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(40 versioni intermedie di 21 utenti non mostrate)
Riga 1:
{{Infobox conflitto
|Nome del conflitto = Guerra dello Utah
Riga 10:
|Mutamenti_territoriali =
|Esito = [[Brigham Young]] fu sostituito come Governatore del territorio. Le accuse di sedizione e tradimento rivolte verso i cittadini dello Utah dal Presidente [[James Buchanan]] caddero quando questi accettarono l'autorità federale degli Stati Uniti.
|Schieramento1 = [[File:US{{simbolo|Flag flagof 31the starsUnited States (1851-1858).svg|20px]]}} [[Stati Uniti d'America]]
|Schieramento2 = [[Stato di Deseret]]/[[Utah]]
|Comandante1 =[[James Buchanan]]<br />[[Albert S. Johnston]]
Riga 18:
|Perdite1 =38
|Perdite2 =Sconosciute
|Perdite4 ='''Perdite civili:''' 126 uccisi
|Note =
La '''Guerraguerra dello dell<nowiki>'</nowiki>Utah''' (in [[lingua inglese|inglese]] '''''Utah War'''''), nota anche come la '''Spedizionespedizione dello dell<nowiki>'</nowiki>Utah''' ('''''Utah Expedition'''''), la '''Gaffegaffe di Buchanan''' ('''''Buchanan's Blunder''''') - dal nome della [[presidenza di James Buchanan]] -<ref name=Blunder>Richard D. Poll e Ralph W. Hansen. "'Buchanan's Blunder' The Utah War, 1857-1858", in ''Military Affairs'' 25, 3 (1961): 121-131</ref>, la '''Guerraguerra mormone''' ('''''Mormon War''''')<ref>[[New York Times]]. 19 maggio 1858 [http://query.nytimes.com/mem/archive-free/pdf?_r=1&res=9D03EEDA153CEE34BC4152DFB3668383649FDE The Mormon War] (in formato PDF)</ref> o la '''Ribellioneribellione mormone''' ('''''Mormon Rebellion''''')<ref>New York Times, 16 febbraio 1858 [http://query.nytimes.com/mem/archive-free/pdf?res=9E01E0DD1230EE34BC4E52DFB4668383649FDE The Mormon Rebellion] (in formato PDF)</ref>, fu un confronto armato tra i coloni [[Mormone|mormoni]] nei territori dello [[Utah]] e le forze armate del [[governo federale degli Stati Uniti]]. Tale confronto durò dal maggio [[1857]] al luglio [[1858]]. Anche se vi furono delle vittime, principalmente civili non-mormoni, la "[[guerra]]" non ebbe [[battaglia|battaglie]], e fu risolta tramite [[trattativa]].
== Panoramica ==
Dal [[1857]] al [[1858]], l'amministrazione del [[presidente degli Stati Uniti d'America|presidente]] [[James Buchanan]] cercò di reprimere quella che avvertivano come una ribellione nel [[territorio dello Utah]] da parte dei coloni mormoni. Il presidente mandò là forze armate statunitensi, ciò fu conosciuto come la Spedizione dello Utah. I mormoni, timorosi che una grande forza militare statunitense fosse stata mandata per annientarli, bloccarono l'entrata dell'esercito nella [[Salt Lake Valley]]. Sebbene il confronto tra la milizia mormone, chiamata la [[Legione Nauvoo#In Utah|Legione Nauvoo]], e l'[[esercito degli Stati Uniti]] provocarono alcune distruzioni di proprietà e a poche brevi [[schermaglia|schermaglie]] in quello che è l'attuale [[Wyoming]] sudoccidentale, non avvenne nessuna battaglia tra le due forze militari rivali.
Nonostante ciò, il confronto non fu incruento. Al massimo delle tensioni, l'11 settembre [[1857]], più di 120 coloni diretti in [[California]], dall'[[Arkansas]], dal [[Missouri]] e da altri stati, compresi uomini disarmati, donne e bambini, furono uccisi nel lontano Utah sudoccidentale da un gruppo di miliziani mormoni locali. Questi sostennero che i migranti erano stati uccisi da [[nativi americani]]. Questo evento sarà successivamente chiamato il [[massacro di Mountain Meadows]]. Questo incidente si potrebbe collegare alle paure dei mormoni con riferimento all'avvicinarsi dell'esercito federale. Alcuni storici conclusero che le uccisioni furono un'anomalia istigata da una guida locale isolata geograficamente e paranoica, che agiva senza che la gerarchia mormone a [[Salt Lake City]] ne fosse a conoscenza. Altri sostengono che c'era una cospirazione più ampia, di cui il direttivo era a conoscenza. Altri suggeriscono che i mormoni uccisero il gruppo per [[saccheggio|saccheggiarlo]].<ref>[[Will Bagley]] sostiene la tesi che il [[profeta (mormonismo)|profeta]] [[Brigham Young]] ebbe una complicità diretta nell'incidente. [[Sally Denton]] sostiene che il massacro avvenne come il risultato di semplice avidità, mentre [[Richard Turley]] conclude che la colpa der il massacro sta nel direttivo locale geograficamente lontano e furioso, e crede che Young avrebbe fermato il massacro se avesse potuto.</ref>
Il [[massacro di Aiken]] avvenne il mese seguente. Nell'ottobre 1857, i mormoni fermarono sei californiani che viaggiavano per lo Utah e li accusarono di essere delle spie dell'esercito statunitense. Furono rilasciati, ma successivamente furono assassinati e derubati del loro bestiame e di {{Tutto attaccato|25.000 [[Dollaro statunitense|$]]}}.<ref>[http://www.archive.org/details/historyofutahhowe26bancrich%20Internet%20Archive%20versions Bancroft, Hubert Howe. ''History of Utah, 1540-1886''] (1889) Chapter XX. pp. 562-563</ref><ref>[http://www.utlm.org/newsletters/no77.htm "Brigham Young and Wild Bill Hickman"], ''Salt Lake City Messenger'', Newsletter #77, February 1991, Utah Lighthouse Ministry</ref>. anche altri incidenti violenti sono connessi alla Guerra dello Utah, compreso un attacco indiano alla missione dei Santi degli ultimi giorni di ''[[Fort Lemhi]]'' nel [[Territorio dell'Oregon]] orientale. Uccisero due mormoni e ne ferirono molti altri. Lo storico [[Brigham Madsen]] annota {{quote
|La responsabilità per [l'incursione di Fort Limhi] risiede principalmente nella tribù dei [[Bannock]].
|[[Brigham Madsen]]<ref name="Dangerous Outpost">[http://www.mormonhistoricsitesfoundation.org/publications/studies_fall2001/Mhs2.2Hartley.pdf William G. Hartley, "Dangerous Outpost: Thomas Corless and the Fort Limhi/Salmon River Mission"], ''[[Mormon Historical Studies]]'',autunno 2001, pp 135-162.</ref>
|[T]he responsibility for the [Fort Limhi raid] lay mainly with the Bannock.
David Bigler conclude che l'incursione fu probabilmente istigata dai membri della spedizione dello Utah che stavano cercando di riempire di nuovo le proprie riserve di bestiame che era stato rubato dai razziatori mormoni.<ref name="David L. Bigler 1858">David L. Bigler, ''Fort Limhi: The Mormon Adventure in Oregon Territory, 1855-1858''</ref><ref>Leonard Arrington, ''Brigham Young: American Moses'', 255</ref>. Considerando tutti gli incidenti, MacKinnon stima che approssimativamente 150 persone morirono come diretto risultato della Guerra dell'Utah, che durò un anno, compresi i 120 migranti uccisi alle Mountain Meadows. Egli evidenzia che questo numero era vicino a quello delle persone uccise durante la contemporanea lotta, durata sette anni, nel ''[[Bleeding Kansas]]''."<ref>William P. MacKinnon, "Loose in the Stacks: A Half Century with the Utah War and Its Legacy", ''Dialogue: A Journal of Mormon Thought'', Vol. 40, No. 1, 43, 60.</ref>
Alla fine, i negoziati tra gli Stati Uniti e i Santi degli ultimi giorni portarono in una completa [[grazia (diritto)|grazia]] per i mormoni, il trasferimento del governatorato dello Utah dal presidente della Chiesa [[Brigham Young]] al non-mormone [[Alfred Cumming]], e l'ingresso pacifico dell'esercito statunitense nello Utah.
== Antefatto ==
== Il contesto storico ==
=== L'esodo verso lo Utah ===
Già in passato i mormoni erano stati protagonisti di violenza, come durante la guerra del 1838 che portò [[Lilburn Boggs]], all'epoca il governatore del [[Missouri]], ad emanare nello stesso anno un apposito provvedimento: il ''[[Missouri Executive Order 44]]''. I membri della [[Mormonismo|Chiesa di Gesù Cristo e dei Santi degli Ultimi Giorni]], spesso chiamati "i pionieri mormoni", cominciarono a colonizzare l'odiernoil [[territorio dello Utah]] nell'estate del 1847. Infatti, dopo la morte del fondatore del movimento [[Joseph Smith]], la vita per i mormoni in Missouri e nell'Illinois era diventata difficile per una serie di scontri con le comunità vicine<ref>{{Cita libro|autore = Norman F. Furniss|titolo = Mormon Conflict: 1850 - 1859|anno = 2005|editore = Yale University Press|città = |ISBN = 978-0-300-11307-5|url = http://books.google.it/books?id=FtlxhQfecOgC&redir_esc=y}}</ref>. Brigham Young e gli altri nuovi capi della Chiesa si erano allora convinti che fosse necessario migrare verso una nuova "terra promessa", dove i diritti dei mormoni sarebbero stati assicurati e dove poter praticare in pace la loro religione; l'avevano individuata nel lontano Utah.
Anche se gli Stati Uniti avevano già ottenuto il controllo delle regioni colonizzate dell'[[Alta California]] e del [[Nuovo Messico]] nel 1847, all'inizio della [[Guerra messicanomessico-statunitense|guerra contro il Messico]], il loro trasferimento legale sarebbe avvenuto soltanto con il [[Trattatotrattato di Guadalupe Hidalgo]], alla fine delle ostilità, nel 1848. I capi della Chiesa avevano dichiarato che non avrebbero "lasciato l'orbita politica degli Stati Uniti", e nemmeno intendevano farlo<ref>{{Cita libro|autore = Sarah Gordon|titolo = The Mormon Question: Polygamy and Constitutional Conflict in Nineteenth Century America|url = https://archive.org/details/mormonquestionpo0000gord|anno = 2002|editore = |città = |ppp = [https://archive.org/details/mormonquestionpo0000gord/page/n124 109]}}</ref>. Nello stesso anno, a [[Sutter's Mill]], in [[California]], fu scoperto l'oro - cominciò la celebre "[[corsa all'oro]]" - e centinaia di pionieri cominciarono a spostarsi verso ovest, attraversando la zona colonizzata dai mormoni. Queste migrazioni portarono opportunità di scambi commerciali, ma posero anche fine al loro breve isolamento.
