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So, does penis size matter for women?

Yes, penis size does matter, but not in the way that you may think.

After asking several hundred women over 18 years old, sizes, ethnicities, and sexual habits, 82% of these women answered that were happy with a penis that was big enough to satisfy them, which averaged at about 6 inches, that is just about the average penis size for men. Of course, there was a small percentage (9%) who wanted a penis that was larger than average (7 to 8 inches). Fewer women (2%) said that they preferred huge-sized penises (larger than 10 to 12 inches).

Penises much larger than average can cause some difficulties during sex. In fact, many women who dated men with abnormally larger penises complained that they weren't able to comfortably enjoy certain sexual positions, nor were they able to adequately give oral sex.

But... when asked whether length or girth was more important, most women opted for girth, as they claimed to enjoy the feeling of a thick penis against their vaginal walls rather than having an unusually long penis poking against their insides. The length has to be proportional to the width. And what would that be? I suppose that would be the average.

Other important things:

56% expect a penis to more or less match the complexion of the rest of a man's body.

23% expect a penis to feel very smooth.

21% weren't very happy about an abundance of veins.

So, if you're below average, you have two options:

- there are other ways in which to satisfy your woman, so explore your options;

- you can also try some methods to enlarge your penis...

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