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Pathfinder Reference Document
Pathfinder Reference Document

Occult Rewards

This section details new gear and magic items for the Pathfinder RPG. A number of these items complement the class features and abilities of the new classes presented in this book, and others improve characters' ability to use occult skill unlocks, but most of these items are useful in many different situations. Spells and items marked with an asterisk (*) are introduced in this book.

Adventuring Gear

The items found on the Adventuring Gear table are described below, along with any special benefits they provide to the user ("you").

Kits: This section includes kits of preselected gear for each character class in Occult Adventures and for other specific purposes. GMs can use the kits to quickly round out an NPC's gear. Players can use them to equip new PCs in a hurry or provide gear to cohorts, followers, minions, and hirelings. The listed price for each kit includes a discount for purchasing these items as a group. Items in a kit that are used up, destroyed, or lost cost the full price to replace.

Adventuring Gear
Artist's poster15 gp
Aura goggles15 gp1 lb.
Automatic writing planchette25 gp
Censer5 gp1/2 lb.
Dowsing rod10 gp1 lb.
Fraudulent medium's kit50 gp10 lbs.
Hoodwink cowl75 gp3 lbs.
Hypnotist's locket (locket)15 gp1 lb.
Hypnotist's locket (pocket watch)250 gp1 lb.
Incense (10 sticks)7 sp
Kineticist's kit8 gp22 lbs.
Medium's kit40 gp14 lbs.
Mesmerist's kit35 gp26-1/2 lbs.
Occult reference material80 gp1 lb.
Occultist's implement10 gp1/2 lb.
Occultist's kit45 gp32-1/2 lbs.
Performer's token2 sp
Phrenologist's kit50 gp5 lbs.
Portable solarium800 gp35 lbs.
Portable sweat lodge25 gp25 lbs.
Prismatic crystal30 gp1/2 lb.
Prognostication manual30 gp3 lbs.
Psychic's kit35 gp27 lbs.
Psychometrist's gloves10 gp5 lbs.
Ritual bell2 gp1 lb.
Spirit trumpet25 gp1 lb.
Spiritualist's kit50 gp34 lbs.
Straitjacket (common)5 gp1 lb.
Straitjacket (masterwork)50 gp1 lb.
Talking board15 gp2 lbs.
Ventriloquist's dummy100 gp7 lbs.
Wind chime1 gp1 lb.

Artist's Poster

Price 15 gp; Weight

This illustrated piece of paper typically measures 24 inches wide and 32 inches long. An artist's poster is typically used as an advertisement that can be easily seen by crowds of people. Placing a poster within a settlement grants creatures a +1 circumstance bonus on Diplomacy checks to gather information regarding the subject of the poster. If the settlement's population is greater than 1,000 people, one additional poster must be placed for every additional 1,000 people (or portion thereof) to gain the bonus. The cost of this item includes commissioning an artist of appropriate talent to complete the poster, and copies of the poster beyond the first cost 5 sp each.

Aura Goggles

Price 15 gp; Weight 1 lb.

These leather goggles have dark, purple-hued lenses coated with a special alchemical substance that reveals particular psychic spectrums. To provide any benefit, the goggles must be continuously worn for 1 hour, during which time the wearer takes a –2 penalty on all sight-based Perception checks. After this 1-hour period, the user can remove the goggles to gain a +2 circumstance bonus on Perception checks for the read aura occult skill unlock. This benefit fades after 1 hour.

Automatic Writing Planchette

Price 25 gp; Weight

This finely crafted, heart-shaped wooden board has two delicate wheels and a small aperture to hold a pencil, which acts as the board's third leg. Typically used on a tabletop covered in butcher's paper, the device scribbles out mysterious messages when employed by a creature using the automatic writing occult skill unlock, and provides a +2 circumstance bonus on the Linguistics check. When used to channel certain haunts capable of communication, the planchette doubles the rate of communication with the haunt, and grants the user a +4 circumstance bonus on Linguistics checks to decipher the cryptic messages. These benefits do not stack with those of other items that confer similar benefits (such as a talking board).


Price 5 gp; Weight 1/2 lb.

This metal container comes with a small removable lid, and holds a small crucible in which to burn incense. Used in religious ceremonies or rituals, a censer can hold up to 10 pieces of incense, and burns 1 piece per hour when lit.

Dowsing Rod

Price 10 gp; Weight 1 lb.

Made from specially crafted materials, a dowsing rod is used by the psychically attuned to locate water, find graves, or uncover minerals. Most commonly manufactured from forked branches cut from hazel, peach, or willow trees, dowsing rods can also come in other forms, such as bent, L-shaped rods of charged cold iron. Though a dowser can use any forked twig found in nature for dowsing, these specially prepared rods provide a +2 circumstance bonus on Survival checks for the dowsing occult skill unlock.

Fraudulent Medium's Kit

Price 50 gp; Weight 10 lbs.

This large suitcase contains a plethora of items useful to anyone pretending to channel spirits. The case contains candles, mirrors, and 10-foot-long telescoping rods, as well as a selection of specialty items: rigged chalkboards for spirit writing, mundane spirit trumpets for transmitting spirit voices, lengths of gaffed ropes for binding mediums during test seances, and luminous paints and ribbons of fine gauze for fake spectral manifestations.

Using the materials that are included with this kit provides a +2 circumstance bonus on Bluff, Escape Artist, and Sleight of Hand checks to imitate seances, spirit writing, or other occult practices.

Hoodwink Cowl

Price 75 gp; Weight 3 lbs.

This uncomfortable mask consists of a black cloth hood, padded leather earmuffs, and shuttered goggles that block vision. A creature wearing a hoodwink cowl is blinded and deafened, and it takes a –10 penalty on all other Perception checks.

Hypnotist's Locket

Price varies; Weight 1 lb.

Locket 15 gp; Pocket watch 250 gp

A small, elliptical metal case containing a small portrait or keepsake, a hypnotist's locket can be attached to a belt or worn as a pendant. When hanging from a metal chain, a hypnotist's locket grants a +2 circumstance bonus on Diplomacy checks for the hypnotism occult skill unlock.

A hypnotist's locket can also come in the form of a pocket watch. It can be worn the same way, still includes a space for a portrait or keepsake, and adds the same bonus for hypnotism, but it also functions as a timepiece.


Price 7 SP; Weight

This aromatic resin is imbued with fragrant oils and formed into sticks, cones, or balls. It's often burned in religious ceremonies or during meditation. A piece of incense burns for 1 hour.

Kineticist's Kit

Price 8 gp; Weight 22 lbs.

This kit includes a backpack, a belt pouch, a blanket, torches (10), trail rations (5 days), and a waterskin.

Medium's Kit

Price 40 gp; Weight 14 lbs.

This kit includes tools that aid in contacting supernatural beings. It includes an automatic writing planchette, candles (10), candlesticks (10), holly and mistletoe, incense (10 sticks), a scholar's outfit, a spell component pouch, and a wooden holy symbol.

Mesmerist's Kit

Price 35 gp; Weight 26-1/2 lbs.

This kit includes a backpack, a bedroll, a belt pouch, an entertainer's outfit, flint and steel, a hypnotist's locket, ink (1 ounce), an inkpen, an iron pot, stationery, torches (10), trail rations (5 days), and a waterskin.

Occult Reference Material

Price 80 gp; Weight 1 lb.

These books come in all manner of shapes and sizes, from hardbound, illustrated manuscripts to collections of journals, notes, and scrolls from multiple authors. When used as a reference (an action that typically requires 1d4 minutes of searching the text), occult reference material grants a +2 circumstance bonus on Knowledge checks related to the occult topic covered by that manual. Some common topics for occult reference materials include astral projection, auras, dreams, ley lines, medium spirits, and rituals. Occult reference materials devoted to general subjects—such as spirits as a whole—provide an overview but don't give enough detail to grant a skill bonus.

Occultist's Implement

Price 10 gp; Weight 1/2 lb.

This bauble, bit of clothing, or relic has some minor historical significance. Though not especially valuable, it's useful to an occultist, who can use it as an implement. Any such item is nonmagical, even if it appears to be a rod or wand. Implements that already have a mundane version with a price higher than 10 gp (such as armor, shields, weapons, and harrow decks) use their normal item entries instead of this catchall.

Occultist's Kit

Price 45 gp; Weight 32-1/2 lbs.

This kit includes a backpack, a bedroll, a belt pouch, chalk (10 pieces), flint and steel, ink (1 ounce), an inkpen, an iron pot, a journal, occultist's implements (2), torches (10), trail rations (5 days), and a waterskin.

Performer's Token

Price 2 SP; Weight

Most commonly shaped like a coin, a performer's token is a small keepsake given out by stage performers prior to their presentations or used as a token of admission to closed-door performances. Similar tokens are also issued by mediums as calling cards prior to performing a seance.

Phrenologist's Kit

Price 50 gp; Weight 5 lbs.

This leather doctor's bag contains all the accoutrements a phrenologist needs to measure skulls. This kit contains several metal skull calipers of various sizes, a labeled chalkware bust of a humanoid head, and numbered charts of skulls of various species. The kit provides a +2 circumstance bonus on Knowledge (arcana) checks for the phrenology occult skill unlock.

Portable Solarium

Price 800 gp; Weight 35 lbs.

This long, wooden case contains a complicated framework of brass armatures, balance weights, a foldable mat, and purple-hued lenses of various shapes and sizes. When assembled, the case becomes a small bed over which looms a complicated, slowly revolving array of lenses that filter sunlight onto the mat below. Only usable on bright, sunny days, the solarium has enough room for one Medium or two Small creatures to recline beneath its lens array and bask in the healing rays of the filtered natural light. The solarium can be used in conjunction with the long-term care use of the Heal skill. Subjects who bask in the filtered light for an 8-hour rest period recover 1 additional hit point per level or 1 additional ability score point if their caregivers succeed at the required Heal check.

Portable Sweat Lodge

Price 25 gp; Weight 25 lbs.

This large leather wrap contains a foldable wooden framework that sits on stilts, pliable slats of birch bark, additional leather rolls, and consecrated stones. When assembled, the resulting hut is a small dome, suitable as a tent shelter and large enough to fit two crouching Medium humanoids or four Small humanoids. When the stones are heated and water is poured over them to create a thick steam, the hut becomes a sweat lodge for healing ceremonies, and provides a +2 circumstance bonus on Heal checks for the faith healing occult skill unlock.

Prismatic Crystal

Price 30 gp; Weight 1/2 lb.

This chunk of crystal shines with the colors of the rainbow. A prismatic crystal can be used as a focus for the read aura occult skill unlock to reduce the time needed to read an aura from 10 minutes to 5 minutes. When held by psychic creatures, these crystals also emit light in a small area, increasing the light level in a 10-foot radius by one step (darkness becomes dim light, and dim light becomes normal light). A prismatic crystal can't increase the light level above normal light.

