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I have been working for the last 6 years with various real estate marketing companies in Dubai and conducting webinars to guide real estate companies and their marketing teams on Meta and Google Ad strategies for different objectives. The most frequent question people ask me in webinars is what is the best strategy for Google ads to generate qualified leads in Dubai real estate market.

I thought I should write a brief blog on this so people who cannot afford to join my webinar and consultancy can learn apply and add value to the companies they are working for.

I would suggest to very simplified 4 Step Strategy that can be easily applied.

Note this strategy requires a decent budget to get results.

Step 1: Right Structure of the Campaign and Ad Groups.

Structure it right, do not target all prospects looking for your inventory or offerings in one ad group. Structure it properly for example if you are promoting a Pre-Launch project for a developer.

create a new campaign for that developer by looking at the type of inventory like one bed apartments, 2BR and 3BR apartments.

Create Ad group respectively and add keyword note do not ignore right keywords for your offering which does not have good search volumes, it will still work for you.

Step 2: Choose Right Goals and Stick With it.

the most common reason for a Google ad campaign that fail is distracting from the goal, If your goal is to generate calls then align the campaign and ad group, and keyword for this goal. Choose the right goal for your campaign so Google can learn and optimize your campaign for the right prospects that tend to call after visiting or viewing the ad.

Step 3: Choose right bidding strategy.

Another common mistake that advertisers make is to change their bidding strategy after a few days of starting a campaign on Google. If you decide to generate calls from your ad campaign the best bidding strategy is to select “Conversion” as your bidding strategy and do not make changes in your ad until it completes the learning phase of 7 days.

Step 4: Location targeting

This part makes or breaks any Google ad campaign for real estate marketing in Dubai. usually, advertisers target other countries then UAE and put their local number while they set their goal for generating phone call leads. Google’s learning fails here Google tries to trigger your ad for those prospects who tend to initiate call after viewing your ad or visiting your website but the international number usually discourage them from calling your business due to international call charges, many people do not call as they can’t figure our what amount they would spend on this call and how long they will have to talk with the person.

Using Toll-free or Local numbers of your target location will encourage your prospects to call you to get information and do business.

Lastly, I would highly recommend you have great experience on your landing page, make sure it loads faster in your target locations, and provide the information they need.

I hope this will help you improve your Google ad campaign for Dubai real estate market.

Any comments, opinions, and criticism is welcomed 🙂

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