, public health surveillance
of specific environmental health outcomes
is established, often in the form of regis-
tries, and then attempts are made to relate
these outcomes to particular exposures or
etiologies. Important examples are the sys-
tems established for the surveillance of con-
genital malformations. Widespread interest
in birth defects followed the epidemic of
limb reduction deformities which was as-
sociated with women taking thalidomide
during early pregnancy. This event, coupled
with epidemiologic patterns for several
malformations indicative of an environ-
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mental etiology, led to the establishment of
the Metropolitan Atlanta Congenital De-
fects Program and the nationwide Birth
Defects Monitoring Program in 1967 and
1974, respectively (42). These two systems
are used to monitor trends in specific birth
defects or combinations of defects and to
stimulate epidemiologic investigations
when increases are identified. The data
have been used to demonstrate the lack of
teratogenicity of exposures of serious public
concern such as spray adhesives (93), vinyl
chloride (34), airport noise (94), and mili-
tary service in Vietnam (22). Similarly,
cancer registries have been used to study
possible relations between specific cancers
and environmental exposures (43).
The first challenge in the public health
surveillance of environmental hazards is to
determine which hazards warrant ongoing
programs of surveillance. The major con-
straint of the outcome approach is the lim-
ited knowledge of the health effects of spe-
cific toxins (i.e., natural) and toxicants (i.e.,
man-made), which inhibits our ability to
detect unexpected associations between
disease and exposure. Humans have re-
leased thousands of toxins and toxicants
into the environment, but both the health
impact and the exposure potential of most
of these substances are unknown or, at best,
established only in laboratory animals. The
Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease
Registry has been given the responsibility
of ranking the leading priority chemicals in
terms of risk to human health (95). Yet,
even when this task has been accomplished,
policies for establishing systems of public
health surveillance will need to be formu-
lated by local, state, and federal agencies.
Once priorities are established, data must
be identified for both exposures and out-
comes. Fortunately, many data sets (e.g.,
the Birth Defects Monitoring Program) al-
ready exist for both and need only to be
integrated into public health programs (42).
It is simpler and less costly to use existing
data and data systems than to establish
new ones. Additionally, historical data en-
able one to analyze long-term trends.
Public health surveillance in a disaster
setting is critical to the optimal allocation
of scarce and often poorly organized re-
sources. Surveillance systems were estab-
lished, for example, to monitor exposure to
radiation following the incident at the nu-
clear reactor at Three Mile Island (96).
Surveillance systems were also developed
to monitor the health effects of the volcanic
ash plume created by the eruption of the
Mount St. Helens volcano in 1980 (97) and
the health effects of exposure to toxic waste
at Love Canal (98). Similar short-term, lo-
cal environmental monitoring systems have
been established in response to chemical
spills (99). Although these are examples of
ad hoc surveillance established in an acute
situation, there are few examples of ongo-
ing systems of public health surveillance
linked to public health programs of control
and prevention. Occasionally, emergency
preparedness plans include surveillance,
such as during the 1984 Olympics when the
potential for terrorist activities was consid-
ered high (100). Currently, CDC is working
with the American Red Cross to organize
disaster surveillance and to establish an
international activity in this area (P. Du-
clos, CDC, personal communication, 1987).
Finally, there have been efforts to com-
bine environmental monitoring data with
health outcome information. After the se-
vere heat wave of 1980, for example, CDC,
in collaboration with medical examiners,
state and local health departments, and the
National Weather Service, developed a sys-
tem of surveillance of mortality related to
summer heat waves (101).
The recognition of both intentional (e.g.,
homicide) and unintentional (e.g., falls) in-
juries as major public health problems has
led to the need for developing systems of
public health surveillance (102-104). Be-
cause of the acute nature of injury events,
surveillance principles learned from expe-
rience with acute infectious diseases are
often readily adaptable to injuries (105).