Prognostication Manual

Price 30 gp; Weight 3 lbs.

This small but thick booklet contains information on a specific form of folk divination, such as cartomancy, cheiromancy, crystallomancy, or horoscopy. Using such a book while reading a creature's fortune reduces the time needed to read that fortune by 2 minutes. When used as part of a Sense Motive check for the prognostication occult skill unlock, this book grants a +2 circumstance bonus. If the fortunetelling method requires a particular item, such as a deck of cards for cartomancy or animal bones for osteomancy, that item provides a +2 circumstance bonus that doesn't stack with the bonus provided by the prognostication manual.

A prognostication manual is useful primarily for cheiromancy (palm reading), horoscopy, and other methods that don't require special equipment.

Psychic's Kit

Price 35 gp; Weight 27 lbs.

This kit includes a backpack, a bedroll, a belt pouch, flint and steel, a prismatic crystal, torches (10), trail rations (5 days), and a waterskin.

Psychometrist's Gloves

Price 10 gp; Weight 5 lbs.

These layered lambskin gloves are specially designed and psychically attuned to increase the tactile sensitivity of the wearer's hands. To provide any benefit, the gloves must be worn for 8 uninterrupted hours. All Dexterity skill checks requiring the use of the hands take a –2 penalty as long as the gloves remain on. After this 8-hour period, the user can remove the gloves to gain a +2 circumstance bonus on Appraise checks for the psychometry occult skill unlock. This benefit fades after 1 hour.

Ritual Bell

Price 2 gp; Weight 1 lb.

This large, handheld silver bell has a long wooden handle. Ritual bells are typically used for ceremonial purposes, often as a means of getting the attention of large audiences. Each ritual bell is specifically engraved, often denoting its origin with a particular cult or sect.

Spirit Trumpet

Price 25 gp; Weight 1 lb.

This telescopic horn is constructed of thin sheets of tin rolled into concentric cones, and measures about 3 feet long when fully extended. Primarily used by fraudulent mediums to disguise the true source of mysterious voices in darkened seance chambers, these trumpets add 1 to the DCs of saving throws to disbelieve the effects of the ghost sound and ventriloquism spells. When used to channel a haunt capable of communication, a spirit trumpet doubles the rate of communication with the haunt, and grants the user a +4 circumstance bonus on Linguistics checks to decipher the cryptic messages.

Spiritualist's Kit

Price 50 gp; Weight 34 lbs.

This kit includes a backpack, a bedroll, a belt pouch, a censer, a flask of ectoplasmic residue, flint and steel, incense (10 sticks), an iron pot, magnetized paper, torches (10), trail rations (5 days), and a waterskin.


Price varies; Weight 1 lb.

Common 5 gp; Masterwork 50 gp

Fashioned of durable canvas and leather straps, this instrument of restraint prevents its wearer from using his arms entirely. Properly binding a creature in a straitjacket requires 1 minute, and the creature must be willing or helpless. This time can be reduced to 5 rounds, but doing so lowers the DC to escape the restraints by 5. A creature wearing a straitjacket gains the grappled condition, except it is able to move. Escaping from the straitjacket requires a successful DC 28 Escape Artist check (DC 30 for a masterwork straitjacket.)

Talking Board

Price 15 gp; Weight 2 lbs.

This thin, rectangular wooden board is printed with an arching array of alphabetical letters, numbers, and short affirmative and negative messages. Paired with a small, heart-shaped pointer on short wooden legs, this device enables communication with spiritual entities or the user's deep subconscious mind. A talking board can be used in place of a pencil and paper or a writing planchette when attempting a Linguistics check with the automatic writing occult skill unlock, and provides a +2 circumstance bonus on such checks. In addition, given the size of the board, the user can work in conjunction with another psychically sensitive creature who can bolster the attempt with a successful aid another check.

A user can also use the board alone to initiate the recall memory use of the hypnotism occult skill unlock. The user attempts the skill check as normal, with herself as the subject, and receives a +2 circumstance bonus on the check.

When used to channel a haunt capable of communication, a talking board doubles the rate of communication with the haunt, and grants the user a +4 circumstance bonus on Linguistics checks to decipher the cryptic messages.

Though a talking board can be used for some of the same functions as other gear (such as automatic writing planchettes and hypnotist's lockets), these items can't be used in unison to gain multiple bonuses or increase the rate of communication with a haunt to more than double.

Ventriloquist's Dummy

Price 100 gp; Weight 7 lbs.

A ventriloquist's dummy is made of finely sculpted and painted wood, shaped and dressed like a typical humanoid, and sized at roughly 2 feet. An insert in the back of the dummy allows a Small or Medium creature to manipulate it with one arm. When used as part of a routine, a ventriloquist's dummy adds a +2 circumstance bonus on Perform (comedy) checks.

Wind Chime

Price 1 gp; Weight 1 lb.

Made up of a series of suspended bells, tubes, or rods, a wind chime is constructed out of metal or wood. Often hung outside buildings by the superstitious to deter spirits, a wind chime can also act as a makeshift alarm.

Alchemical Items

Many people interested in the occult also dabble in the practice of alchemy. The following alchemical items can be created by a character with the Craft (alchemy) skill; the DC to craft each item is listed in the table below.

Alchemical Items
ItemCostWeightCraft DC
Ectoplasmic residue20 gp2 lbs.25
Magnetized paper11 gp1 lb.15
Snake oil20 gp20

Ectoplasmic Residue

Price 20 gp; Weight 2 lbs.

This flask is filled with the detritus of minor ectoplasmic phantoms and similar creatures. You can throw a flask of ectoplasmic residue as a splash weapon. Treat this attack as a ranged touch attack with a range increment of 10 feet. A direct hit deals no damage, but the target must succeed at a DC 13 Will save or be shaken for 1d4 rounds. Every creature within 5 feet of the point where the flask hits must succeed at a DC 13 Will save or be shaken for 1 round. This is a mind-affecting fear effect.

Magnetized Paper

Price 11 gp; Weight 1 lb.

These specially charged pieces of parchment come in small packages containing seven sheets. Psychically attuned to the specific magnetic fluids a living creature needs to part the ethereal veil, these sheets add a 5% bonus to the chance of creating meaningful writing for the automatic writing occult skill unlock. This use consumes one sheet of the paper, and only one sheet can be used per attempt.

Snake Oil

Price 20 gp; Weight

This mildly toxic liniment numbs flesh and can soothe injuries. Though the tincture is actually poisonous, an imbiber who avoids becoming poisoned recovers from minor injuries.

Snake Oil

Type poison (contact); Save Fortitude DC 12

Onset 1 round; Frequency 1/minute for 5 minutes

Effect On a failed save, snake oil deals 1 point of nonlethal damage. However, on a successful save, the toxin heals 1d6 points of nonlethal damage; Cure 1 save

Magic Items

The magic items in these sections are divided into the categories outlined in Pathfinder RPG Ultimate Equipment, so you can use them with the treasure generator detailed in that book. If you're running an adventure that features an NPC with levels in one of the classes introduced in Occult Adventures, or you have a PC with levels in one of these classes, when determining treasure, consider either using items from this section before rolling randomly on the treasure generator, or adding these items to the treasure generator.


Rings bestow magical powers upon their wearers. Anyone can use a ring, but a character can gain the benefits of only two magic rings at a time.

Greater Major RingPrice
Ring of psychic mastery50,000 gp
Ring of the hidden psyche160,000 gp

Ring of Psychic Mastery

Price 50,000 gp; Slot ring; CL 14th; Weight —; Aura strong (no school)

The large sapphire that adorns this platinum ring darkens in hue as its wearer depletes her psychic spellcasting potential. The gem turns black when the wearer's daily spells are exhausted or if the wearer has no ability to cast psychic spells. A ring of psychic mastery grants the caster 1 additional psychic spell per day for each spell level from 1st to 4th that she is capable of casting.

Construction Requirements

Cost 25,000 gp

Forge Ring, limited wish

Ring of the Hidden Psyche

Price 160,000 gp; Slot ring; CL 18th; Weight —; Aura strong (no school)

This ring resembles a ring of psychic mastery, but its flawless sapphire serves as a vessel for the wearer's soul. It possesses all the abilities of a ring of psychic mastery in addition to the following effects.

The wearer's soul instantly enters the ring upon the wearer's death, even if her body is utterly destroyed. This counts as an object possession spell, except that the possessing soul cannot animate the ring and must instead wait for someone to wear it. From inside the ring, she can attempt a greater possession on anyone who voluntarily wears the ring (Will DC 23 negates). A successful save against the greater possession effect renders the new wearer immune to further such attempts for 24 hours. Dispelling the object possession effect on the ring banishes the soul from the ring to its appropriate afterlife. Otherwise, a soul can remain in the ring indefinitely. While in the ring, the soul knows when a creature has put on the ring. The soul can't otherwise sense the area around it or take actions other than attempting the greater possession effect.

A ring of the hidden psyche resists attempts to discern its true nature. detect magic reveals only the properties of a ring of psychic mastery, though identify or stronger magic can reveal the ring's full powers if the caster succeeds at a DC 23 Will save.

Construction Requirements

Cost 80,000 gp

Forge Ring, greater possession*, magic aura, object possession*, wish


Rods are scepterlike devices that have unique magical powers and usually do not have any charges. Anyone can use a rod (though metamagic rods have no effect when used by creatures that cannot cast spells). Normal metamagic rods can be used with spells of 6th level or lower. Lesser rods can be used with spells of 3rd level or lower, while greater rods can be used with spells of 9th level or lower.

Lesser Medium RodsPrice
Furious metamagic rod, lesser3,000 gp
Logical metamagic rod, lesser3,000 gp
Scarring metamagic rod, lesser3,000 gp
Refocusing rod5,000 gp
Fearsome metamagic rod, lesser9,000 gp
Traumatic metamagic rod, lesser9,000 gp
Furious metamagic rod11,000 gp
Logical metamagic rod11,000 gp
Scarring metamagic rod11,000 gp
Lesser Major RodsPrice
Furious metamagic rod, greater24,500 gp
Logical metamagic rod, greater24,500 gp
Scarring metamagic rod, greater24,500 gp
Overflowing rod25,000 gp
Witching rod31,000 gp
Fearsome metamagic rod32,500 gp
Traumatic metamagic rod32,500 gp
Greater Major RodsPrice
Fearsome metamagic rod, greater73,000 gp
Traumatic metamagic rod, greater73,000 gp
Hollow rod121,500 gp
Caduceus rod142,000 gp

Caduceus Rod

Price 142,000 gp; Slot none; CL 12th; Weight 3 lbs.; Aura strong conjuration and transmutation

Two entwined wooden snakes run the length of this laurel rod, which is capped with a pair of brass wings. This mystical implement gives its possessor a +5 insight bonus on Craft (alchemy) checks and a +1 insight bonus on attack and damage rolls with alchemical items, including alchemists' bombs. When it's held in hand, the caduceus rod can be invoked five times per day to grant one of the following boons, each of which counts as a 6th-level spell-like ability.

