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Pathfinder Reference Document

Modifying Monsters

A GM can change up a monster by altering its appearance, adding a simple template, or giving it class levels. Of these options, adding class levels is the most time-consuming for busy GMs, but it also results in a monster that is truly different. To simplify that process, this book contains simple templates that add a class's key features to a creature without drastically altering all of its statistics.

Simple Class Templates

Simple class templates function in much the same way as all other simple templates. They enable GMs to customize creatures by giving them the flavor and abilities of classes without the complexity of adding class levels.

All simple class templates have two categories of changes. The "quick rules" present a fast way to modify a creature's abilities and statistics without having to actually rebuild the stat block. The "rebuild rules" list the exact changes to make to the base stat block if you have the time to completely rebuild it, such as between sessions when you are planning the next game. The two methods result in creatures of similar (if not identical) abilities. These templates grant their respective classes' class features, which are denoted by a dagger (†). Many of these function slightly differently than the original class ability, as noted in the templates.

Spellcasting: A number of these templates grant the ability to cast spells as a member of the class on which the template is based. These templates only grant spells for the three highest spell levels the creature has access to. If the creature casts all of the spells of its higher levels, you can keep the combat challenging by adding lower-level spells—denoted by a double dagger (‡)—but no more than two for any given spell level.

Barbarian Creature (CR +2 or +3)

A barbarian creature can fly into a rage, granting it numerous bonuses in combat. It also gains additional hit points and a few valuable defensive abilities. A barbarian creature's CR increases by 3 if the creature has 10 or more HD. A barbarian creature must be chaotic.

Quick Rules: +2 on all rolls based on Str; can rage for a number of rounds per day equal to 4 + its HD + its Con modifier (this functions as greater rage if the creature has 10 or more HD); gains DR 1/— and uncanny dodge (DR 3/— and improved uncanny dodge if the creature has 10 or more HD).

Rebuild Rules: Defensive Abilities uncanny dodge (improved uncanny dodge if the creature has 10 or more HD; DR 1/— (3/— if the creature has 10 or more HD); Special Attacks rage (can be used a number of rounds per day equal to 4 + its HD + its Con modifier, functions as the greater rage class feature if the creature has 10 or more HD); Ability Scores +4 Strength.

Bard Creature (CR +1 or +2)

Capable of inspiring its companions to accomplish great things, a bard creature is most effective when surrounded by allies. It also gains some limited spellcasting. A bard creature's CR increases by 2 if the creature has 10 or more HD.

Quick Rules: +2 on all rolls based on Cha; can use bardic performance for a number of rounds per day equal to 4 + its HD + its Cha modifier (using its HD as its bard level to determine the bonuses and types of performance); can cast a small number of bard spells (see the Bard Spells Known table, below) using its HD as its CL and gaining two spell slots of each level for every level of spells known.

Rebuild Rules: Special Attacks bardic performance (can be used a number of rounds per day equal to 4 + the creature's HD + its Cha modifier, using its HD as its bard level to determine bonuses and types of performance); Bard Spells can cast a small number of bard spells (see the Bard Spells Known table below) using its HD as its CL and gaining two spell slots of each level for every level of spells known; Ability Scores +4 Charisma.

Bard Spells Known

Cleric Creature (CR +1, +2, or +3)

As a conduit of divine power, a cleric creature is often viewed with great respect by its community. A cleric creature's CR increases by 2 if the creature has 7 or more HD, and it increases by 3 if the creature has 13 or more HD. A cleric creature must worship a deity (which must be determined when the template is added) and its alignment must be within one step of that deity's.

Quick Rules: +2 on all rolls based on Wis; can channel energy a number of times per day equal to 3 + its Cha modifier (positive if good, negative if evil, choose if neutral; using its HD – 2 as its cleric level to determine the effect and DC, minimum 1); can cast a small number of cleric spells (see the Cleric, Druid, and Wizard Spell Slots table on page 251) using its HD as its CL.

Rebuild Rules: Special Attacks channel energy (can be used a number of times per day equal to 3 + is Cha modifier—positive if good, negative if evil, choose if neutral—using its HD – 2 as its cleric level to determine effect and DC, minimum 1); Cleric Spells can cast a small number of cleric spells (see the Cleric, Druid, and Wizard Spell Slots table on page 251) using its HD as its CL; Ability Scores +4 Wisdom.

Cleric, Druid, and Wizard Spells Slots

Druid Creature (CR +1, +2, or +3)

Drawn to the raw might and power of nature, a druid creature gains the ability to change shape and cast druid spells. A druid creature's CR increases by 2 if the creature has 7 or more HD, and it increases by 3 if the creature has 13 or more HD.