The current approach to establishing public
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health data bases for injury has been to
adapt data, such as medical examiner re-
ports and vital statistics, to public health
needs (103, 105). This approach has been
used most widely at the state level where
vital statistics, hospital discharge data,
emergency room data, and household sur-
veys have been used to measure the extent
and nature of the unintentional injury
problem in particular populations, as well
as to assess the impact of prevention pro-
grams (102, 106-108). Medical examiner
data have also been used in the surveillance
of injuries and associated risk factors such
as alcohol and drug use (109).
Approaches to injury surveillance vary at
the state and local levels. During one year,
the Statewide Childhood Injury Prevention
Program in Massachusetts detected 5,953
fatal and nonfatal injuries in 87,022 chil-
dren and adolescents through a public
health surveillance system based on hospi-
tal and emergency room records from 23
hospitals in 14 communities (102). Using
these data, program personnel focused pre-
vention resources on the injury problems
of highest incidence in particular commu-
nities. In 1987, the Council of State and
Territorial Epidemiologists adopted a res-
olution to recommend that spinal cord in-
jury be made reportable in all states (168).
North Dakota has already made notifiable
all injuries resulting in at least one day of
disability (J. Pearson, North Dakota State
Department of Health, presented at the
annual Council of State and Territorial Ep-
idemiologists meeting, May 1987). Trauma
registries can also be adapted for surveil-
lance (110).
Several national data sets are available
for the surveillance of unintentional inju-
ries (table 2). NCHS compiles and analyzes
mortality statistics, hospital discharge
data, office-based physician utilization
data, and data collected in an ongoing
health interview survey of the general pop-
ulation. Other sources for national data
include the National Electronic Injury Sur-
veillance System maintained by the Con-
sumer Product Safety Commission (39), the
Fatal Accident Reporting System (111) and
the National Accident Sampling System
(112) maintained by the National Highway
Traffic Safety Administration, the Na-
tional Burn Registry initiated by the Na-
tional Institute of Burn Medicine (113), the
National Fire Incident Reporting System
established by the Federal Emergency
Management Agency (114), the US Coast
Guard investigations of boating incidents
(115), and the National Spinal Cord Injury
Network (116). As with chronic diseases,
the usefulness of many of these data
sources for public health surveillance re-
mains to be assessed.
The challenge of surveillance of inten-
tional injuries is even more complex. Data
are available from vital records and medical
examiners, but information on the circum-
stances of homicide and suicide is often
absent or limited in these data sets. Public
health surveillance of intentional injuries
will require the collaboration of the public
health community with a new array of ex-
perts, especially in the fields of law enforce-
ment and sociology (113). At the state and
local levels, data from criminal justice agen-
cies, medical examiners and coroners, and
medical and social service agencies are
being explored for use in the surveillance
of intentional injury (117). Illinois insti-
tuted mandatory uniform crime reporting
in 1972; the state maintains the data on
computer and publishes a report each year
(118). Few data exist on morbidity related
to assault or child abuse, and only rarely
have epidemiologic studies been conducted
in this area (119). Efforts are under way to
assess the feasibility of alternative ap-
proaches to the surveillance of domestic
violence (120).
On the basis of data from the national
mortality files of NCHS and population
estimates of the US Bureau of the Census,
a 40 per cent increase in youth suicide was
documented in the decade ending in 1980
(121). This increase was found primarily in
white males 15-24 years of age. These sur-
veillance data documented the dramatic
change of suicide as a problem of the elderly
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to a problem of the young. Current efforts
in suicide surveillance have demonstrated
the importance and difficulty of arriving at
uniform definitions, a problem complicated
by the interdisciplinary nature of this en-
deavor. Uniform definitions of child and
spouse abuse, problems for which incidence
data are sparse, are also needed. Yet, as
such data bases are developed, surveillance
will play a crucial role in public health
programs aimed at controlling and pre-
venting these and other injuries. Other na-
tional data sources, such as the Uniform
Crime Reports of the Federal Bureau of
Investigation and the annual National
Crime Survey of the US Department of
Justice, have proven to be useful (121-125).
