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Test Your Osteoporosis Knowledge

Osteoporosis is a rare disease of the bones.

The correct answer is myth. Osteoporosis is the most common type of bone disease. People with osteoporosis develop weak bones that can break easily. Finding and treating osteoporosis early before bones become too weak can help prevent breaks.

Osteoporosis develops when:

The correct answer is both. Even though bones are hard, they are living tissue. The body is constantly building new bone tissue to replace the bone tissue it uses up. If it can't do this fast enough, the bones become weak and brittle. Aging, too little calcium, or certain health problems can cause bone loss.

In the early stages, a common sign of osteoporosis is:

The correct answer is none of the above. There are no symptoms in the early stages of osteoporosis. Many times, a bone break is the first sign of the disease. This is why people at risk should be tested for osteoporosis. Ask your doctor about your risk for osteoporosis.

Osteoporosis often causes fractures of the:

The correct answer is all of the above. About half of all women over the age of 50 will have a fracture of the hip, wrist, or vertebra during their lifetime because of bone loss. Menopause is a good time to talk with your doctor about your risk of osteoporosis and how to reduce it.

Osteoporosis can make you shorter.

The correct answer is fact. Over time, osteoporosis can cause many small breaks along the spine. These breaks in the vertebrae can gradually cause back pain, stooped posture, and a loss of up to 6 inches of height. Your doctor can detect these breaks with an x-ray of the spine.

The best osteoporosis screening measures the amount of bone in the:

The correct answer is lower spine and hip. Your doctor uses a type of X-ray machine to test you for osteoporosis. You might see small X-ray machines in pharmacies or at health fairs. They can measure bones in the finger, wrist, leg, or heel, but are not as accurate as the X-ray machine your doctor uses.

Which lifestyle change can help prevent and treat osteoporosis?

The correct answer is all of the above. Your body needs calcium to build bone. To build strong bones, you should get enough calcium in your diet starting in childhood or early adulthood. Dairy products have the most calcium. Smoking and alcohol use reduces bone strength. Talk with your doctor about how to prevent osteoporosis.

Osteoporosis medicines can reduce the risk of fractures.

The correct answer is fact. Bisphosphonates (Fosamax, Boniva, Actonel , or Reclast) are used to prevent and treat bone loss. They help make the bones in your hips, spine, and other areas stronger. You may take a pill weekly or monthly or have an IV infusion once a year. Talk with your doctor about the pros and cons of this medicine.

Your doctor will prescribe medicine only if you already have osteoporosis.

The correct answer is false. Your doctor may also prescribe medicine if you have had a bone fracture and a bone test shows your bones are thinner than normal bones. The goal is to prevent another bone fracture by building up your bones.

To reduce the risk of falls, people with osteoporosis should:

The correct answer is all of the above. Hip fractures are one of the main reasons people have to go into nursing homes. If you have osteoporosis, and even if you don’t, avoiding falls and fractures can help you stay independent. Talk with your doctor about other ways to prevent falls.

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