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Content / account blockage appeal

If you find your Content or account to be blocked, but you are convinced that you have not broken any part of the Terms of Service, you can appeal to JustPaste.it by email at: Contact. Only content created by registered account can be appealed.

To speed up the process of considering the appeal please include word "Appeal" in the subject line of the message. Full URL of each content should be provided in message body in separate line. In case of account blockage please provide account URL or username. Brief statement regarding the reason for your appeal should be placed at the end of the message. Appeals not containing links to blocked content will not be processed.

Please ensure to read our Terms of Service before appealing. Once a moderation has been reviewed, it cannot be reviewed again. Duplicate appeals for the same moderation action on an account will not be reviewed.

Make sure you are contacting us from email address attached to your account.

Appeal example (email) - blocked content

Title: Appeal - blocked content

Please consider reviewing again following URLs against JustPaste.it Terms of Service:


I am convinced that none of the content above breaks the Terms of Service.