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The Back Stretcher is an easy to use arc that strengthens the muscles in one’s upper and lower back. It is also an effective way to reduce tension and back compression. The arc, which is padded, uses our body weight to rectify common spinal disc compression or back pain that develops due to long periods of standing or sitting.

The Back Stretcher is scientifically designed to support, stretch and massage the lower back, neck and spine thus realigning the vertebra, relieving nerve pressure, increase blood circulation, improve flexibility and posture, and strengthen the muscles around our spine. It also enables our muscles to stretch without much strain.

The Back Stretcher comes with an instruction manual, which has details of several exercises that can be performed with the stretcher. The Back Stretcher is compact and can be effortlessly folded for easy storage. The arc comes with rolling balls that help in increasing our blood flow and relieve tension in the back and neck.

The use of Back Stretcher goes a long way in the prevention and treatment of back pain. The arc works in two ways: first, it releases muscle tension through massage and second, it improves our body posture through stretching. The Back Stretcher improves one’s flexibility and fitness. The arc-shaped stretcher comes with a five-year warranty.

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