Nel 1849, i mormoni proposero che gran parte del territorio in cui si erano insediati entrasse a far parte degli Stati Uniti con il nome di "[[Stato di Deseret]]". La loro principale rivendicazione era quella di poter scegliere i propri governanti, con la preoccupazione che viceversa sarebbero stati "insensibili opportunisti nominati dall'alto<ref>La definizione originale sarebbe "''unsympathetic carpetbag appointees''", dove ''carpetbag'', che in origine vuol dire borsa da viaggio, significa anche "politico che si sposta per fare carriera".</ref>" inviati da Washington, come da regola<ref>{{Cita libro|autore = Peter Crawley|titolo = The Constitution of the State of Deseret|anno = 1989|editore = BYU Studies|città = }}</ref>. Erano convinti che la loro libertà religiosa sarebbe stata garantita solo da uno Stato retto dai capi della Chiesa. Il Congresso degli Stati Uniti istituì il Territorio dello Utah con il [[compromessoCompromesso del 1850]], e il presidente [[Millard Fillmore]] scelse Brigham Young come primo governatore. I mormoni erano soddisfatti della nomina, ma successivamente le relazioni tra mormoni e amministrazione federale si deteriorarono
=== Poligamia, sovranità popolare e schiavitù. ===
All'epoca, i capi della [[Chiesa di Gesù Cristo dei santi degli ultimi giorni|Chiesa]] sostenevano la poligamia. Il 20-25% dei mormoni, si stima, appartenevano a famiglie poligame e la pratica coinvolgeva circa un terzo delle donne che raggiungevano l'età daper maritomaritarsi<ref>{{Cita libro|autore = Ludlow, Daniel H|titolo = Encyclopedia of Mormonism|url = https://archive.org/details/encyclopediaofmo03ludl|anno = 1992|editore = Macmillan Publishing|città = New York|pp = 1091–1095[https://archive.org/details/encyclopediaofmo03ludl/page/1091 1091]–1095|ISBN = 0-02-879602-0|OCLC oclc= 24502140}}</ref>. Agli occhi della società americana, ciò era considerata un'imperdonabile immoralità. Durante la campagna per le presidenziali del 1856, un punto centrale del programma del giovane [[Partito Repubblicano (Stati Uniti d'America)|Partito Repubblicano]] era "proibire ovunque i residui gemelli della barbarie: la poligamia e la schiavitù".<ref>{{Cita web|autore = |url = http://www.ushistory.org/gop/convention_1856.htm|titolo = GOP Convention of 1856 in Philadelphia|accesso = |editore = Independence Hall Association Website|data = }}</ref> I Repubblicani associarono il principio democratico di sovranità popolare all'accettazione della poligamia nello Utah, trasformando la questione in una formidabile arma politica.
La sovranità popolare era la base teorica del [[Compromesso del 1850]] e del [[Kansas-Nebraska Act]] del 1854. Il concetto serviva a eliminare la dirompente questione della schiavitù nei Territori dal dibattito pubblico nazionale, per prevenire un conflitto armato tra Nord e Sud. Ma, durante la campagna elettorale, il Partito Repubblicano la dipinse come espediente per difendere la poligamia. Leader democratici come [[Stephen A. Douglas]], un tempo alleato dei mormoni, cominciarono ad attaccarli. I democratici credevano che l'atteggiamento della gente verso la poligamia avrebbe potuto mettere in crisi il compromesso sulla schiavitù.
== Lo svolgimento ==
{{T|inglese|storia|luglio 2010}}
Dal [[1857]] al [[1858]], l'amministrazione del [[presidente degli Stati Uniti d'America|presidente]] [[James Buchanan]] cercò di reprimere quella che avvertiva come una ribellione nel [[territorio dello Utah]] da parte dei coloni mormoni. Il presidente mandò là forze armate statunitensi, ciò fu conosciuto come la Spedizione dello Utah. I mormoni, timorosi che una grande forza militare statunitense fosse stata mandata per annientarli, bloccarono l'entrata dell'esercito nella [[Salt Lake Valley]]. Sebbene il confronto tra la milizia mormone, chiamata la [[Legione Nauvoo#In Utah|legione Nauvoo]], e l'[[esercito degli Stati Uniti]] provocasse alcune distruzioni di proprietà e a poche brevi [[schermaglia|schermaglie]] in quello che è l'attuale [[Wyoming]] sudoccidentale, non avvenne nessuna battaglia tra le due forze militari rivali.
Nonostante ciò, il confronto non fu incruento. Al massimo delle tensioni, l'11 settembre [[1857]], più di 120 coloni diretti in [[California]], dall'[[Arkansas]], dal [[Missouri]] e da altri stati, compresi uomini disarmati, donne e bambini, furono uccisi nel lontano Utah sudoccidentale da un gruppo di miliziani mormoni locali. Questi sostennero che i migranti erano stati uccisi da [[nativi americani]]. Questo evento sarà successivamente chiamato il [[massacro di Mountain Meadows]]. Questo incidente si potrebbe collegare alle paure dei mormoni con riferimento all'avvicinarsi dell'esercito federale. Alcuni storici conclusero che le uccisioni furono un'anomalia istigata da una guida locale isolata geograficamente e paranoica, che agiva senza che la gerarchia mormone a [[Salt Lake City]] ne fosse a conoscenza. Altri sostengono che c'era una cospirazione più ampia, di cui il direttivo era a conoscenza. Altri suggeriscono che i mormoni uccisero il gruppo per [[saccheggio|saccheggiarlo]].<ref>[[Will Bagley]] sostiene la tesi che il [[Profeta (mormonismo)|profeta]] [[Brigham Young]] ebbe una complicità diretta nell'incidente. [[Sally Denton]] sostiene che il massacro avvenne come il risultato di semplice avidità, mentre [[Richard Turley]] conclude che la colpa der il massacro sta nel direttivo locale geograficamente lontano e furioso, e crede che Young avrebbe fermato il massacro se avesse potuto.</ref>
[[Image:Wpdms deseret utah territory legend.png|thumb|left|[[Utah Territory]] and proposed [[State of Deseret]]]]
===Utah Territory===
[[Image:Mormon Trail 3.png|thumb{{subst:#ifeq:{{subst:#expr: (((175 / 220) round 1) <= 1.1) and (((175 / 220) round 1) >= 0.9)}}|0|{{subst:!}}upright{{subst:#ifeq:{{subst:#expr: (((175 / 220) round 2) <= 0.8) and (((175 / 220) round 1) > 0.7)}}|0|={{subst:#expr: (175 / 220) round 1}}}}}}|The [[Mormon Trail]] from Illinois to Great Salt Lake City.]]
[[Image:OldSpanishTrail.png|thumb{{subst:#ifeq:{{subst:#expr: (((175 / 220) round 1) <= 1.1) and (((175 / 220) round 1) >= 0.9)}}|0|{{subst:!}}upright{{subst:#ifeq:{{subst:#expr: (((175 / 220) round 2) <= 0.8) and (((175 / 220) round 1) > 0.7)}}|0|={{subst:#expr: (175 / 220) round 1}}}}}}|The [[Old Spanish Trail (trade route)|Old Spanish Trail]], the southern route into California.]]
Members of [[The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints]] (LDS Church), often called [[Mormon pioneers]], settled in what is now [[Utah]] in the summer of 1847. Utah was then legally part of [[Alta California]], Mexico. The Mormons had purposely left the United States as a result of severe persecution and mob violence which they had endured in several eastern states.<ref>See, e.g., Norman F. Furniss, ''The Mormon Conflict at 1-7''</ref>
Il [[massacro di Aiken]] avvenne il mese seguente. Nell'ottobre 1857, i mormoni fermarono sei californiani che viaggiavano per lo Utah e li accusarono di essere delle spie dell'esercito statunitense. Furono rilasciati, ma successivamente furono assassinati e derubati del loro bestiame e di {{Tutto attaccato|25.000 [[Dollaro statunitense|$]]}}.<ref>[https://www.archive.org/details/historyofutahhowe26bancrich%20Internet%20Archive%20versions Bancroft, Hubert Howe. ''History of Utah, 1540-1886''] (1889) Chapter XX. pp. 562-563</ref><ref>[http://www.utlm.org/newsletters/no77.htm "Brigham Young and Wild Bill Hickman"], ''Salt Lake City Messenger'', Newsletter #77, February 1991, Utah Lighthouse Ministry</ref>. anche altri incidenti violenti sono connessi alla guerra dello Utah, compreso un attacco indiano alla missione dei Santi degli ultimi giorni di ''[[Fort Lemhi]]'' nel [[Territorio dell'Oregon]] orientale. Uccisero due mormoni e ne ferirono molti altri. Lo storico [[Brigham Madsen]] annota {{Citazione|La responsabilità per [l'incursione di Fort Limhi] risiede principalmente nella tribù dei [[Bannock (popolo)|Bannock]].
The Mormons believed that in the [[Great Basin]], they could create a utopian society called [[Zion (Mormonism)|Zion]]. Still, the Latter-day Saint leadership well understood that they were not "leaving the political orbit of the United States", nor did they want to.<ref>Sarah Gordon (2002), ''The Mormon Question: Polygamy and Constitutional Conflict in Nineteenth Century America'', p. 109</ref> Utah and most of the [[American Southwest]] were soon transferred to the United States by Mexico as a result of the U.S. victory in the [[Mexican-American War]]. In 1848 gold was discovered at [[Sutter's Mill]] in California, sparking the famous [[California Gold Rush]]. As a result, thousands of emigrants moved west to the gold fields on trails that passed directly through the Mormons' new territory. The emigrants brought opportunities for trade, but also ended the Mormons' short-lived isolation.
|[[Brigham Madsen]]<ref name="Dangerous Outpost">[http://www.mormonhistoricsitesfoundation.org/publications/studies_fall2001/Mhs2.2Hartley.pdf William G. Hartley, "Dangerous Outpost: Thomas Corless and the Fort Limhi/Salmon River Mission"], ''[[Mormon Historical Studies]]'',autunno 2001, pp 135-162.</ref>
|[T]he responsibility for the [Fort Limhi raid] lay mainly with the Bannock.
David Bigler conclude che l'incursione fu probabilmente istigata dai membri della spedizione dello Utah che stavano cercando di riempire di nuovo le proprie riserve di bestiame che era stato rubato dai razziatori mormoni.<ref name="David L. Bigler 1858">David L. Bigler, ''Fort Limhi: The Mormon Adventure in Oregon Territory, 1855-1858''</ref><ref>Leonard Arrington, ''Brigham Young: American Moses'', 255</ref>. Considerando tutti gli incidenti, MacKinnon stima che approssimativamente 150 persone morirono come diretto risultato della guerra dell'Utah, che durò un anno, compresi i 120 migranti uccisi alle Mountain Meadows. Egli evidenzia che questo numero era vicino a quello delle persone uccise durante la contemporanea lotta, durata sette anni, nel ''[[Bleeding Kansas]]''."<ref>William P. MacKinnon, "Loose in the Stacks: A Half Century with the Utah War and Its Legacy", ''Dialogue: A Journal of Mormon Thought'', Vol. 40, No. 1, 43, 60.</ref>
Alla fine, i negoziati tra gli Stati Uniti e i Santi degli ultimi giorni sfociarono in una completa [[grazia (diritto)|grazia]] per i mormoni, il trasferimento del governatorato dello Utah dal presidente della Chiesa [[Brigham Young]] al non-mormone [[Alfred Cumming]], e l'ingresso pacifico dell'esercito statunitense nello Utah.