Awaken: The rod awakens all sleeping creatures within a 40-foot-radius burst centered on the wielder. Creatures in the burst gain immunity to sleep effects for 1 minute.

Exchange: The wielder transmutes one of his prepared alchemical extracts into an extract of another formula in his formula book of equal or lower level.

Mercy: All dying (–1 or fewer hit points) creatures in a 40-foot-radius burst centered on the wielder die. Each such creature can attempt a DC 19 Fortitude save to instead take 1d6 points of negative energy damage. This is a death effect.

Revive: The wielder targets a creature within 40 feet with empowered breath of life.

Slumber: As deep slumber, except that it affects a 20-foot-radius burst centered on the wielder, can affect up to 20 HD of creatures, and has a Will save DC of 19. The wielder of the rod is unaffected and can choose to exclude up to four other targets from the effects.

Construction Requirements

Cost 71,000 gp

Craft Rod, breath of life, deep slumber, heroism, universal formula, creator must have at least 10 ranks in Craft (alchemy)

Fearsome Metamagic Rod

Price varies; Slot none; CL 17th; Weight 1 lb.; Aura strong (no school)

Lesser fearsome metamagic rod 9,000 gp; Fearsome metamagic rod 32,500 gp; Greater fearsome metamagic rod 73,000 gp

The wielder of this rod can cast up to three spells per day that make enemies shaken as though using the Fearsome Spell feat.

Construction Requirements

Cost varies

Lesser fearsome metamagic rod 4,500 gp; Fearsome metamagic rod 16,250 gp; Greater fearsome metamagic rod 36,500 gp

Craft Rod, Fearsome Spell

Furious Metamagic Rod

Price varies; Slot none; CL 17th; Weight 1 lb.; Aura strong (no school)

Lesser furious metamagic rod 3,000 gp; Furious metamagic rod 11,000 gp; Greater furious metamagic rod 24,500 gp

The wielder of this metamagic rod can cast up to three spells per day that channel her anger as though using the Furious Spell feat.

Construction Requirements

Cost varies

Lesser furious metamagic rod 1,500 gp; Furious metamagic rod 5,500 gp; Greater furious metamagic rod 22,250 gp

Craft Rod, Furious Spell

Hollow Rod

Price 121,500 gp; Slot none; CL 15th; Weight 5 lbs.; Aura strong (no school)

Slightly smaller and shorter than vril staves, hollow rods are hollow silver tubes covered in intricate glyphs and small, flute-like keys. Three times per day, a kineticist can utilize the hollow rod in conjunction with a blast wild talent or the kinetic healer wild talent to augment that talent's destructive or healing capabilities, treating the wild talent as maximized. A hollow rod can't be used on a wild talent affected by metakinesis.

Construction Requirements

Cost 60,750 gp

Craft Rod, creator must be a 10th-level kineticist

Logical Metamagic Rod

Price varies; Slot none; CL 17th; Weight 1 lb.; Aura strong (no school)

Lesser logical metamagic rod 3,000 gp; Logical metamagic rod 11,000 gp; Greater logical metamagic rod 24,500 gp

The wielder of this rod can cast up to three spells per day without emotion components as though using the Logical Spell feat.

Construction Requirements

Cost varies

Lesser furious metamagic rod 1,500 gp; Furious metamagic rod 5,500 gp; Greater furious metamagic rod 12,250 gp

Craft Rod, Logical Spell

Overflowing Rod

Price 25,000 gp; Slot none; CL 10th; Weight 1 lb.; Aura moderate evocation

An overflowing rod amplifies and focuses the side effects of a kineticist's burn. While holding the rod, the kineticist counts as 3 levels higher for the purpose of determining the effects of her elemental overflow ability. If used by a character without elemental overflow, the rod grants its wielder the benefit of elemental overflow as a 3rd-level kineticist (which is generally helpful only to low-level kineticists or kineticists with archetypes that replace elemental overflow with another class feature).

Construction Requirements

Cost 12,500 gp

Craft Rod, creator must be a 10th-level kineticist

Refocusing Rod

Price 5,000 gp; Slot none; CL 10th; Weight 1 lb.; Aura moderate (no school)

Once per day, a refocusing rod allows an occultist to transfer mental focus using the shift focus class feature without losing any points of focus. He can move focus from one implement into the rod, and then from the rod into another implement, by spending twice as long as it normally takes him to shift focus (because he's making two transfers). The occultist must transfer the focus from the rod within 10 minutes or the focus is lost.

If an occultist chooses a refocusing rod as one of his implements for the day, he can instead use this ability to transfer focus into the rod and leave it there or transfer focus he already stored in the rod into another implement. In either of these cases, no points of focus are lost in the transfer and it takes the normal amount of time to shift focus instead of twice as long. If the refocusing rod is not one of the occultist's implements for the day, mental focus stored in it can't be used for any purpose except transference to another implement.

Any mental focus transferred into the rod still belongs to the occultist who transferred it. The rod can't be used to transfer mental focus between two users.

Construction Requirements

Cost 2,500 gp

Craft Rod, creator must be a 10th-level occultist

Scarring Metamagic Rod

Price varies; Slot none; CL 17th; Weight 1 lb.; Aura strong (no school)

Lesser scarring metamagic rod 3,000 gp; Scarring metamagic rod 11,000 gp; Greater scarring metamagic rod 24,500 gp

The wielder of this rod can cast up to three spells per day that weaken her target's will as though using the Scarring Spell feat.

Construction Requirements

Cost varies

Lesser scarring metamagic rod 1,500 gp; Scarring metamagic rod 5,500 gp; Greater scarring metamagic rod 22,250 gp

Craft Rod, Scarring Spell

Traumatic Metamagic Rod

Price varies; Slot none; CL 17th; Weight 1 lb.; Aura strong (no school)

Lesser traumatic metamagic rod 9,000 gp; Traumatic metamagic rod 32,500 gp; Greater traumatic metamagic rod 73,000 gp

The wielder of this rod can cast up to three spells per day that cause nightmares as though using the Traumatic Spell feat.

Construction Requirements

Cost varies

Lesser traumatic metamagic rod 4,500 gp; Traumatic metamagic rod 16,250 gp; Greater traumatic metamagic rod 36,500 gp

Craft Rod, Traumatic Spell

Witching Rod

Price 31,000 gp; Slot none; CL 11th; Weight 1 lb.; Aura moderate transmutation

This especially powerful dowsing rod is typically made of a branch from an ancient tree or shafts forged of rare metals. When used for the dowsing skill unlock in place of a mundane dowsing rod, a witching rod provides a +5 circumstance bonus on the Survival check.

A witching rod can not only detect bodies of water, grave sites, and metal deposits, but can also manipulate substances or souls related to them. The rod can produce the effects of control water, speak with dead (DC 14), or stone shape. Though this ability can typically be used only once per day, a wielder with the ability to use the dowsing occult skill unlock more than once per day can instead produce a spell effect one additional time per day for each additional use of dowsing she has. This doesn't require her to expend uses of dowsing. Only one creature can produce extra uses of the witching rod in this way each day.

Construction Requirements

Cost 16,500 gp

Craft Wondrous Item, control water, speak with dead, stone shape


Scrolls are divided based on the type of magic used to create the scroll; psychic spellcasters create psychic scrolls in much the same way arcane spellcasters create arcane scrolls and divine spellcasters create divine scrolls. Psychic scrolls follow all the same rules as other scrolls. A psychic scroll is a spell completion item that requires the user to decipher and read the scroll. The user must also provide all necessary components except material and focus components (which were provided by the scroll's creator). This includes thought and emotion components.

Normally, there's a 70% chance a scroll will be arcane and a 30% chance it will be divine. When determining treasure randomly in a game that includes psychic magic, use the table below instead.

Random Scrolls
d%Spell Type
1–59Arcane scroll
60–84Divine scroll
85–100Psychic scroll


A staff is a long shaft that stores several spells. Staves usually hold spells grouped by a theme and sometimes possess other abilities that they grant to the wielder. A staff has 10 charges when created but can be recharged by a spellcaster with the appropriate spells.

Greater Major StaffPrice
Vril staff200,000 gp

Vril Staff

Price 200,000 gp; Slot none; CL 15th; Weight 5 lbs.; Aura strong transmutation

This hollow, silver staff is covered in intricate glyphs and flute-like keys, and allows use of the following spells:

If the wielder of a vril staff is a spellcaster, as a standard action, she can expend 1 charge and sacrifice a prepared spell or unused spell slot of 1st level or higher to channel the power through the staff as a blast of raw magical energy known as vril. This ray resolves as a ranged touch attack with a range of 30 feet, and the wielder chooses whether it deals damage or heals. The amount of damage dealt or healed by the ray is equal to 1d6 points per level of the spell sacrificed + 1 point per caster level of the wielder.

In the hands of a kineticist, the staff functions differently. By spending 1 charge from the staff as part of her kinetic blast, the kineticist can use a new basic energy blast called a vril blast. This blast deals untyped damage. A vril blast works only with form and substance infusions that specify that they work on any blast. If the kineticist instead spends 3 charges, her vril blast's intensity increases and it ignores spell resistance. A kineticist can use a vril staff without attempting a Use Magic Device check.

A spellcaster can recharge a vril staff normally. A kineticist can restore a single charge to a vril staff by accepting 3 points of burn.

Construction Requirements

Cost 100,000 gp

Craft Staff, cure light wounds, cure moderate wounds, mage hand, repulsion, telekinesis

Wondrous Items

"Wondrous item" is a catchall category for anything that doesn't fall into other groups (such as weapons, staves, and so on). Wondrous items are a diverse group. Some must be worn in a specific magic item slot in order to work, while others must merely be possessed and utilized. Anyone can use a wondrous item unless the item's description specifies otherwise. Many of the items presented here require the user to have some psychic connection to function, as specified in the item's description.

There are two main categories of wondrous items: slotted and slotless. Slotted items take up a magic item slot, and must be worn by those who want to benefit from them.

