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When does the Islamic day start? (At 12 midnight or at Fajr time?

Answered as per Hanafi Fiqh by Askimam.org

1) When does the Islamic day start? (At 12 midnight or at Fajr time? Can we recite Surah kahf at 12 midnight on thursday considering that Friday has started?) 2) Please give a brief expalanation through Quran and Hadith on why payment through Installments is haram? For example, leasing of cars. 3) My Father has got propert which he’s inherited from my grandfather (it has been almost 10-12 years). Now i want to know that is there zakat wajib on this property (which is not being used for cultivation or anything else…and is just there which he might sell when he wants to marry his kids or maybe just give it to his son). Please explain. Note: In Q.5852, you said in part 4:Qadha Umri is more important, it should be given higher priority. Please clarify in your site that it means Qada of all your life, not that 1 namaz only where you pray Qada-e-Umri only once. Jazakallah khairun.


1. The Islamic day starts after Maghrib, i.e. at sunset. Yes, you may recite
Surah Kahf any time after sunset of Thursday.
2. Any payment based on interest is Haraam. However, where you pay a fixed
amount as a monthly instalment – irrespective of the so called ‘Finance
charges’ attached to the original purchase price – this is permissible. In
other words, the entire amount including ‘finance charges’ will make up the
original purchase price which you would pay over a period of time. This is
permitted. However, where the payments or instalments fluctuate according to
the interest rates, etc. this is prohibited.
3. Zakaat is not compulsory on this property.
4. Compared to Nafl Salaat, Qadhaa Umri should be given priority. If you
missed out any Salaats in the past, the Qadhaa of these Salaats is referred
to as Qadhaa Umri. So, only the Salaats missed out should be performed.

and Allah Ta’ala Knows Best

Mufti Muhammad Kadwa


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This answer was collected from Askimam.org, which is operated under the supervision of Mufti Ebrahim Desai from South Africa.

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