In 1849, the Mormons proposed that a large part of the territory which they inhabited be incorporated into the United States as the [[State of Deseret]]. Their primary concern was to be governed by men of their own choosing rather than "unsympathetic carpetbag appointees" whom they believed would be sent from Washington, D.C. if their region were given territorial status, as was customary.<ref>Peter Crawley, "The Constitution of the State of Deseret", ''BYU Studies'', 29 (4) p. 7 (1989)</ref> They believed that only through statehood could they maintain the religious freedom denied them earlier in the United States. The US Congress created the Utah Territory as part of the [[Compromise of 1850]]. President [[Millard Fillmore]] selected [[Brigham Young]], President of the LDS Church, as the first governor of the Territory. Although the Mormons were pleased about the appointment, gradually the amicable relationship between the Mormons and the federal government broke down.
[[Image:Brigham Young.jpg|thumb{{subst:#ifeq:{{subst:#expr: (((175 / 220) round 1) <= 1.1) and (((175 / 220) round 1) >= 0.9)}}|0|{{subst:!}}upright{{subst:#ifeq:{{subst:#expr: (((175 / 220) round 2) <= 0.8) and (((175 / 220) round 1) > 0.7)}}|0|={{subst:#expr: (175 / 220) round 1}}}}}}|Governor [[Brigham Young]] was appointed to office by President [[Millard Fillmore]] in 1850.]]
[[Image:James Buchanan.jpg|thumb{{subst:#ifeq:{{subst:#expr: (((175 / 220) round 1) <= 1.1) and (((175 / 220) round 1) >= 0.9)}}|0|{{subst:!}}upright{{subst:#ifeq:{{subst:#expr: (((175 / 220) round 2) <= 0.8) and (((175 / 220) round 1) > 0.7)}}|0|={{subst:#expr: (175 / 220) round 1}}}}}}|President [[James Buchanan]] was inaugurated in March 1857. The Presidential campaign of 1856 featured extensive denunciation of [[polygamy]] and Mormon governance in Utah.]]
[[Image:Stephen Arnold Douglas.jpg|thumb{{subst:#ifeq:{{subst:#expr: (((175 / 220) round 1) <= 1.1) and (((175 / 220) round 1) >= 0.9)}}|0|{{subst:!}}upright{{subst:#ifeq:{{subst:#expr: (((175 / 220) round 2) <= 0.8) and (((175 / 220) round 1) > 0.7)}}|0|={{subst:#expr: (175 / 220) round 1}}}}}}|Senator [[Stephen A. Douglas]] was a leading proponent of [[popular sovereignty]]]]
===Plural marriage, popular sovereignty, and slavery===
Part of the friction was cultural. At this time, leadership of the LDS Church supported [[polygamy]] or "[[plural marriage]]", such as that practiced by some men in the [[Old Testament]]. It is estimated that 20% to 25% of Latter-day Saints were members of polygamous households, the practice involved approximately one third of Mormon women reaching marriageable age, and it was widely practiced among the Church's male leadership.<ref>''Encyclopedia of Mormonism'', (19xx), p.1095</ref> Historians note that plural marriage was never popular among either Mormon men or women. Those who practiced it viewed plural marriage as a religious sacrament.<ref>Norman F. Furniss, ''The Mormon Conflict: 1850-1859'', p. 82; Sarah G. Gordon, ''The Mormon Question: Polygamy and Constitutional Conflict in Nineteenth Century America'' (2002).</ref>
Nearly all sections of United States society rejected polygamy and some accused the Mormons of gross immorality. During the [[U.S. presidential election, 1856|Presidential Election of 1856]] a key plank of the newly formed [[Republican Party (United States)|Republican Party]]'s [[Party platform|platform]] was a pledge "to prohibit in the territories those twin relics of barbarism: polygamy and slavery."<ref>[http://www.ushistory.org/gop/convention_1856.htm GOP Convention of 1856 in Philadelphia], Independence Hall Association Website</ref> The Republicans linked the Democratic principle of [[popular sovereignty]] to the acceptance of polygamy in Utah, and turned this accusation into a formidable political weapon.
Popular sovereignty was the theoretical basis of the [[Compromise of 1850]] and the [[Kansas-Nebraska Act]] of 1854. This concept was meant to remove the divisive issue of slavery in the Territories from national debate, forestalling armed conflict between the North and South. But during the campaign, the Republican Party denounced the theory as protecting polygamy. Leading Democrats such as [[Stephen A. Douglas]], formerly an ally of the Latter-day Saints, began to denounce Mormonism to save the concept of popular sovereignty. The Democrats believed that American attitudes toward polygamy had the potential of derailing the compromise on [[slavery]]. For the Democrats, attacks on Mormonism therefore had the dual purpose of disentangling polygamy from popular sovereignty, and distracting the nation from the ongoing battles over slavery.<ref>Norman F. Furniss, ''The Mormon Conflict: 1850-1859'', 74-75.</ref>
The public was alarmed by the semi-[[theocracy|theocratic]] dominance of the Utah Territory under [[Brigham Young]]. The Mormons believed in the principles of the American Constitution. Mormon political thought was strongly influenced by a concept dubbed "[[Theodemocracy]]." They associated it with their belief in the imminence of Christ's [[Second Coming]]. They supported republican processes to elect ecclesiastical leaders into positions of secular power while maintaining an institutional separation between church and civil governments.
In Utah, LDS Church leaders were elevated to political positions through popular election to the Territorial Legislature, selection as [[probate]] judges, or by federal appointment, as in the case of Brigham Young. The Mormons believed that the they were constitutionally guaranteed the right to select their own government leaders. , despite their ecclesiastical position. As Sarah Gordon points out, during the 19th century the "wall of separation" between church and state applied only to the federal government.<ref>Sarah Gordon, ''The Mormon Question: Polygamy and Constitutional Conflicts in Nineteenth Century America'', p. 6 (2002).</ref>
The press portrayed Young and other Mormon leaders as petty tyrants who were determined to create a separate kingdom in Utah. Some believed that Young maintained his power through a paramilitary organization called the [[Danites]].<ref>The [[Danites]] were a paramilitary organization created by some Latter-day Saints in Missouri in 1838. Most scholars believe that following the end of the [[Mormon War (1838)|Mormon War]] in the winter of 1838, the unit was disbanded. But, people attributed violence to "Danites". Modern scholars question the levels of violence in Utah Territory and to what degree the LDS Church was involved in any violence that did exist. Will Bagely believes that Mormon culture was inherently violent; Thomas Alexander and others conclude that Utah Territory was less violent than other contemporaneous societies.</ref> Some non-Mormons in the east believed that the Mormons "were oppressed by a religious tyranny and kept in submission only by some terroristic arm of the Church...[However] no Danite band could have restrained the flight of freedom-loving men from a Territory possessed of many exits; yet a flood of emigrants poured ''into'' Utah each year, with only a trickle...ebbing back."<ref>Norman F. Furniss, ''The Mormon Conflict: 1850-1859,'' 70-71.</ref> The recently formed [[Know-Nothing Party]] brought into politics a widely felt distrust of foreign immigration, including the arrival of Mormon converts going to Utah from Europe.{{Citation needed|date=July 2010}}
===Federal appointees===
[[Image:White House 1846.jpg|thumb|left|The [[White House]] in 1846. The federal government maintained significant control over territories such as Utah, and the President chose federal officers for the territories with the advice and consent of the Senate. The appointments did not require the approval of the territory's inhabitants.]]
These circumstances were not helped by the relationship between "[[Gentile#Latter-day Saints Church usage|Gentile]]" federal appointees and the Utah territorial leadership. The territory's [[Organic Act]] held that the governor, federal judges, and other important territorial positions were to be filled by appointees chosen by the President with the advice and consent of the Senate, but without any reference to the will of Utah's population. This situation was similar to that of the [[American Colonies]] prior to the [[Revolutionary War]], a condition that gave birth to the slogan "Taxation without representation is tyranny."
Some federal officials sent by the President maintained essentially harmonious relationships with the Latter-day Saints,<ref>For instance, from 1853-1855, the territorial supreme court was composed of two "gentiles" and one Mormon. However, both of these non-Mormons were well respected in the Latter-day Saint community, and were genuinely mourned upon their deaths. Norman F. Furniss, The Utah Conflict: 1850-59.</ref> others had severe difficulties adjusting to the Mormon-dominated territorial government and the unique Utah culture. Historian Norman Furniss relates that although some of these appointees were basically honest and well meaning, many were highly prejudiced against the Mormons even before they arrived in the territory, were woefully unqualified for their positions, and some were down-right reprobate. The Mormons therefore had legitimate grievances against their federal representatives. On the other hand, the Latter-day Saints had little patience for the federal domination entailed in territorial status, and often showed defiance towards the representatives of the federal government.<ref>''See generally'', Norman F. Furniss, The Mormon Conflict: 1850-1859.</ref> In addition, while the Saints sincerely declared their loyalty to the United States and celebrated the [[Fourth of July]] every year with unabashed patriotism, they were undisguisedly critical of the federal government, which they felt had driven them out from their homes in the east. Like the contemporary [[Abolitionism|Abolitionists]], Latter-day Saint leaders declared that the judgments of God would be meted out upon the nation for its unrighteousness. Brigham Young echoed the opinion of many Latter-day Saints when he declared "''I love the government and the Constitution of the United States, but I do not love the damned rascals that administer the government''."<ref>J Keith Melville, Theory and Practice of Church and State During the Brigham Young Era at 47-48</ref>
The Mormons also maintained a governmental and legal regime in "Zion," which they believed was perfectly permissible under the Constitution (which does not specify a structure for lower levels of government), but which was fundamentally different from that espoused in the rest of the country.
Thus, relations with the [[Native Americans in the United States|Native Americans]] who often differentiated between "Americans" and "Mormons", acceptance of the [[common law]], the criminal jurisdiction of [[probate court]]s, the Mormon use of ecclesiastical courts rather than the federal court system for civil matters, the legitimacy of land titles, water rights, and various other issues were a source of continual dispute between the Latter-day Saints and federal appointees in the Territory. Many of these officers were also appalled by the practice of polygamy and the Mormon belief system in general, and would harangue the Mormons for their "lack of morality" in public addresses. This already tense situation was further exacerbated by a period of intense religious revival starting in late 1856 dubbed the "[[Mormon Reformation]]."
