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2024 Best & Brightest MBA: Nashad Omar Carrington, Washington University (Olin)

Nashad Omar Carrington

Washington University in St. Louis, Olin Business School

“Attorney with experience and interests in agriculture, financial markets, community development, and technology systems.”

Hometown: St. Louis, Missouri (by way of Orlando, Florida)

Fun fact about yourself: During business school, I secured over $1 million in program grant funds from federal and local agencies while launching a venture capital fund designed to support historically underserved agriculture producers.

Undergraduate School and Degree:

Morehouse College, Bachelor of Arts (Political Science)

University of Arkansas, Juris Doctor

Where was the last place you worked before enrolling in business school?

Director, Carbon Strategy – GRO FARM

Managing Director – AgroGrowth Ventures, LLLP

Where did you intern during the summer of 2023? Human Resources Business Partner, Centene Technologies

Where will you be working after graduation? Director, Carbon Strategy at GRO FARM, a St. Louis-based agtech company

Community Work and Leadership Roles in Business School:

Community Work

  • Executive Director, GRO Health Center, a 501(c)(3) focused on promoting natural resources conservation initiatives in underserved communities.
  • Examiner, Communities of Excellence 2026, a 501(c)(3) on a mission is to improve the quality of life for our nation’s residents by assisting communities in implementing the Baldrige-based Communities of Excellence Framework.
  • Equity Task Force Appointee, Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity, an initiative of Gov. JB Pritzker to assess the capacity and programs of the state of Illinois.
  • Resilience Working Group Member, City of St. Louis Strategic Land Use Plan, an initiative designed to redesign the city’s comprehensive plan that guides future land use and development.
  • Advisor, City of St. Louis Mayor’s Youth Cabinet, an initiative designed to educate, engage, and empower St. Louis City youth in civic engagement and urban revitalization programs.
  • Featured Presenter, US Environmental Protection Agency’s Environmental Justice Academy, a program designed to educate and empower urban gardeners and community organizations.

Leadership Roles

  • President and Founder, Olin School Golf Club
  • Co-President, Olin Black MBA Association
  • Liaison, Consortium

School Awards

  • Awardee, WashU’s 2023 Mary McLeod Bethune Graduate Leadership Award
  • Awardee, 2022 Wally L. Jones Fellowship Award (Consortium OP)

Which academic or extracurricular achievement are you most proud of during business school? Advisor, City of St. Louis Mayor’s Youth Cabinet.

As an advisor to the City of St. Louis’s Mayor’s Youth Cabinet, I’ve had the privilege of contributing to a dynamic platform fostering youth empowerment and civic engagement. Collaborating with city administrative officials, engaged youth, federal agencies, and community support groups, our work has been profoundly impactful. By amplifying youth voices, addressing community needs, and fostering meaningful partnerships, we’ve cultivated a more inclusive and responsive city government. Together, we’ve tackled pressing issues, from education and public safety to environmental sustainability, ensuring that St. Louis thrives as a vibrant and equitable community for generations.

What achievement are you most proud of in your professional career? Serving as the director of carbon strategy for GRO FARM stands as the pinnacle achievement of my professional career. Leading operational transformations from traditional production farming to innovative software development has propelled our organization forward and revolutionized the agricultural landscape. By spearheading the adoption of cutting-edge technologies and sustainable practices, we’ve increased efficiency and reduced our carbon footprint, contributing significantly to environmental stewardship.

Moreover, standing up new market investment strategies has been instrumental in addressing historical inequities in the agricultural sector, particularly in the Midwest. By returning equity and capital to historically underserved farmers, we’ve helped level the playing field and fostered economic empowerment within communities that have long been marginalized.

This role has allowed me to combine my passion for sustainability, technological innovation, and social justice, making a tangible and lasting impact on the agricultural industry and the communities it serves. It’s a source of immense pride to have played a leading role in such transformative initiatives, and I look forward to continuing to drive positive change in the years to come.