Wondrous Items
Lesser Minor Wondrous ItemsPrice
Talisman of beneficial winds, lesser50 gp
False coin375 gp
Talisman of sealed summons, lesser450 gp
Talisman of warrior's courage, lesser450 gp
Talisman of beneficial winds, greater500 gp
Waxen image500 gp
Talisman of arrow protection, lesser600 gp
Talisman of danger sense, lesser750 gp
Spirit revivification incense800 gp
Talisman of freedom, lesser900 gp
Talisman of protection from flames, lesser1,250 gp
Animal divining pot1,400 gp
Ghost powder1,400 gp
Incense of corporeality1,400 gp
Candle of spirit protection1,500 gp
Talisman of good fortune, lesser1,680 gp
Talisman of healing power, lesser2,400 gp
Dreamcatcher2,800 gp
Incense of open thoughts2,800 gp
Talisman of life's breath, lesser3,500 gp
Four-leaf clover3,750 gp
Greater Minor Wondrous ItemsPrice
Thaumaturgic powder4,000 gp
Talisman of sealed summons, greater4,500 gp
Talisman of warrior's courage, greater4,500 gp
Talisman of arrow protection, greater6,000 gp
Lucky horseshoe6,800 gp
Talisman of danger sense, greater7,500 gp
Lesser Medium Wondrous ItemsPrice
Talisman of freedom, greater9,000 gp
Indomitable jewel12,000 gp
Lithomancy stones12,000 gp
Spirit slate12,000 gp
Talisman of protection from flames, greater12,500 gp
Tome of origami animals13,500 gp
Lucky horseshoe, communal15,000 gp
Tin cap15,000 gp
Ganji doll16,000 gp
Talisman of good fortune, greater16,800 gp
Greater Medium Wondrous ItemsPrice
Kineticist's diadem, lesser18,000 gp
Spirit mirror18,900 gp
Magic talking board20,000 gp
Talisman of healing power, greater24,000 gp
Mask of the mesmerist25,000 gp
Sensory deprivation hood27,500 gp
Lesser Major Woundrous ItemsPrice
Soultheft glass33,000 gp
Talisman of life's breath, greater35,000 gp
Ganji doll, greater36,000 gp
Orgone accumulator48,000 gp
Greater Major Wondrous ItemsPrice
Kineticist's diadem50,000 gp
Flying sled80,000 gp
Shrunken head90,000 gp
Kineticist's diadem, greater98,000 gp
Flying skiff180,000 gp

Animal Divining Pot

Price 1,400 gp; Slot none; CL 3rd; Weight 5 lbs.; Aura faint divination

These small clay vessels are fired in shapes representing various small animals—fish, lizards, mice, and sparrows are the most common. If a pot's user places a living animal matching the pot's form within, the user can communicate with the animal through whispers, as speak with animals. This ability functions three times per day.

Construction Requirements

Cost 700 gp

Craft Wondrous Item, speak with animals

Candle of Spirit Protection

Price 1,500 gp; Slot none; CL 11th; Weight 1 lb.; Aura moderate necromancy

Crafted from collected ectoplasm and wax, candles of spirit protection ward off creatures from the spirit world. To function, a candle of spirit protection must be placed in the desired area. When it's lit, fine lines of smoke coil out, creating a circular line of smoke in a 10-foot radius around the candle. This area is protected against intrusion by astrally projected creatures, ethereal creatures, haunts, incorporeal creatures, mediums channeling a spirit, and phantoms, and at the GM's discretion can affect other spirits or creatures made of ectoplasm. Such creatures can't enter the area of effect, and act as though they were affected by an antilife shell that specifically targets them and no other creatures.

The candle can't be moved once it is lit; attempting to do so ends the effect. Otherwise, a lit candle of spirit protection burns for 1 hour. Either way, the candle is expended after one use.

Construction Requirements

Cost 750 gp

Craft Wondrous Item, antilife shell


Price 2,800 gp; Slot none; CL 1st; Weight 2 lbs.; Aura faint abjuration

This protective ward is fashioned from a thin, supple piece of wood bound in a circle, and then woven with sinew to create a weblike pattern. Dreamcatchers are often decorated with beads and feathers. More elaborate dreamcatchers might be made of gold or silver instead, and decorated with dangling jewels and metal figurines.

A dreamcatcher protects its sleeping owner from malicious influences. The owner gains a +2 sacred bonus on saving throws while asleep. Further, any ability damage or ability drain he takes during this time is reduced by 1 point (to a minimum of 0 points).

Construction Requirements

Cost 1,400 gp

Craft Wondrous Item, resistance

False Coin

Price 375 gp; Slot none; CL 1st; Weight —; Aura faint divination

The possessor activates this well-worn gold coin by rubbing it between her thumb and forefinger while willing it to function. The false coin can be activated only by creatures with the Psychic Sensitivity feat or the ability to cast psychic spells. Once activated, the coin maintains a link to the creature that activated it, and if passed along to someone else, it shares empathic cues about its new possessor with the creature that activated it. This empathic link gives the activator a +2 insight bonus on Bluff, Diplomacy, Intimidate, and Sense Motive checks against the coin's current possessor. In addition, the possessor takes a –1 penalty on saving throws against spells with the emotion, fear, or scrying descriptors cast by the coin's activator. While activated, the coin appears nonmagical as though protected by magical aura (Will DC 11).

The link between the activator and the coin persists for 1 week, after which the coin loses all of its powers and becomes a mundane coin.

Construction Requirements

Cost 188 gp

Craft Wondrous Item, detect thoughts, magic aura

Flying Skiff

Price 180,000 gp; Slot none; CL 12th; Weight 2,500 lbs.; Aura strong conjuration and abjuration

A flying skiff is a long, flat-bottomed vehicle akin to a naval ship, and is covered in metallic veins. Without a psychic pilot, a flying skiff acts in all regards as a keelboat. A single Large direct-fire siege engine can be mounted on the front of a flying skiff.

A control helmet that fits a Small, Medium, or Large creature is linked by long, curling cables to the metal veins of the skiff. Whenever a psychic creature (one with levels in an occult class, the Psychic Sensitivity feat, or the ability to use psychic spell-like abilities) wears the control helmet, the flying skiff gains the following abilities.

Along with the abilities granted to the flying skiff when piloted by a psychic creature, the pilot gains the following additional abilities.

Construction Requirements

Cost 90,000 gp

Craft Wondrous Item, intellect fortress III*, mental barrier III*, overland flight, plane shift, thought shield III*, tower of iron will II*

Flying Sled

Price 80,000 gp; Slot none; CL 12th; Weight 100 lbs.; Aura strong conjuration

A flying sled is a small vehicle akin to a rowboat, and is covered in metallic veins. The sled can hold one occupant. A psychic pilot can the control the craft. Without a psychic pilot, a flying sled acts in all regards as a rowboat.

A control helmet that fits a Small or Medium creature is linked by cables to the metal veins of the sled. When a psychic creature (one with levels in an occult class, the Psychic Sensitivity feat, or the ability to use psychic spell-like abilities) wears the control helmet, the flying sled gains the following abilities.

Along with the abilities granted to the flying sled when piloted by a psychic creature, the pilot gains the following additional ability.

Construction Requirements

Cost 40,000 gp

Craft Wondrous Item, overland flight, plane shift

Four-Leaf Clover

Price 3,750 gp; Slot none; CL 5th; Weight —; Aura faint evocation

This curio is a four-leaf clover that was harvested from the wild and preserved. Typically encased in glass or crystal, four-leaf clovers are sometimes pressed, bronzed, or protected through other means. A creature with a four-leaf clover in her possession can call upon an extra boost of luck before attempting a single ability check, saving throw, or skill check. She gains a +2 luck bonus on that check. This ability functions three times per day, and requires a free action that the owner can perform even when it's not her turn.

Construction Requirements

Cost 1,875 gp

Craft Wondrous Item, divine favor

Ganji Doll

Price 16,000 gp; Slot none; CL 6th; Weight 1/2 lb.; Aura moderate necromancy

A ganji doll is a fetish tied so intimately to its intended victim that good or ill can be done to the target through the doll itself. During the item's creation, the creator must choose a humanoid creature to bind the doll to. This requires the creator to obtain and craft a bit of the intended target's body—typically hair, blood, or a tooth—into the fetish. Once this has been done, the ganji doll affects no other creature aside from the bound target. The target of the ganji doll can't be changed after crafting is complete.

Once the doll has been created, three times per day, any bearer can employ the doll to create any one of the following effects. These effects target only the creature bound to the doll. The target takes a –2 penalty on all saving throws against these effects.

Blind: Covering the doll's head with a cloth blinds the target for 1 minute (Will DC 16 negates).

Damage: Stabbing the doll with a sharp instrument, waving it over an open flame, wrapping a cord around the doll's neck, or otherwise damaging the doll causes the target to take 3d6 points of damage (Fortitude DC 16 half). This damage ignores all resistances and immunities.

Touch Spell: The ganji doll functions as the bound target for the purpose of any spell with a range of touch. The target receives the effect of any spell cast upon the doll (up to the doll's limit of three effects per day) as if the caster had actually touched him. The target can attempt saving throws against such spells, if allowed, as normal, but takes the –2 penalty imposed by the doll. Beneficial spells, such as cure light wounds, can also be used in this manner.

Construction Requirements

Cost 8,000 gp

Craft Wondrous Item, bestow curse, and a piece of the body of the humanoid to be affected

Ganji Doll, Greater

Price 36,000 gp; Slot none; CL 12th; Weight 1/2 lb.; Aura moderate necromancy

A greater ganji doll looks similar to and functions as the normal version, except that it can be used 5 times per day, imposes a –4 penalty on the target's saving throws against its effects, and has the following altered or additional special abilities in addition to all the abilities of a ganji doll.

Damage: Damaging the doll causes the target to take 6d6 points of damage (Fortitude DC 16 half). This damage ignores all resistances and immunities.

Locate Creature: The bearer of a ganji doll can use it to locate its bound target as locate creature.

Suggestion: The user whispers in the doll's ear, creating the effect of a suggestion spell. The target must attempt a DC 16 Will save to resist the effect. Unlike with the spell, the target doesn't need to comprehend the user's language.

Construction Requirements

Cost 18,000 gp

Craft Wondrous Item, bestow cure, locate creature, suggestion, and a piece of the body of the humanoid to be affected

Ghost Powder

Price 1,400 gp; Slot none; CL 7th; Weight 1/2 lb.; Aura moderate abjuration

When sprinkled on the ground, this mixture of salt and powdered iron forms a barrier that is invisible and impenetrable for spirits. Ghost powder is typically found in bags or tubes, and a single dose of ghost powder can trace a line up to 50 feet in length; it can be used in 5-foot increments. Corporeal creatures can cross a line of ghost powder, but ethereal and incorporeal creatures are blocked as though the line were a wall of force. Teleportation effects can cross a line of ghost powder, as can an incorporeal creature possessing a corporeal creature. The barrier created is 10 feet high. It prevents incorporeal creatures from crossing through the floor directly beneath it, and if the barrier reaches the ceiling, it prevents them from crossing through the ceiling directly above. In addition, if ghost powder is sprinkled in front of every entrance (including chimneys, air vents, and the like) of a building, it prevents incorporeal creatures from entering the building through the walls, floor, and ceiling in their entirety. Sweeping away the ghost powder destroys the barrier, but incorporeal and ethereal creatures can't disturb the powder or affect it with their abilities unless they deal enough damage to destroy the barrier itself. When laid down quickly (up to 10 feet can be spread as a standard action), the effects of ghost powder last for 1 hour. If the powder is laid down carefully (taking 1 minute for every 5 feet), the effects last 8 hours.