Beginning in 1851, a number of federal officers, some claiming that they feared for their physical safety, left their Utah appointments for the east. The stories of these "[[Runaway Officials of 1851|Runaway Officials]]" convinced the new President that the Mormons were nearing a state of rebellion against the authority of the United States. According to LDS historians [[James B. Allen (historian)|James B. Allen]] and [[Glen M. Leonard]], the most influential information came from William W. Drummond, an associate justice of the Utah territorial supreme court who began serving in 1854. Drummond's letter of resignation of March 30, 1857 contained charges that Young's power set aside the rule of law in the territory, that the Mormons had ignored the laws of Congress and the Constitution, and that male Mormons acknowledged no law but the priesthood.
:''He further charged the Church with murder, destruction of federal court records, harassment of federal officers, and slandering the federal government. He concluded by urging the president to appoint a governor who was not a member of the Church and to send with him sufficient military aid to enforce his rule.''<ref>Allen and Leonard, pp. 298-299</ref>
[[Image:Capitol.jpg|thumb|The U.S. Capitol in 1846. American lawmakers were deeply suspicious about Mormon patriotism, their government, and the practice of polygamy.]]
Buchanan was unfamiliar with Drummond's character, which [[John F. Kinney]], the federally appointed chief justice of the territorial supreme court, found to be immoral and ''..entirely unworthy of a place upon the bench''.<ref>Allen and Leonard, p. 298</ref> While Drummond railed against Mormon morality, he had abandoned his wife and family in the east and kept company with a prostitute whom he had brought from Washington, D.C.{{Citation needed|reason=This is an ad hominem argument and should at least be verified if not removed from the article|date=April 2010}} Nevertheless, while Chief Justice Kinney may have disapproved of Justice Drummond, he was also no Mormon sympathizer. In reports to Washington, Kinney recited examples of what he believed to be Brigham Young's perversion of Utah's judicial system and further urged his removal from office and the establishment of a one-regiment U.S. Army garrison in the territory.<ref>{{Harvnb|MacKinnon|2007|}}</ref> There were further charges of treason, battery, theft, and fraud made by other officials including Federal Surveyors,<ref>{{Harvnb|Buchanan|1858}} Utah Expedition p.114-124</ref> and Federal Indian Agents.<ref>{{Harvnb|Buchanan|1858}} Utah Expedition p.124-211</ref> Furniss states that most federal reports from Utah to Washington "''left unclear whether the [Mormons] habitually kicked their dogs; otherwise their calendar of infamy in Utah was complete''."<ref>NORMAN F. FURNISS, THE MORMON CONFLICT: 1850-1859 at 29.</ref> As these charges matched the general Eastern perception of Mormons at the time, Buchanan failed to investigate these reports or to even contact Young regarding the accusations.
As early as 1852, Dr. [[John M. Bernhisel]], Utah's delegate to Congress, had suggested that an impartial committee be sent to investigate the actual conditions in the territory. This call for an investigation was renewed during the crisis of 1857 by Bernhisel and even by Senator [[Stephen A. Douglas]]. However, the President would not wait. Under massive popular and political pressure, President Buchanan decided to take decisive action against the Mormons soon after his inauguration on March 4, 1857.
President Buchanan first decided to appoint a new governor in place of Brigham Young. The position was offered to several individuals who refused, and the President finally settled on [[Alfred Cumming (governor)|Alfred Cumming]] during the summer. While Young became aware of the change in territorial administration through press reports and other sources, he received no official notification of his replacement until Cumming arrived in the Territory in November 1857. Young received no communications from President Buchanan until late February 1858. Buchanan also decided to send a force of 2500 army troops to build a post in Utah and to act as a [[Posse comitatus (common law)|posse comitatus]] once the new governor had been installed. They were ordered not to take offensive action against the Mormons, but to enter the territory, enforce the laws under the direction of the new governor, and defend themselves if attacked. But once again, President Buchanan made no effort to inform Young of the movement of this army or of its intentions, while lurid accounts in the Eastern newspapers gave the Mormons reason to expect the worst.
== Troop movements ==
=== July-November 1857: tactical standoff ===
[[Image:ASJohnston.jpg|thumb{{subst:#ifeq:{{subst:#expr: (((175 / 220) round 1) <= 1.1) and (((175 / 220) round 1) >= 0.9)}}|0|{{subst:!}}upright{{subst:#ifeq:{{subst:#expr: (((175 / 220) round 2) <= 0.8) and (((175 / 220) round 1) > 0.7)}}|0|={{subst:#expr: (175 / 220) round 1}}}}}}|Colonel [[Albert Sidney Johnston]] led the Utah Expedition to put down a Mormon "rebellion" against the Union. In the Civil War he became a high ranking general in the Confederate Army and was killed at the [[Battle of Shiloh]] in 1862.]]
[[Image:Daniel H. Wells.jpg|thumb{{subst:#ifeq:{{subst:#expr: (((175 / 220) round 1) <= 1.1) and (((175 / 220) round 1) >= 0.9)}}|0|{{subst:!}}upright{{subst:#ifeq:{{subst:#expr: (((175 / 220) round 2) <= 0.8) and (((175 / 220) round 1) > 0.7)}}|0|={{subst:#expr: (175 / 220) round 1}}}}}}|[[Daniel H. Wells]] was a member of the Latter-day Saint [[First Presidency]], commander of the [[Nauvoo Legion]], and later mayor of Salt Lake City.]]
==== Preparations ====
Although the Utah Expedition had begun to gather as early as May under orders from General [[Winfield Scott]], the first soldiers did not leave [[Fort Leavenworth]], Kansas until July 18, 1857. The troops were originally to be led by Gen. [[William S. Harney]]. However, affairs in "[[Bleeding Kansas]]" forced Harney to remain behind to deal with skirmishes between pro-slavery and [[Free Soil Party|free-soiler]] militants. The Expedition's cavalry, the [[2nd Cavalry Regiment|2nd Dragoons]], was kept in Kansas for the same reason. Because of Harney's unavailability, Col. Edmund Alexander was charged with the first detachment of troops headed for Utah. However, overall command was assigned to Col. [[Albert Sidney Johnston]] who did not leave Kansas until much later. As it was, July was already far into the campaigning season, and the army and their supply train were unprepared for winter in the Rocky Mountains. The army was not given instructions on how to react in case of resistance.
The Mormons' lack of information on the army's mission created apprehension and led to their making defensive preparations. While rumors spread during the spring that an army was coming to Utah and that Brigham Young had been replaced as governor, this was not confirmed until late July. Mormon mail contractors, including [[Porter Rockwell]] and [[Abraham O. Smoot]], received word in Missouri that their contract was canceled and that the Army was on the move. The men quickly returned to Salt Lake City and notified Brigham Young that U.S. Army units were marching on the Mormons. Young announced the approach of the army to a large group of Latter-day Saints gathered in [[Big Cottonwood Canyon]] for [[Pioneer Day (Utah)|Pioneer Day]] celebrations on July 24, 1857.
Young firmly believed that God controlled the acts of men, including who the President chose to be governor of Utah. Although Young's secular position simplified his administration of the Territory, he believed his religious authority was more important among a nearly homogeneous population of Mormons. Young and the Mormon community feared renewed persecution and possibly annihilation by a large body of federal troops. Mormons remembered previous aggression against them when they had lived near numerous non-Mormons, whom they called "[[Gentiles]]." In 1838 they had been driven from Missouri into Illinois by direction of the governor. They were alarmed when they learned in late June 1857 that LDS Apostle [[Parley P. Pratt]] had recently been murdered while serving a mission in Arkansas.
Fearing the worst, Young quickly responded to the threat. He asked residents throughout Utah territory to prepare for evacuation, making plans to burn their homes and property and to stockpile food and stock feed. Guns were manufactured and ammunition was cast. Mormon colonists in small outlying communities in the [[Carson Pass|Carson Valley]] and [[San Bernardino, California]] were ordered to leave their homes to consolidate with the main body of Latter-day Saints in Northern and Central Utah. All LDS missionaries serving in the United States and Europe were recalled. Young also sent [[George A. Smith]] to the settlements of southern Utah to prepare them for action. Young's strategies to defend the Saints vacillated between all-out war, a more limited confrontation, and retreat.
[[Image:Walkara.jpg|thumb|left{{subst:#ifeq:{{subst:#expr: (((175 / 220) round 1) <= 1.1) and (((175 / 220) round 1) >= 0.9)}}|0|{{subst:!}}upright{{subst:#ifeq:{{subst:#expr: (((175 / 220) round 2) <= 0.8) and (((175 / 220) round 1) > 0.7)}}|0|={{subst:#expr: (175 / 220) round 1}}}}}}|[[Ute Tribe|Ute]] Chief [[Walkara]] fought against the Mormons in the Walker War but was baptised into the LDS Church]]
[[Image:Kanosh (Pahvant).jpg|thumb|left{{subst:#ifeq:{{subst:#expr: (((175 / 220) round 1) <= 1.1) and (((175 / 220) round 1) >= 0.9)}}|0|{{subst:!}}upright{{subst:#ifeq:{{subst:#expr: (((175 / 220) round 2) <= 0.8) and (((175 / 220) round 1) > 0.7)}}|0|={{subst:#expr: (175 / 220) round 1}}}}}}|[[Kanosh (Pahvant Chief)|Kanosh]] was a [[Ute Tribe|Ute]] chief and Mormon convert. He met with Brigham Young on September 1, 1857 along with other Native leaders.]]
An alliance with the Native Americans was central to Young's strategy for war, although the relationship between the Mormons and Utah's native inhabitants had been mixed since the settlers' arrival in 1847. Young had generally adopted a policy of missionary work, education, and conciliation towards native tribes.<ref>Leonard Arrington, ''Brigham Young: American Moses'', 217</ref> Some Mormon leaders encouraged intermarriage with the Native Americans so that the two peoples might "unite together" and their "interests become one."<ref>David Bigler, ''Fort Limhi: The Mormon Adventure in Oregon Territory, 1855-1858,'' 147.</ref>
[[Image:Bannock.jpg|thumb|Members of the [[Bannock (tribe)|Bannock]] tribe. The Bannock led a raid on the Latter-day Saint mission of Fort Limhi in February 1858. ]]
On August 30 and September 1, Young met with Native American delegations and "gave" them all of the livestock then on the northern and southern trails into California (the Fancher Party was at that time on the southern trail).<ref name="Dinnick Huntington Diary">[http://www.mtn-meadows-assoc.com/DepoJournals/Dimick/Dimick-2.htm Dinnick Huntington Diary, August 30 and September 1, 1857]</ref> This may have been incentive for them to support the Mormons against the United States and refrain from raids against Mormon settlements. Young publicly urged the emigrant wagon trains to keep away from the Territory in sermons on August 16, and again one month later. Yet despite Young's efforts, some Native groups did attack Mormon settlements during the course of the Utah War, including a raid on Fort Limhi on the [[Salmon River (Idaho)|Salmon River]] in [[Oregon Territory]] in February 1858 and attacks in [[Tooele County]] just west of Great Salt Lake City.
[[Image:Robert T Burton.gif|thumb|Colonel [[Robert T. Burton]] of the [[Nauvoo Legion]].]]
