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Each suit of technological armor has a full description, including a set of abbreviated statistics. This information is organized as follows.

Price: This is the cost in gold pieces to purchase the suit of armor if it's available for sale. As with magic armor, a technological suit of armor can be sold by PCs for half this value.

Weight: The weight of the armor in pounds. Weight figures are for armor sized to fit Medium characters. Armor fitted for Small characters weighs half as much, and armor fitted for Large characters weighs twice as much.

Type: This indicates if the suit is light, medium, or heavy armor.

AC: The protective value of the armor. This armor bonus is added to the wearer's Armor Class.

Max Dex: This number is the maximum Dexterity bonus that this type of armor allows.

Penalty: This lists the armor check penalty of the suit of armor.

Spell Failure: This indicates the armor's arcane spell failure chance.

Speed: This lists a character's adjusted speed while wearing the armor. Adjusted speeds for characters with base speeds of 20 ft. and 30 ft. are included.

Capacity: The armor's charge capacity is listed here. If the armor doesn't use energy, this entry is omitted.

Usage: This value lists the number of charges the armor consumes over time while activated. (Activating powered armor is a standard action, and deactivating is a free action.) The charge is immediately spent at the beginning of the duration, and any time remaining when the armor is deactivated is lost.

Description: This describes the armor's appearance, powers, and abilities.

Construction: Certain requirements must be met for a character to craft a suit of technological armor. These requirements generally consist of having a feat and access to a manufacturing facility.

Craft: This is the Craft DC required to create the armor. It is also the Knowledge (engineering) DC to correctly identify the armor.

Cost: This is the cost in gold pieces to create the technological item. Generally, this cost is equal to half the price of the armor.

Technology Guide Armor
Light ArmorPriceArmor/Shield BonusMax. Dex BonusArmor Check PenaltyArcane Spell Failure ChanceSpeed (30 ft.)Speed (20 ft.)WeightCapacityUsage
Heavy weapon harness9,000 gp+1+6-15%30 ft.20 ft.10 lbs.
Scatterlight suit (brown)100 gp+1+8-15%30 ft.20 ft.5 lbs.241 charge/hour
Chameleon suit15,000 gp+2+6010%30 ft.20 ft.5 lbs.501 charge/minute
Scatterlight suit (black)150 gp+2*+8-15%30 ft.20 ft.5 lbs.241 charge/hour
Inssuit19,250 gp+3+6015%30 ft.20 ft.10 lbs.
Deep diving suit26,000 gp+3+5-230%30 ft.20 ft.20 lbs.251 charge/hour
Scatterlight suit (white)200 gp+3*+8-15%30 ft.20 ft.5 lbs.241 charge/hour
Smart armor (compact form)16,500 gp+4+4-225%30 ft.20 ft.20 lbs.601 charge/10 minutes
Scatterlight suit (gray)700 gp+4*+8-15%30 ft.20 ft.5 lbs.241 charge/hour
Scatterlight suit (green)1,000 gp+5*+8-15%30 ft.20 ft.5 lbs.241 charge/hour
Scatterlight suit (red)1,400 gp+6*+8-15%30 ft.20 ft.5 lbs.241 charge/hour
Scatterlight suit (blue)3,600 gp+7*+8-15%30 ft.20 ft.5 lbs.241 charge/hour
Scatterlight suit (orange)6,000 gp+8*+8-15%30 ft.20 ft.5 lbs.241 charge/hour
Scatterlight suit (prismatic)12,000 gp+9*+8-15%30 ft.20 ft.5 lbs.241 charge/hour
Gravity suit40,000 gpVaries+805%30 ft.20 ft.5 lbs.241 charge/hour
Medium Armor
Panic suit2,000 gp+2+2-450%20 ft.15 ft.2 lbs.101 charge/hour, disposable
HEV suit61,000 gp+4+3-440%20 ft.15 ft.20 lbs.251 charge/hour
Nanite ablative armor10,000 gp+4+4-320%20 ft.15 ft.35 lbs.241 charge/hour
Heavy Armor
Spacesuit90,000 gp+7+0-850%20 ft.15 ft.35 lbs.251 charge/hour
Smart armor (expanded form)16,500 gp+8+1-535%20 ft.15 ft.20 lbs.601 charge/10 minutes
Hard light shield6,400 gp+2010%1 lb.201 charge/minute
* The full bonus applies only to touch AC. See item for details.