Why did you choose this business school? Choosing WashU Olin Business School was pivotal for advancing my career while maintaining family balance. WashU Olin’s academic reputation and strong industry connections provided an excellent platform for professional growth, while St. Louis’s vibrant community offered a supportive environment for my loved ones. The close-knit community has been excellent for me in balancing academic pursuits and career endeavors while ensuring that I could pursue my educational goals without sacrificing quality time with my family. Overall, Olin provided a transformative educational experience that empowered both my career aspirations and personal interests, all while prioritizing the dynamics of family life.

Who was your favorite MBA professor? Professor Giselle Marcus stands out as my favorite professor for several reasons. First, her professional expertise makes complex topics engaging, and her demeanor makes difficult conversations accessible. Her approachability and genuine interest in her student’s success created a positive learning environment where questions were encouraged and discussions flourished. She offers invaluable insights and guidance that extend beyond the course materials, and she has a dedication to fostering academic growth and professional development that left a lasting impression on me, making her a truly exceptional educator and mentor.

What was your favorite course as an MBA? International Finance emerged as my favorite course during the MBA program for its blend of theory and real-world application; much of this was attributed to the profound professional experience that Professor Mark Taylor brought to the classroom. With an extensive background in global finance, including roles in multinational corporations and consulting firms, Professor Taylor brought a wealth of firsthand knowledge and insights to the course. His ability to contextualize complex financial concepts within the broader landscape of international markets made the subject matter both relevant and engaging. Moreover, Professor Taylor’s teaching style and enthusiasm for the topic sparked most of my questions, drove our discussions, and encouraged critical thinking. Through case studies, simulations, and practical exercises, he provided invaluable opportunities to apply theoretical frameworks to real-world scenarios, preparing us to navigate the complexities of international finance confidently. Professor Taylor’s dedication to teaching excellence made International Finance a favorite course and a transformative learning experience that will resonate in my professional endeavors.

What was your favorite MBA event or tradition at your business school? The Global Immersion Program undoubtedly stands out as my favorite MBA event, as it provides an unparalleled opportunity to connect with global issues, navigate unfamiliar spaces, and foster camaraderie amongst students. Through immersive experiences in diverse cultural and business environments, the program introduces complexity and originality, challenging students to adapt and thrive in dynamic international settings.

However, the most memorable aspect of the trip for me was the spontaneous decision to embark on a 40-mile bike ride along the northern coast of Spain towards France with a classmate (and now good friend). Renting bicycles for a mere $6, we embarked on an unforgettable journey, traversing breathtaking landscapes, quaint villages, and picturesque coastal roads. As we pedaled through sun-drenched vineyards and charming seaside towns, we shared laughter, deep conversations, and indelible memories that will forever be etched in my memories. This adventurous escapade epitomized the spirit of exploration and camaraderie fostered by the global immersion program and left an enduring mark on our MBA experience, underscoring the transformative power of stepping out of our comfort zones and embracing the unknown but never fully being alone.

Looking back over your MBA experience, what is the one thing you’d do differently and why? If there’s one thing I would have done differently during the MBA program, it would have been to seize the opportunity to study abroad beyond the Global Immersion experience. While the school provided excellent opportunities for international exposure, family obligations restricted my ability to undertake additional semester-long study abroad programs. Nevertheless, I often wished for more time to explore the diverse cultures and business environments offered by global study opportunities. The school’s robust exchange programs, partnerships with renowned institutions abroad, and immersive learning experiences abroad were incredibly enticing, and I regret not being able to engage in these enriching experiences fully. Nonetheless, I remain grateful for WashU Olin’s commitment to offering such valuable opportunities. I hope future students can take full advantage of them to broaden their perspectives and enhance their academic journeys.

What did you love most about your business school’s town? Over the last eight years I’ve lived here, St. Louis has become home. I love how there is little to no traffic, the weather is generally nice, and it’s relatively easy to connect to events, people, and social causes of greatest concern. Like any city in the world, the city has its unique challenges, but I’ve come to appreciate how the city is well-positioned to grow in the future, and I look forward to being a part of that change.