Construction Requirements

Cost 700 gp

Craft Wondrous Item, anti-incorporeal shell, magic circle against evil

Incense of Corporeality

Price 1,400 gp; Slot none; CL 7th; Weight 1/2 lb.; Aura moderate abjuration

Little distinguishes this bitter-smelling stick of incense from normal incense until it is lit. In still air, the incense's smoke permeates a 40-foot-by-40-foot area to a height of 20 feet. Within that area, incorporeal creatures take on a measure of substance, such that they can no longer pass through objects and take full damage from all attacks (even nonmagical ones). Incorporeal touch attacks within this area resolve as melee attacks, but the incorporeal creatures add their Charisma bonus on such attacks. Incorporeal creatures still lack cohesion and mass. They retain the ability to fly as well as their immunity to combat maneuvers and critical hits. They can pick up and manipulate physical objects as though they had Strength scores equal to their Charisma scores, but they are still not solid enough to wear equipment.

Moderate wind halves the area of incense of corporeality. Strong wind disperses the incense, rendering it ineffective as long as the wind continues. A single stick of incense of corporeality burns for 1 hour. If extinguished, the remaining incense loses effectiveness.

Construction Requirements

Cost 700 gp

Craft Wondrous Item, dimensional anchor, ghostbane dirge

Incense of Open Thoughts

Price 2,800 gp; Slot none; CL 9th; Weight 1 lb.; Aura moderate divination

While a block of this sweet-scented incense burns, creatures inhaling its fumes become unusually receptive to thought. In still air, the incense's smoke permeates a 40-foot-by-40-foot area to a height of 20 feet. Creatures within that area can communicate telepathically with other creatures in the area. Creatures communicating in this fashion don't need to share a language, but must have an Intelligence of 3 or higher. The openness of mind engendered by the incense also provides a +5 insight bonus on Diplomacy and Sense Motive checks against creatures in the area, and imposes a –5 penalty on Bluff and Intimidate checks against such creatures and a –2 penalty on saving throws against mind-affecting effects.

Moderate wind halves the area of the smoke. Strong wind disperses the incense, rendering it ineffective as long as the wind continues. A single block of incense of open thoughts burns for 1 hour. It can be extinguished and relit, but each use consumes at least 10 minutes of its remaining duration.

Construction Requirements

Cost 1,400 gp

Craft Wondrous Item, telepathic bond

Indomitable Jewel

Price 12,000 gp; Slot neck; CL 8th; Weight 1 lb.; Aura moderate abjuration

Set in a burnished copper pendant, the colors of this black opal shift with the wearer's mood. While the wearer is dazed, nauseated, paralyzed, or stunned because of a mind-affecting effect, at the start of his turn he can take 2 points of ability damage to Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma to still take a standard action that turn (in place of the move action in the case of nauseated). He can make this choice even if otherwise prevented from taking actions. If affected by multiple such conditions, the wearer must take the ability damage for each in order to take his standard action. Ability damage caused by the jewel can't be prevented or reduced, and it must be healed naturally. In addition, the indomitable jewel renders the wearer immune to sleep caused by mind-affecting effects.

Construction Requirements

Cost 6,000 gp

Craft Wondrous Item, freedom of movement, thought shield I

Kineticist's Diadem

Price varies; Slot headband; CL 10th; Weight —; Aura moderate evocation

Lesser kineticist's diadem 18,000 gp; Kineticist's diadem 50,000 gp; Greater kineticist's diadem 98,000 gp

This metal headband holds a glistening, diamond-shaped gem. A kineticist's diadem includes one of five colors of gem, each corresponding to a different element: blue (water), clear (aether), green (earth), red (fire), and white (air). The diadem's gem grants the wearer greater control over its associated element.

While worn by a kineticist, this item increases the damage dealt by the kineticist's simple and composite blasts that match the element of the inlaid gem by 1d6 points (for a lesser kineticist's diadem), 2d6 points (for a kineticist's diadem), or 3d6 points (for a greater kineticist's diadem). If the blast is a physical blast, the extra damage dice from the kineticist's diadem increase to d8s instead of d6s. These extra damage dice do not multiply on a critical hit, and the extra damage dice do not apply to blasts with form infusions that do not apply the extra damage from elemental overflow, like kinetic blade and kinetic whip.

Construction Requirements

Cost varies

Lesser kineticist's diadem 9,000 gp; Kineticist's diadem 25,000 gp; Greater kineticist's diadem 49,000 gp

Craft Wondrous Item, creator must be a 10th-level kineticist with access to the appropriate element

Lithomancy Stones

Price 12,000 gp; Slot none; CL 7th; Weight 2 lbs.; Aura moderate divination

A set of lithomancy stones contains 15 semi-precious stones of varying shape and color, representing a mixture of elements, emotions, and various spiritual presences from the outer planes. Once per day, the possessor of a set of lithomancy stones can frame a question in her mind, cast the stones upon the ground, and attempt a reading with a Knowledge (planes) check to find the answer to her question. The check takes 1 minute, and the DC depends on the time frame of the question. The DC for a question regarding the next 30 minutes is 20. A question regarding the next day has a DC of 30, and a question about the next week has a DC of 40. The GM rolls the check in secret. If the possessor fails the check by 5 or more, she receives a false or misleading reading. If the possessor fails the check by less than 5, it yields no result. A successful check reveals information similar to that gained through a successful augury (for a reading about the next 30 minutes) or divination (for longer readings), which is communicated by the relative position of the stones.

In addition to this function, lithomancy stones can be used as an additional focus for augury, divination, or similar spells to increase the chance of receiving correct information by 10% (to a maximum of 90%).

Construction Requirements

Cost 6,000 gp

Craft Wondrous Item, divination, creator must have at least 5 ranks in Knowledge (planes)

Lucky Horseshoe

Price 6,800 gp; Slot none; CL 9th; Weight 2 lbs.; Aura moderate evocation

Although it appears to be a simple horseshoe, a lucky horseshoe focuses and channels the mystical energies of good fortune. As long as a lucky horseshoe's owner carries it on her person, she gains a +1 luck bonus on saving throws. Once per day, she can invoke the lucky horseshoe's power to gain a +4 luck bonus on a single saving throw. She must declare that she is using this ability before the roll is made.

Construction Requirements

Cost 3,400 gp

Craft Wondrous Item, divine favor

Lucky Horseshoe, Communal

Price 15,000 gp; Slot none; CL 9th; Weight 2 lbs.; Aura moderate evocation

This item looks like and functions as a lucky horseshoe. In addition, if the horseshoe is placed prominently over the entrance of a building and left there for a period of at least 8 hours, it provides good luck to all those who spend time within that building. In order to gain this benefit, a character must spend at least 8 consecutive hours within the building; the benefit lasts for 24 hours. A single communal lucky horseshoe can provide its benefit to any number of creatures per day, but each creature can gain the benefits of only one lucky horseshoe at a time. Once a creature invokes the lucky horseshoe's ability, she can't benefit from another lucky horseshoe for 24 hours, though time she spends inside the building during that interval counts toward the 8 consecutive hours required to gain the communal lucky horseshoe's benefit for the next day.

Construction Requirements

Cost 7,500 gp

Craft Wondrous Item, divine favor, hallow

Magic Talking Board

Price 20,000 gp; Slot none; CL 9th; Weight 2 lbs.; Aura moderate divination

This rectangular wooden board displays an arch of alphabetical letters, numbers, and short affirmative and negative messages, and comes with a small, heart-shaped, three-legged pointer. Though it can be used in place of a mundane talking board (such as those used by spiritualists and seance-holders to speak to nearby haunts or their own subconscious minds), this item's magical properties don't rely on the presence of a haunt or a psychically sensitive individual to establish communications. When used for the automatic writing skill unlock in place of a mundane talking board, a magic talking board provides a +5 circumstance bonus on the Linguistics check.

Once per day, a magic talking board can be used to call upon the spirit of a single deceased humanoid creature, as the spell call spirit. The spirit can attempt a DC 17 Will save to resist the summons; if it's successful, a spirit with malevolent intent always takes the place of the intended spirit. The spirit does not manifest as a vaporous apparition or speak; its communications instead come through the board itself. The spirit answers posed questions by guiding the pointer to specific letters at the rate of one word per round for as long as the user concentrates. Up to four creatures can use the board simultaneously, and the called spirit takes a penalty on its saving throw equal to the number of users beyond the first.

Construction Requirements

Cost 10,000 gp

Craft Wondrous Item, call spirit*

Mask of the Mesmerist

Price 25,000 gp; Slot head; CL 5th; Weight 4 lbs.; Aura faint divination and illusion

Made from elaborately carved wood in the shape of a mythical creature, this mask covers the face of its wearer, leaving only two holes for eyes. A mesmerist wearing this mask increases the range of his hypnotic stare ability by 10 feet as the mask allows him to better focus on his targets. Creatures under the effects of the wearer's hypnotic stare take a –2 penalty on all attack rolls against the wearer.

Once per day, if the wearer possesses the mesmerist trick class feature, he can implant a trick without expending a use of his mesmerist trick ability. This trick also does not count against his limit of total tricks active at the same time.

Construction Requirements

Cost 12,500 gp

Craft Wondrous Item, aversion, focused scrutinyACG

Orgone Accumulator

Price 48,000 gp; Slot none; CL 7th; Weight 150 lbs.; Aura moderate conjuration

This cold-iron-lined wooden cabinet is the size of a large upright chest, with just enough room inside for a Medium-sized creature to sit comfortably on a small wooden seat. The cabinet is constructed of alternating layers of cold iron sheets and slats of cypress wood insulated with sheep's wool, and is specially crafted to attract and focus atmospheric energy to recharge the internal reservoirs of characters capable of casting psychic magic.

Activating an orgone accumulator requires spending hours inside it while meditating. The creature must remain conscious, taking no actions other than meditating. A creature inside the box that remains in this state automatically gains a +2 bonus on saving throws to recover from curses, diseases, and poisons. An orgone accumulator can also be used in conjunction with the faith healing occult skill unlock. If the subject of the faith healing is within the orgone accumulator, the creature attempting the Heal check for faith healing gains a +2 circumstance bonus on the check.

In addition, a creature can concentrate while within the box to gain the benefits of restorative spells. Each of these spells lists a number of hours a user must remain meditating inside the box. At the end of that time, the user must attempt a Wisdom check with the listed DC to gain the benefits of the spell. A creature with the Psychic Sensitivity feat or levels in an occult class gains a +2 bonus on this Wisdom check.