Personal health practices
At a national level, the Health Interview
Survey conducted by NCHS has provided
the most information on personal health
practices such as alcohol use and smoking.
The prevention supplements to the 1982
and 1985 surveys have provided more de-
tailed information in this area (126). As the
role of personal health behavior in the de-
velopment of chronic diseases and injuries
has become more fully recognized, state-
based programs to reduce the prevalences
of unhealthy behaviors have been estab-
lished. In turn, interest in providing a sys-
tematic means of collecting population-
based prevalence data on a state-specific
basis resulted in the initiation of the Be-
havioral Risk Factor Surveys in 1981 (127).
National estimates can be obtained more
efficiently, but local programs benefit from
involvement in data collection as well as
from the ability to adapt the collection
process to their particular needs. As of
1987, 35 state health departments are con-
ducting ongoing surveys of behavioral risk
factors in persons aged 18 years or older.
Each state uses a standardized question-
naire to determine the prevalence of a va-
riety of personal health practices including
cigarette smoking, smokeless tobacco use,
alcohol consumption, exercise, seat belt
use, dieting, and hypertension control
(127). The sample for each survey, con-
ducted by telephone, is selected generally
with a multistage cluster design based on
the Waksberg method (128).
Interview surveys can obtain personal,
health-related information with only minor
differences in the prevalence of various
health conditions when conducted by tele-
phone or in person (127). Telephone inter-
views have the advantages of lower cost
(about one-third to one-half the cost of
personal interviews) and the ease of super-
vising interviewers. Although there are
problems of bias related to omitting those
households without telephones, telephone
coverage exceeds 93 per cent in the United
States (127).
Results of the surveys are published by
both CDC and state health departments
(129, 130). They are also distributed to the
press and to a variety of local and state
organizations, including voluntary health
agencies, hospitals, health maintenance or-
ganizations, and state legislators. In 1986,
the 43 states that had conducted these sur-
veys reported that these data were fre-
quently used by the health department to
prepare state planning documents and to
establish state-level health objectives (62).
Sixty-five per cent of these states reported
using the data to support legislative initia-
tives, especially seat belt and anti-smoking
legislation (62). Limitations, however, exist
when these data are used; many states cited
a circumscribed authority to disseminate
the findings. In addition, because the sur-
veys only recently have been initiated at
the state level, not enough time has elapsed
to adequately analyze trends.
Preventive health technologies
Health technology includes the drugs, de-
vices, and medical and surgical procedures
used in health care, and the organizational
and supportive systems within which such
care is provided (131). The implementation
of new technologies is a prominent growth
industry in health. Dramatic examples,
such as carotid endarterectomy, artificial
hearts, osteoporosis screening, and AIDS
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testing, are very much in the public eye.
Concerns regarding premature diffusion or
misapplication of health technologies have
highlighted the need for routine surveil-
lance of the application of the technologies,
particularly as these new technologies are
used in healthy or asymptomatic popula-
tions to prevent disease (132). Currently,
efforts are under way in several state health
departments to assess the effectiveness of
both cervical cancer and breast cancer
screening programs. Systems of public
health surveillance are an integral part of
these assessments.
There are, however, few examples of sur-
veillance of health technologies despite this
widespread diffusion of new devices and
practices. Immunization against selected
infectious diseases is probably the most
effective and well-known technology used
in public health. More recently, public
health surveillance of selected medical
technologies has been developed by CDC in
response to concerns in the public health
community. For example, in response to
state health officials during a perceived cri-
sis in 1982 concerning the use of insulin
pumps, CDC established a short-term sur-
veillance system to determine the fre-
quency and severity of complications asso-
ciated with these devices (133). Using phy-
sician reporting, the investigators iden-
tified previously unrecognized adverse
events associated with pump use as well as
35 deaths among pump users. The data
were used to assist the American Diabetes
Association in developing a policy state-
ment for clinicians that included new cri-
teria for initiating pump use (134).