What surprised you the most about business school? What was most surprising about business school was the remarkably close-knit nature of the community, which extended beyond the students to encompass faculty and staff. Contrary to the stereotype of academia being distant or hierarchical, I found a genuine camaraderie and collaboration among faculty, staff, and students. Professors were not only accessible for academic guidance but also eager to mentor and support students in their personal and professional development. Likewise, staff members went above-and-beyond to create a welcoming and inclusive environment, fostering connections and facilitating opportunities for networking and growth. The strong sense of community was further reinforced by the students themselves, who embraced a culture of mutual respect, cooperation, and support. Whether through group projects, extracurricular activities, or informal gatherings, a palpable spirit of solidarity and belonging made the business school experience truly enriching and memorable.

Which MBA classmate do you most admire? Though a single choice is difficult among my classmates, Chris Wise stands out as someone I admire. A military veteran who returned to school with a laser focus on developing entrepreneurial ventures, Chris embodies resilience, determination, and authenticity. What I admire most about Chris is his unapologetic nature of being true to himself and his goals. He approaches challenges with unwavering confidence and remains steadfast in his pursuit of success. Beyond his individual achievements, Chris is dedicated to building an environment that leaves a strong legacy with others. He fosters collaboration, encourages innovation, and empowers those around him to reach their full potential. Chris’s ability to lead by example and create a positive impact resonates deeply with me, and I am continually inspired by his passion, integrity, and unwavering commitment to excellence.

What are the top two items on your professional bucket list? The top two items on my professional bucket list are deeply rooted in my passion for environmental stewardship and promoting economic empowerment for historically underserved agricultural producers. First, I aspire to serve on a Presidential Commission for Environmental Stewardship, where I can contribute my expertise and advocacy towards crafting policies and initiatives that address pressing environmental challenges. By collaborating with policymakers, scientists, and industry leaders, I am to influence meaningful change and advance sustainability efforts on a national scale.

Second, I aspire to participate in a foreign trade mission to open new lines of opportunity for small and other historically underserved agricultural producers. Through diplomatic engagement and strategic partnerships, I seek to promote fair trade practices, expand market access, and empower local farmers to thrive in the global marketplace. By leveraging my international business and sustainable agriculture expertise, I aim to create lasting economic opportunities that uplift communities and foster inclusive growth worldwide. These aspirations reflect my commitment to making a positive impact on both environmental sustainability and economic equity, and I am dedicated to pursuing these goals with passion and determination.

What made Nashad such an invaluable addition to the Class of 2024?

“Nashad has proven to be an invaluable addition to WashU’s MBA Class of 2024, bringing forth a unique blend of leadership, academic excellence, and a deep commitment to fostering inclusivity and social impact.

One of Nashad’s most striking attributes is his exceptional leadership ability. Throughout various projects and discussions, Nashad has consistently demonstrated the capacity to inspire and guide his peers towards achieving common goals. His inclusive approach to leadership ensured that all voices were heard and valued, resulting in cohesive teamwork and superior outcomes.

Moreover, Nashad has consistently excelled academically, demonstrating a keen intellect and a thirst for knowledge. His contributions to class discussions and assignments have been insightful and thought-provoking, enriching the learning experience for his peers and faculty alike. Nashad’s ability to grasp complex concepts and apply them to real-world scenarios has been truly impressive.

Furthermore, Nashad’s unwavering commitment to fostering inclusivity and social impact has left an indelible mark on our MBA program. His active participation in diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives has helped create a more inclusive learning environment where all students feel valued and respected. Additionally, Nashad’s involvement in community outreach programs, such as collaborating with the USDA to educate underserved communities and working on projects to increase carbon sequestration capacity for small landowners, underscores his dedication to making a positive difference in the world.

In summary, Nashad has proven to be an indispensable member of the WashU MBA Class of 2024. His leadership prowess, academic excellence, and commitment to social impact make him a true asset to our program. I have no doubt that he will continue to excel in his future endeavors.”

Gisele Marcus
Professor of Practice, Diversity, Equity & Inclusion
Vice Dean, Office of Equity, Diversity & Inclusion
WashU Olin Business School


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