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(Reguidit frae Meethology)
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Meethologie (frae the Greek μύθολογία; meethología) leeterar meins the (oral) retellin o meeths. Meeths (cried legends an aw) is unco sib ti fowklair, an is forordnar tied ti a certain cultur, kintra or fowk. Whan fowk uises the term the day, thay forordnar meins the hatter o meeths frae a certain cultur or releegion.

Monie meeths haes adae wi gods - the makkin o the Yird, weirs atwein thaim an sae on. Ithers is anent heroes - chiels o mukkil smeddum, monie o thaim interact wi the gods o their cultur or wi ither heroes.

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