In early August, Young activated the [[Nauvoo Legion]]. This was the Utah militia under the command of [[Daniel H. Wells]], consisting of all able-bodied men between 15 and 60. Young ordered the Legion to take delaying actions, essentially harassing federal troops. He planned to buy time for the Mormon settlements to prepare for either battle or evacuation, and create a window for negotiations with the Buchanan Administration. Thus, in mid-August, militia Colonel [[Robert T. Burton]] and a reconnaissance unit were sent east from Salt Lake City with orders to observe the oncoming American regiments and protect LDS emigrants traveling on the [[Mormon trail]].
==== Captain Van Vliet ====
It was not until early September that Brigham Young received any communication from the federal government. On July 28, 1857, U.S. Army Captain [[Stewart Van Vliet]], an assistant quartermaster, and a small escort were ordered to proceed directly from Kansas to Salt Lake City, ahead of the main body of troops. Van Vliet carried a letter to Young from General Harney and he was ordered to make arrangements for the citizens of Utah to accommodate and supply the troops once they arrived. However, Harney's letter stated only that the Military Department of Utah had been formed, that troops were on the way, and that they needed supplies. It did not mention that Young had been replaced as governor, nor did it detail what the mission of the troops would be once they arrived and these omissions sparked even greater distrust among the Saints.<ref>[[Leroy R. Hafen]] & Ann W. Hafen (eds.), ''Mormon Resistance: A Documentary Account of the Utah Expedition, 1857-1858'', 39-40.</ref> On his journey, reports reached Van Vliet that his company might be in danger from Mormon raiders on the trail. The Captain therefore left his escort and proceeded alone.<ref>[http://db3-sql.staff.library.utah.edu/lucene/Manuscripts/null/Accn0679.xml/complete The Stewart Van Vliet Papers Bot generated title --><!--]</ref>
Van Vliet arrived in Salt Lake City on September 8. Historian [[Harold Schindler]] states that his mission was to contact Governor Young and inform him of the expedition's mission: to escort the new appointees, to act as a posse comitatus and to establish at least two and perhaps three new U.S. Army camps in Utah.<ref>{{harvnb|Schindler|1995}}</ref> Conversing with Van Vliet, Young denied complicity in the destruction of the law offices of U.S. Federal Judge Stiles and expressed concern that he (Young) might suffer the same fate as the previous Mormon Prophet, Joseph Smith, to which Van Vliet replied" "I do not think it is the intention of the government to arrest you," said Van Vliet, "but to install a new governor of the territory".<ref>History of Utah" H.H. Bancroft. Volume XXVL. [http://books.google.com/books?id=f20G8sJ91Q4C&pg=PA607&lpg=PA607&dq=%22van+vliet%22+utah&source=web&ots=qVPPYO2IcV&sig=uEW1vOF7gkUvFFGDnKR8RSm_n_U#PPA607,M1 p. 607].</ref> Van Vliet's instructions were to buy provisions for the troops and to inform the people of Utah that the troops would only be employed as a posse comitatus when called on by the civil authority to aid in the execution of the laws.<ref name=Buchanan1857SotU />
Van Vliet's arrival in Salt Lake City was welcomed kindly by the Mormon leadership. Van Vliet had been previously known by the Latter-day Saints in Iowa, and they trusted and respected him. However, he found the residents of Utah determined to defend themselves. He interviewed leaders and townspeople and ''"...attended Sunday services, heard emotional speeches, and saw the Saints raise their hands in a unanimous resolution to guard against any 'invader.'" ''<ref>Allen and Leonard, p. 301</ref> Van Vliet found it impossible to persuade Mormon leaders that the Army had peaceful intentions, especially after the receipt of Harney's ambiguous letter. He quickly recognized that supplies or accommodations for the Army would not be forthcoming. But, Young told Van Vliet that the Mormons did not desire war, and "''if we can keep the peace for this winter I do think there will be something turned up that may save the shedding of blood''."<ref>[[Leroy R. Hafen]] & Ann W. Hafen (eds.), ''Mormon Resistance: A Documentary Account of the Utah Expedition, 1857-1858'', 47.</ref> However, marking a change from earlier pronouncements, Young declared that under threat from an approaching army he would not allow the new governor and federal officers to enter Utah.<ref>Wilford Woodruff, Journal of Wilford Woodruff, 5:96.</ref> Nevertheless, Van Vliet told Young that he believed that the Mormons "''have been lied about the worst of any people I ever saw''."<ref>Wilford Woodruff, Journal of Wilford Woodruff, 5:93.</ref> He promised to stop the Utah Expedition on his own authority, and on September 14 he returned east through the Mormon fortifications then being built in Echo Canyon (''see below'').
Upon returning to the main body of the army, Van Vliet reported that the Latter-day Saints would not resort to actual hostilities, but would seek to delay the troops in every way possible. He also reported that they were ready to burn their homes and destroy their crops, and that the route through Echo Canyon would be a death trap for a large body of troops. Van Vliet continued on to Washington, D.C. in company with Dr. [[John M. Bernhisel]], Utah Territory's delegate to Congress. There, Van Vliet reported on the situation in the west and became an advocate for the Latter-day Saints and the end of the Utah War.
==== Martial law ====
[[Image:NauvooLegionpaint.gif|thumb|left|The [[Nauvoo Legion]] on parade in [[Nauvoo]], Illinois during the 1840s.]]
As early as August 5, 1857 Young had decided to declare [[martial law]] throughout the Territory and a document was printed to that effect.<ref>[http://contentdm.lib.byu.edu/cdm4/document.php?CISOROOT=/NCMP1847-1877&CISOPTR=2905&CISOSHOW=165 Religious Education Archive: 19th Century Mormon Publications: "Proclamation by the Governor" dated 5 August 1857]</ref> However, historians question the intent of this proclamation as it was never widely circulated, if at all, and while copies of the document exist, there is no mention of it in any contemporary sources.<ref>Everett Cooley (ed.), Diary of Brigham Young, 80 n. 80.</ref> One commentary opines that "during most of August the Mormon leaders had not precisely focused on a strategy for dealing with the approaching army; and after the first proclamation was struck off, they likely had second thoughts about a direct confrontation with the federal government. On August 29, Brigham Young instructed Daniel H. Wells to draft a second proclamation of martial law."<ref>[http://relarchive.byu.edu/MPNC/descriptions/proclamationgovernor.html Mormon Publications: 19th Century - Proclamation by the governor Bot generated title --><!-- ]</ref>
On September 15, the day after Van Vliet left Salt Lake City, Young publicly declared martial law in Utah with a document almost identical to that printed in early August. This second proclamation received wide circulation throughout the Territory and was delivered by messenger to Col. Alexander with the approaching army. The most important provision forbade "''all armed forces of every description from coming into this Territory, under any pretense whatsoever''."<ref name=procHafen>"Proclamation of Governor Young," [[Leroy R. Hafen]] & Ann W. Hafen (eds.), ''Mormon Resistance: A Documentary Account of the Utah Expedition, 1857-1858'', 65.</ref> It also commanded that "''all the forces in said Territory hold themselves in readiness to march at a moment's notice to repel any and all such invasion''."<ref name=procHafen/> But more important to California and Oregon bound travelers was the third section that stated "''Martial law is hereby declared to exist in this Territory...and no person shall be allowed to pass or repass into, through or from this territory without a permit from the proper officer''."<ref name=procHafen/>
==== Contact ====
[[Image:DSCN6109 pacificspringsandsouthpass e 600.jpg|thumb|[[South Pass]]. The [[high desert]] of southwestern [[Wyoming]] held little cover for either the US army or the [[Nauvoo Legion]].]]
[[Image:Echo Canyon.jpg|thumb|Echo Canyon formed the most direct route into the Salt Lake Valley. The Nauvoo Legion fortified the narrowest sections of the canyon in case the army attempted to break through. There is disagreement as to how effective their preparations would have been had an actual battle occurred.]]
The Nauvoo Legion finally made contact with federal troops in late September just west of [[South Pass]]. The militia immediately began to burn grass along the trail and stampede the army's cattle. In early October, Legion members burned down [[Fort Bridger]] lest it fall into the hands of the army. A few days later, three large Army supply trains that were trailing the main army detachments were burned by Mormon cavalry led by [[Lot Smith]]. Associated horses and cattle were "liberated" from the supply trains and taken west by the militia.<ref>Allen and Leonard, pp. 300-301</ref> Few if any shots were fired in these exchanges, and the Army's lack of cavalry left them more or less open to Mormon raids. However, prisoners were captured by both sides, and the army began to grow weary of the constant Mormon harassment throughout the fall. At one point, Colonel Alexander mounted roughly 100 men on army mules to combat the Mormon militia. In the early morning of October 15, this "jackass cavalry" had a run-in with Lot Smith's command and fired over 30 bullets at the Mormons from 150 yards. No one was killed, but one Mormon took a bullet through his hat band, and one horse was grazed.<ref>D.G. Littleford, Utah War: U.S. Government Versus Mormons Settlers, 8.</ref> In addition, through October and November, between 1,200 and 2,000 militiamen were stationed in Echo Canyon and Weber Canyon. These two narrow passes lead into the Salt Lake Valley, and provided the easiest access to the populated areas of northern Utah. Dealing with a heavy snowfall and intense cold, the Mormon men built fortifications, dug rifle pits and dammed streams and rivers in preparation for a possible battle either that fall or the following spring. Several thousand more militiamen prepared their families for evacuation and underwent military training.
Colonel Alexander, whom his troops called "old granny", decided not to enter Utah through Echo Canyon due to Van Vliet's report, news of the Mormon fortifications and a propaganda campaign by Brigham Young. But determined to fulfill his orders to enter the Territory, he decided to move around the Mormon defenses and enter Utah from the north along the [[Bear River (Utah)|Bear River]]. However, Alexander's force was stopped by a heavy blizzard in late October. Colonel Johnston took command of the combined U.S. forces in early November, but by this time the command was hampered by a lack of supplies, animals, and the early onset of winter. Johnston was a more aggressive commander than Alexander but this predicament rendered him unable to immediately attack through Echo Canyon into Utah. Instead, he settled his troops into ill-equipped winter camps designated Camp Scott and Eckelsville, near the burned-out remains of [[Fort Bridger]], now in the state of Wyoming. Johnston was soon joined by the [[2nd Cavalry Regiment (United States)|2nd Dragoons]] commanded by [[Lieutenant Colonel (United States)|Lieutenant Colonel]] [[Philip St. George Cooke]], who had accompanied [[Alfred Cumming]], Utah's new governor, and a roster of other federal officials from Fort Leavenworth. However, they too were critically short of horses and supplies. On November 21, Cumming sent a proclamation to the citizens of Utah declaring them to be in rebellion, and soon after, a [[grand jury]] was formed at Camp Scott, which indicted two Mormon prisoners, Brigham Young, and over sixty other members of the Mormon hierarchy for [[treason]]. Johnston awaited resupply and reinforcement and prepared to attack the Mormon positions after the spring thaw.