Public health surveillance of technology
use provides a mechanism for monitoring
the use of a practice or device and, together
with data on morbidity and mortality, pro-
vides an ongoing measure of its effective-
ness and safety in the populations being
monitored. Surveillance will also indicate
whether an effective technology is being
applied to the population that is likely to
benefit from such technology. It is not
known, for example, whether the women
undergoing mammography are those most
likely to benefit from screening.
The need for surveillance of technology
use is evident, but the process of gathering
the primary data is not established cur-
rently for most technologies other than
drugs—the latter being a responsibility of
the Food and Drug Administration. As il-
lustrated by the surveillance of tubal steri-
lization, some hospital data sets can be
helpful in tracking inpatient procedures.
There is a lack of state and national sur-
veillance information, however, to track
diffusion of technologies in the outpatient
setting, where complex and expensive tech-
nologies are being used increasingly (135).
Although surveillance is usually under-
taken by public health agencies at the local,
state, and federal levels in collaboration
with the medical community, efforts to es-
tablish surveillance systems at all levels
have faltered in recent years. In its lead
federal role in health care technology, the
National Center for Health Services Re-
search and Health Care Technology As-
sessment should be encouraged to develop
priority-setting criteria for bringing tech-
nologies under surveillance and subse-
quently for analyzing the impact of tech-
nologies in terms of their effect on morbid-
ity, mortality, disability, and cost.
The introduction of computer hardware
and software has provided public health
professionals with the capability to perform
surveillance more efficiently on common
conditions. Large data bases may be better
managed and analyzed, and in some in-
stances may be linked. In addition, the
microcomputer has empowered the public
health professional with an increased abil-
ity to organize, communicate, tabulate, and
analyze data. Use of the computer has in-
creased the timeliness of both data collec-
tion and analysis and has decreased the
epidemiologist's reliance on programmers
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and biostatisticians for data analysis and
The Public Health Foundation initiated
an electronic mail system in 1983. Several
federal health agencies, including CDC, and
44 state health departments are now on-
line. In addition, three states have enrolled
their local health departments and can
telecommunicate with them. In 1984, this
network was used in six states to pilot-test
the transfer of notifiable infectious disease
data weekly to CDC (136). By early 1988,
37 reporting areas were transferring indi-
vidual case data on over 40 notifiable dis-
eases to CDC each week. The ability to
transfer binary file will allow the telecom-
munication of graphics, which facilitates
review of aggregate data. Surveillance at
the state level has been hampered by a lack
of microcomputer software for managing
and analyzing large numbers of disease rec-
ords. Currently, software developed for use
in epidemic investigations has been
adapted for surveillance and used in 20
states (A. Dean, CDC, personal communi-
cation, 1987). Use of such software in Geor-
gia has enabled early detection of an epi-
demic of illness due to Salmonella havana,
facilitating efforts to identify the environ-
mental source of the organism (137).
Programs at CDC for vaccine-
preventable diseases, tuberculosis, AIDS,
and diabetes have also developed computer
networks with state health departments to
enhance their surveillance capabilities. In
addition, state health departments have in-
itiated computer linkage with selected local
health departments for disease reporting
(138). In Wisconsin, for example, case data
from sexually transmitted diseases clinics
are telecommunicated to each other and to
local and state health departments, improv-
ing the efficiency of follow-up of patients
(A. Dean, CDC, personal communication,
Use of microcomputers has also ex-
panded surveillance activities to nontradi-
tional reporting sources. Computers in
medical examiners' offices will aid in injury
surveillance (139); microcomputers in a na-
tional sample of hospitals currently aid in
collecting information on nosocomial infec-
tions (140).
Statistical methods
The increased sophistication of statisti-
cal methods, the availability of computers,
and the development of statistical software
for analysis have broadened the potential
of statistical analysis in day-to-day public
health practice and have led to the inves-
tigation of new methods of data analysis.
The usefulness of time series analysis (45),
of detecting clusters of adverse health
events in time and place (141-144), and of
mathematical models to forecast epidemics
based on surveillance data (145) remains to
be fully assessed.