Chameleon Suit

Price 15,000 gp; Type light; Weight 5 lbs.; Max Dex +6; Penalty 0; Spell Failure 10%; Speed (30 ft.) 30 ft.; Speed (20 ft.) 20 ft.; Capacity 50; Usage 1 charge/minute

This suit of light woven-fiber armor covers the wearer from ankle to wrist and includes a hooded cowl. Its surface consists of millions of tiny, scale-like lenses and LED screens. When powered on, a chameleon suit analyzes its environment and generates digital camouflage. The wearer gains a +10 competence bonus on Stealth checks and can hide in plain sight (as a ranger in his favored terrain).


Craft DC 29; Cost 7,500 gp

Craft Technological Arms and Armor, military lab

Deep Diving Suit

Price 26,000 gp; Type light; Weight 20 lbs.; AC +3; Max Dex +5; Penalty -2; Spell Failure 30%; Speed (30 ft.) 30 ft.; Speed (20 ft.) 20 ft.; Capacity 25; Usage 1 charge/hour

A deep diving suit is a body-tight mesh of reinforced rubber and polymer fitted with scrubbers that can draw and purify oxygen from its surrounding environment, extracting oxygen from water as easily as from air. The suit's helmet is close-fitting but offers excellent visibility, while the suit's fabric itself can flex while still remaining supportive against pressure—depths are treated as being 1,000 feet shallower than their actual depth for the purposes of determining pressure damage from deep water. The wearer is also immune to inhaled toxins and can breathe underwater with ease—the suit does not allow breathing in a vacuum.

A diving suit's hands and feet can activate webbing, long fins, and flippers, which the wearer can extend (and deactivate) as a move action. While in this mode, the wearer of the suit gains a swim speed of 20 feet and a +8 bonus on Swim checks, but the armor check penalty of the suit doubles to -4 and its land speed reduces to 20 feet (or 15 feet for slower characters, as appropriate). Swim checks are never penalized by a diving suit's armor check penalty.


Craft DC 26; Cost 13,000 gp

Craft Technological Arms and Armor, production lab

Gravity Suit

Price 40,000 gp; Type light; Weight 5 lbs.; AC see text; Max Dex +8; Penalty 0; Spell Failure 5%; Speed (30 ft.) 30 ft.; Speed (20 ft.) 20 ft.; Capacity 24; Usage 1 charge/hour

A gravity suit consists of several black, flexible straps attached to a framework of delicate servos, thin plates, and small strips of black polymer plastic—this give it an appearance of being ineffective armor. The armor bonus provided by an unpowered gravity suit is +0, but when activated, the suit generates a field of gravitons around the wearer that grants a +5 armor bonus (this bonus is a force effect). This bonus is doubled when it applies to the wearer's CMD score against bull rush, overrun, and trip attempts, and slows any fall as if the wearer were under the effect of a feather fall spell.

At the cost of 1 additional charge per minute, the wearer of a gravity suit can fly at a speed of 60 ft. (average). Activating this ability is a standard action.


Craft DC 33; Cost 20,000 gp

Craft Technological Arms and Armor, graviton lab

Hard Light Shield

Price 6,400 gp; Type shield; Weight 1 lb.; Max Dex —; Penalty 0; Spell Failure 10%; Speed (30 ft.) —; Speed (20 ft.) —; Capacity 20; Usage 1 charge/minute

This bulky bracelet is covered in blinking blue lights and pulsing holographic emitters. A hard light shield produces a translucent but substantial holographic barrier when activated. The shield bonus counts as a force effect and applies to the wielder's touch AC against beam and ray attacks (but not other touch attacks). As a transparent force effect, a hard light shield provides no bonus against lasers. A hard light shield can be used to deliver shield bash attacks like a heavy shield.

When turned off, a hard light shield provides no AC bonus and imposes no spell failure chance. Activating or deactivating a hard light shield is a move action. This item occupies the wearer's wrist slot.