=== December 1857-March 1858: winter intermission ===
==== Thomas L. Kane ====
[[Image:TLKane.jpg|thumb{{subst:#ifeq:{{subst:#expr: (((175 / 220) round 1) <= 1.1) and (((175 / 220) round 1) >= 0.9)}}|0|{{subst:!}}upright{{subst:#ifeq:{{subst:#expr: (((175 / 220) round 2) <= 0.8) and (((175 / 220) round 1) > 0.7)}}|0|={{subst:#expr: (175 / 220) round 1}}}}}}|[[Thomas L. Kane]] in the uniform of a Union lieutenant colonel in 1861. He received a brevet promotion to major general in 1865.]]
Fortunately, the lull in hostilities during the winter provided an opportunity for negotiations, and direct confrontation was avoided. As early as August 1857, Brigham Young had written to [[Thomas L. Kane]] of Pennsylvania asking for help. Kane was a man of some political prominence who had been helpful to the Mormons in their westward migration and later political controversies. In December, Kane contacted President Buchanan and offered to mediate between the Mormons and the federal government. In Buchanan's [[State of the Union]] address earlier in the month, he had taken a hard stand against the Mormon "rebellion", and had actually asked Congress to enlarge the size of the regular army to deal with the crisis.<ref name=Buchanan1857SotU >{{citation |title= First Annual Message to Congress on the State of the Union |url= http://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/ws/index.php?pid=29498 |author= James Buchanan |date= 8 December 1857 |work= The American Presidency Project |publisher= [[UC Santa Barbara]] |accessdate= 17 August 2009 }}.</ref> However, in his conversation with Kane, Buchanan worried that the Mormons might destroy Johnston's Army at severe political cost to himself, and stated that he would pardon the Latter-day Saints for their actions if they would submit to government authority. He therefore granted Kane unofficial permission to attempt mediation, although he held little hope for the success of negotiations.<ref>[[Richard D. Poll]], Quixotic Mediator: Thomas L. Kane and the Utah War at 12, 13</ref> Upon approval of his mission by the President, Kane immediately started for Utah. During the heavy winter of 1857-1858, he traveled under the alias "Dr. Osborne" over 3,000+ miles from the East coast to Utah, first by ship to [[Panama]], crossing the isthmus via the newly constructed (1855) [[Panama Railway]], and then taking a second ship to San Francisco. Upon learning that the Sierra passes were blocked for the winter, he immediately took a ship to San Pedro, the unimproved harbor for what is now Los Angeles. He was met there by Mormons who took him overland through San Bernardino and Las Vegas, to Salt Lake City on the strenuous southern branch of the [[California Trail]], arriving in February 1858.
Details of the negotiations between Kane and Young are unfortunately unclear. It seems that Kane successfully convinced Young to accept Buchanan's appointment of Cumming as Territorial governor, although Young had expressed his willingness to accept such terms at the very beginning of the crisis. It is uncertain if Kane was able to convince Young at this time to allow the army into Utah. However, in early March Kane traveled to the Johnston's winter base at Fort Bridger. Although his relationship with Colonel Johnston was poor, he eventually persuaded Governor Cumming to travel to Salt Lake City without his military escort under guarantee of safe conduct. As they descended Echo Canyon to Salt Lake city, Kane and the Mormon militia men successfully fooled Cumming as to the size of the armed contingent lining the canyon, something of which Cummings later complained bitterly. Cumming was courteously received by Young and the Utah citizenry in mid-April, and was shortly installed in his new office. Cumming thereafter became a moderate voice, and opposed the hard-line against the Mormons proposed by Colonel Johnston and other federal officials still at Camp Scott. Kane left Utah Territory for Washington, D.C. in May to report to President Buchanan on the results of his mission.
===April-July 1858: resolution===
==== The move south ====
[[Image:BitterrootValleyMT.jpg|thumb|Brigham Young intended to evacuate the Latter-day Saints to the [[Bitterroot Valley]], which is now in Montana. He believed conditions there were sufficient for the Mormons to live, but difficult enough that it would not be coveted by anyone else. However, circumstances necessitated a "Move South" rather than a "Move North."]]
Despite Thomas Kane's successful mission, tension continued throughout the spring and summer of 1858. Young was willing to support Cumming as governor, but he still feared persecution and violence if the army entered Utah. Indeed, as the snows melted, approximately 3,000 additional U.S. Army reinforcements set out on the westward trails to resupply and strengthen the Army's presence. In Utah, the Nauvoo Legion was bolstered as Mormon communities were asked to supply and equip an additional thousand volunteers to be placed in the over one hundred miles of mountains that separated Camp Scott and Great Salt Lake City. Nevertheless, by the end of the winter Young had decided to enforce his [[Siege of Sevastopol (1854-1855)|"Sevastopol Policy"]], a plan to evacuate the Territory and burn it to the ground rather than fight the army openly. Members of the [[Hudson's Bay Company]] and the British government feared that the Mormons planned to seek refuge on [[Vancouver Island]] off the coast of British Columbia.<ref>Richard Bennett, The Lion and the Emperor: The Mormons, the Hudson's Bay Company, and Vancouver Island, 1846-1858, BC Studies, no. 128 Winter 2000/01</ref> David Bigler has shown that Young originally intended this evacuation to go northwards towards the [[Bitterroot Valley]] now in Montana. However, the [[Bannock (tribe)|Bannock]] and [[Shoshone]] raid against Fort Lemhi in February 1858 blocked this northern retreat.<ref name="David L. Bigler 1858"/> Consequently, at the end of March 1858, settlers in the northern counties of Utah including [[Salt Lake City]] boarded up their homes and farms and began to move south, leaving small groups of men and boys behind to burn the settlements if necessary. As early as February 1858, Young had sent parties to explore the White Mountains on what is now the Utah/[[Nevada]] border where, he erroneously believed, there were valleys that could comfortably harbor up to 100,000 individuals. Residents of Utah County just south of Salt Lake were asked to build and maintain roads and to help the incoming inhabitants of the northern communities. Mormon Elias Blackburn recorded in his journal, ''The roads are crowded with the Saints moving south. ...Very busy dealing out provisions to the public hands. I am feeding 100 men, all hard at work.''<ref>Walker and Dant, p. 102.</ref> Even after Alfred Cumming was installed as governor in mid-April, the "Move South" continued unabated. The movement may have included the relocation of nearly 30,000 people between March and July. Historians Allen and Leonard write:
:"''It was an extraordinary operation. As the Saints moved south they cached all the stone cut for the [[Salt Lake Temple]] and covered the foundations to make it resemble a plowed field. They boxed and carried with them twenty thousand bushels of [[tithe|tithing]] grain, as well as machinery, equipment, and all the Church records and books. The sight of thirty thousand people moving south was awesome, and the amazed Governor Cumming did all he could to persuade them to return to their homes. Brigham Young replied that if the troops were withdrawn from the territory, the people would stop moving''...."<ref>Allen/Leonard p. 308</ref>
==== Peace Commission ====
[[Image:SHouston.jpg|thumb{{subst:#ifeq:{{subst:#expr: (((175 / 220) round 1) <= 1.1) and (((175 / 220) round 1) >= 0.9)}}|0|{{subst:!}}upright{{subst:#ifeq:{{subst:#expr: (((175 / 220) round 2) <= 0.8) and (((175 / 220) round 1) > 0.7)}}|0|={{subst:#expr: (175 / 220) round 1}}}}}}|Senator [[Sam Houston]] of Texas strenuously opposed the Utah Expedition.]]
In the meantime, President Buchanan had come under considerable pressure from Congress to end the crisis. In February 1858, Senator [[Sam Houston]] of Texas stated that a war against the Mormons would be
:"'' ... one of the most fearful calamities that has befallen this country, from its inception to the present moment. I deprecate it as an intolerable evil. I am satisfied that the Executive has not had the information he ought to have had on this subject before making such a movement as he has directed to be made''."<ref>Mormon Resistance at 258</ref>
On April 1, Senator [[Simon Cameron]] of Pennsylvania declared that he would support a bill to authorize volunteers to fight in Utah and other parts of the frontier only because
:"''...this war is a war of the Administration; and I desire that the responsibility of it shall be on the Administration. I have no faith in their ability to conduct it; and I believe that before a year has passed over it will be evident to every citizen of the country that they have committed a great blunder''..."<ref>Congressional Globe, 4/1/1858.</ref>
Therefore in April, the President sent an official peace commission to Utah consisting of [[Benjamin McCulloch]] and [[Lazarus Powell]], which arrived in June. The commission offered a free pardon to the Mormons for any acts incident to the conflict if they would submit to government authority. This included permitting Johnston's Army into the Territory. The commissioners further assured that the government would not interfere with their religion. They also hinted that once the new governor was installed and the laws yielded to, "''a necessity will no longer exist to retain any portion of the army in the Territory, except what may be required to keep the Indians in check and to secure the passage of emigrants to California''."<ref>Mormon Resistance, 331.</ref> While all these private assurances were inducements for the Latter-day Saints to bend to federal will, Buchanan maintained a tougher stance in his public statements.
::..."Now, therefore I, James Buchanan, President of the United States of America, have thought proper to issue this, my Proclamation, enjoining upon all public officers in the Territory of Utah to be diligent and faithful, to the full extent of the power, in the execution of the laws; commanding all citizens of the United States in the said Territory to aid and assist the officers in the performance of their duties; offering the inhabitants of Utah, who shall submit to the laws, a free pardon for seditions and treasons heretofore by them committed; warning those who shall persist, after notice of this proclamation, in the present rebellion against the United States, that they must expect no further leniency, but look to be rigorously dealt with according to their desserts; and declaring that the military forces now in Utah, and hereafter to be sent there, will not be withdrawn until the inhabitants of that Territory shall manifest a proper sense of the duty which they owe to this government".
::::::::::James Buchanan April 6, 1858.<ref>{{Harvnb|Buchanan|1858}} pp.202-206</ref>
Brigham Young accepted Buchanan's terms and pardon, although he denied Utah had ever rebelled against the United States. Buchanan's proclamation was also unpopular among the Mormon rank and file. Arthur P. Welchman, a member of a company of missionaries that was recalled due to the war, wrote of the document:
[[Image:Philip St. George Cooke.jpg|thumb{{subst:#ifeq:{{subst:#expr: (((175 / 220) round 1) <= 1.1) and (((175 / 220) round 1) >= 0.9)}}|0|{{subst:!}}upright{{subst:#ifeq:{{subst:#expr: (((175 / 220) round 2) <= 0.8) and (((175 / 220) round 1) > 0.7)}}|0|={{subst:#expr: (175 / 220) round 1}}}}}}|Capt. [[Philip St. George Cooke]] had led the [[Mormon Battalion]] and had an abiding respect for the Latter-day Saints.]]
[[Image:CFSmith.jpg|thumb{{subst:#ifeq:{{subst:#expr: (((175 / 220) round 1) <= 1.1) and (((175 / 220) round 1) >= 0.9)}}|0|{{subst:!}}upright{{subst:#ifeq:{{subst:#expr: (((175 / 220) round 2) <= 0.8) and (((175 / 220) round 1) > 0.7)}}|0|={{subst:#expr: (175 / 220) round 1}}}}}}|Lt. Col. [[Charles Ferguson Smith]] relieved General Johnston of the command of the Department of Utah in 1860.]]