Although detecting temporal and spatial
clusters of disease has always been a goal
of public health surveillance, formal statis-
tical testing for clusters has rarely been
applied to routinely collected surveillance
data. The statistical problems associated
with determining whether an "outbreak"
has occurred were addressed in depth in the
1960s, and a variety of alternative analyses
were proposed. Two commonly used meth-
ods for space-time clustering, proposed by
Knox and Lancashire (143) and by Ederer
et al. (146), are based on the number of
"close" pairs of cases and the sum, over all
space divisions, of the maximum number
of cases in any time unit within a space
division. For example, Ederer et al. em-
ployed a summary statistic to detect both
clusters of leukemia over time and out-
breaks of polio and hepatitis.
The SCAN statistic, based on such sum-
mary statistics as those used by Mantel
(144) and Ederer et al. (146), was proposed
by Naus (147) and has recently been ap-
plied to a cluster of trisomies in three New
York City hospitals (148). This statistic is
computed by plotting points over time, tak-
ing a "moving window" of a fixed length of
time, and then finding the maximum num-
ber of observations revealed through the
window as it scans or slides over the entire
time period. The statistic is based on the
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assumption that the size of the population
at risk remains fairly constant and that the
condition shows no seasonal or cylical pat-
tern over the time period plotted. Other
analytic methods have been suggested for
using environmental data to predict the
occurrence of Rocky Mountain spotted fe-
ver, but such methods have not been used
routinely (142).
The Chandra Sekar-Deming method de-
veloped by demographers has been used to
estimate completeness of reporting by com-
parison of two independent surveillance
systems with individual identifiers so that
the data may be linked (149). This method
has recently been applied to AIDS data
reported through the notifiable disease sys-
tem and through death certificate registra-
tion (150). It has also been applied to esti-
mate the sensitivity of two systems for de-
tecting vaccine-preventable diseases (151).
Surveillance systems are subject to both
selection and information biases. Notifi-
able disease reports, for example, are likely
to come from a nonrepresentative sample
of practicing physicians who may report
specific diseases because of personal inter-
est. Private practitioners, for example, may
be less likely than physicians at public
health clinics to report certain conditions
(e.g., sexually transmitted diseases). At the
same time, certain kinds of data are less
likely to be reported than others because of
ease of ascertainment (e.g., age or sex vs.
pathologic diagnoses). Analytic models are
required to measure the impact of bias on
surveillance data. Other important re-
search issues on the statistics of surveil-
lance include the development of methods
to handle incomplete or missing data, the
use of multiple subset sampling, modeling
of timeliness, and the combination of data
from independently collected data sets.
Graphic methods for data analysis and
Graphics have the potential to serve as
powerful tools for displaying data both for
analysis and for communication. Tukey
(152) has clearly demonstrated the impor-
tant role graphs can play in visual decoding
of large quantities of data. Although Tu-
key's methods have not yet been widely
applied to surveillance data, his pioneering
work together with the introduction of
computer graphics has laid the foundation
for graphic analysis of surveillance data
(153). Microcomputer graphics, in particu-
lar, have also made the results of data
analysis far more useful to private and pub-
lic policymakers in their planning and man-
agement of health care resources (35). Al-
though simple data still are incorporated
best into textual material or a tabular for-
mat, a graphic display can give the reader
an understanding of large and complex data
sets that cannot be conveyed easily in other
ways (154).
The interest in computer mapping in
public health is strong. A 1976 workshop
sponsored by NCHS featured several ap-
plications of automated cartography to ep-
idemiology (155). In the area of surveil-
lance, mapping of disease rates by county,
sex, age, and race based on large comput-
erized data sets first proved its usefulness
when the cancer atlases were developed by
the National Cancer Institute in the 1970s
(76). The Environmental Protection
Agency has also produced maps on cancer
(156). Injury maps have been used to con-
vey visually the race- and sex-specific dif-
ferences in rates of various injuries (157).