Craft DC 27; Cost 3,200 gp

Craft Technological Arms and Armor, graviton lab

Heavy Weapon Harness

Price 9,000 gp; Type light; Weight 10 lbs.; AC +1; Max Dex +6; Penalty -1; Spell Failure 5%; Speed (30 ft.) 30 ft.; Speed (20 ft.) 20 ft.; Capacity —; Usage

Known also as an "H-belt," a heavy weapon harness is an elaborate network of plastic and metal struts and straps. The harness can be worn in conjunction with any other suit of armor—the armor bonus granted by the heavy weapon harness does not stack with that granted by other suits of armor, but the armor check penalties and spell failure percentages do.

A heavy weapon harness provides its wearer with additional stability and support, allowing the user to wield heavy weapons as if they were regular firearms, using the Exotic Weapon (firearms) feat for proficiency rather than Exotic Weapon (heavy weaponry). A character with Exotic Weapon (heavy weaponry) who wears an H-belt finds the use of heavy weapons even easier, and gains a +1 circumstance bonus on all attack rolls made with harnessed heavy weapons.

Unlike most technological armors, a heavy weapon harness does not use power—its components are purely mechanical.


Craft DC 27; Cost 4,500 gp

Craft Technological Arms and Armor, military lab

HEV Suit

Price 61,000 gp; Type medium; Weight 20 lbs.; AC +4; Max Dex +3; Penalty -4; Spell Failure 40%; Speed (30 ft.) 20 ft.; Speed (20 ft.) 15 ft.; Capacity 25; Usage 1 charge/hour

Short for "hazardous environment," an HEV suit provides protection from radiation, disease, poisonous gas, cold, heat, and similar environmental dangers. The suit needs a power supply to work—while deactivated, none of the following abilities function at all.

While powered, the suit provides immunity to inhaled poisons and diseases, and provides resistance 10 against all forms of energy except for sonic damage. An HEV suit completely protects against low radiation, and reduces the effects of medium radiation to low radiation, but it offers no protection against high or severe radiation. The suit's self-repairing polymer resin fabric automatically seals secondary punctures or tears created by physical attacks to the wearer and damage dealt specifically against the suit. It repairs damage at the rate of 2d6 points of damage per charge consumed. While repairing damage in this manner, the suit's other protective functions listed above are any taken offline. An HEV suit has hardness 2 and 30 hit points.


Craft DC 28; Cost 30,500 gp

Craft Technological Arms and Armor, production lab


Price 19,250 gp; Type light; Weight 10 lbs.; AC +3; Max Dex +6; Penalty 0; Spell Failure 15%; Speed (30 ft.) 30 ft.; Speed (20 ft.) 20 ft.; Capacity —; Usage

This padded jumpsuit is made of resilient polymers interwoven with superconducting thread. It provides modest protection from conventional and energy weapons. The wearer applies the armor's AC bonus (including enhancement bonus, if any) against touch and ranged touch attacks that deal energy damage. In addition, the inssuit provides resist energy 5 against cold, acid, and electricity.


Craft DC 24; Cost 9,625 gp

Craft Technological Arms and Armor, military lab


Price 10,000 gp; Type medium; Weight 35 lbs.; AC +4; Max Dex +4; Penalty -3; Spell Failure 20%; Speed (30 ft.) 20 ft.; Speed (20 ft.) 15 ft.; Capacity 24; Usage 1 charge/hour

This suit of armor consists of several layers of scaly mesh over a thick, clothlike polymer weave. When activated, a suit of nanite ablative armor grants the wearer additional protection against nanites, through the use of imperceptible magnetic fields that repel the microscopic robots. An active suit of nanite ablative armor grants its armor bonus (including any enhancement bonuses) to the wearer's touch AC against nanites. The wearer gains a +4 resistance bonus on saving throws made against nanite-related effects delivered through means other than touch attacks.


Craft DC 30; Cost 5,000 gp

Craft Technological Arms and Armor, graviton lab


Price 2,000 gp; Type medium; Weight 2 lbs.; Max Dex +2; Penalty -4; Spell Failure 50%; Speed (30 ft.) 20 ft.; Speed (20 ft.) 15 ft.; Capacity 10; Usage 1 charge/hour (disposable)

When not being worn, a panic suit is a fist-sized plastic sphere. When activated, it envelops the creature holding it in a full-body protective suit. While activated, it provides immunity to low radiation and resistance 5 against all forms of energy except sonic damage. Its air filters grant a +4 bonus on saving throws against inhaled poisons and diseases.