Quick Rules: +2 on all rolls based on Wis; can use wild shape if it has 7 or more HD (using its HD – 3 as its druid level to determine the effect of the wild shape); can cast a small number of druid spells (see the Cleric, Druid, and Wizard Spell Slots table above) using its HD as its CL; woodland stride.

Rebuild Rules: Special Attacks wild shape (if it has 7 or more HD, using its HD – 3 as its druid level to determine the effect of the wild shape); Druid Spells can cast a small number of druid spells (see the Cleric, Druid, and Wizard Spell Slots table above) using its HD as its CL; Ability Scores +4 Wisdom; SQ woodland stride.

Animal Companion: These rules assume the druid creature doesn't have an animal companion. If you want to add one, select a creature from the list of a summon nature's ally spell. The spell must have a level no higher than 1/2 the creature's CR. Treat the companion as an additional creature in the encounter, awarding XP for defeating it as if it was not an animal companion.

Fighter Creature (CR +1 or +2)

A fighter creature gains bonus combat feats, and both armor and weapon training. A fighter creature's CR increases by 2 if the creature has 10 or more HD.

Quick Rules: +2 on all rolls based on Str; gains a bonus combat feat and an additional bonus combat feat for every 4 HD (to a maximum of 10 feats; a fighter creature is considered a fighter with a level equal to its HD for the purpose of qualifying for combat feats). If the creature has 3 or more HD, it gains armor training (the bonus increases and penalty decreases for every 4 HD the creature possesses thereafter, to the class feature's normal maximums). If the creature has 5 or more HD, it gains weapon training (the creature gains only one weapon group, and its bonuses increase by 1 every 4 HD thereafter, to a maximum of +4).

Rebuild Rules: Special Attacks If the creature has 5 or more HD, it gains weapon training (the creature gains only one weapon group, and its bonuses increase by 1 every 4 HD thereafter, to a maximum of +4); Special Abilities If the creature has 3 or more HD, it gains armor training (the bonus increases and penalty decreases for every 4 HD it possesses thereafter, to the class feature's normal maximums); Ability Scores +4 Strength; Feats The creature gains a bonus combat feat and an additional combat feat for every 4 HD (to a maximum of 10 feats from this ability).

Monk Creature (CR +2 or +3)

A monk creature gains extra attacks with unarmed strikes or natural attacks, an increase in damage with those attacks, and defensive abilities. A monk creature's CR increases by 3 if the creature has 10 or more HD. A monk creature must be lawful.

Quick Rules: +2 on all rolls based on Dex and Wis; gains the Improved Unarmed Strike feat. When the creature makes a full attack with unarmed strikes or natural attacks, it can make an extra attack of the same type (of its choice) with a –5 penalty. If the creature uses unarmed strikes, it deals damage as if it were a monk of a level equal to its HD (maximum 20 HD). A creature with 10 or more HD that uses natural attacks instead increases the damage dealt by all of its natural attacks by one die step. If the creature is wearing no armor, it gains a bonus to AC equal to 2 + its Wis modifier. This bonus to AC increases by 1 for every 4 HD it possesses (to a maximum of +5 at 20 HD). The creature gains evasion (improved evasion if the creature has 10 or more HD).

Rebuild Rules: Defensive Abilities evasion (improved evasion if the creature has 10 or more HD), and if the creature is wearing no armor, it gains a bonus to AC equal its Wis modifier. This bonus to AC increases by 1 for every 4 HD (to a maximum of +5 at 20 HD); Special Attacks when the creature makes a full attack with unarmed strikes or natural attacks, it can make an extra attack of the same type with a –5 penalty. If the creature uses unarmed strikes, it deals damage as if it were a monk with a level equal to its HD (maximum 20 HD). A creature with 10 or more HD that uses natural attacks increases the damage dealt by all of its natural attacks by one die step instead; Ability Scores +4 Dexterity and Wisdom; Feats Improved Unarmed Strike.

Paladin Creature (CR +2 or +3)

Paladin creatures can battle evil using smite evil and heal using lay on hands, and they possesses some defensive abilities as well. A paladin creature's CR increases by 3 if the creature has 10 or more HD. A paladin creature must be lawful good.

Quick Rules: +2 on all rolls based on Str and Cha; can smite evil once per day (treating its HD as its paladin level for the purposes of damage); can use lay on hands once per day (healing 1d6 hit points for every 2 HD it possesses instead of using its paladin level); gains detect evil and divine grace (if the creature has 10 or more HD, it also gains aura of resolve).

Rebuild Rules: Defensive divine grace (if the creature has 10 or more HD, it also gains aura of resolve); Special Attacks smite evil ability once per day (treating its HD as its paladin level for the purposes of damage); Special Qualities detect evil as the paladin class feature, lay on hands once per day (healing 1d6 hit points for every 2 HD the creature possesses instead of using its paladin level); Ability Scores +4 Strength and Charisma.