Although it has been common practice to
plot individual cases or rates of disease on
geopolitical maps, population-based maps
have been produced to account for popula-
tion size. More recently, exploded popula-
tion maps have been considered for use in
surveillance. These maps are developed by
the isomorphic reduction of geographic en-
tities in relation to the entity with the
greatest population density, with or with-
out an overlap of the geopolitical map (158).
Other mapping of surveillance data for pro-
grammatic use has included the develop-
ment of probabilistic contouring, with maps
demonstrating the estimated probability of
a health event or an exposure, a technique
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that has proven particularly useful in pro-
gram planning (159).
The variety of uses of public health sur-
veillance is not widely appreciated. For
some, the concept of surveillance is limited
to reporting notifiable communicable dis-
eases to state and local health departments.
Others think in terms of laboratory- or
hospital-based surveillance, particularly for
nosocomial infections. Another interpreta-
tion is seen in recent legislation establish-
ing the Agency for Toxic Substances and
Disease Registry, which limited health sur-
veillance to medical screening of individ-
uals (160).
Other perspectives limit the potential
scope of public health surveillance. The
most common is that surveillance is limited
to data collection and collation. It is impor-
tant for a system of public health surveil-
lance to include analysis and interpretation
of data, as well as dissemination of those
data to the relevant persons. Finally, to be
complete, a public health surveillance sys-
tem requires linkage to programs. When
this broad perspective is not understood,
the practice of surveillance and of epide-
miology in public health is constrained
short of its potential.
Inexperience with surveillance methods
Except in state and local health depart-
ments, relatively few persons have been
involved in a complete program of public
health surveillance. Most persons are in-
volved with only one portion of a surveil-
lance system (e.g., data collection) or with
only a limited array of health events (e.g.,
communicable diseases). The lack of famil-
iarity with public health surveillance is
even more pronounced in medical schools
and schools of public health, where it is
rarely discussed and is almost never the
subject of careful analysis. Textbooks of
epidemiology and public health are simi-
larly remiss in addressing the scope of pub-
lic health surveillance, with few texts de-
voting even a chapter to the subject (161,
162). The only substantive training for sur-
veillance in the United States is as part of
the actual practice of public health. The
public health community is only now begin-
ning to approach surveillance in a more
scientific manner, looking beyond case
counting and simple descriptive epidemiol-
ogy. Sophisticated statistical tools such as
time series analysis (45) and the SCAN
statistic (148), for example, have been ap-
plied successfully to surveillance data. Ex-
pansion of public health into new fields
such as chronic disease demands more rig-
orous scientific scrutiny of surveillance
methods as well as different approaches to
public health epidemiology (52). To date,
however, the communities of both health
care providers and teachers of medicine,
nursing, and public health remain unin-
formed about needs in public health sur-
veillance. Their involvement, in the future,
could contribute significantly to the prac-
tice and development of public health sur-
Data gaps
Even in communicable disease reporting,
data are often incomplete, unrepresenta-
tive, and untimely. Depending on the se-
verity and perceived importance of a dis-
ease, rates of reporting notifiable diseases
have been estimated to vary from 6 per cent
to 90 per cent (54, 163-165). Both measles
and AIDS programs, for which many re-
sources have been targeted toward surveil-
lance efforts, attain greater than 90 per cent
sensitivity (150, 166). In a study of Shigella
surveillance in Washington, DC, however,
investigators found that persons with dis-
ease were more likely to be reported if they
were treated by private physicians—a prac-
tice that leads to unrepresentative surveil-
lance data (55). Efforts to improve the qual-
ity of reporting have been shown to have
some effect—improving sensitivity at the
local level as much as ninefold for selected
acute infectious diseases—but the ultimate
impact of such improvements in surveil-
lance remains to be assessed in terms of
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improved health and reduced cost (56, 57,
64, 167).
Surveillance in rapidly evolving areas of
public health, such as injuries and chronic
diseases, often relies on existing data sets,
because of the usefulness of historical data
and the prohibitive costs of new systems
(167). Evaluation of the use of such data
sets for public health surveillance repre-
sents an important new challenge.