A panic suit is a single-use item. When its charges run out or its wearer deactivates it, it falls apart into useless fragments.


Craft DC 30; Cost 1,000 gp

Craft Technological Arms and Armor, military lab

Scatterlight Suit

Price varies; Brown 100 gp; Black 150 gp; White 200 gp; Gray 700 gp; Green 1,000 gp; Red 1,400 gp; Blue 3,600 gp; Orange 6,000 gp; Prismatic 12,000 gp; Type light; Weight 5 lbs.; AC +1; Max Dex +8; Penalty -1; Spell Failure 5%; Speed (30 ft.) 30 ft.; Speed (20 ft.) 20 ft.; Capacity 24; Usage 1 charge/hour

A scatterlight suit is a tight, form-fitting suit of highly reflective polymers and synthetic metal fibers. It's designed to reflect beam weapon attacks, and provides only minimal protection against physical damage. Activating a scatterlight suit is a standard action; once activated, the suit diffuses and blurs light reflected from its surface, making the wearer appear hazy and indistinct.

While active, a scatterlight suit increases the wearer's touch AC by a variable amount—this bonus is an armor bonus, but does not increase the wearer's normal or flat-footed AC beyond the scatterlight suit's baseline armor bonus of +1. This bonus to touch AC only applies to attacks made by beam weapons and rays—it does not provide additional protection to other touch attacks.

ColorTouch AC Bonus
ConstructionCraft (varies)Cost (varies)
BrownDC 2450 gp
BlackDC 2575 gp
WhiteDC 26100 gp
GrayDC 27350 gp
GreenDC 28500 gp
RedDC 29700 gp
BlueDC 301,800 gp
OrangeDC 313,000 gp
PrismaticDC 326,000 gp

Craft Technological Arms and Armor, military lab

Smart Armor (Compact Form)

Price 16,500 gp; Type light; Weight 20 lbs.; AC +4; Max Dex +4; Penalty -2; Spell Failure 25%; Speed (30 ft.) 30 ft.; Speed (20 ft.) 20 ft.; Capacity 60; Usage 1 charge/10 minutes

Smart Armor (Expanded Form)

Price —; Type heavy; Weight 20 lbs.; AC +8; Max Dex +1; Penalty -5; Spell Failure 35%; Speed (30 ft.) 20 ft.; Speed (20 ft.) 15 ft.; Capacity 60; Usage 1 charge/10 minutes

While inactive, smart armor resembles a breastplate of adamantine scales, which doesn't seem out of place among most metal armor, except for its alien aesthetics. When activated as an immediate action, smart armor expands to cover the wearer's legs and limbs, and a built-in magnetic generator hardens the armor into a rigid, plate-like form. When in this form, it uses the statistics of smart armor (expanded form). It can be collapsed back to breastplate form with a move action, and automatically retracts when it loses power. In either form, smart armor provides DR 2/— due to its adamantine construction. Smart armor is considered masterwork armor.


Craft DC 28; Cost 14,00 gp

Craft Technological Arms and Armor, military lab


Price 90,000 gp; Type heavy; Weight 35 lbs.; AC +7; Max Dex +0; Penalty -8; Spell Failure 50%; Speed (30 ft.) 20 ft.; Speed (20 ft.) 15 ft.; Capacity 25; Usage 1 charge/hour

This airtight suit of synthetic polymers includes a transparent, dome-like helmet that completely covers the wearer's head. A spacesuit is nearly identical in function to an HEV suit, except that as long as the spacesuit is charged, it provides a bit more armor protection as well as complete protection from all radiation and exposure to vacuum. A spacesuit repairs damage to itself at the rate of 4d6 points of damage per charge consumed. It has hardness 6 and 60 hit points.

A space suit is fitted with numerous small booster jets that grant the wearer a fly speed of 20 ft. (poor) in areas of zero gravity while the spacesuit is charged. The boosters impart no benefit in areas of high, low, or normal gravity.


Craft DC 30; Cost 45,000 gp

Craft Technological Arms and Armor, military lab