:''June – On the head-waters of the Sweet-Water, met Grosebecks' camp going to Platt Bridge for a train of goods. By these Brethren we had a proclamation from President Buchannan (sic) to the Inhabitants of Utah read to us. It was so full of lies, and showed so much meanness, that it elicited three groans from the company.''
On June 19, a newly arrived reporter for the ''[[New York Herald]]'' somewhat inaccurately wrote, "''Thus was peace made - thus was ended the 'Mormon war', which...may be thus historisized: - Killed, none; wounded, none; fooled, everybody''."<ref>William P. McKinnon, Causes of the Utah War, Fort Douglas Vedette (2007).</ref> At the end of June 1858 the Army troops under General Johnston entered the Salt Lake Valley unhindered. Riding through the still empty streets of Salt Lake City on June 26, an embittered Johnston was heard to say that he would have given "''his plantation for a chance to bombard the city for fifteen minutes''."<ref>DONALD L. MOORMAN & GENE A. SESSIONS, CAMP FLOYD AND THE MORMONS: THE UTAH WAR at 49</ref> Lt. Col. [[Charles Ferguson Smith]] stated that he "''did not care a damm who heard him; he would like to see every dammed Mormon hung by the neck.''" [[Philip St. George Cooke]], who had led the [[Mormon Battalion]] during the [[Mexican-American War|Mexican War]], merely bared his head in respect.
In early July, the Mormons from the northern settlements began to return to their homes after it was clear that no more reinforcements were being sent into Utah from either the east or west. Johnston's Army settled in [[Camp Floyd]], in a valley 50 miles southwest of Salt Lake City and separated from Provo (the second-largest city in the territory) by [[Utah Lake]] and a small range of mountains. This remote location, neighbor only to a few farms and ranches, was chosen to decrease friction between the troops and the Mormons. The Army and the Mormons continued in a fragile co-existence until the troops left in 1861 when called back east for service in the [[American Civil War]].
Although Eastern editors continued to condemn the Mormons' religious beliefs and practices, they praised their heroism in the face of military threat. By the time Governor Cumming was securely placed in office, the Utah War had become an embarrassment for President Buchanan. Called 'Buchanan's Blunder' by elements of the national press,<ref name=Blunder/> the President was criticized for:
* failing to officially notify Governor Young about his replacement,
* incurring the expense of sending troops without investigating the reports on Utah's disloyalty to the United States,
* dispatching the expedition late in the season, and
* failing to provide an adequate resupply train for the winter.
However, the people of Utah lost much during the brief period of conflict. Largely due to the Move South, the settlers' livelihoods and economic well-being were seriously impacted for at least that year and perhaps longer. Field crops had been ignored for most of the two-month long planting season and livestock herds had been culled for the journey. A year's worth of work improving their living conditions had essentially been lost. Some poverty would be widespread in the territory for several years. A number of Mormon settlements in [[Idaho]], Nevada and [[California]] would not be resettled for decades and some were permanently abandoned.
In addition, Utah was under nominal military occupation. Historian [[Leonard J. Arrington]] noted that "the cream of the United States Army" jeered and reviled the Utah settlers. Relations between the troops, their commanders and the Mormons were often tense. Fortunately, the near isolation of Camp Floyd kept interaction to a minimum, as troops stayed on or near their base. Settlers living near the 7,000 troops quartered in Cedar Valley did sell the troops lumber for building construction, farm produce and manufactured goods. When the army finally abandoned Camp Floyd in 1861 at the outbreak of the [[American Civil War]], surplus goods worth an estimated four million dollars were auctioned off for a fraction of their value.
However, in 1862, new troops arrived and built [[Fort Douglas, Utah|Fort Douglas]] in the foothills east of Salt Lake City.
One consequence of the Utah War was the creation of the famous [[Pony Express]]. During the war, [[Lot Smith]] and the Nauvoo Legion burned roughly fifty-two wagons belonging to outfitters [[Russell, Majors and Waddell]]. The government never reimbursed the outfitters for these losses, and in 1860 they formed the Pony Express to earn a government mail contract to keep them from falling into bankruptcy.
In the aftermath of the Utah War, Republicans won control of the House of Representatives in 1858. But every significant bill that they passed fell before the votes of southern Democratic Senators or suffered a presidential veto. The federal government remained stalemated and little could be done. By 1860 sectional strife split the Democratic Party into northern and southern wings, indirectly leading to the election of republican [[Abraham Lincoln]] in 1860. [[Popular Sovereignty]], the defense of which had been a major cause of the Utah Expedition, was finally repudiated when the resolution of the slavery question sparked the [[American Civil War]]. Yet with the start of the Civil War, Republican majorities were able to pass legislation meant to curb the Mormon practice of polygamy such as the [[Morrill Anti-Bigamy Act]] of 1862. However, President Abraham Lincoln did not enforce these laws; instead Lincoln gave Brigham Young [[wiktionary:tacit|tacit]] permission to ignore the [[Morrill Anti-Bigamy Act]] in exchange for not becoming involved with the [[American Civil War]].<ref name= Zion-courts >{{ citation |last1= Firmage |first1= Edwin Brown |last2= Mangrum |first2= Richard Collin |title= Zion in the courts |year= 2001 |publisher= University of Illinois Press |isbn= 0252069803 |page= 139 |url= http://books.google.com/?id=9AimifP2a-4C |quote= Having signed the Morrill Act, Abraham Lincoln reportedly compared the Mormon Church to a log he had encountered as a farmer that was 'too hard to split, too wet to burn and too heavy to move, so we plow around it. That's what I intend to do with the Mormons. You go back and tell Brigham Young that if he will let me alone, I will let him alone.'<br />... General Patrick Edward Connor, the commander of federal forces in Utah, was instructed to avoid a Mormon war: 'Under the circumstances, it is the course of true patriotism for you to not embark on any hostilities. It is infinitely better that you should avoid contact with them.' }}</ref> General [[Patrick Edward Connor]], commanding officer of the federal forces garrisoned at [[Fort Douglas, Utah]] beginning in 1862 was explicitly instructed to not confront the Mormons.<ref name= Zion-courts /> In March 1863, Judge Kinney issued a writ against Young for violation of the Suppression of Polygamy Act. The writ was served by the United States marshal and the prisoner promptly appeared at the state-house where an investigation was held. A $2,000 bail bond was posted<ref>{{citation |url= http://query.nytimes.com/mem/archive-free/pdf?res=9E0DE7DD133AE53BA15757C1A9659C946291D7CF |title= IMPORTANT FROM UTAH.; A Writ Under the Polygamy Act Issued Against Brigham Young--He Responds promptly to the Summons. |format= PDF |newspaper= New York Times |date= 14 March 1863 }}</ref> awaiting the decision of the grand jury.<ref>Bancroft, The History of Utah, p.614</ref> The all Mormon grand jury refused an indictment citing a lack of evidence for Young's marriage to [[List of Brigham Young's wives|Amelia Folsom]] in January of that year.<ref>T.B.H. Stenhouse, The Rocky Mountain Saints, Chapter LI, p.605</ref>
In the end, the Utah War started a slow decline for Mormon isolation and power in Utah. The Latter-day Saints lost control of the [[executive branch]] and the federal district courts, but maintained political authority in the Territorial Legislature and the powerful [[probate court]]s. In 1869 the [[Transcontinental Railroad]] was completed, and soon large numbers of "Gentiles" arrived in Utah to stay. Despite this, complete federal dominance was slow in coming. Brigham Young maintained a "shadow government" for years, although "[[theodemocracy]]" in Utah gradually died out. Conflict between the Mormons and the federal government, particularly over the issue of polygamy, would continue for nearly 40 years before Utah was finally made a state in 1896, and was perhaps not fully resolved until the [[Smoot Hearings]] of 1904-1907.
==Timeline of events==
* July 24, 1847: [[Mormon]] Pioneers found [[Salt Lake City, Utah|Salt Lake City]] as the first city of the [[State of Deseret]].
* February 2, 1848: The [[Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo]] is signed by the U.S. and [[Mexico]], granting the region of Deseret to the U.S.
* September 9, 1850: The [[Compromise of 1850|Great Compromise of 1850]] is signed into law, creating the Utah Territory and appointing Brigham Young governor.
* March 4, 1857: [[James Buchanan]] takes office as [[President of the United States]].
* April 1857: Troops are mobilized for the Utah campaign {{Harv|Poll|MacKinnon|1994|p=30}}. The press in the Eastern U.S. begins to speculate on who would be appointed to replace Brigham Young.<ref>Furniss, Norman F., ''The Mormon Conflict, 1850-1859, p. 63.</ref>
* May 28, 1857: [[Winfield Scott]], General-in-Chief of the U.S. Army, announces the creation of the Military Department of Utah, to be assembled at [[Fort Leavenworth]] {{Harv|Poll|MacKinnon|1994|p=30}}.
* June 29, 1857: U.S. President [[James Buchanan]] declares Utah in rebellion against the U.S. government, and mobilizes a regiment of the U.S. army, initially led by Col. Edmund Alexander.
* July 5, 1857: Brigham Young refers in a sermon to "rumors" that the U.S. is sending 1,500 to 2,000 troops into the [[Utah Territory]], and warns them, possibly sarcastically, that if people enter the territory and don't "behave themselves", they will be subject to a "Vigilance Committee", and the [[Danites]] will "bite their heels" {{Harv|Young|1857a|p=5}}.
* July 13, 1857: President Buchanan appoints [[Alfred Cumming (governor)|Alfred Cumming]] governor of Utah, and directs him to accompany the military forces into Utah {{Harv|Poll|MacKinnon|1994|p=30}}.
* July 18, 1857: Two Mormons, [[Porter Rockwell]] and Abraham Owen Smoot, learn of Buchanan's declaration in [[Kansas City Metropolitan Area|Kansas City]] while on a mail run. On the same day, Col. Alexander and his troops begin the journey to Utah.
* July 23, 1857: Rockwell and Smoot arrive in [[Salt Lake City, Utah|Salt Lake City]] and inform [[Brigham Young]] of the government's plans.
* July 26, 1857: [[Heber C. Kimball]] refers to 2,500 approaching troops and states that if somehow their wagons and cattle arrive in Utah without the troops, it would be "a mighty help to us" {{Harv|Kimball|1857|p=94}}. Jokingly, he said he had "wives enough to whip out the United States" {{Harv|Kimball|1857|p=95}}.
* August 2, 1857: Brigham Young publicly discusses the possible [[secession]] of the Mormon theocracy from the [[United States]] and the establishment of an independent kingdom {{Harv|Young|1857b|p=98}}. Heber C. Kimball issues a curse upon President Buchanan and predicts his untimely death (JD 5:129).
* August 5, 1857: Brigham Young declares martial law {{Harv|Young|1857c}}. This date is somewhat anomalous however. No evidence supports the claim that this declaration ever circulated during August. However, a slightly different declaration of martial law was issued and received wide circulation on September 15.