A user with a ki pool can also focus in order to regain ki points instead of reproducing a restorative spell, much as if he were using a ki mat. He must succeed at a Wisdom check with a DC of 10 plus his current number of ki points (note that ability checks, like skill checks, do not automatically succeed on a natural 20). A user that succeeds at this check regains 1 ki point.

Construction Requirements

Cost 24,000 gp

Craft Wondrous Item, lesser restoration, remove blindness/deafness, restoration

Sensory Deprivation Hood

Price 27,500 gp; Slot head; CL 10th; Weight 5 lbs.; Aura moderate divination

This especially heavy leather hoodwink cowl is designed to quiet the wearer's mundane senses, allowing him to focus on his supernatural senses. Donning or removing the hood requires 1 minute, or 5 rounds with assistance.

As with a normal hoodwink cowl, the wearer of a sensory deprivation hood is blinded, deafened, and takes a –10 penalty on all other Perception checks. If the wearer has blindsense, blindsight, tremorsense, or a similar ability, he can take a full-round action to suppress those senses for as long as he wears the hood or until he resumes using them (which requires another full-round action). If the wearer is currently benefitting from one of these senses, he gains no benefits from the hood.

As long as the wearer's senses are suppressed, he gains the ability to perform automatic writing, dowsing, and psychometry even if he doesn't have psychic spellcasting or the Psychic Sensitivity feat. If he does have psychic spellcasting or the Psychic Sensitivity feat, he gains a +5 bonus on skill checks for those skill unlocks.

Additionally, once per day while wearing the sensory deprivation hood, the wearer can open up his mind to passing spiritual phenomena in the hope of gaining greater insight into a specific issue. This functions as contact other plane, allowing the wearer to ask up to 5 questions per use, but rather than contacting an entity on another plane of existence, the wearer contacts a nearby spirit or other psychic entity. Rather than using the information for one of the planes listed in the spell, this effect uses the following information: Avoid Int/Cha Decrease DC 10/24 hours; True Answer 01–34; Don't Know 35–62; Lie 63–83; Random Answer 84–100. Unlike with contact other plane, the wearer can attempt either an Intelligence check or a Charisma check to avoid the Intelligence and Charisma decrease.

Construction Requirements

Cost 13,750 gp

Craft Wondrous Item, contact other plane

Shrunken Head

Price 90,000 gp; Slot none or neck; CL 9th; Weight 1 lb.; Aura moderate necromancy

The mouth of this shriveled, distorted head is stitched shut with coarse thread. A shrunken head can be used if it's held in one hand or worn in the neck slot by suspending it from a thong. Once per day as an immediate action, the owner can make the head absorb a mind-affecting spell of up to 5th level that was targeting the owner. Absorbing such a spell protects only the wielder, not any other targets. After absorbing the spell, the head's eyes open and burn with pale green fire for 1 round per level of the spell absorbed. While the eyes are burning, as a standard action, the wielder can unleash this energy as enervation, with the ray imposing 1 negative level per level of spell absorbed.

When used as an additional focus component for a spell with the fear subtype, a shrunken head augments its effects, increasing any save DC associated with the spell by 1. The shrunken head does not need to have absorbed a spell to be used in this manner.

Construction Requirements

Cost 45,000 gp

Craft Wondrous Item, break enchantment, enervation, fear

Soultheft Glass

Price 33,000 gp; Slot none; CL 9th; Weight 1 lb.; Aura moderate necromancy

The wielder of this hand-sized, fine glass mirror can view another's reflection in the mirror to capture a portion of that creature's soul. Doing so requires the wielder to avert his eyes as if defending against a gaze attack so that he views the creature only by its reflection, and then take a standard action that provokes an attack of opportunity. This imposes 1 temporary negative level on the creature reflected (Fortitude DC 16 negates). A soultheft glass can hold no more than three portions of a creature's soul, and can't contain portions from more than one creature's soul at a time. When the glass is at full capacity, attempts to steal additional soul portions fail. While the mirror retains at least one soul portion, its possessor receives a +1 luck bonus on ability checks, saving throws, and skill checks.

The wielder can query the soul portions trapped within, in effect questioning echoed memories of the target creature. This works as call spirit, except the creature doesn't need to be dead. The wielder can ask a number of questions per day equal to the number of soul portions in the glass.

Temporary negative levels bestowed by a soultheft glass never become permanent. The victim can attempt a DC 16 Fortitude save to remove each negative level every 24 hours. Success removes that negative level and frees one soul portion held within the glass. Any other method of removing a negative level (such as restoration) also frees a soul portion from the glass.

Once it imposes a temporary negative level on a creature, a soultheft glass shows a ghostly reflection of that creature (though not any information about its surroundings) until all soul portions have been returned. If the victim dies, its soul portions fade after 24 hours. As a standard action, the mirror's wielder can release all soul portions, which also removes the victim's negative levels.

Construction Requirements

Cost 16,500 gp

Craft Wondrous Item, call spirit*, enervation

Spirit mirror

Price 18,900 gp; Slot none; CL 9th; Weight 4 lbs.; Aura moderate necromancy

These unusual hand-mirrors allow the user to communicate with the spirits of the recently deceased, although such communication comes with great risk. On command, the user can look into the mirror and name a recently deceased individual, attempting to conjure the image of that person's spirit into the mirror.

There is a 70% chance that an attempt to contact a specific spirit succeeds. For each week that the specified creature has been deceased, this chance decreases by 10% (to a minimum of 0%). If the attempt is unsuccessful, the spirit mirror ceases to function for 1d4 days and can never contact that particular spirit. If the attempt is successful, the deceased person's image appears in the mirror, and the user can ask her up to three questions, as call spirit. The spirit also has the ability to telekinetically move objects within 20 feet of the mirror, as unseen servant.

This form of communication is highly dangerous, and allows malevolent spirits to attack the user. Each time the spirit mirror fails to contact a spirit, another spirit comes in its stead. Usually this spirit makes mischief by either giving inaccurate answers or by moving objects around, but there is a 10% chance that the spirit manifests as a random incorporeal undead and attacks the mirror's user.

Construction Requirements

Cost 9,450 gp

Craft Wondrous Item, call spirit

Spirit Revivification Incense

Price 800 gp; Slot none; CL 11th; Weight —; Aura moderate necromancy

This stick of incense is coated in the ectoplasmic residue of slain spirits. A spiritualist can burn the incense as part of her ritual to manifest her phantom, in which case the manifested phantom returns with its maximum number of hit points, regardless of previous damage incurred. A stick of spirit revivification incense can be used only once before being fully consumed.

Construction Requirements

Cost 400 gp

Craft Wondrous Item, heal

Spirit Slate

Price 12,000 gp; Slot none; CL 5th; Weight 2 lbs.; Aura faint divination

This simple chalkboard consists of a book-sized wooden frame surrounding a thin, rectangular slice of flat black slate. Though mediums typically use mundane slates to demonstrate automatic writing, this magical version can obtain answers to specific questions regarding a dead creature if the user has access to at least a fragment of bone from the deceased's body. Once the user places a bone fragment upon the slate, that fragment animates and begins scribbling answers to the following four questions on the slate's surface.

These answers always appear in a language the user can read, even if the creature could not speak that or any language. The device can be used up to 3 times per day.

Construction Requirements

Cost 6,000 gp

Craft Wondrous Item, blood biography

Talisman, Greater

Price varies; Slot neck; CL varies; Weight 1 lb.; Aura varies

Arrow protection 6,000 gp; Beneficial winds 500 gp; Danger sense 7,500 gp; Freedom 9,000 gp; Good fortune 16,800 gp; Healing power 24,000 gp; Life's breath 35,000 gp; Protection from flames 12,500 gp; Sealed summons 4,500 gp; Warrior's courage 4,500 gp

A greater talisman functions as a lesser talisman of the same type, but has much greater longevity. It can provide its benefits once per day.

Construction Requirements

Cost varies

Arrow protection 3,000 gp; Beneficial winds 250 gp; Danger sense 3,750 gp; Freedom 4,500 gp; Good fortune 8,400 gp; Healing power 12,000 gp; Life's breath 17,500 gp; Protection from flames 6,250 gp; Sealed summons 2,250 gp; Warrior's courage 2,250 gp

Craft Wondrous Item, additional spells (see text)

Talisman, Lesser

Price varies; Slot neck; CL varies; Weight 1 lb.; Aura varies

Arrow protection 600 gp; Beneficial winds 50 gp; Danger sense 750 gp; Freedom 900 gp; Good fortune 1,680 gp; Healing power 2,400 gp; Life's breath 3,500 gp; Protection from flames 1,250 gp; Sealed summons 450 gp; Warrior's courage 450 gp

These amulets are imbued with magic that allows them to protect their wearer against a very specific danger. A talisman triggers automatically as soon as the listed condition is fulfilled. Although talismans occupy the neck slot, up to three talismans can be worn on one cord or chain. Wearing multiple talismans in this way offers a greater variety of protection, but a wearer can benefit from only one talisman's effect at a time. If another talisman would be triggered while its wearer is under the effect of another talisman, that talisman is not triggered and can still be used later.

A lesser talisman carries only enough magical energy to protect its wearer once, after which it crumbles to dust.

Talisman of Arrow Protection: These talismans bear the insignia and name of a martyred saint, who was said to have survived being shot by 99 arrows, only to be slain by the hundredth. The first time that the wearer is hit by two or more ranged attacks in a single round, he is immediately affected by protection from arrows. Faint abjuration; CL 3rd; protection from arrows.

Talisman of Beneficial Winds: These talismans are inscribed with the secret names of the four winds, and protect the wearer against long falls. The first time that the wearer falls at least 5 feet, he is automatically affected by feather fall. Faint transmutation; CL 1st; feather fall.

Talisman of Danger Sense: These talismans are inscribed with depictions of predatory animals. The first time the wearer rolls initiative, she is immediately affected by anticipate peril. Faint divination; CL 5th; anticipate peril.

Talisman of Freedom: These talismans are inscribed with the names of spirits and other figures associated with freedom and liberation. The first time that the wearer becomes grappled, entangled, or paralyzed, he is automatically affected by freedom of movement for 3 rounds. Moderate abjuration; CL 7th; freedom of movement.

Talisman of Good Fortune: These talismans are inscribed with symbols of good luck, and protect the wearer against bad fortune. The first time that the wearer rolls a natural 1 on a d20 roll (such as on an ability check, attack roll, saving throw, or skill check), he can immediately roll again and take the new result instead. Moderate enchantment; CL 7th; good hope.

Talisman of Healing Power: These talismans are inscribed with the names and symbols of spirits and other figures associated with healing. The first time that the wearer is reduced to fewer than 1/2 his maximum hit points, he automatically heals 4d8+7 hit points. Moderate conjuration; CL 7th; cure critical wounds.