Effective public health practice requires
the following: 1) an accurate assessment of
the public health; 2) definition of specific
public health priorities; 3) development and
implementation of research and control
programs to improve health; and 4) an eval-
uation of these programs (2). Public health
surveillance data can provide a quantitative
basis for policy decisions and allocation of
scarce resources. Furthermore, the infor-
mation gained from surveillance programs
can significantly contribute to the contin-
uous redefinition of public health priorities
as problems are resolved and other needs
emerge. In short, good surveillance data can
and should be used to guide public health
Policy should be based on accurate data.
The quality and limitations of both sur-
veillance data and their interpretation
must be recognized by those communicat-
ing the information and by those establish-
ing policy. Ideally, policymakers, in re-
sponding to questions related to health pol-
icy, will know to turn to the surveillance
Similarly, public health surveillance
should not be seen as an end in itself, but
rather as a tool for use in promoting health
and preventing and controlling disease and
disability. Surveillance data should not be
acquired at the cost of privacy, nor should
the quest for precise numbers or exquisite
analyses lead to costs that outweigh the
benefits of such information to the public
health. Again, the need for data must be
kept in perspective in relation to their in-
tended use.
Public health surveillance provides a
quantitative basis for other distinct facets
of public health practice, including epide-
miologic research and control and preven-
tion services. Public health surveillance in-
cludes not only data collection and analysis
but also the application of these data to
control and prevention activities by dis-
seminating information to practitioners of
public health and others who need to know.
Although surveillance has been conducted
in some form for more than a century, its
uses and practices have evolved most dra-
matically over the past 40 years. A signifi-
cant change has been the extension of sur-
veillance beyond infectious disease to in-
clude the spectrum of public health
problems in chronic disease, occupational
health, injury, the environment, personal
behaviors, and preventive health technolo-
gies. A second significant change has been
the effort to put public health surveillance
on a more quantitative basis.
Public health surveillance has been per-
ceived by most as an early warning system,
a crude indication of the occurrence of un-
usual disease patterns. Because of a focus
on timeliness and simplicity, there has
often been less concern for data quality. In
recent years, however, there has been an
increased use of data obtained outside of
public health practice and a concomitant
increased concern with the quality of sur-
veillance data and methods used to collect
and analyze these data (51). It is appropri-
ate, therefore, for the epidemiologist to ex-
amine this tool carefully and to ascertain
how one can efficiently improve the collec-
tion, analysis, and dissemination of sur-
veillance data. In other words, application
of a scientific approach to this method
should improve its usefulness.
Several current activities will have a sig-
nificant impact on the practice of public
health surveillance. We need to identify
data sets relevant to specific health prob-
lems in the most rapidly evolving areas of
public health. In some cases, this will re-
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quire creating new data sets such as the
Behavioral Risk Factor Survey, which is
jointly conducted by CDC and state health
departments (62). More often, ongoing data
collection efforts, such as the notifiable dis-
ease data systems maintained by state
health departments, and data surveys con-
ducted by NCHS, will be adapted to sur-
veillance needs. Statistical and graphic
techniques will improve utilization and un-
derstanding of available data. Computers
will play an increasingly large role, not only
in analysis but also in graphic display
methods and electronic data dissemination.
The critical challenge in public health
surveillance today, however, remains the
ensurance of its usefulness. For this pur-
pose, therefore, we need regular, rigorous
evaluation of public health surveillance sys-
tems. Even more basic is the need to regard
surveillance as a scientific endeavor. To do
this properly, one must fully understand
the principles of surveillance and its role in
epidemiologic research and other aspects of
the overall mission of public health. What
is necessary now is to develop the epide-
miologic methods relevant to public health
surveillance; to apply computer technology
for efficient data collection, analysis, and
graphic display; to apply surveillance prin-
ciples to practice; and to routinely assess
the usefulness of surveillance systems.
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