* August 28, 1857: Col. Johnston is ordered to replace Gen. Harney as commander of the U.S. troops.
* August 30, 1857: Brigham Young discusses the possible secession of the Mormon "Kingdom of God" from the United States, and announces: "We must have the kingdom of God, or nothing. We are not to be overthrown." (JD 5:166).
*September 7, 1857: Mountain Meadows Attack. An emigrant wagon train of non-Mormons is attacked and besieged by a mixed contingent of [[Mormon]] militia dressed as [[Paiute]] Indians.
* September 11, 1857: A group of Mormons in Southern Utah, led by [[John D. Lee]], under a white flag, lure out the besieged survivors, and then turn and kill them at a pre-arranged signal, in the [[Mountain Meadows massacre]].
* September 15, 1857: [[Brigham Young]] calls out the [[Nauvoo Legion]] to fight the U.S. Troops if they enter Utah Territory.
* September 18, 1857: Col. Johnston and his troops leave [[Fort Leavenworth]], [[Kansas]] and are headed for [[Utah Territory|Utah]].
* October 5, 1857: [[Lot Smith]] leads the Nauvoo Legion on a [[guerrilla warfare|guerrilla]]-style attack on the provision wagons of the [[U.S. Army]]. Fifty-two wagons belonging to outfitters [[Russell, Majors and Waddell]] are burned. The government never reimburses the outfitters and in 1860 they form the [[Pony Express]] to earn a government mail contract to keep them from falling into bankruptcy.
* November 3, 1857: Col. [[Albert Sidney Johnston]] catches up with Col. Alexander and replaces him as commander. Johnston orders the regiment to spend the winter in [[Fort Bridger]] and to delay the move to Salt Lake City until next spring.
* December 19, 1857: President [[James Buchanan]] submits the nomination of [[Alfred Cumming (governor)|Alfred Cumming]] to the [[United States Senate]] {{Harv|Buchanan|1857}}.
* March 23, 1858: [[Brigham Young]] implements a [[scorched earth]] policy. All faithful are ordered to move south to [[Provo, Utah|Provo]] and to prepare their homes in Salt Lake City for burning.
* April 6, 1858: [[James Buchannan]]: Proclamation on the Rebellion in Utah. ("a free pardon for the seditions and treasons heretofore by them committed;")
* April 12, 1858: The U.S. Army and Cumming arrive in Salt Lake City. [[Brigham Young]] surrenders the title of governor to [[Alfred Cumming (governor)|Alfred Cumming]].
==See also==
{{Div col|cols=3|small=yes}}
*[[Mormon War (1838)]] (1838 Missouri)
*[[Extermination Order]] (1838 Missouri)
*[[Illinois Mormon War]] (1844–1845)
*[[Mormon Exodus]] (1846–1857)
*[[Mormon Reformation]] (1856–1858)
*[[Mountain Meadows massacre]] (1857)
*[[Morrisite War]] (1862)
*[[Morrill Anti-Bigamy Act]] (1862)
*[[Poland Act]] (1874)
*''[[Reynolds v. United States]]'' (1879)
*[[Edmunds Act]] (1882)
*[[Edmunds-Tucker Act]] (1887)
*''[[The Late Corporation of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints v. United States|Mormon Church v. United States]]'' (1890)
*[[1890 Manifesto]]
*[[Smoot Hearings]] (1903–1907)
*[[Second Manifesto]] (1904)
*[[Short Creek raid]] (1953)
*[[List of conflicts in the United States]]
{{Div col end}}
* [[James B. Allen (historian)|Allen, James B.]] and [[Glen M. Leonard]]. ''[[The Story of the Latter-day Saints]].'' [[Deseret Book Co.]], Salt Lake City, UT, 1976. ISBN 0-87747-594-6.
*[[Leonard J. Arrington|Arrington, Leonard J.]] ''Great Basin Kingdom: An Economic History of the Latter-day Saints, 1830-1900''; Cambridge: [[Harvard University Press]], 1958, reprinted by [[University of Illinois Press]], October 2004. ISBN 0-252-02972-0.
| last=Buchanan
| first=James
| author-link=James Buchanan
| contribution = Nomination of Alfred Cumming as Governor of the Territory of Utah
| date = December 19, 1857
| url = http://memory.loc.gov/cgi-bin/ampage?collId=llej&fileName=010/llej010.db&recNum=276&itemLink=D?hlaw:2:./temp/~ammem_dTvI::%230100277&linkText=1
| title = Journal of the Executive Proceedings of the Senate of the United States of America
| volume = 10
| editor-last=McCook
| editor-first=Anson G.
| publication-date = 1887
| publisher = [[United States Government Printing Office|GPO]]
| publication-place = Washington, D.C.
| pages = 275
| last= Buchanan
| first= James
| author-link= James Buchanan
| title = Proclamation on the Rebellion in Utah
| volume= X
| date = April 6, 1858
| url = http://deila.dickinson.edu/cdm4/document.php?CISOROOT=%2Fbuchan&CISOPTR=9149&REC=20&CISOBOX=utah
| editor= James Bassett Moore
| last= Buchanan
| first= James
| author-link= James Buchanan
| title= The Utah expedition. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting reports from the secretaries of state, of war, of the interior, and of the attorney general, relative to the military expedition ordered into the territory of Utah. February 26, 1858.--Referred to the Committee on territories
| year= 1858
| publisher= Washington
| url= http://www.archive.org/details/utahexpeditionme00unitrich
* Fleek, Sherman L. "The Church and the Utah War, 1857-1858", [[Robert C. Freeman]], ed., ''Nineteenth Century Saints at War'', Provo, Utah: [[Religious Studies Center]], [[Brigham Young University]], 2006.
| last=Kimball
| first=Heber C.
| author-link=Heber C. Kimball
| contribution=Oneness of the Priesthood—Impossibility of Obliterating Mormonism—Gospel Ordinances—Depopulation of the Human Species—The Coming Famine, etc.
| volume=4
| date=July 26, 1857
| title=[[Journal of Discourses Delivered by President Brigham Young, His Two Counsellors, the Twelve Apostles, and Others]]
| editor-last=Calkin
| editor-first=Asa
| place=Liverpool
| publisher=Asa Calkin
| publication-date=1858
| pages=86–95
| contribution-url=http://contentdm.lib.byu.edu/u?/JournalOfDiscourses3,2290
*[[Richard D. Poll|Poll, Richard D.]], and Ralph W. Hansen. ""Buchanan's Blunder" The Utah War, 1857-1858." Military Affairs (Lexington, VA) 25, 3 (1961): 121-131.
| last1=Poll
| first2=William P.
| author1-link=Richard D. Poll
| last2=MacKinnon
| year=1994
| title=Causes of the Utah War Reconsidered
| journal=[[Journal of Mormon History]]
| volume=20
| issue=2
| pages=16–44
| url=http://content.lib.utah.edu/u?/jmh,14076
| last=MacKinnon
| first=William P.
| year=2007
| title=Loose in the Stacks: A Half-Century with the Utah War and Its Legacy
| journal=[[Dialogue: A Journal of Mormon Thought]]
| volume=40
| issue=1
| pages=43–81
| url=http://www.dialoguejournal.com/excerpts/4001.pdf
*MacKinnon, William P. "At Sword's Point, Part 1: A Documentary History of the Utah War to 1858" (Norman, Okla.: The Arthur H. Clark Company, 2008).
| last1=Schindler
| first2=Harold
| year=1995
| title=Utah War Broke Hold Mormons Had on Utah
| url=http://historytogo.utah.gov/salt_lake_tribune/centennial_celebration/072395.html
* [[Ronald W. Walker|Walker, Ronald W.]] and Doris R. Dant, editors, "Nearly Everything Imaginable: the Everyday Life of Utah's Mormon Pioneers." [[BYU Studies]], Provo, Utah 1999.
| last=Young
| first=Brigham
| author-link=Brigham Young
| contribution=True Happiness—Fruits of Not Following Counsel—Popular Prejudice Against the Mormons—The Coming Army—Punishment of Evildoers
| volume=4
| date=July 5, 1857a
| year=1857a
| title=[[Journal of Discourses Delivered by President Brigham Young, His Two Counsellors, the Twelve Apostles, and Others]]
| editor-last=Calkin
| editor-first=Asa
| place=Liverpool
| publisher=Asa Calkin
| publication-date=1858
| pages=1–6
| contribution-url=http://contentdm.lib.byu.edu/u?/JournalOfDiscourses3,2375
| last=Young
| first=Brigham
| author-link=Brigham Young
| contribution=Joseph Smith's Family—Bashfulness in Public Speaking—The Coming Crisis—Counsel
| volume=4
| date=August 2, 1857b
| year=1857b
| title=[[Journal of Discourses Delivered by President Brigham Young, His Two Counsellors, the Twelve Apostles, and Others]]
| editor-last=Calkin
| editor-first=Asa
| place=Liverpool
| publisher=Asa Calkin
| publication-date=1858
| pages=96–101
| contribution-url=http://contentdm.lib.byu.edu/u?/JournalOfDiscourses3,2280
| last= Young
| first= Brigham
| title= Proclamation by the Governor
| publisher= Utah Territory
| place= Salt Lake City
| date= August 5, 1857c
| year=1857c
| url = http://contentdm.lib.byu.edu/cgi-bin/docviewer.exe?CISOROOT=/NCMP1847-1877&CISOPTR=2905
* {{cita web|http://www.lds.org/churchhistory/library/source/0,18016,4976-4852,00.html|Journal of Arthur Welchman, LDS Missionary}}
==External links==
{{Commons category}}
* [http://www.utlm.org/onlinebooks/bancroftshistoryofutah_chapter19.htm Bancroft, "The Utah War"], in ''History of Utah'', Utah Lighthouse Ministry
* [http://www.signaturebookslibrary.org/EstZion/zionch14.htm#chapter14 Eugene Campbell, "The Utah War"], Signature Books
* [http://www.historynet.com/magazines/wild_west/3033416.html Donna Ramos, "The Utah War: US Government vs. Mormon Settlers"], Historynet.com, Weider Publishers
{{American conflicts}}
{{Latter-day Saints|show}}
== Note ==
== Voci correlate ==
* [[Missouri Executive Order 44]]
* [[Mormonismo]]
* [[Storia della Chiesa di Gesù Cristo dei santi degli ultimi giorni]]
== Altri progetti ==
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== Collegamenti esterni ==
* {{Collegamenti esterni}}
{{Controllo di autorità}}
{{portale|cristianesimo|guerra|politica|Stati Uniti d'America|storia}}
[[Categoria:Guerre che coinvolgono gli Stati Uniti d'America]]
[[Categoria:Migrazione dei mormoni nello Utah]]
[[Categoria:Guerre del Vecchio West]]
[[Categoria:Guerra dello Utah| ]]
[[Categoria:Migrazione dei mormoni nello Utah]]
[[Categoria:Storia degli Stati Uniti d'America]]