Talisman of Life's Breath: These talismans bear runic symbols of life and vitality, as well as the names of spirits and other figures that are closely associated with life-giving energies. The first time that the wearer dies, he is automatically affected by breath of life. Moderate conjuration; CL 9th; breath of life.

Talisman of Protection from Flames: These talismans bear symbols of fire and flames, surrounded by circles, triangles, or other shapes to show the flames as being contained. The first time that the wearer takes 5 or more points of fire damage in a single round, he is automatically affected by protection from energy, which protects him from subsequent fire damage. Talismans that protect against other energy types are much less common. Faint abjuration; CL 5th; protection from energy.

Talisman of Sealed Summons: These talismans bear intricate seals and symbols often used in the binding of outsiders. The first time that the wearer is hit by a natural attack from an evil summoned creature, the wearer is automatically affected by protection from evil. Other versions of this talisman, which affect chaotic, lawful, and good summoned creatures, are much less common. Faint abjuration; CL 1st; protection from evil.

Talisman of Warrior's Courage: These talismans bear the names of mighty and fearless warriors and symbols of power and martial prowess. The first time that the wearer would gain the frightened or panicked condition, he gains the shaken condition instead. Faint abjuration; CL 1st; remove fear.

Construction Requirements

Cost varies

Arrow protection 300 gp; Beneficial winds 25 gp; Danger sense 375 gp; Freedom 450 gp; Good fortune 840 gp; Healing power 1,200 gp; Life's breath 1,750 gp; Protection from flames 625 gp; Sealed summons 225 gp; Warrior's courage 225 gp

Craft Wondrous Item, additional spells (see text)

Thaumaturgic Powder

Price 4,000 gp; Slot none; CL 9th; Weight —; Aura moderate abjuration

This silver powder typically comes in a fist-sized leather bag. When poured on the ground, the dust animates over the course of 1 round to scribble silver thaumaturgic script and symbols in a circular pattern with a 20-foot radius. This circle acts as the perfectly scribed special diagram of a magic circle against chaos, evil, good, or law and bars extradimensional movement as if the user had attached dimensional anchor to the magic circle. The scribed circle lasts 24 hours. A bag of thaumaturgic powder can be used only once.

An extraplanar creature of the appropriate alignment that is called or summoned into the circle can attempt to break through the circle once during the circle's duration, just as if trying to break free from a lesser planar binding spell with either its spell resistance or a DC 26 Charisma check.

Construction Requirements

Cost 2,000 gp

Craft Wondrous Item, Extend Spell, dimensional anchor, magic circle against evil

Tin Cap

Price 15,000 gp; Slot head; CL 15th; Weight 2 lbs.; Aura strong abjuration

This simple tin headpiece is a lesser replica of the powerful stannum crown. A tin cap feeds on its wearer's paranoia, granting her a +4 insight bonus on saving throws against mind-affecting effects and divinations that gather information about her. Donning a tin cap saps the mind of the wearer, imposing a –2 penalty to her Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma. The increased paranoia causes the wearer to always attempt saving throws, even against harmless effects. Removing the tin cap removes both the benefits and drawbacks until it is donned again.

Construction Requirements

Cost 7,500 gp

Craft Wondrous Item, mind blank

Tome of Origami Animals

Price 13,500 gp; Slot none; CL 12th; Weight 15 lbs.; Aura strong transmutation

This massive, metal-bound tome is filled with thin pages of beaten copper, each of which is indented with arcane sigils indicating precise folding points for the creation of various origami creatures. Once one or more pages are torn out and folded, the copper sheets magically expand to create a pleated origami approximation of the desired creature. Once created, each origami creature is imbued with a semblance of life, just as if animated with animate objects, and obeys the commands of its creator.

The user can fold pages to craft a fantastic variety of Small, Medium, and Large animated constructs. Crafting a Small creature uses up one page, crafting a Medium creature uses two, and crafting a Large creature uses four. Each construct crafted by the book is built with the default number of Construction Points (CP) and hit points for its size, though all origami animations gain the basic metal Construction Point quality for free. Constructs of other metals or stone cannot be built with the book, though additional CP can be otherwise added to the creation at the expense of one page per point. This follows all rules for creating animated objects, and origami animals can never select the same CP ability more than once.

The book contains instructions for making innumerable variations of fantastic creatures, limited only by the user's ingenuity and imagination. For example, the user may fold a Medium gorilla-like animal with two pages, then tear out an additional three pages to construct it with additional attack, grab, and constrict abilities, for a total of five pages.

Crafting an origami animal requires a full-round action. Each one lasts for 1 hour before crumbling into useless copper shards. Tomes of origami animals have 50 pages when created, though most have 2d20+10 intact pages when found.

Construction Requirements

Cost 6,750 gp

Craft Wondrous Item, animate objects

Waxen Image

Price 500 gp; Slot none; CL 7th; Weight 1/2 lb.; Aura moderate necromancy

This poorly formed wax figure resembles an unfinished sculpt of a humanoid. It can be bound to a living humanoid in a similar way to a ganji doll, but must be sculpted into the shape of that humanoid and have a piece of that creature's hair, teeth, blood, bone, or flesh pressed into the wax. Those familiar with the target notice the waxen image's resemblance to the target with a DC 15 Perception check.

A waxen image can be blinded, damaged, or targeted with a touch spell in the same way as a ganji doll, except that the bound creature is unaffected if it's farther than 100 feet from the waxen image. A waxen image can be used only once, and melts as soon as it's used.

Construction Requirements

Cost 250 gp

Craft Wondrous Item, bestow curse

Cursed Items

Perhaps the most dangerous and insidious of all cursed items are those magic items whose intended functions are completely replaced by a curse. Yet even these items can have their uses, particularly as traps or weapons. The following are provided as specific examples of cursed items. Instead of prerequisites for construction, a typical cursed item is associated with one or more ordinary magic items whose botched creation might result in the cursed item. Cursed items can be sold as if they were the item they appear to be, provided the curse is not known to the buyer.

Haunted Doll

Slot none; CL 11th; Weight 1 lb.; Aura moderate divination and necromancy

When glimpsed out of the corner of the eye, the beatific expression of this child's rag doll twists into a malignant grin. The doll feeds off of violent emotion and anger. Each time anger flares or battle rages within 20 feet of the doll, there is a 5% chance the malevolent spirit within the doll awakens, manifesting as an advanced poltergeist. When this happens, the doll becomes incorporeal and floats into the air, the poltergeist's malevolent spirit invisibly surrounding it. The poltergeist's site bond ability is tied to the space it spawned in, and it immediately attacks those around it. When the poltergeist is slain, the doll turns corporeal again and falls to the ground, its spirit quelled for the time being. The spirit within the doll can be questioned using the call spirit* spell.

Owning a haunted doll leads to troubled dreams for the possessor, full of seemingly prophetic warnings of doom. Each night, there is a 10% chance that the owner needs to attempt a DC 20 Will save. On a failure, the owner gains no rest for the night and can't recover spells, pools, or other daily abilities.

Intended Magic Item

anatomy doll, hexing doll, ganji doll*

Maniac Hand

Slot none (replaces hand); CL 13th; Weight 2 lbs.; Aura strong necromancy

This dried and withered hand ends in a jagged stump. When it is touched against the arm stump of a humanoid who has lost a hand, the maniac hand bonds instantly and returns to a lifelike appearance. It shrinks or grows to match the size of its new owner, and transforms itself to match the hand lost, becoming either a right or left hand. After merging, an uneven scar and unhealthy hue identify it as alien to its new owner.

Attacks made with a maniac hand receive a +2 competence bonus on attack and damage rolls. In addition, when making a full attack, the wielder can accept a –2 penalty to AC in order to make one extra attack with the hand using the wielder's full base attack bonus. This benefit is not cumulative with similar effects, such as a haste spell. For the purposes of these bonuses, any weapon held in the maniac hand or in both hands qualifies, and the hand itself can deal damage as a slam attack appropriate to the wielder's size (1d4 for a Medium creature).

A maniac hand has an insidious will that slowly usurps control from the owner. It has Intelligence 8, Wisdom 12, and Charisma 10. Incapable of communication and bereft of rational thought, a maniac hand knows only an insatiable urge to destroy. When first attached, a maniac hand has an Ego score of 5. At least once each day, when presented with an opportunity to murder a friend or innocent without being witnessed, the maniac hand attempts to assert control using the rules for items against characters. If it succeeds, the hand takes control of its owner until it can commit the murder or 5 minutes pass, whichever comes first. The owner remembers nothing of the crime save a blinding rage, and the hand's Ego score returns to 5. If the hand fails to assert control, the owner feels a momentary surge of anger, but can't identify the source. Each day that passes without the hand's murderous impulse killing a creature of Intelligence 3 or higher, its Ego score increases by 1. If its Ego score increases above 20, the hand no longer cares for caution, and attempts murder regardless of the chance of getting caught.

A maniac hand that's denied the death of friends or innocents for more than 30 days turns against its owner. If in a position to sabotage the owner, such as by letting go of a rope, it attempts to assert control. It can assert control while the owner sleeps, strangling its host or seizing a weapon to deliver a coup de grace. The hand attempts such an act at most once per day. An owner willing to slaughter innocents can keep the hand satisfied by finding an innocent victim and voluntarily relinquishing control to the hand.

If the owner tries to rid herself of the maniac hand by destroying or amputating it, the hand resists to the best of its ability. It makes attacks and one-handed grapple attempts with its owner's own Strength and Dexterity scores, augmented by the hand's bonuses. The hand has an AC equal to its owner's touch AC, except with a +4 size bonus that stacks with its owner's size modifier. Its owner loses her Dexterity bonus against the hand's attacks, but the hand retains its Dexterity bonus against its owner. The hand's hp is equal to 1/4 that of its owner.

Successfully casting remove curse on a maniac hand prevents it from resisting amputation for 1 hour.

Intended Magic Item

hand of glory, hand of the mage, hand of stone

Mirror of Soul Snaring

Slot none; CL 15th; Weight 45 lbs.; Aura strong necromancy

This normal mirror is roughly 4 feet long and 3 feet wide. It is similar to a mirror of opposition or mirror of life trapping, but it lacks a command word. A mirror of soul snaring has 15 extradimensional compartments within it. Any creature coming within 30 feet of the device and looking at its own reflection must succeed at a DC 23 Will save or have its soul sucked into one of the compartments. A creature not aware of the cursed nature of the device always sees its own reflection. The probability of a creature seeing its reflection and thus needing to attempt the saving throw drops to 50% if the creature is aware that the mirror is cursed and seeks to avoid looking at it (treat as a gaze attack).

When a creature's soul is trapped, its body remains outside of the mirror. The body becomes possessed by a malignant spirit who behaves in a way entirely opposed to how the trapped creature would. Treat this spirit as the creature, with a reversed alignment (and potentially other factors reversed, such as being an antipaladin instead of a paladin). In the case of neutral characters, the spirit can be either chaotic evil or lawful good as decided by the GM. The death of the creature's original body does not free its soul from the mirror, though if it is ever set free, it immediately passes on to the afterlife as it no longer has a body to inhabit.