Ranger Creature (CR +1 or +2)

A ranger creature gains a favored enemy. It also gains a basic combat style, tracking, and some defensive abilities. A ranger creature's CR increases by 2 if the creature has 10 or more HD.

Quick Rules: Choose either Str or Dex. The creature gains +2 on all rolls based on the chosen ability score (and +2 to AC if Dex is chosen). The creature gains either Point Blank Shot or Two-Weapon Fighting as a bonus feat (if the creature has 10 or more HD, choose two more bonus feats from the lists in combat style class feature—from archery if the creature took Point-Blank Shot, or from two-weapon combat if the creature took Two-Weapon Fighting). The creature also gains favored enemy (choosing only one favored enemy; the favored enemy bonus increases by 2 at 5 HD and every 5 HD thereafter, to a maximum of +10 at 20 HD). Lastly, the creature gains track (and evasion if the creature has 10 or more HD).

Rebuild Rules: Defensive Abilities evasion (if the creature has 10 or more HD); Special Attacks favored enemy (choosing only one favored enemy; the favored enemy bonus increases by 2 at 5 HD and every 5 HD thereafter, to a maximum of +10 at 20 HD); Special Qualities track; Ability Scores +4 Strength or Dexterity; Feats either Point-Blank Shot or Two-Weapon Fighting as a bonus feat (if the creature has 10 or more HD, choose two more bonus feats from the lists in the combat style ranger class feature—either from archery if the creature took Point-Blank Shot, or from two-weapon combat if the creature took Two-Weapon Fighting).

Rogue Creature (CR +1 or +2)

A rogue creature gains sneak attack. It also gains defensive abilities and rogue talents if it has 10 or more Hit Dice. A rogue creature's CR increases by 2 if the creature has 10 or more HD.

Quick Rules: +2 to AC and on all rolls based on Dex; gains sneak attack with a number of sneak attack dice equal to 1/2 its HD (maximum 10d6 at 20 HD); gains evasion and uncanny dodge (if the creature has 10 or more HD, it also gains improved uncanny dodge and two rogue talents, one of which can be an advanced talent).

Rebuild Rules: Defensive abilities evasion, uncanny dodge (improved uncanny dodge if the creature has 10 or more HD); Special Attacks sneak attack (with a number of sneak attack dice equal to 1/2 the creature's HD, to a maximum of 10d6 at 20 HD); Special Qualities if the creature has 10 or more HD, it gains two rogue talents, one of which can be an advanced talent; Ability Scores +4 Dexterity.

Sorcerer Creature (CR +1, +2, or +3)

Sorcerer creatures can use a variety of powerful spells and abilities to devastate their foes. Select a sorcerer creature's bloodline when the template is added. A sorcerer creature's CR increases by 2 if the creature has 8 or more HD, and it increases by 3 if the creature has 14 or more HD.

Quick Rules: +2 on all rolls based on Cha; gains the bloodline arcana and bloodline powers of its chosen bloodline (using its HD – 2 as its sorcerer level to determine the effect and DC [minimum 1]); can cast a small number of sorcerer spells (see the Sorcerer Spells Known table below) using its HD as its CL and gaining two spell slots for every level of spells known.

Rebuild Rules: Special Attacks bloodline arcana, bloodline powers (using its HD – 2 as its sorcerer level to determine the effect and DC [minimum 1]); Sorcerer Spells can cast a small number of sorcerer spells (see the Sorcerer Spells Known table below) using its HD as its CL and gaining two spell slots for every spell level known; Ability Scores +4 Charisma.

Sorcerer Spells Known

Wizard Creature (CR +1, +2, or +3)

A wizard creature is skilled in the ways of arcane magic, and its spellcasting ability is unmatched. Beyond casting damaging spells, a wizard creature can call upon mighty forces to serve the will of the creature and its allies. Select a wizard creature's arcane school when the template is added. A wizard creature's CR increases by 2 if the creature has 7 or more HD, and it increases by 3 if the creature has 13 or more HD.

Quick Rules: +2 on all rolls based on Int; gains the arcane school abilities of its chosen school (using its HD – 2 as its wizard level to determine the effect and DC [minimum 1]); can cast a small number of wizard spells (see the Cleric, Druid, and Wizard Spell Slots table on page 251) using its HD as its CL; can designate one item as its arcane bond and use that item to cast any one spell it knows once per day.

Rebuild Rules: Special Attacks arcane bond, arcane school abilities (using its HD – 2 as its wizard level to determine the effect and DC [minimum 1]); Wizard Spells can cast a small number of wizard spells (see the Cleric, Druid, and Wizard Spell Slots table on page 251) using its HD as its CL; Ability Scores +4 Intelligence.