If the mirror's capacity is exceeded, one victim's soul (determined randomly) is set free and immediately reconnects with its duplicate body if available. If the mirror is destroyed (hardness 1, 5 hit points), all victims currently trapped in it are freed. Unless the mirror is destroyed, not even a miracle or wish can restore the trapped creature's spirit to its body.

Intended Magic Item

mirror of life trapping, mirror of opposition

Monkey's Paw

Slot none; CL 20th; Weight 1/2 lb.; Aura strong universal

This mummified monkey's hand bears the power to grant three wishes, but at a terrible cost. The paw can grant any request within the power of a wish spell, but the paw's curse twists the results to bring about despair. For example, a wish to prevent an erupting volcano from burying a town might drain the magma vault beneath the volcano, resulting in the town being swallowed up in a sinkhole when the vault collapses into a caldera. Careful wording to avoid negative effects simply results in the attempt failing without expending a wish. When the monkey's paw grants a wish, it writhes in the holder's grasp.

Once the third wish of a monkey's paw is used, it loses its power for those who used the wishes and their acquaintances, but regains its power once passed on to a stranger.

Intended Item

none; this is a unique cursed item


Unlike normal magic items, artifacts are not easily destroyed (and are impossible for PCs to create). Instead of construction information, each artifact includes one possible means by which it might be destroyed.

Artifacts should never be purchased or found as part of a random treasure hoard. When placing an artifact in your game, be sure to consider its impact, but also keep in mind that artifacts are fickle objects, and if they become too much of a nuisance, they can easily become lost once more.

Minor Artifacts

The artifacts presented here are all minor artifacts. Minor artifacts are not necessarily unique items. Even so, they are magic items that can no longer be created by common mortal means.

Portal Network

Slot none; CL 20th; Weight 64,000 lbs.; Aura strong conjuration

Runes adorn this massive ring of iron. Each gate of a portal network is bound to at least one other such gate and instantly transports any creature who steps through it to its mate, anywhere on the same plane or any other plane. Portal network gates allow the passage of Large or smaller creatures. Huge creatures are not transported, even if they manage to squeeze through the ring. If the destination gate is obstructed by an immovable object, the network fails to function.

Portal networks with more than two gates distinguish between destinations via focal objects chosen by the gates' creators. Typical focal objects include gems, minor magic items, and carefully drawn sigils. Some gates fail to function at all if entered without a focal object, whereas others transport the subject to a default location. Creatures can share a focal object by touching each other as they pass through the gate. Gates with multiple focal objects have a set priority (established at the creation of the portal network) that determines which focal objects supersede the others.

Portal networks work an unlimited number of times. Once a gate is activated, impenetrable darkness fills the gate's ring until 1 round after the last creature passes through. A creature doesn't reach the other end until it passes fully through the ring, and can't see the other side until it finishes passing through.

If a portal network requires a focal object, only creatures using a focal object or touching someone else who is can pass through a gate, even if the gate is activated. Obstructing a gate (such as by building a wall against the gate's opening) prevents anyone from passing through, but a creature standing in the way does not; a creature occupying the gate is pushed aside once anyone passes through.


Destroying a portal network entirely requires sending a sphere of annihilation through one of the network's gates. This destroys the sphere as well (as described in the destruction requirements for a sphere of annihilation), except a gap is always torn in the spatial fabric.

Primordial Symbol

Slot none; CL 20th; Weight 1 lb.; Aura strong abjuration

Its origin lost in the infinite expanse of time, a primordial symbol is a polished stone bearing a mystic sign that resembles a lopsided, two-barred cross. When held forth and invoked by a bearer who is able to cast psychic spells or has the Psychic Sensitivity feat, a primordial symbol flares with an invisible flash in a 100-foot-radius burst, which has the following effects on those in range.

Other creatures and objects within the area are otherwise unharmed. When the symbol is activated, its wielder takes 2d6 points of Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma damage, rolled separately for each ability. The primordial symbol then collapses in on itself and vanishes, only to reappear unharmed in a distant land or world.


Though seemingly destroyed by activation, the eldritch potential bound into a primordial symbol persists and recreates the symbol elsewhere in the multiverse. To permanently destroy the artifact, the primordial symbol must be brought to a realm of pure chaos at the unformed edges of the Outer Planes and melted in the primal energy of creation.

Soul Portrait

Slot none; CL 20th; Weight 25 lbs.; Aura strong necromancy

A soul portrait is a painting imbued with immense magical power attached to a solid wooden frame. The exact image presented on each soul portrait varies, and has a magical effect only if it depicts the likeness of its current owner. The owner doesn't need to be depicted alone, and additional figures painted in the background don't interfere with the effect.

The owner of a soul portrait doesn't appear to age and no longer takes the penalties associated with aging, but she still gains the appropriate mental bonuses. As the owner would normally age, the portrait appears to age instead. The owner of a soul portrait does not die of old age. If someone benefitting from this effect ceases to be the portrait's owner, she immediately gains all associated physical penalties from her current age, and her appearance changes appropriately; if the owner is past her maximum age, she withers and dies instantly.

When scrutinized by magical means (such as aura sight, detect evil, detect magic, or discern lies), the owner gains the benefits of a special misdirection with no saving throw allowed for the would-be investigator. For the purposes of the misdirection, the soul portrait provides results as the owner would have when she first acquired the portrait. Unlike a normal misdirection, this effect is not limited to spells that detect her aura. Whenever it would be beneficial to her, the owner counts as her younger self for any spell or effect that gathers information. For instance, if she denies committing a crime she perpetrated after she commissioned the portrait, all forms of truth magic would reveal her denial as being true. Even spells like detect thoughts would reveal the thoughts of her younger self.

When the portrait's owner would take ability damage, ability drain, or negative levels, she takes no adverse effects until they would be fatal (though she continues to accrue them in the portrait), and her image on the soul portrait twists in horrific agony as if suffering for its owner. Whenever any of the accrued maladies would be fatal (such as a number of negative levels equal to the owner's Hit Dice), the owner immediately dies. The soul portrait can be healed of ability damage, ability drain, and negative levels to reduce the accrued maladies by any effects that would normally heal these maladies.

When the owner of a soul portrait dies, her soul is pulled into the canvas and her likeness becomes a character in the background, leaving space for a new portrait. A creature can claim ownership over a soul portrait by commissioning an artist to paint her likeness over the original image. The new owner must be present and willing while the artist paints, and the artist must succeed at a DC 25 Craft (painting) check to create a sufficient likeness for the artifact to accept the new owner. Once this happens, if the previous owner is still alive, she ceases to be the soul portrait's owner and ages as described above. The portrait can't be cut, burned, or otherwise damaged, except as described in the destruction requirements below.


A soul portrait can be destroyed only by its current owner. The owner must slay the artist who painted her likeness onto the portrait, and then use the same weapon to destroy the portrait.

Stannum Crown

Slot head; CL 15th; Weight 2 lbs.; Aura strong abjuration

Though polished to a silvery gleam, the metal of this velvet-capped crown is simple tin. Occult scholars believe the first stannum crowns were created by a mad psychic king who had become convinced that entities from other planes were watching and plotting against him.

The crown is powered by its wearer's paranoia and mistrust, using them to grant the wearer immunity to mind-affecting effects and divinations that gather information about him. The wearer can't lower this immunity without removing the crown. Donning a stannum crown saps the wearer's mind, imposing a –2 penalty to Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma.

Removing the crown negates the penalty, but the wearer's enhanced paranoia makes him unwilling to doff the headdress. He can try to remove the crown once per day by attempting a Will save (DC = 25 + the number of consecutive days the crown has been worn). Once the DC becomes 35 or higher, the wearer's paranoia has progressed to the point where he no longer treats any other creature as an ally and attempts saving throws against even harmless spells and abilities. At this point, a natural 20 is not an automatic success on the saving throw to remove the crown, and the wearer never counts as a willing target for the purposes of another's spell or ability, even when he is unconscious. Other creatures can't remove the crown by force; only the wearer can take it off.


A stannum crown can be destroyed only by placing it on the head of a sentient being who is truly incapable of mistrust. This destroys the crown, but leaves the creature with the powers and drawbacks of the crown, forever unable to remove or ameliorate them.

Thought Record

Slot none; CL 15th; Weight 2 lbs.; Aura strong divination

Though this tube resembles a simple copper pipe, its exotic metal reshapes the flow of time itself. A thought record measures 1 foot in length, and despite its light weight, it resists sudden acceleration as if it were a heavy, massive tree trunk. Intricate patterns are etched inside the tube, constantly shifting into new configurations that never repeat. Thought records store and replay memories, absorbing the entirety of a person's experience in an instant. These memories remain in the thought record indefinitely and can't be altered, though subsequent recordings from the same individual can be added. Thought records absorb such imprints unpredictably, with no indication of when the artifact will trigger or how to activate it deliberately. When the thought record records a life, its etched metal surface fades, appearing instead as a tiny window into a cosmic starscape. No known limit exists as to how many sets of memories a single thought record can hold.

Memories stored in a thought record can be used along with reality-altering magic such as miracle or wish to bring back those irrevocably lost to death. Opinions differ on whether this amounts to an exotic resurrection or if it overwrites a newborn soul with the experiences of another.

A thought record can allow its holder to experience portions of another's life in an instant. It is unclear what act triggers this replay, though most commonly it happens immediately when a creature first touches the device. When the thought record replays the past, the holder experiences the memories stored in the device not just as though she were present, but as if she were consciously making the choices herself.

Occult researchers speculate that thought records create conduits to the Akashic Record, and that experiencing memories stored within such a rod brings the consciousness of the holder into the past of another person, forming a gestalt of their minds. This gestalt experiences and affects the events as they took place, not merely when they were recorded. According to this theory, those experiencing a memory don't merely observe another's life—they take a role in shaping it. Some even suspect that a thought record can share memories that have yet to be stored. Whatever the explanation, the experiences of the thought record are so total that the creature living the memories suffers from any mental conditions suffered in the memories, such as insanity, damage to mental ability scores, and mind-affecting effects.

Although a thought record can record the memories of many individuals, it almost never replays more than one creature's memories for a single user. Instead, later activations by that user replay other memories from the same creature, revealing more of its life. Repeated activation takes the user through another's life in bursts of instantaneous visions. The thought record does not replay recorded memories in sequential order. Instead, it skips back and forth across the life of the recorder, with later activations shedding light on earlier activations, regardless of their chronological order.

The same temporal effects that let a thought record transmit memories across time render it nearly invulnerable to physical harm. Both the rod and the memories stored within resist any attempts at destruction or alteration.


A thought record can be destroyed by causing it to absorb the memories of a senile god.